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Ezekiel 8:4


Ezekiel 10:19-20


cherubim <03742> [the cherubims.]

east <06931> [of the east.]

glory <03519> [and the glory.]


living <02416> [the living.]

River <05104> [the river.]

knew <03045> [and I.]

Ezekiel 43:3


like ... vision ............. vision <04758> [according to the appearance.]

destroy ... city <07843 05892> [to destroy the city. or, to prophesy that the city should be destroyed.]

River <05104> [the river.]

Exodus 16:7


morning <01242> [the morning.]

see <07200> [ye shall.]

<05168> [what are we.]

Exodus 16:10


looked <06437> [that they.]

appeared <07200> [appeared.]

Exodus 24:16


glory <03519> [the glory.]

days On ... seventh day <03117 07637> [seventh day.]

Exodus 33:18-23



goodness <02898> [all my goodness.]

proclaim <07121> [proclaim.]

gracious ....... gracious <02603> [I will be.]


cannot see ........ see <03201 07200> [Thou canst not.]

This is well explained by Rabbi Jehudah, in Sepher Cosri, (P. iv.  3.) "Of that divine glory mentioned in the Scripture, there is one degree which the eyes of the prophets were able to explore; another which all the Israelites saw, as the cloud and consuming fire; the third is so bright, and so dazzling, that no mortal is able to comprehend it; but should anyone venture to look on it, his whole frame would be dissolved." In such inconceivable splendour is the Divine Majesty revealed to the inhabitants of the celestial world, where he is said to "dwell in the light which no man can approach unto." (1 Ti 6:16.) By the "face of God," therefore, we are to understand that light inaccessible before which angels may stand, but which would be so insufferable to mortal eyes, that no man could see it and live.


place ...... station <04725 05324> [place by.]


cleft <05366> [in a clift.]

cover you with ... hand <05526 03709> [cover thee.]

The rock on which Moses stood, and in the clift of which he was sheltered, was doubtless an emblem of Christ; in whose person, character, and salvation alone, sinners may by faith see the glory of God, and live; for there it appears in softened splendour; as the sun, when his brightness is diminished by a mist, is beheld more distinctly by the human eye.--Scott


see .......... seen <07200> [thou shalt.]

Numbers 12:6-8


prophet <05030> [a prophet.]

vision <04759> [in a vision.]

dream <02472> [a dream.]


servant <05650> [My servant.]

faithful <0539> [faithful.]


<06310> [mouth.]

riddles <02420> [dark speeches.]

form <08544> [similitude.]

afraid <03372> [were ye.]

Numbers 12:1


Miriam <04813> [Miriam.]

<03571> [Ethiopian. or, Cushite.]

married ..... married <03947> [married. Heb. taken.]

Numbers 8:10-11



offer <05130> [offer. Heb. wave. offering. Heb. wave-offering.]

Not that they were actually waved, but they were presented to God, as the God of heaven, and the Lord of the whole earth, as the wave offerings were; and in calling them wave-offerings, it was intimated to them that they must move to and fro with readiness in the business of their profession.

they may <05647> [they may execute. Heb. they may be to execute, etc.]

Numbers 8:1


When this was spoken, says Bp. Patrick, is not certain. If Moses went into the tabernacle immediately after the princes had offered, (ch. 7:89,) it may be thought he then spake these things unto him; but both this and what follows, concerning the Levites, seem rather to have been delivered after the order for giving them to the priests, and appointing their several charges. (ch. 3; 4.) But some other things intervening, which depended upon what had been ordered respecting their camp, and that of the Israelites, Moses omits this until he had stated them, and some other matters which he had received from God. (See ch. 7:11.)


Colossians 1:12


giving thanks <2168> [Giving.]

Father <3962> [the Father.]

has qualified <2427> [made.]

share <3310> [partakers.]

inheritance <2819> [inheritance.]

in <1722> [in.]

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