NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Exodus 14:25


<05493> [took off.]

difficulty <05090 03517> [that they drave them heavily. or, and made them to go heavily. Let us flee.]

Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]

Numbers 23:8


Numbers 23:23


spell <05173> [no enchantment.]

Jacob ........ Israel .......... Jacob .... Israel <03290 03478> [against. or, in. according.]

God <0410> [What hath.]

Numbers 23:1


Build ... seven ......... seven .... seven <01129 07651> [Build me.]

seven altars ........ seven .... seven <04196 07651> [seven altars.]

seven ......... seven bulls ... seven <06499 07651> [seven oxen.]

Numbers 2:2


one <0376> [Every man.]

The Israelites, it appears, encamped in four grand divisions, with the tabernacle in the centre; though at some distance from it. The form of the camp was quadrangular, containing, according to Scheuchzer, a little more than twelve square miles. Under each of the four divisions, three tribes were placed, under one general standard. Between these four great camps and the tabernacle, were pitched four smaller camps of the priests and Levites, who were in immediate attendance upon it; the camp of Moses, and of Aaron and his sons, being on the east side of the tabernacle, where the entrance was. Judah was placed on the east, and under him he had Issachar and Zebulun; on the south was Reuben, and under him Simeon and Gad; on the west was Ephraim, and under him Manasseh and Benjamin; and Dan was on the north, and under him Asher and Naphtali. Every tribe had its particular standard, probably with the name of the tribe embroidered with large letters. It seems highly improbable that the figures of animals should have been painted on them, as the Jewish writers assert; for even in after ages, when Vitellius wished to march through Judea, their great men besought him to march another way, as the law of the land did not permit images (such as were on the Roman standard) to be brought into it. Josephus Ant. 1. xviii. c. 7.

camp ......... meeting <02583> [shall pitch.]

emblems <0226> [the ensign.]

some distance <05048> [far off. Heb. over against.]

around ... tent <05439 0168> [about the.]

Numbers 4:8


Ezra 1:3


God ...................... God ....... God <0430> [his God.]

God ...................... God ....... God <0430> [he is the God.]

Ezra 6:9-12


oxen <08450 01123> [young bullocks.]

lambs <0563> [lambs.]

wheat <02591> [wheat.]

salt <04416> [salt.]

be given <01934 03052> [let it be given.]


incense <05208> [sweet savours. Chal. rest.]

praying <06739> [pray.]


anyone <03606> [whosoever.]

beam <0636> [timber.]

impaled <04223> [hanged. Chal. destroyed. his house.]


name <08036> [caused.]

overthrow ................ destroy <04049 02255> [destroy.]

I Darius <0576 01868> [I Darius.]

precision <0629> [speed.]

Ezra 7:20-21


supply .... do so from <05415 04481> [bestow it.]


Artaxerxes <0783> [Artaxerxes.]

Trans-Euphrates <05103 05675> [beyond the river.]

Ezra ... priestly <03549 05831> [Ezra the priest.]

Jeremiah 40:3


sinned <02398> [because.]

Daniel 2:47


God .... God ... gods <0426> [a God.]

Lord <04756> [a Lord.]

revealer ......... reveal <01541> [a revealer.]

Daniel 3:29


<04481> [Therefore.]

hereby decree <07761 02942 04481> [I make a decree. Chal. A decree is made by me. amiss. Chal. error. the God.]

dismembered <01917 05648> [cut in pieces. Chal. made pieces.]

2:5 *marg:

For <06903> [because.]

Daniel 6:26-27


issued <07761> [make.]

are <01934> [tremble.]

living ..... forever <02417 05957> [for.]

endures <07011> [and stedfast.]

kingdom ...................... kingdom <04437> [and his kingdom.]


rescues .................. rescued <07804> [delivereth.]

performs <05648> [and he.]

power <03028> [power. Chal. hand.]

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