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Genesis 3:15

And I will put
<07896> (8799)
between thee and the woman
and between thy seed
and her seed
it shall bruise
<07779> (8799)
thy head
and thou shalt bruise
<07779> (8799)
his heel

Psalms 22:1-30

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
upon Aijeleth
A Psalm
of David
My God
my God
why hast thou forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me? [why art thou so] far
from helping
me, [and from] the words
of my roaring
{Aijeleth...: or, the hind of the morning} {helping...: Heb. my salvation}
O my God
I cry
<07121> (8799)
in the daytime
but thou hearest
<06030> (8799)
not; and in the night season
and am not silent
{am...: Heb. there is no silence to me}
But thou [art] holy
[O thou] that inhabitest
<03427> (8802)
the praises
of Israel
Our fathers
<0982> (8804)
in thee: they trusted
<0982> (8804)_,
and thou didst deliver
<06403> (8762)
They cried
<02199> (8804)
unto thee, and were delivered
<04422> (8738)_:
they trusted
<0982> (8804)
in thee, and were not confounded
<0954> (8804)_.
But I [am] a worm
and no man
a reproach
of men
and despised
<0959> (8803)
of the people
All they that see
<07200> (8802)
me laugh me to scorn
<03932> (8686)_:
they shoot out
<06358> (8686)
the lip
they shake
<05128> (8686)
the head
[saying], {shoot...: Heb. open}
He trusted
<01556> (8800)
on the LORD
[that] he would deliver
<06403> (8762)
him: let him deliver
<05337> (8686)
him, seeing he delighted
<02654> (8804)
in him. {He trusted...: Heb. He rolled himself on} {seeing...: or, if he delight in}
But thou [art] he that took
<01518> (8801)
me out of the womb
thou didst make me hope
<0982> (8688)
[when I was] upon my mother's
{didst...: or, kept me in safety}
I was cast
<07993> (8717)
upon thee from the womb
thou [art] my God
from my mother's
Be not far
<07368> (8799)
from me; for trouble
[is] near
for [there is] none to help
<05826> (8802)_.
{none...: Heb. not a helper}
have compassed
<05437> (8804)
me: strong
[bulls] of Bashan
have beset me round
<03803> (8765)_.
They gaped
<06475> (8804)
upon me [with] their mouths
[as] a ravening
<02963> (8802)
and a roaring
<07580> (8802)
{gaped...: Heb. opened their mouths against me}
I am poured out
<08210> (8738)
like water
and all my bones
are out of joint
<06504> (8694)_:
my heart
is like wax
it is melted
<04549> (8738)
in the midst
of my bowels
{out of...: or, sundered}
My strength
is dried up
<03001> (8804)
like a potsherd
and my tongue
<01692> (8716)
to my jaws
and thou hast brought
<08239> (8799)
me into the dust
of death
For dogs
have compassed
<05437> (8804)
me: the assembly
of the wicked
<07489> (8688)
have inclosed
<05362> (8689)
me: they pierced
<03738> (8804) (8675) <0738>
my hands
and my feet
I may tell
<05608> (8762)
all my bones
they look
<05027> (8686)
[and] stare
<07200> (8799)
upon me.
They part
<02505> (8762)
my garments
among them, and cast
<05307> (8686)
upon my vesture
But be not thou far
<07368> (8799)
from me, O LORD
O my strength
<02363> (8798)
thee to help
<05337> (8685)
my soul
from the sword
my darling
from the power
of the dog
{my darling: Heb. my only one} {power: Heb. hand}
<03467> (8685)
me from the lion's
for thou hast heard
<06030> (8804)
me from the horns
of the unicorns
I will declare
<05608> (8762)
thy name
unto my brethren
in the midst
of the congregation
will I praise
<01984> (8762)
Ye that fear
the LORD
<01984> (8761)
him; all ye the seed
of Jacob
<03513> (8761)
him; and fear
<01481> (8798)
him, all ye the seed
of Israel
For he hath not despised
<0959> (8804)
nor abhorred
<08262> (8765)
the affliction
of the afflicted
neither hath he hid
<05641> (8689)
his face
from him; but when he cried
<07768> (8763)
unto him, he heard
<08085> (8804)_.
My praise
[shall be] of thee in the great
I will pay
<07999> (8762)
my vows
before them that fear
The meek
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
and be satisfied
<07646> (8799)_:
they shall praise
<01984> (8762)
the LORD
that seek
<01875> (8802)
him: your heart
shall live
<02421> (8799)
for ever
All the ends
of the world
shall remember
<02142> (8799)
and turn
<07725> (8799)
unto the LORD
and all the kindreds
of the nations
shall worship
<07812> (8691)
For the kingdom
[is] the LORD'S
and he [is] the governor
<04910> (8802)
among the nations
All [they that be] fat
upon earth
shall eat
<0398> (8804)
and worship
<07812> (8691)_:
all they that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the dust
shall bow
<03766> (8799)
him: and none can keep alive
<02421> (8765)
his own soul
A seed
shall serve
<05647> (8799)
him; it shall be accounted
<05608> (8792)
to the Lord
for a generation

Psalms 69:1-36

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
upon Shoshannim
[A Psalm] of David
<03467> (8685)
me, O God
for the waters
are come
<0935> (8804)
in unto [my] soul
I sink
<02883> (8804)
in deep
where [there is] no standing
I am come
<0935> (8804)
into deep
where the floods
<07857> (8804)
me. {deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth} {deep waters: Heb. depth of waters}
I am weary
<03021> (8804)
of my crying
<07121> (8800)_:
my throat
is dried
<02787> (8738)_:
mine eyes
<03615> (8804)
while I wait
<03176> (8764)
for my God
They that hate
<08130> (8802)
me without a cause
are more
<07231> (8804)
than the hairs
of mine head
they that would destroy
<06789> (8688)
me, [being] mine enemies
<0341> (8802)
are mighty
<06105> (8804)_:
then I restored
<07725> (8686)
[that] which I took not away
<01497> (8804)_.
O God
thou knowest
<03045> (8804)
my foolishness
and my sins
are not hid
<03582> (8738)
from thee. {sins: Heb. guiltiness}
Let not them that wait
<06960> (8802)
on thee, O Lord
of hosts
be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
for my sake: let not those that seek
<01245> (8764)
thee be confounded
<03637> (8735)
for my sake, O God
of Israel
Because for thy sake I have borne
<05375> (8804)
hath covered
<03680> (8765)
my face
I am become a stranger
<02114> (8716)
unto my brethren
and an alien
unto my mother's
For the zeal
of thine house
hath eaten me up
<0398> (8804)_;
and the reproaches
of them that reproached
<02778> (8802)
thee are fallen
<05307> (8804)
upon me.
When I wept
<01058> (8799)_,
[and chastened] my soul
with fasting
that was to my reproach
I made
<05414> (8799)
also my garment
and I became a proverb
to them.
They that sit in
<03427> (8802)
the gate
<07878> (8799)
against me; and I [was] the song
of the drunkards
<08354> (8802) <07941>_.
{drunkards: Heb. drinkers of strong drink}
But as for me, my prayer
[is] unto thee, O LORD
[in] an acceptable
O God
in the multitude
of thy mercy
<06030> (8798)
me, in the truth
of thy salvation
<05337> (8685)
me out of the mire
and let me not sink
<02883> (8799)_:
let me be delivered
<05337> (8735)
from them that hate
<08130> (8802)
me, and out of the deep
Let not the waterflood
<04325> <07641>
<07857> (8799)
me, neither let the deep
swallow me up
<01104> (8799)_,
and let not the pit
<0332> (8799)
her mouth
upon me.
<06030> (8798)
me, O LORD
for thy lovingkindness
[is] good
<06437> (8798)
unto me according to the multitude
of thy tender mercies
And hide
<05641> (8686)
not thy face
from thy servant
for I am in trouble
<06887> (8804)_:
<06030> (8798)
me speedily
{hear...: Heb. make haste to hear me}
Draw nigh
<07126> (8798)
unto my soul
[and] redeem
<01350> (8798)
it: deliver
<06299> (8798)
me because of mine enemies
<0341> (8802)_.
Thou hast known
<03045> (8804)
my reproach
and my shame
and my dishonour
mine adversaries
<06887> (8802)
[are] all before thee.
hath broken
<07665> (8804)
my heart
and I am full of heaviness
<05136> (8799)_:
and I looked
<06960> (8762)
[for some] to take pity
<05110> (8800)_,
but [there was] none; and for comforters
<05162> (8764)_,
but I found
<04672> (8804)
none. {to take...: Heb. to lament with me}
They gave
<05414> (8799)
me also gall
for my meat
and in my thirst
they gave me vinegar
to drink
<08248> (8686)_.
Let their table
become a snare
them: and [that which should have been] for [their] welfare
[let it become] a trap
Let their eyes
be darkened
<02821> (8799)_,
that they see
<07200> (8800)
not; and make their loins
to shake
<04571> (8685)_.
Pour out
<08210> (8798)
thine indignation
upon them, and let thy wrathful
take hold
<05381> (8686)
of them.
Let their habitation
be desolate
<08074> (8737)_;
[and] let none dwell
<03427> (8802)
in their tents
{their habitation: Heb. their palace} {let none...: Heb. let there not be a dweller}
For they persecute
<07291> (8804)
[him] whom thou hast smitten
<05221> (8689)_;
and they talk
<05608> (8762)
to the grief
of those whom thou hast wounded
{those...: Heb. thy wounded}
<05414> (8798)
unto their iniquity
and let them not come
<0935> (8799)
into thy righteousness
{iniquity unto...: or, punishment of iniquity, etc}
Let them be blotted
<04229> (8735)
out of the book
of the living
and not be written
<03789> (8735)
with the righteous
But I [am] poor
and sorrowful
<03510> (8802)_:
let thy salvation
O God
set me up on high
<07682> (8762)_.
I will praise
<01984> (8762)
the name
of God
with a song
and will magnify
<01431> (8762)
him with thanksgiving
[This] also shall please
<03190> (0)
the LORD
<03190> (8799)
than an ox
[or] bullock
that hath horns
<07160> (8688)
and hoofs
<06536> (8688)_.
The humble
shall see
<07200> (8804)
[this, and] be glad
<08055> (8799)_:
and your heart
shall live
<02421> (8799)
that seek
<01875> (8802)
{humble: or, meek}
For the LORD
<08085> (8802)
the poor
and despiseth
<0959> (8804)
not his prisoners
Let the heaven
and earth
<01984> (8762)
him, the seas
and every thing that moveth
<07430> (8802)
therein. {moveth: Heb. creepeth}
For God
will save
<03467> (8686)
and will build
<01129> (8799)
the cities
of Judah
that they may dwell
<03427> (8804)
there, and have it in possession
<03423> (8804)_.
The seed
also of his servants
shall inherit
<05157> (8799)
it: and they that love
<0157> (8802)
his name
shall dwell
<07931> (8799)

Isaiah 50:6

I gave
<05414> (8804)
my back
to the smiters
<05221> (8688)_,
and my cheeks
to them that plucked off
<04803> (8802)
the hair: I hid
<05641> (8689)
not my face
from shame
and spitting

Isaiah 53:1-12

Who hath believed
<0539> (8689)
our report
and to whom is the arm
of the LORD
<01540> (8738)_?
{report: or, doctrine?: Heb. hearing?}
For he shall grow up
<05927> (8799)
him as a tender plant
and as a root
out of a dry
he hath no form
nor comeliness
and when we shall see
<07200> (8799)
him, [there is] no beauty
that we should desire
<02530> (8799)
He is despised
<0959> (8737)
and rejected
of men
a man
of sorrows
and acquainted
<03045> (8803)
with grief
and we hid as it were
<04564> (8688)
[our] faces
from him; he was despised
<0959> (8737)_,
and we esteemed
<02803> (8804)
him not. {we hid...: or, he hid as it were his face from us: Heb. as an hiding of faces from him, or, from us}
he hath borne
<05375> (8804)
our griefs
and carried
<05445> (8804)
our sorrows
yet we did esteem
<02803> (8804)
him stricken
<05060> (8803)_,
<05221> (8716)
of God
and afflicted
<06031> (8794)_.
But he [was] wounded
<02490> (8775)
for our transgressions
[he was] bruised
<01792> (8794)
for our iniquities
the chastisement
of our peace
[was] upon him; and with his stripes
we are healed
<07495> (8738)_.
{wounded: or, tormented} {stripes: Heb. bruise}
All we like sheep
have gone astray
<08582> (8804)_;
we have turned
<06437> (8804)
every one
to his own way
and the LORD
hath laid
<06293> (8689)
on him the iniquity
of us all. {laid...: Heb. made the iniquity of us all to meet on him}
He was oppressed
<05065> (8738)_,
and he was afflicted
<06031> (8737)_,
yet he opened
<06605> (8799)
not his mouth
he is brought
<02986> (8714)
as a lamb
to the slaughter
and as a sheep
her shearers
<01494> (8802)
is dumb
<0481> (8738)_,
so he openeth
<06605> (8799)
not his mouth
He was taken
<03947> (8795)
from prison
and from judgment
and who shall declare
<07878> (8787)
his generation
for he was cut off
<01504> (8738)
out of the land
of the living
for the transgression
of my people
was he stricken
{from prison...: or, away by distress and judgment: but, etc} {was he...: Heb. was the stroke upon him}
And he made
<05414> (8799)
his grave
with the wicked
and with the rich
in his death
because he had done
<06213> (8804)
no violence
neither [was any] deceit
in his mouth
{death: Heb. deaths}
Yet it pleased
<02654> (8804)
the LORD
to bruise
<01792> (8763)
him; he hath put [him] to grief
<02470> (8689)_:
when thou shalt make
<07760> (8799)
his soul
an offering for sin
he shall see
<07200> (8799)
[his] seed
he shall prolong
<0748> (8686)
[his] days
and the pleasure
of the LORD
shall prosper
<06743> (8799)
in his hand
{thou...: or, his soul shall make an offering}
He shall see
<07200> (8799)
of the travail
of his soul
[and] shall be satisfied
<07646> (8799)_:
by his knowledge
shall my righteous
<06663> (8686)
for he shall bear
<05445> (8799)
their iniquities
Therefore will I divide
<02505> (8762)
him [a portion] with the great
and he shall divide
<02505> (8762)
the spoil
with the strong
because he hath poured out
<06168> (8689)
his soul
unto death
and he was numbered
<04487> (8738)
with the transgressors
<06586> (8802)_;
and he bare
<05375> (8804)
the sin
of many
and made intercession
<06293> (8686)
for the transgressors
<06586> (8802)_.

Daniel 9:26

And after
and two
shall Messiah
be cut off
<03772> (8735)_,
but not for himself: and the people
of the prince
that shall come
<0935> (8802)
shall destroy
<07843> (8686)
the city
and the sanctuary
and the end
thereof [shall be] with a flood
and unto the end
of the war
<08074> (8802)
are determined
<02782> (8737)_.
{but...: or, and shall have nothing} {desolations...: or, it shall be cut off by desolations}

Zechariah 12:10

And I will pour
<08210> (8804)
upon the house
of David
and upon the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Jerusalem
the spirit
of grace
and of supplications
and they shall look
<05027> (8689)
upon me whom they have pierced
<01856> (8804)_,
and they shall mourn
for him, as one mourneth
<05594> (8804)
for [his] only
[son], and shall be in bitterness
<04843> (8687)
for him, as one that is in bitterness
<04843> (8687)
for [his] firstborn

Zechariah 13:7

<05782> (8798)_,
O sword
against my shepherd
<07462> (8802)_,
and against the man
[that is] my fellow
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
of hosts
<05221> (8685)
the shepherd
<07462> (8802)_,
and the sheep
shall be scattered
<06327> (8799)_:
and I will turn
<07725> (8689)
mine hand
upon the little ones
<06819> (8802)_.

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