NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 37:16


looking <01245> [seek.]

tell ... where <05046 0375> [tell me.]

Psalms 23:1-2


shepherd <07462> [my.]

lack <02637> [I shall.]


takes <07257> [maketh.]

lush pastures <04999 01877> [green pastures. Heb. pastures of tender grass. leadeth.]

refreshing water <04325 04496> [still waters. Heb. waters of quietness.]

Psalms 80:1


shushan-eduth style <07802> [A.M. cir. 3463. B.C. cir. 541. (Title.) Shoshannim-Eduth.]

psalm <04210> [A Psalm.]

This Psalm is generally supposed to have been written during the Babylonian captivity; but some think it refers to the desolations made by Sennacherib.

Asaph <0623> [of Asaph. or, for Asaph.]

attention <0238> [Give ear.]

shepherd <07462> [O Shepherd.]

lead <05090> [leadest.]

who ... enthroned <03427> [dwellest.]

splendor <03313> [shine.]

Isaiah 40:11


shepherd ... tends <07462> [feed.]

gathers up <06908> [he shall gather.]

leads <05095> [shall gently lead.]

A beautiful image, as Bp. Lowth remarks, expressive of the tender attention of the shepherd to his flock. That the greatest care in driving the cattle, in regard to the dams and their young, was necessary, appears clearly from Jacob's apology to his brother Esau, Ge 33:13; which is set in a still stronger light by the following remarks of Sir J. Chardin: "Their flocks feed down the places of their encampments so quick, by the great numbers that they have, that they are obliged to remove them often, which is very destructive to their flocks, on account of the young ones, who have not strength enough to follow."

ewes <05763> [are with young. or, give suck.]

Micah 5:4


assume his post <05975> [stand.]

shepherd <07462> [feed. or, rule.]

Mt 2:6 *marg:

sovereign <01347> [in the majesty.]

<03068> [the Lord.]

live securely <03427> [shall abide.]

honored <01431> [shall he be great.]

John 10:11


good .... good <2570> [the good.]

lays down <5087> [giveth.]

John 10:28-29


I give <1325 2504> [I give.]

they will ... perish <622> [they.]

and <2532> [neither.]


<3739> [which.]

<2076 3187> [is greater.]

Revelation 7:17


<303> [in the.]

will shepherd <4165> [feed.]

lead <3594> [shall lead.]

God <2316> [God.]

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