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2 Samuel 3:21


gather <06908> [will gather.]

rule <04427 05315> [reign over.]

2 Samuel 3:27


aside <05186> [took him.]

privately <07987> [quietly. or, peaceably.]

stabbed <05221> [and smote.]

Joab was afraid that Abner, after rendering such essential service to David, would be made the general of the army; and therefore, under pretence of avenging the death of his brother, he treacherously assassinated the unsuspecting and too-confiding Abner: and such was the power of this cool-blooded and nefarious murderer, that the king dared not bring him to justice for his crime. But, while Joab's conduct cannot be too severely reprobated, the justice of God is apparent in Abner's punishment; who, from ambition, had pertinaciously, against his conscience, opposed the declared will of God; and was induced by base resentment to desert Ish-bosheth, and offer his services to David: see ver. 6-10; 4:6.

blood <01818> [for the blood.]

2 Samuel 5:1-3


came <0935> [came.]

blood <06106> [we.]


leader <03318> [leddest out.]

shepherd <07462> [feed.]

rule <05057> [a captain.]


leaders <02205> [So all.]

made <03772> [made.]

before <06440> [before.]

designated <04886> [anointed.]

2 Samuel 19:14


won <05186> [he bowed.]

The measures that he pursued were the best calculated that could be adopted for accomplishing this salutary end. David appears to take no notice of their infidelity, but rather to place confidence in them, that their confidence in him might be naturally excited; and to oblige them yet farther, purposes to make Amasa general of the army, instead of Joab.

one <0259> [even.]

2 Samuel 19:41--20:2


brothers <0251> [Why have.]

sneak <01589> [stolen.]


king .................. king's <04428> [Because.]


ten <06235> [We have.]

ten shares <03027 06235> [ten parts.]

curse ............... comments ........... those <07043 01697> [despise us. Heb. set us at light. our advice.]

comments ........... those <01697> [the words.]

Whatever value or respect the men of Israel at this time professed for their king, they would not have quarrelled so fiercely about their own credit and interest in recalling him, if they had been truly sorry for their former rebellion.


happened <07122> [And there.]

man ........ Benjaminite ............................ man <0376> [a man.]

blew <08628> [he blew.]

share <02506> [We have.]


men .............. men <0376> [every man.]

men .............. men <0376> [the men.]

Jordan River <03383> [from Jordan.]

2 Samuel 20:1


happened <07122> [And there.]

man ........ Benjaminite ............................ man <0376> [a man.]

blew <08628> [he blew.]

share <02506> [We have.]

2 Samuel 11:1-3


[A.M. 2969. B.C. 1035. An. Ex. Is. 456. after the year, etc. Heb. at the return of the year.]

time <06256> [at the time.]

The sacred historian seems to intimate that there was one particular time of the year to which military operations were limited; and Josephus informs us that this took place in the beginning of spring. In another part of his works he says, that as soon as spring was begun, Adad levied and led forth his army against the Hebrews. Antiochus also prepared to invade Judea at the first appearance of spring; and Vespasian marched to Antipatris at the commencement of the same season. The kings and armies of the East, says Chardin, do not march but when there is grass, and when they can encamp, which is in April. This rule, however, seems to be disregarded in modern times.

David sent out ................... David <07971 01732> [David sent.]

Rabbah <07237> [Rabbah.]


got ..... bed <06965 04904> [arose from.]

roof ....... roof <01406 04428> [the roof of.]

saw <07200> [he saw.]

very <02896 03966> [very beautiful.]


sent <07971> [sent.]

Bathsheba <01339> [Bath-sheba. or, Bath-shua. Eliam. or, Ammiel.]

Uriah <0223> [Uriah.]

2 Samuel 12:1


Lord <03068> [A.M. 2970. B.C. 1034. An. Ex. Is. 457. the Lord.]

David <01732> [unto David.]

came <0935> [he came.]

Ps 51:1 *title

two <08147> [There were.]

There is nothing in this parable which requires illustration. Its bent is evident; and it was wisely constructed, by not having too near a resemblance, to make David unwittingly pass sentence on himself. The parable was in David's hand what his own letter was in the hands of the brave Uriah. Nathan at length closed in with him in the application of it. In beginning with a parable he shewed his prudence, and great need there is of prudence in giving reproof; but now he speaks as an ambassador from God. He reminds David of the great things God had designed and done for him, and then charges him with a high contempt of the Divine authority, and threatens an entail of judgments upon his family for this sin. Those who despise the word and law of God, despise God himself, and will assuredly suffer for such contempt.

Matthew 21:8-10


<1161> [others.]


Hosanna ................... Hosanna <5614> [Hosanna.]

Blessed <2127> [Blessed.]

in ........ in ... highest <1722 5310> [in the highest.]


whole <3956> [all.]

Who <5101> [Who.]

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