Hebrews 11:4-6
By faith <4102> [faith.]
a greater <4119> [a more.]
he was commended ...... commended <3140> [he obtained.]
through ................ And through <1223 2532> [and by.]
he still speaks <2089 2980> [yet speaketh. or, is yet spoken of.]
Enoch <1802> [Enoch.]
was taken up .................. took ... up <3346> [translated.]
and he was ... to be found <2532 2147> [and was.]
he had been commended <3140> [this testimony.]
see ....................... as having pleased <1492 2100> [that he.]
without <5565> [without.]
3:12,18,19 4:2,6 Nu 14:11 20:12 Ps 78:22,32 106:21,22,24
Isa 7:9 Mr 16:17 Joh 3:18,19 8:24 Ga 5:6 Re 21:8 [All]
approaches <4334> [he that.]
must <1163> [must.]
rewards <3406> [a rewarder.]
seek <1567> [diligently.]