Deuteronomy 5:6-22
I [am] the LORD
thy God
of the land
of Egypt
from the house
of bondage
{bondage: Heb. servants}<05650>_.
thee [any] graven image
[or] any likeness
[of any thing] that [is] in heaven
or that [is] in the earth
beneath, or that [is] in the waters
beneath the earth
them: for I the LORD
thy God
[am] a jealous
the iniquity
of the fathers
upon the children
unto the third
and fourth
the name
of the LORD
thy God
in vain
for the LORD
his name
in vain
But the seventh
[is] the sabbath
of the LORD
thy God
any work
thou, nor thy son
nor thy daughter
nor thy manservant
nor thy maidservant
nor thine ox
nor thine ass
nor any of thy cattle
nor thy stranger
that [is] within thy gates
that thy manservant
and thy maidservant
as well as thou.<0519>
that thou wast a servant
in the land
of Egypt
and [that] the LORD
thy God
thee out thence through a mighty
therefore the LORD
thy God
the sabbath
thy father
and thy mother
as the LORD
thy God
thee; that thy days
with thee, in the land
which the LORD
thy God
thy neighbour's
thy neighbour's
his field
or his manservant
or his maidservant
his ox
or his ass
or any [thing] that [is] thy neighbour's