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Isaiah 58:8


light <0216> [thy light.]

restoration <0724> [and thine.]

godly <06664> [and thy.]

splendor <03519> [the glory.]

rear guard <0622> [be thy rereward. Heb. gather thee up.]

Exodus 15:26


diligently obey <08085> [If thou.]

do .......... attention <06213 0238> [and wilt.]

diseases <04245> [diseases.]

Lord .......................................... Lord <03068> [for I am.]

Deuteronomy 7:15


terrible ........... inflict ... on <07760 07451> [will put none.]

The Israelites, if obedient, would have been subject to no maladies but those common to fallen man, and generally very healthy and long lived; being exempted from pestilential diseases, which have often most tremendously scourged guilty nations; and from such maladies in particular, as they had witnessed in Egypt, by which God afflicted their cruel oppressors, (Ex 15:26.) This must be referred to the national covenant; for though godliness often secures the most solid temporal advantages, yet temporal blessings were not, even among them, uniformly dispensed to individuals according to their obedience; but they were to the nation, with an exactness which is not observed towards any other people.

terrible ........... inflict ... on <07760 07451> [will put none.]

Deuteronomy 28:27


boils <07822> [the botch.]

<02914> [emerods.]

eczema <01618> [scab.]

Deuteronomy 28:2


come ..... abundance <0935 05381> [come on thee.]

Deuteronomy 30:20


love <0157> [love.]

loyal <01692> [cleave.]

life <02416> [thy life.]

love ....... obey ..... loyal ............. live ... in <0157 08085 01692 03427> [thou mayest.]

Jeremiah 33:6-8


will <05927> [I will bring.]

heal the wounds <0724> [health.]

{Aruchah;} not a plaister, as some, or progress, as others; but health, or the healing or closing of a wound, as the cognate Arabic {areekat} signifies, from {araka,} to heal.

show <01540> [and will.]


<07622> [will cause.]

rebuild <01129> [and will.]


James 5:14


elders <4245> [for.]

they should pray <4336> [pray.]

anoint <218> [anointing.]

Revelation 21:4


He will wipe away <2316 1813> [God shall.]

not ................ ceased <3756> [no.]

or mourning or ... or <3777 3997> [neither sorrow.]

former things <4413> [the former.]

Revelation 22:2


middle <3319> [the midst.]

tree of life ............... Its <2222 3586> [the tree of life.]

Rather, the definite article not being in the original, "a tree of life;" for there were three trees; one in the street, and one on each side of the river.

healing <2322> [healing.]

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