Exodus 4:11-12
Ps 25:4,5 32:9 143:10 Isa 49:2 50:4 Jer 1:9 Mt 10:19,20
Mr 13:11 Lu 11:1 12:11,12 21:14,15 Joh 14:26 Eph 6:19 [All]
Exodus 4:15
put <07760> [and put.]
mouth ........... mouth ..... mouth <06310> [and I.]
teach <03384> [will teach.]
Jeremiah 1:7-9
<03212> [for thou shalt.]
17,18 Ex 7:1,2 Nu 22:20,38 1Ki 22:14 2Ch 18:13 Eze 2:3-5
Eze 3:17-21,27 Mt 28:20 Mr 16:15,16 Ac 20:27 [All]
afraid <03372> [not afraid.]
protect <05337> [for I am.]
15:20,21 20:11 Ex 3:12 De 31:6,8 Jos 1:5,9 Isa 43:2 Mt 28:20
Ac 7:9,10 18:10 26:17 2Co 1:8-10 2Ti 4:17,18 Heb 13:5,6 [All]
touched <05060> [and touched.]
give <05414> [Behold.]
Matthew 10:19-20
Whenever <3752> [when.]
worry <3309> [take.]
will be given <1325> [it shall.]
but <235> [but.]
your <5216> [your.]
Luke 12:11-12
Luke 21:14-15
I will give <1473 1325> [I will.]
that ........... or <3739> [which.]