Genesis 18:23-33
approached <05066> [drew.]
sweep <05595> [Wilt.]
there <03426> [there.]
spare <05375> [spare.]
Far be it ....................... Far be it <02486> [be far.]
godly ....... godly <06662> [that the.]
judge <08199> [Shall.]
judge <08199> [Judge.]
undertaken <02974> [I have.]
dust <06083> [dust.]
destroy .............. destroy <07843> [wilt.]
find <04672> [If I.]
Lord <0136> [Oh.]
destroy <07843> [I will not.]
Ex 32:9,10,14 33:13,14 34:6,7,9,10 Nu 14:11-20 Job 33:23
Ps 86:5 Isa 65:8 Mic 7:18 Mt 7:7 Eph 3:20 Jas 5:16 [All]
Lord <03068> [And the.]
Abraham ... Abraham <085> [and Abraham.]