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Exodus 15:27


Elim <0362> [Elim.]

This was on the northern skirts of the desert of Sin, and, according to Dr. Shaw, two leagues from Tor, and near 30 from Corondel, which he conjectures to be Marah, where there is a small rill, which is brackish. He found but nine of the wells, the other three being filled up with sand; but the 70 palm trees had increased into more than 2,000.

Exodus 24:4


wrote <03789> [wrote.]

built <01129> [and builded.]

standing stones <04676> [twelve pillars.]

<08147> [according.]

Exodus 28:21


twelve .............. twelve <08147> [twelve.]

twelve .............. twelve <08147> [according to the twelve.]

Leviticus 24:5


The loaves of bread which the officiating priest placed every sabbath day upon the golden table in the Sanctum, before the Lord, were twelve in number, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The loaves must have been large, since two tenth deals (about six pints) of flour were used for each, Le 24:3, 6, 7. They were served up hot on the sabbath day in the Sanctum, when the stale ones, which had been exposed the whole week, were taken away, and none but the priests were allowed to eat them. In an extraordinary extremity, David and his men partook of the shew-bread, (see 1 Sa 21:6,) the urgent necessity alone justifying the act. The Hebrew signifies bread of faces, or, of the face.


Joshua 3:12


Joshua 3:1


early <07925> [rose early.]

Archbishop Usher supposes, that this was upon Wednesday, the 28th of April, A.M. 2553, the fortieth year of the Exodus from Egypt. From Shittim, where the israelites had been encamped for about two months (De 1:3), to the Jordan, was, according to Josephus, about sixty stadia; that is, between seven and eight English miles.

Shittim <07851> [Shittim.]

Jordan <03383> [Jordan.]

Jordan, called by the Arabs El Sharia, takes its rise in Anti-Libanus, about twelve miles north of C‘sarea Philippi, now Banias; and, having run about twelve miles southward, it receives a considerable stream, which is now called the Moiet Hasbeia. About 15 miles farther, it forms the waters of Merom or Semechon, now Houle; and, after running about 28 miles more, it passes through the lake of Gennesareth, and thence runs southward till it loses itself in the Dead Sea; its whole course being about 160 miles.

Joshua 18:1


Shiloh <07887> [Shiloh.]

Shiloh was situated on a hill in the tribe of Ephraim, though near the borders of Benjamin, about fifteen miles north of Jerusalem, and, according to Eusebius, twelve, or according to Jerome, ten miles (south) from Shechem or Nablous. It was but a little north from Bethel or Ai, and near the road from Shechem to Jerusalem. (Jud 21:19.) In Jerome's time, Shiloh was ruined; and nothing remarkable was extant, but the foundations of the altar of burnt offerings which had been erected when the tabernacle stood there.

<07931> [set up.]

Ezra 6:17


offered <07127> [offered.]

sin <02402> [a sin offering.]

number <04510> [according to.]

Though the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with the priests and Levites, formed the bulk of the people, yet many from the other tribes had returned with them from captivity.

Revelation 7:4


I heard <191> [I heard.]

hundred <1540> [an.]

all <3956> [all.]

Revelation 12:1


appeared <3700> [there.]

sign <4592> [wonder. or, sign.]

a woman <1135> [a woman.]

clothed with <4016> [clothed.]

Then .............. and .... moon ..... and <2532 4582> [and the.]

a crown <4735> [crown.]

Revelation 21:12-14


wall <5038> [a wall.]

twelve gates ... twelve ..... gates ....... twelve <1427 4440> [twelve gates.]

twelve .... twelve angels .......... twelve <1427 32> [twelve angels.]

and ... names <5037 2532 3686> [and names.]



foundations <2310> [foundations.]

and <2532 1722> [and in.]

Revelation 22:2


middle <3319> [the midst.]

tree of life ............... Its <2222 3586> [the tree of life.]

Rather, the definite article not being in the original, "a tree of life;" for there were three trees; one in the street, and one on each side of the river.

healing <2322> [healing.]

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