Kidung Jemaat
Acts 3:1--6:7
Ingat akan Nama Yesus [KJ.344]
R:Kis 4:12
1. Ingat akan nama Yesus, kau yang susah dan sedih: Nama
itu menghiburmu k'mana saja kau pergi.
2. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!
3. Bawa nama Tuhan Yesus, itulah perisaimu.
Bila datang pencobaan, itu yang menolongmu.
4. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!
5. Sungguh agung nama Yesus, hati kita bergemar.
Bila kita dirangkulNya, sukacita pun besar.
6. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!7. Bila mendengar namaNya, baiklah kita menyembah
dan mengaku Dia Raja kini dan selamanya.
Why 17:14
Why 19:16
8. Indahlah namaNya, pengharapan dunia!
Indahlah namaNya, suka sorga yang baka!Play Jika padaku Ditanyakan [KJ.432]
1. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kub'ritakan pada dunia
yang penuh penderitaan, 'kan kusampaikan kabar baik pada
orang-orang miskin, pembebasan bagi orang yang ditawan;
yang buta dapat penglihatan, yang tertindas dibebaskan;
sungguh tahun rahmat sudah tiba. K'rajaan Allah penuh
kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.
Mat 5:14-16
Yes 61:1-2
Luk 4:17-19
2. Jika padaku ditanyakan apa akan kusampaikan pada dunia
yang penuh dengan cobaan, aku bersaksi dengan kata, tapi
juga dengan karya menyampaikan kasih Allah yang sejati.
T'lah tersedia bagi kita pengampunan dan anug'rah,
kes'lamatan dalam Kristus, PuteraNya. K'rajaan Allah
penuh kurnia itu berita bagi isi dunia.Kis 4:32-35
Kol 3:17
2 Tes 2:17
Tit 2:7
Yak 1:22-25
Yak 2:14-17
Ef 2:4-10
Play Kristus, Penolong Umat yang Percaya [KJ.254]
1. Kristus, Penolong umat yang percaya, Bintang harapan,
b'rikanlah cahaya dalam gelap, ancaman dan bahaya;
tolong, ya Tuhan!
Kis 4:23-31
2 Ptr 1:19
2. Datang, ya Tuhan, datang memerangi ombak dan badai
yang melanda kami. Di kemelut rohani dan jasmani
Kaulah Perisai!
Mrk 4:35-41
Ef 4:14
3. B'rilah Gereja damai dan sentosa, damai sejati
bagi penguasa, damai sejaht'ra bagi tiap bangsa,
damai di hati.1 Tim 2:2
4. Kaulah Pelindung umatMu yang papa, maka namaMu
patut dimuliakan. Kini di bumi dan kekal di sorga,
s'lama-lamanya.Play Manisnya Nama Penebus [KJ.386]
1. Manisnya nama Penebus untuk yang beriman;
pelipur hati yang sendu; yang takut pun tent'ram.
Kis 4:12
2. Olehnya pulih yang resah, yang luka pun sembuh,
yang rindu dipuaskannya, tertampung yang lesu.
3. Namanya Gunung Batuku, Perisai mulia,
Khazanah rahmat yang penuh, berlimpah kurnia.
4. Ya Yesus, Dikau Tuhanku, Jalanku, Hidupku,
Nabi,Imam dan Rajaku, terima syukurku.
5. Sekarang batinku lemah, terbatas budiku;
sempurna pujiku kelak di muka takhtaMu.
6. KasihMu ingin kusebar sepanjang hidupku;
merdu namaMu penyegar pun pada ajalku.Play Mari, Bersukacita [KJ.200]
1. Mari bersukacita, terima kabar baik! Habislah dukacita;
terbitlah t'rang ajaib! Yesus yang tersekap di kubur yang gelap
disambut fajar t'rang sebagai Pemenang!
Mrk 15:46
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 2:15
Why 1:18
2. Ia pun dimakamkan; puaslah seteru. Tiada mereka sangka
t'lah bangkit Penebus! Kumandang jayaNya mengisi dunia
dan panji Pemenang berkibar cemerlang!
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:20
Kis 1:8
Kis 4:33
Kol 1:6, 23
1 Tim 3:16
3. Oleh adegan ini gembira hatiku; tak lagi kutakuti ancaman seteru.
'Ku beriman teguh: Yesus jaminanku.
SalibNya kupegang, niscaya 'ku menang.
Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
1 Yoh 5:4-5
Why 17:14
4. Bagai anggota Kristus, terpaut padaNya, tanpa cemas kuikut
di jalan jayaNya. Di maut yang kelam, betapa pun seram,
Tuhanku beserta dengan kuasaNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Flp 3:10-11
Mzm 23:4
5. Rajaku sudah masuk kemuliaanNya: amanlah tujuanku di jalan dunia!
Jauhlah, hai lawanku! Tuhan di pihakku: Perisai dan Teman;
OlehNya 'ku tent'ram!
Mat 25:31
Mrk 16:19
Mzm 6:9
6. Sampai ke dalam sorga 'ku ikutlah terus; di pintuNya tersurat
amanat Penebus: "Yang tadi berlelah, dapat mahkotanya;
yang mati dalamKu, bahagia penuh!"1 Kor 9:25
2 Tim 4:8
Why 14:13
Play Masih Banyak Orang Berjalan [KJ.429]
1. Masih banyak orang berjalan dalam kuasa yang gelap.
Tuhan, tolong kami sadarkan tiap orang yang sesat.
O, berilah keselamatan pada orang yang Kautebus,
agar mereka mendapatkan perjanjianMu yang kudus.
2. Andaikata dulu muridMu tidak sudi bekerja mengabarkan
cinta kasihMu pada dunia bercela, maka Injil yang
Kauberikan pasti kini tak tersebar, sehingga dunia akan hilang,
Tetap berdosa, bercemar.Mrk 1:20
Mrk 6:7-13
Luk 10:1-12
Kis 4:33
3. Utus kami menjadi saksi yang setia beriman, mengisahkan
kasih sorgawi pada orang berbeban. Roh Kuduslah yang
mengurapi, agar kami tetap tekun di dalam kasih melayani
setiap orang berkeluh.Yes 6:8
Yoh 17:18
Play PadaMu, Yesus, Kami Serahkan [KJ.319]
1. PadaMu, Yesus, kami serahkan orang terpilih dalam jemaat:
pakai mereka, alat di ladang, untuk mencari yang tersesat.
Kis 1:24-25
Kis 6:6
2. Untuk membina orang percaya, untuk menghibur yang tertekan,
untuk menghimbau, untuk menjaga dan menyatukan yang beriman.
Kis 11:22-26
Kis 14:23
Rm 12:6
Ef 4:11-16
1 Tim 3:1-7
Tit 1:5-9
1 Ptr 5:2
3. Biar mereka jangan ditawan oleh jebakan hidup semu, tapi memakai
harta jabatan untuk memuji Sang Penebus.Gal 5:26
Play Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]
1. Segala benua dan langit penuh dengan bunyi Nama yang sangat
merdu, penghiburan orang berhati penat, pegharapan orang
yang sudah sesat. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?Kis 4:12
Mat 11:28
Luk 19:10
2. Sesungguhnya Yesus yang layak benar dib'ri Nama itu, kudus dan
besar, yang oleh sengsara kematianNya memb'ri keampunan
dan damai baka. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?
Rm 5:10-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
Ef 1:7
1 Yoh 2:2
3. Sekalian bangsa sekali hendak berlutut di hadapan Yesus kelak,
dan kita kiranya menyanyi serta malaikat di sorga pujian sembah:
"Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan Kudus, dipuji kekal namaMu, Penebus!"Flp 2:9-11
Play Syukur Kami padaMu [KJ.320]
1. Syukur kami padaMu, Tuhan, Kepala G'reja;
sebagai TubuhMu kami Kaupelihara. O Tuhan,
urapilah pelayan jemaatMu menjadi gembala penuh
karuniaMu. Dengan api Roh Kudus kobarkanlah imannya
untuk mewartakan InjilMu di dunia.
Ef 4:11-16
1 Ptr 5:2
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
2. O Tuhan, curahkanlah wibawa yang rasuli, agar dihayati
panggilanMu yang suci. KepadaMu sajalah harapannya selalu,
tetap dan setia, teguh pada FirmanMu; pun ia layakkanlah
bagiMu tiap hari, berani bersaksi dan giat melayani.Luk 12:11
Kis 4:29-33
Kis 28:31
Ef 6:19
Play Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play
Acts 3:1--6:7
[Act 3:1] Hour Of Prayer, The
Glory to God for the joy to meet
Here at the hour of prayer;
Welcome the bliss of communion sweet
Here at the hour of prayer!Refrain
Nearer the gate to the soul’s bright home,
Nearer the vales where the faithful roam,
Nearer to God and the Lamb we come,
Here at the hour of prayer.Far from the world we may turn away,
Here at the hour of prayer;
Gladly we rest from the toils of day
Here at the hour of prayer.Refrain
Rich are the blessings that all may seek
Here at the hour of prayer;
Grace for the weary, the faint, the weak,
Here at the hour of prayer.Refrain
Oh, what a holy and calm repose
Here at the hour of prayer!
Love in its fullness the heart o’erflows
Here at the hour of prayer.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 3:1] Sweet Hour Of Holy, Thoughtful Prayer
Sweet hour of holy, thoughtful prayer,
Thy peace and calm may we improve,
And in God’s healing service share
The truths revealed by His dear love.Lord, may Thy truth upon the heart
Now fall and dwell as heavenly dew,
And flowers of grace in freshness start
Where once the weeds of error grew.May prayer now lift her sacred wings,
Contented with that aim alone
Which bears her to the King of kings,
And rests her at His sheltering throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 3:15] All Hail To The Prince Of Life
All hail to the Prince of Life,
All hail to the Lord divine!
For over the whole glad earth
His glorious light shall shine!
He comes from the tomb of night,
The shadow of death laid by,
He comes as a Conqu’ror comes,
His banner of light on high.Refrain
All hail to the Prince of Life!
Hosanna to Him we sing—
He comes as a mighty Victor,
He comes as a conq’ring King!Go forward ye sons of men
And welcome the glorious King!
Go meet Him with songs of joy
That over His path shall ring!
He brings from the grave of death
The blessing of life and peace,
Who seeks Him shall find a part
In joys that shall never cease.Refrain
Then come with your hearts of love
And come with your songs of praise,
For Christ Who hath ris’n indeed
Your anthems of vict’ry raise!
For never in ages past
And never in coming years
Shall Victor and Monarch rise
Like Him Whom the world reveres.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 3:24] On This Night, Most Holy
On this night, most holy, in circumstance lowly,
Unfolded the story which prophets foretold.
Though heav’ns could not hold Him, Mary’s arms enfold Him,
Holding to her bosom this Child Who is God!
The virgin is nursing this wondrous infant King—
The Word that was made flesh to end our despair.
While angels adore Him, shepherds kneel before Him
And kings from the east follow after His star.To Bethlehem hasten! See Jesus awaken!
The stable is glowing with this Light of lights!
Come hear the great story of God’s crowning glory:
The Savior Incarnate—God with us unites.
Now church bells are ringing and Christians are singing
While off’ring their gifts in devotion and love.
Your people are waiting and anticipating
The day You return from the heavens above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 3:24] See The Destined Day Arise
See the destined day arise!
See a willing sacrifice!
Jesus, to redeem our loss,
Hangs upon the shameful cross.Jesus, who but Thou had borne,
Lifted on that tree of scorn,
Every pang and bitter throe,
Finishing Thy life of woe?Who but Thou had dared to drain,
Steeped in gall, the cup of pain,
And with tender body bear
Thorns, and nails, and piercing spear?Thence the cleansing water flowed,
Mingled from Thy side with blood;
Sign to all attesting eyes
Of the finished sacrifice.Holy Jesus, grant us peace
In that sacrifice to place
All our trust for life renewed,
Pardoned sin and promised good.Grant us grace to sing to Thee,
In the Trinal Unity,
Ever with the sons of light,
Blessing, honor, glory, might.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 3:26] Jesus, From Whom All Blessings Flow
Jesus, from whom all blessings flow,
Great Builder of Thy church below,
If now Thy Spirit moves my breast,
Hear, and fulfill Thine own request!The few that truly call Thee Lord,
And wait Thy sanctifying word,
And Thee their utmost Savior own,
Unite, and perfect them in one.O let them all Thy mind express,
Stand forth Thy chosen witnesses,
Thy power unto salvation show,
And perfect holiness below!In them let all mankind behold
How Christians lived in days of old,
Mighty their envious foes to move,
A proverb of reproach—and love.From every sinful wrinkle free,
Redeemed from all iniquity,
The fellowship of saints make known;
And, O my God, might I be one!O might my lot be cast with these,
The least of Jesu’s witnesses!
O that my Lord would count me meet
To wash His dear disciples’ feet!This only thing do I require:
Thou knowest ’tis all my heart’s desire
Freely what I receive to give,
The servant of Thy church to live;After my lowly Lord to go,
And wait upon Thy saints below;
Enjoy the grace to angels given,
And serve the royal heirs of Heaven.Lord, if I now Thy drawings feel,
And ask according to Thy will,
Confirm the prayer, the seal impart,
And speak the answer to my heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
Conquering kings their titles take,
From the lands they captive make;
Jesus, Thine was given Thee
For a world Thou madest free.Not another name is given
Power possessing under heaven,
Strong to call dead souls to rise
And exalt them to the skies.That which Christ so hardly wrought,
That which He so dearly bought,
That salvation, mortals say,
Will ye madly cast away?Rather gladly for that Name
Bear the cross, endure the shame;
Joyfully for Him to die
Is not death but victory.Jesus, if Thou condescend
To be called the sinner’s Friend,
Ours the joy and glory be
Thus to make our boast of Thee.Glory to the Father be,
Glory, virgin born, to Thee,
Glory to the Holy Ghost,
Ever from the heavenly host.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] Only One Name
There is only one Name that the saints adore—
Jesus, our Elder Brother;
They give Him all the praise, now and ever more;
His Name is over every other.Refrain
Then lift the happy strain,
And sing the glad refrain—
The Name, the Name of Jesus;
Then lift the happy strain,
And sing the glad refrain—
The Name, the Name of Jesus.There is only one Name that the soul need know—
Jesus, the Lord’s Anointed;
He suffered to redeem us from sin and woe,
And bear us to the rest appointed.Refrain
There is only one Name that the angels sing—
Jesus, the Lord of Glory;
They gather at His feet while they hail Him King,
And listen to redemption’s story.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] ’tis For Conquering Kings To Gain
’Tis for conquering kings to gain
Glory o’er their myriads slain;
Jesus, Thy more glorious strife
Hath restored a world to life.So no other Name is giv’n
Unto mortals under Heav’n
Which can make the dead to rise,
And exalt them to the skies.That which Christ so hardly wrought,
That which He so dearly bought,
That salvation, mortals, say,
Will you madly cast away?Rather gladly for that Name
Bear the cross, endure the shame;
Joyfully for Him to die
Is not death, but victory.Dost Thou, Jesus, condescend
To be called the sinner’s Friend?
Ours, then, it shall always be
Thus to make our boast of Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] To The Name Of Our Salvation
To the Name of our salvation,
Laud and honor let us pay,
Which for many a generation
Hid in God’s foreknowledge lay;
But with holy exultation
We may sing aloud today.Jesus is the Name we treasure;
Name beyond what words can tell;
Name of gladness, Name of pleasure,
Ear and heart delighting well;
Name of sweetness, passing measure,
Saving us from sin and hell.’Tis the Name for adoration,
Name for songs of victory,
Name for holy meditation
In this vale of misery,
Name for joyful veneration
By the citizens on high.’Tis the Name that whoso preacheth
Speaks like music to the ear;
Who in prayer this Name beseecheth
Sweetest comfort findeth near;
Who its perfect wisdom reacheth,
Heavenly joy possesseth here.Jesus is the Name prevailing
Over every name by right;
At this Name, in terror quailing,
Powers of hell are put to flight;
God, in mercy never failing,
Saves by this Name of might.Therefore we in love adoring,
This most blessèd Name revere;
Holy Jesus, Thee imploring
So to write it in us here,
That hereafter, heavenward soaring,
We may sing with angels there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:12] To The Name That Is Salvation
To the Name that is salvation,
Praise and homage let us pay;
Life of every generation,
Law that all the stars obey;
Love and light by Whose creation
All that is stands fast today.Fairest Name beyond all speaking,
Fullest end of all desire,
Close, yet far beyond all seeking,
Goodness, beauty, truth, entire;
Wisdom, never vengeance wreaking,
Radiance never vexed with ire.’Tis the Name of mercy, speeding,
Just and unjust with His ray;
Power that rules by patient leading,
Not by force, the easier way;
So that man, in freedom heeding,
May the law of love obey.Name of awe and Name of pleasure,
Glow divine of grace untold;
Sum of values, whose full treasure
Striving art can ne’er unfold;
Sea of virtue passing measure,
Life that doth all life uphold.Hail, O Father, all creating,
Now, as when the world began;
Master Mind, amazed we hail Thee,
As the light-year depths we scan;
Spirit of transcendent union,
True and just Thy ways to man!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:13] O Christ, Our God
O Christ, our God, who with Thine own hast been,
Our spirits cleave to Thee, the Friend unseen.Vouchsafe that all who on Thy bounty feed
May heed Thy love, and prize Thy gifts indeed.Make every heart that is Thy dwelling place
A watered garden filled with fruits of grace.Each holy purpose help us to fulfill;
Increase our faith to feed upon Thee still.Illuminate our minds, that we may see
In all around us holy signs of Thee.And may such witness in our lives appear,
That all may know Thou hast been with us here.O grant us peace, that by Thy peace possessed,
Thy life within us we may manifest.So shall we pass our days in holy fear,
In joyful consciousness that Thou art near.So shalt Thou be for ever, loving Lord,
Our Shield and our exceeding great Reward.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:20] Speak For Jesus
Speak for Jesus; He hath touched you,
Raised you from the death of sin;
Use for Him the life He gives you;
Rise, and precious jewels win!Refrain
Arise and speak! arise and speak!
Christ is list’ning now above;
Arise and speak for Him Who saves you,
Arise and speak for Him you love!Speak for Jesus; not unaided
Shall we go before His face;
He will take our lips and fill them
With the message of His grace.Refrain
Speak for Jesus; let His Spirit
Tell you what to do and say;
Humbly, gladly own your Savior;
Let your light shine out today!Refrain
Speak for Jesus, blessèd Savior!
Tell of mercies, sweet and true;
Pleading, on His throne of glory,
He is speaking now for you.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:24] O Father, You Are Sovereign
O Father, You are sovereign
In all the worlds You made;
Your mighty Word was spoken,
And light and life obeyed.
Your voice commands the seasons
And bounds the ocean’s shore,
Sets stars within their courses
And stills the tempests’ roar.O Father, You are sovereign
In all affairs of man;
No powers of death or darkness
Can thwart Your perfect plan.
All chance and change transcending,
Supreme in time and space,
You hold your trusting children
Secure in Your embrace.O Father, You are sovereign
The Lord of human pain,
Transmuting earthly sorrows
To gold of heavenly gain,
All evil overruling,
As none but Conqueror could,
Your love pursues its purpose—
Our souls’ eternal good.O Father, You are sovereign!
We see You dimly now,
But soon before Your triumph
Earth’s every knee shall bow.
With this glad hope before us
Our faith springs forth anew:
Our Sovereign Lord and Savior,
We trust and worship You!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 4:36] Son Of Consolation, The
The Son of Consolation!
Of Levi’s priestly line,
Filled with the Holy Spirit,
And fervent faith divine,
With lowly self-oblation,
For Christ an offering meet,
He laid his earthly riches
At the apostles’ feet.The Son of Consolation!
O name of soothing balm!
It fell on sick and weary
Like breath of Heaven’s own calm!
And the blest Son of Comfort
With fearless loving hand
The Gentiles’ great apostle
Led to the faithful band.The Son of Consolation!
Drawn near unto his Lord,
He won the martyr’s glory,
And passed to his reward;
With him is faith now ended,
For ever lost in sight,
But love, made perfect, fills him
With praise, and joy, and light.The Son of Consolation!
Lord, hear our humble prayer,
That each of us Thy children
This blessèd name may bear;
That we, sweet comfort shedding
O’er homes of pain and woe,
’Midst sickness and in prisons,
May seek Thee here below.The Sons of Consolation!
O what their bliss shall be
When Christ the King shall tell them,
“Ye did it unto Me!”
The merciful and loving
The Lord of life shall own,
And as His priceless jewels,
Shall set them round His throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal