NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Daniel 7:8


another <0317> [another.]

eyes .... eyes <05870> [eyes like.]

mouth <06433> [a mouth.]

Daniel 7:20


ten horns ...................... horn <06236 07162> [the ten horns.]

The ten kingdoms into which the western Roman empire was divided; which were primarily, according to Machiavel and Bp. Lloyd, 1. The Huns in Hungary, A.D. 356. 2. The Ostrogoths in Moesia, 377. 3. The Visigoths in Pannonia, 378. 4. The Sueves and Alans in Gascoigne and Spain, 407. 5. The Vandals in Africa, 407. 6. The Franks in France, 407. 7. The Burgundians in Burgundy, 407. 8. The Heruli and Turingi in Italy, 476. 9. The Saxons and Angles in Britain, 476. 10. The Lombards, first upon the Danube, 526, and afterwards in Italy. Though the ten kingdoms differed from these in later periods, and were sometimes more or less, yet they were still known by that name.

appearance <02376> [whose look.]

Daniel 8:9-12


came <03318> [came.]

beautiful <06643> [the pleasant.]


army .............. army <06635> [to the host. or, against the host.]

trampled <07429> [and stamped.]


acted arrogantly <01431> [he magnified.]

Prince <08269> [to. or, against. the prince.]

daily <08548> [by him. or, from him. the daily.]

<04349> [and the place.]


army ... given ...... daily <05414 08548 06635> [an host was given him against the daily sacrifice. or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice.]

hurled <07993> [and it cast.]

enjoyed <06213> [and it practised.]

Daniel 11:36


do ........................................ must occur <06213> [do.]

exalt <07311> [and he.]

The preceding verses (from ver. 31) relate to the Romans, who not only destroyed the city and temple of Jerusalem, and crucified the Messiah, but during almost 300 years sought by every means to extirpate Christianity. The conversion of Constantine, though it stopped the rage of persecution, gave but little help to true religion. The power first exercised by the emperors, in calling and influencing ecclesiastical councils, gradually passed into the hands of the clergy; and the bishop and church of Rome at last carried it to an enormous length, magnifying themselves above every god.

exalt <07311> [exalt.]

utter <01696> [speak.]

deity .......... God ... gods <0410> [the God.]

wrath <02195> [till.]

decreed <02782> [for.]

Daniel 11:2


tell <05046> [will I.]

Three <07969> [three.]

These were, Cambyses, son of Cyrus; Smerdis the Magian imposter; and Darius Hystaspes.

rich ................ riches <06239> [far.]

stir <05782> [stir.]

Herodotus says the army of Xerxes consisted of 5,283,220 men, besides the Carthaginians, consisting of 300,000 men, and 200 ships.

Daniel 2:3-10



Aramaic <0762> [in.]

Aramaic <0762> [Syriack.]

Aramith, "Aramean," the language of Aram or Syria; a general term comprehending both the Chaldee and Syriac, the latter merely differing from the former as a dialect, and being written in a different character. With the following words the Chaldee part of Daniel commences; and is continued to the end of the seventh chapter.

king <04430> [O king.]

Tell <0560> [tell.]


dismembered <05648> [ye shall.]

This was unreasonable, arbitrary, and tyrannical in the extreme; but, in the course of God's providence, it was overruled to serve the most important purpose.

dismembered <01917 05648> [cut in pieces. Chal. made pieces. made.]


receive <06902> [ye shall.]

reward <05023> [rewards. or, fee.]

5:17 *marg:


king <04430> [Let.]


gain <02084> [gain. Chal. buy.]


is <01932> [there is.]

agreed <02164> [for.]

time <05732> [the time.]

inform ............................................... have confidence <03046> [I shall.]

Daniel 2:1


second <08147> [in.]

second <08147> [the second.]

That is, the second according to the Babylonian computation, but the fourth according to that of the Jews, who reckon from the time he was associated with his father.

Nebuchadnezzar ..... His <05019> [Nebuchadnezzar.]

suffered ... insomnia <08142> [and his.]

Daniel 4:1-3


Nebuchadnezzar <05020> [Nebuchadnezzar.]

This is a regular decree, and one of the most ancient extant; and no doubt contains the exact words of Nebuchadnezzar, copied out by Daniel from the state papers of Babylon, and preserved in the original language.

all .......... all <03606> [unto all.]

Peace <08001> [Peace.]


delighted ..... about <06925 08232> [I thought it good. Chal. It was seemly before me.]

most high <05943> [that.]


great <07260> [great.]

kingdom <04437> [his kingdom.]

from <05974> [is from.]

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