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Deuteronomy 9:21


took <03947> [I took.]

stream <05158> [the brook.]

This was the stream which flowed from the rock that Moses smote with his rod, (Ex 17:6,) and to which the Psalmist alludes in Ps 78:16-20; 105:41. Philo relates, that upon Moses' striking the rock, the water poured out like a torrent, affording not only a sufficient quantity for allaying their present thirst, but to fill their water vessels, to carry with them on their journey.

Deuteronomy 9:1


cross <05674> [to pass.]

Today <03117> [this day.]

The Hebrew {hyyom,} "this day," frequently denotes, as here, this time. They had come, 38 years before this, nearly to the verge of the promised land, but were not permitted, because of their unbelief and rebellion, at that day or time, to enter; but this time they shall certainly pass over. This was spoken in the eleventh month of the fortieth year of their journeying; and it was on the first month of the following year they passed over: and during this interval Moses died.

nations <01471> [nations.]

cities <05892> [cities.]

Deuteronomy 12:28-29


careful <08104> [Observe.]

[See on]

well <03190> [that it may.]


eliminates <03772> [cut off.]

dispossess <03423> [succeedest. Heb. inheritest. or, possessest.]

Deuteronomy 12:32--13:1


add <03254> [thou shalt not.]


prophet <05030> [a prophet.]

That is, one pretending to the divine inspiration and authority of the prophetic office, or a dreamer of dreams, one who pretends that some deity has spoken to him in the night season, and giveth thee a sign, {oth,} what appears to be a miraculous proof of his mission, or a wonder, {mopheth,} some portentous sign, such as an eclipse, which he, who knew when it would happen, might predict to the people, who knew nothing of the matter, and thereby accredit his pretensions. But no pretended miracles must be admitted as a proof that the people might violate the first and great commandment.

foretells <02492> [a dreamer.]

Deuteronomy 14:16


white owl <08580> [the swan.]

{Tinshemeth,} probably, as Michaelis supposes, the goose.

Deuteronomy 16:1-2


month ............... month <02320> [the month.]

Passover <06453> [the passover.]

This word comes from the Hebrew verb {pasach,} to pass, to leap or skip over. The destroying angel passed over the houses marked with the blood of the Paschal Lamb, so the wrath of God passes over those whose souls sprinkled with the blood of Christ. 1Co 5:7. As the paschal lamb was killed before Israel was delivered, so by the death of Christ, we have redemption through his blood. It was killed before the tables of the law were delivered to Moses, or Aaron's sacrifices were enjoined; thus deliverance comes to men, not by the works of the law, but by the only true passover, the Lamb of God. Ro 3:25. Heb 9:14. It was killed the first month of the year, which prefigured that Christ should suffer death in that month. Joh 18:28. it was killed in the evening. Ex 12:6. Christ suffered at that time of the day. Mt 27:46. Heb 1:2. At even the sun sets; at Christ's passion, universal darkness was upon the whole earth. The passover was roasted with fire, denoting the sharp and dreadful pains that Christ should suffer, not only from men, but God also. It was to be eaten with bitter herbs, Ex 12:8; not only to put them in remembrance of their bitter bondage in Egypt, but also to testify our mortification to sin, and readiness to undergo afflictions for Christ, Col 1:24; and likewise to teach us the absolute necessity of true repentance in all that would profitably feed by faith on Christ, the true paschal lamb.

month ............... month <02320> [for in.]


sacrifice <02076> [sacrifice.]

Lord ...... place <04725 03068> [in the place which.]

Deuteronomy 10:1


Carve <06458> [Hew.]

make ...... ark <06213 0727> [make thee.]

Hosea 8:5-6


calf <05695> [calf.]

anger <0639> [mine.]

not <03808> [how.]


idol <03478> [from.]

workman <02796> [the workman.]

calf <05695> [the calf.]

broken to bits <07616> [shall.]

Hosea 10:5


calf <05697> [the calves.]

Beth Aven <01007> [Beth-aven.]

people <05971> [for the people.]

idolatrous priests <03649> [the priests. or, Chemarim.]

splendor <03519> [for the glory.]

Hosea 13:2


sin <02398> [now.]

sin <03254 02398> [sin more and more. Heb. add to sin. have made.]

skillfully <08394> [according.]

sacrifice <02076 0120> [the men that sacrifice. or, the sacrificers of men. kiss.]

Hosea 13:16


Samaria <08111> [Samaria. Fulfilled.]

infants <05768> [their infants.]

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