Colossians 1:13-18
He delivered <4506> [delivered.]
power <1849> [the power.]
and <2532> [and.]
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
Son he loves <26 5207 846> [his dear Son. Gr. the Son of his love.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
forgiveness <859> [the.]
image <1504> [the image.]
invisible <517> [the invisible.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
all <3956> [of every.]
in ...... were created by him .................. were created through him .... him <1722 846 2936 1223> [by him were.]
in heaven ....... by <3772 1722> [in heaven.]
thrones <2362> [thrones.]
in ........ by ..................... through <1722 1223> [by.]
himself ............. him <846> [he.]
He ....... and ....... in <2532 1722> [and by.]
beginning <746> [the beginning.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
in all things <1722 3956> [in all. or, among all.]