Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 13:1--14:32
Maju, Laskar Kristus [KJ.339] ( Onward, Christian Soldiers )
1. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap! Rajamu sendiri jalan di depan; majulah,
iringi panji cemerlang!
2 Kor 2:14
Ul 31:8
Yes 45:2
2. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!3. Saat dianjungkan panji Penebus, kuasa Iblis mundur, dikalahkan
t'rus. Goncanglah neraka, kar'na mendengar sorak-soraianmu
nyaring menggegar.
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 12:9
Yes 14:9
4. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
5. Bagai laskar jaya G'reja maju t'rus di jejak teladan saksi yang kudus.
Kita satu tubuh yang kudus dan am; satu pengharapan, satu pun iman.
Ibr 12:1
Ibr 13:7
Ef 4:3-6
6. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
7. Kuasa duniawi timbul-tenggelam, tapi G'reja Kristus takkan terbenam!
Alam maut tak sanggup menjatuhkannya: Kristus memenuhi isi janjiNya.
Mzm 46:7-8
Dan 2:37-44
Mat 16:18
8. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
9. Kar'na itu, maju! Ikut salib t'rus, turutlah memuji Raja Penebus:
"Hormat, kemuliaan, Tuhan, t'rimalah!" Insan dan malaikat sujud menyembah.
Why 5:11-13
10. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!Play
Colossians 1:23
Mari, Bersukacita [KJ.200]
1. Mari bersukacita, terima kabar baik! Habislah dukacita;
terbitlah t'rang ajaib! Yesus yang tersekap di kubur yang gelap
disambut fajar t'rang sebagai Pemenang!
Mrk 15:46
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 2:15
Why 1:18
2. Ia pun dimakamkan; puaslah seteru. Tiada mereka sangka
t'lah bangkit Penebus! Kumandang jayaNya mengisi dunia
dan panji Pemenang berkibar cemerlang!
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:20
Kis 1:8
Kis 4:33
Kol 1:6, 23
1 Tim 3:16
3. Oleh adegan ini gembira hatiku; tak lagi kutakuti ancaman seteru.
'Ku beriman teguh: Yesus jaminanku.
SalibNya kupegang, niscaya 'ku menang.
Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
1 Yoh 5:4-5
Why 17:14
4. Bagai anggota Kristus, terpaut padaNya, tanpa cemas kuikut
di jalan jayaNya. Di maut yang kelam, betapa pun seram,
Tuhanku beserta dengan kuasaNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Flp 3:10-11
Mzm 23:4
5. Rajaku sudah masuk kemuliaanNya: amanlah tujuanku di jalan dunia!
Jauhlah, hai lawanku! Tuhan di pihakku: Perisai dan Teman;
OlehNya 'ku tent'ram!
Mat 25:31
Mrk 16:19
Mzm 6:9
6. Sampai ke dalam sorga 'ku ikutlah terus; di pintuNya tersurat
amanat Penebus: "Yang tadi berlelah, dapat mahkotanya;
yang mati dalamKu, bahagia penuh!"1 Kor 9:25
2 Tim 4:8
Why 14:13
Play Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
1. Sungguh, Kerajaan Allah di bumi tak kalah.
Yesus yang bangkit dilantik menjadi kepala.
Ia menang; g'lapmu menjadi terang:
Lihatlah fajar menyala.
Mat 28:18
Ef 1:22
Kol 2:10
Why 19:16
Yoh 8:12
Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Sambil menyangkal dirimu tetaplah percaya.
Jangan pengharapan hilang di p'rang dan bahaya.
Biar gentar, hatimu pun berdebar,
Akhirnya kamu berjaya.
Mrk 8:34
Ef 6:10-20
Kol 1:23
1 Ptr 5:8-11
3. Akhirnya Yesus memulihkan orang terluka,
kaumnya lepas dari nista, sengsara dan duka.
Nantikanlah hari kedatanganNya:
Langit gemilang terbuka!Why 7:17
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Isaiah 13:1--14:32
[Isa 13:2] Keep The Banner Flying
Keep the banner flying,
This your cry should be,
Many souls are dying,
Jesus must they see;
Under condemnation,
Life will soon be gone;
Only is salvation
In the Sinless One.Refrain
Shout, shout the battle cry,
Girt with endeavor;
Lift, lift the banner high,
Now and forever;
Shout, shout the battle cry,
Girt with endeavor;
Lift, lift the banner high,
Now and forever.Keep the banner flying;
When the faithful fall,
Give not up to sighing,
Christ is all in all;
Rally all your forces,
See, the Captain’s near;
Trust to His resources,
There is naught to fear.Refrain
Keep the banner flying;
Christians should agree,
With each other vying,
Yet in harmony;
Working still for Jesus,
Righting human wrong,
Till the angels greet us
With their welcome song.Refrain
Keep the banner flying,
Over land and sea;
By yourself denying
Comes the victory;
Brighten toil with singing,
Better days will come;
To the Savior clinging,
You shall rest at home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 13:8] Who Is This So Weak And Helpless
Who is this so weak and helpless, Child of lowly Hebrew maid,
Rudely in a stable sheltered, coldly in a manger laid?
’Tis the Lord of all creation, who this wondrous path hath trod;
He is God from everlasting, and to everlasting God.Who is this, a Man of sorrows, walking sadly life’s hard way,
Homeless, weary, sighing, weeping, over sin and Satan’s sway?
’Tis our God, our glorious Savior, who above the starry sky
Now for us a place prepareth, where no tear can dim the eye.Who is this? Behold Him shedding drops of blood upon the ground!
Who is this, despised, rejected, mocked, insulted, beaten, bound?
’Tis our God, who gifts and graces on His church now poureth down;
Who shall smite in righteous judgment all His foes beneath His throne.Who is this that hangeth dying while the rude world scoffs and scorns,
Numbered with the malefactors, torn with nails, and crowned with thorns?
’Tis the God Who ever liveth, ’mid the shining ones on high,
In the glorious golden city, reigning everlastingly.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 14:3] Out Of Bondage
Arise, come ye forth, and forever break the chain,
That long had oppressed you with sorrow and pain;
Arise, come ye forth, hear the blessèd Lord’s command,
And He Himself will guide you with a strong, strong hand.Refrain
Come forth, come forth, and shout the jubilee,
Come forth, come forth, the Lord will make you free;
Come forth from your bonds, hear the blessèd Lord’s command,
And He Himself will guide you with a strong, strong hand.Arise, come ye forth; will ye spend your life for naught,
When Jesus Who loves you a ransom has bought?
The price of His blood, O receive it while you may;
Behold the promised time is now; O come away.Refrain
Arise, come ye forth, and be slaves to sin no more,
How oft your Deliv’rer has called you before;
Come forth from your bonds, and your liberty receive,
Your willing hearts to Jesus give; repent, believe.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 14:3] With Weary Feet And Saddened Heart
With weary feet and saddened heart,
From toil and care we flee,
And come, O dearest Lord, apart,
To rest awhile with Thee.The courts of Heav’n were lost to view,
The world had come between;
But here the veil is rent in two;
We see the things unseen.Our sins, in Thy pure light descried,
Stand out in dread array;
But here in love’s absolving tide
Their guilt is washed away.With strife of tongues distraught and worn
Our troublous way we trod;
But cast ourselves, this holy morn,
Into the peace of God.And oh! what depth of joy, as thus
We bend the trembling knee,
To know that Thou art one with us,
And we are one with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 14:26] Lord God Of Hosts, Whose Mighty Hand
Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand
Dominion holds on sea and land,
In peace and war Your will we see
Shaping the larger liberty;
Nations may rise and nations fall,
Your changeless purpose rules them all.For those who weak and broken lie
In weariness and agony,
Great Healer, to their beds of pain
Come, touch and make them whole again.
O hear a people’s prayers, and bless
Your servants in their hour of stress!For those to whom the call shall come,
We pray Your tender welcome home;
The toil, the bitterness, all past,
We trust them to Your love at last.
O hear a people’s prayers for all
Who, nobly striving, nobly fall!For those who minister and heal,
And spend themselves, their skill, their zeal,
Renew their hearts with Christlike faith,
And guard them from disease and death;
And in Your own good time, Lord, send
Your peace on earth till time shall end.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Jeremiah 50:1--51:64
[Jer 50:5] Come, Let Us Join With Faithful Souls
Come, let us join with faithful souls
Our song of faith to sing;
One brotherhood in heart are we,
And One our Lord and King.Faithful are all who love the truth,
And dare the truth to tell;
Who steadfast stand at God’s right hand,
And strive to serve Him well.And faithful are the gentle hearts
To whom the power is given
Of every hearth to make a home
Of every home a heaven.O mighty host! No tongue can tell
The numbers of its throng;
No words can sound the music vast
Of its great battle song.From step to step it wins its way
Against a world of sin;
Part of the battlefield is won,
And part is yet to win.O Lord of hosts, our faith renew,
And grant us in Thy love
To sing the songs of victory
With faithful souls above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 50:5] Come, Let Us Use The Grace Divine
Come, let us use the grace divine, and all with one accord,
In a perpetual covenant join ourselves to Christ the Lord;
Give up ourselves, through Jesus’ power, His Name to glorify;
And promise, in this sacred hour, for God to live and die.The covenant we this moment make be ever kept in mind;
We will no more our God forsake, or cast these words behind.
We never will throw off the fear of God Who hears our vow;
And if Thou art well pleased to hear, come down and meet us now.Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, let all our hearts receive,
Present with Thy celestial host the peaceful answer give;
To each covenant the blood apply which takes our sins away,
And register our names on high and keep us to that day!Play source: Cyberhymnal