NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Deuteronomy 1:38


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

assistant <05975> [which standeth.]

Encourage ....... Israel <02388 03478> [encourage him.]

Deuteronomy 31:3


God <0430> [thy God.]

Joshua <03091> [and Joshua.]


Deuteronomy 31:7


strong <02388> [Be strong.]

accompany <0935> [for thou must.]

Deuteronomy 31:23


Joshua <03091> [he gave Joshua.]

take <0935> [shalt bring.]

Numbers 27:18-23


Take Joshua <03947 03091> [Take thee.]

man <0376> [a man.]

lay <05564> [lay.]


commission <06680> [give him.]


delegate ..... authority <05414 01935> [put some.]

obedient <08085> [may be.]


stand <05975> [he shall.]

Urim <0224> [Urim.]

command <06310> [at his word.]


Numbers 27:1


daughters .................................... daughters <01323> [the daughters.]

In the orders for the division of the land, just given, no provision had been made for females, in case of failure of male issue. The five daughters of Zelophehad, therefore, considered themselves as destitute, having neither father nor brother, and being themselves entirely overlooked; and they agreed to refer the case to Moses and the rulers, whether it were not equitable that they should inherit their father's portion. This led to the enactment of an additional law to the civil code of Israel, which satisfactorily ascertained and amply secured the right of succession in cases of inheritance. This law, which is as reasonable as it is just, stands thus:--1. On the demise of the father, the estate descends to the sons. 2. If there be no son, the daughters succeed. 3. If there be no daughter, the brothers of the deceased inherit. 4. If there be no brethren, or paternal uncles, the estate goes to the grand uncles, or brothers of his father. 5. If there be no grand uncles, then the nearest of kin succeeds to the inheritance. Beyond this fifth degree the law does not extend, because there must always have been some among the Israelites who could be called kinsmen.

Zelophehad <06765> [Zelophehad.]

Numbers 22:6


curse ... nation ........................................ curse ... cursed <0779 05971> [curse me.]

know <03045> [I wot.]

Numbers 22:11-16


able ... defeat <03898 03201> [able to overcome them. Heb. prevail in fighting against them.]


Balaam <01109 03212> [Balaam, Thou shalt.]

curse <0779> [thou shalt not curse.]

blessed <01288> [for they.]


Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]


Balaam refused <01109 03985> [Balaam refuseth.]


princes <08269> [princes.]


hinder ... from coming <04513> [Let nothing, etc. Heb. Be not thou letted from, etc.]

Numbers 28:9-10



burnt offering ........ burnt offering <05930> [the burnt.]

continual <08548> [the continual.]

Numbers 28:20

Numbers 28:1



Numbers 6:13


fulfilled <04390> [are fulfilled.]

Numbers 6:1



Numbers 6:14


lamb ............ one ...... first ......... one <0259 03532> [one he.]

one ewe lamb .... first ......... one <0259 03535> [one ewe.]

one ...... first ......... one ram <0259 0352> [one ram.]

Numbers 6:2


man <0376> [When.]

special .... take ........ separate <06381 05087 05144 03068> [separate themselves.]

The word {yaphli,} rendered "shall separate themselves," signifies, "the doing of something extraordinary," and is the same word as is used concerning the making a singular vow. (Le 27:2); it seems to convey the idea of a person's acting from extraordinary zeal for God and religion.

take <05087> [to vow.]

separate <05144 03068> [to separate themselves. or, to make themselves Nazarites.]

{Lahazzir,} from {nazar,} to be separate; hence {nazir,} a Nazarite, i.e., a person separated; one peculiarly devoted to the service of God by being separated from all servile employments. The Nazarites were of two kinds: such as were devoted to God by their parents in their infancy, or even sometimes before they were born; and such as devoted themselves. The former were Nazarites for life; and the latter commonly bound themselves to observe the laws of the Nazarites for a limited time. The Nazarites for life were not bound to the same strictness as the others, concerning whom the laws relate.

Numbers 2:1-3




one <0376> [Every man.]

The Israelites, it appears, encamped in four grand divisions, with the tabernacle in the centre; though at some distance from it. The form of the camp was quadrangular, containing, according to Scheuchzer, a little more than twelve square miles. Under each of the four divisions, three tribes were placed, under one general standard. Between these four great camps and the tabernacle, were pitched four smaller camps of the priests and Levites, who were in immediate attendance upon it; the camp of Moses, and of Aaron and his sons, being on the east side of the tabernacle, where the entrance was. Judah was placed on the east, and under him he had Issachar and Zebulun; on the south was Reuben, and under him Simeon and Gad; on the west was Ephraim, and under him Manasseh and Benjamin; and Dan was on the north, and under him Asher and Naphtali. Every tribe had its particular standard, probably with the name of the tribe embroidered with large letters. It seems highly improbable that the figures of animals should have been painted on them, as the Jewish writers assert; for even in after ages, when Vitellius wished to march through Judea, their great men besought him to march another way, as the law of the land did not permit images (such as were on the Roman standard) to be brought into it. Josephus Ant. 1. xviii. c. 7.

camp ......... meeting <02583> [shall pitch.]

emblems <0226> [the ensign.]

some distance <05048> [far off. Heb. over against.]

around ... tent <05439 0168> [about the.]


standard <01714> [the standard.]

Nahshon <05177> [Nahshon.]


Numbers 4:1-6





thirty years ....... years <08141 07970> [thirty years.]

enter <0935> [enter.]

do <06213> [to do.]



camp <04264> [And when.]

Aaron ...... come <0175 0935> [Aaron shall come.]

The law prohibiting any person, except the high priest on one day in the year, to enter into the most holy place, must have admitted an exception while the Israelites were in the wilderness: that exception, therefore, is here expressly made; and the directions given respecting it must be religiously observed, or the service could not be safely performed. While the cloud rested on the tabernacle, the general rule was in force; but when it was removed, then the priests might enter to prepare the sacred vessels for removal.

down <03381> [they shall.]

cover <03680> [and cover.]


fine leather <05785 08476> [badgers' skins.]

This was not the covering of badgers' skins made for the tabernacle, which was carried by the Gershonites, (ver. 24, 25,) but one made for the purpose of concealing and sheltering the ark when it was to be carried.

cloth <0899> [a cloth.]

put ...................... insert <05414 07760> [and shall put.]

{Wesamoo baddaiv,} rather, "and adjust the staves thereof;" i.e., dispose them rightly under the covering, that they might be laid on their shoulders: for the staves were never taken out of the rings.

poles <0905> [the staves.]

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