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Exodus 29:21


anointing oil <08081 04888> [the anointing oil.]

holy <06942> [shall be.]

1 Joh 17:19 Heb 9:22 10:29

Exodus 29:29


holy <06944> [holy.]

sons <01121> [his.]

anointed <04888> [anointed.]

Exodus 40:13


anoint .... sanctify <04886 06942> [anoint him.]

Exodus 40:15


continue <05769> [everlasting.]

Leviticus 7:35


allotment ...... allotment <04888> [portion.]

presented <07126> [he presented.]

Leviticus 8:30


anointing <04888> [the anointing.]

consecrated <06942> [and sanctified.]

Leviticus 21:10


head ....................... head <07218> [upon.]

ordained <04390> [consecrated.]

dishevel <06544> [uncover.]

[not rend.]

All human corpses were considered as unclean. Whoever touched one was unclean for seven days, and was obliged on the third and seventh day to purify himself according to the Mosaic instructions. In the case of the priest it went still farther; insomuch, that even mourning for the dead by any external sign, such as tearing their clothes, defiled them. Hence such mournings were absolutely forbidden to be used in any case, and by the other priests also, except in the case of their very nearest relations, for whom they were allowed to mourn. This statue is founded on the importance of sustaining the decency and purity of Divine worship. The servants of the Deity were to keep themselves at a distance from every thing that in the least degree savoured of uncleanness.

Isaiah 10:27


burden <05448> [his burden.]

remove <05493> [be taken away. Heb. remove. because.]

Hebrews 1:9


You have loved <25> [loved.]

hated <3404> [hated.]

God your God ...... your <2316 4675> [thy God.]

has anointed <5548> [anointed.]

oil <1637> [oil.]

your ....... your companions <4675 3353> [thy fellows.]

Hebrews 1:1


in various portions <4181> [at.]

long ago ...... in various ways <4187 3819> [in.]

ancestors <3962> [the fathers.]

Hebrews 2:1


Therefore <1223> [Therefore.]

closer <4056> [the more.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [we should.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [let them slip. Gr. run out, as leaking vessels.]

Hebrews 2:1


Therefore <1223> [Therefore.]

closer <4056> [the more.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [we should.]

we do ... drift away <3901> [let them slip. Gr. run out, as leaking vessels.]

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