Colossians 1:9
from <575> [since.]
you have ... ceased <3973> [do.]
his <846> [of his.]
wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]
spiritual <4152> [spiritual.]
Colossians 1:16
in ...... were created by him .................. were created through him .... him <1722 846 2936 1223> [by him were.]
in heaven ....... by <3772 1722> [in heaven.]
thrones <2362> [thrones.]
in ........ by ..................... through <1722 1223> [by.]
Colossians 2:5
I am absent <548> [be.]
to see .... and <2532 991> [and beholding.]
and ... firmness <2532 4733> [and the.]
Colossians 2:19
not <3756> [not.]
whole <3956> [all.]
through <1223> [by.]
supported <2023> [nourishment.]
knit together <4822> [knit.]
2 Joh 17:21 Ac 4:32 Ro 12:4,5 1Co 1:10 10:16,17 12:12-27
Eph 4:3 Php 1:27 2:2-5 1Pe 3:8
grows <837> [increaseth.]