James 1:1
James <2385> [James.]
a slave <1401> [a servant.]
twelve <1427> [to.]
dispersed abroad <1290> [scattered.]
Greetings <5463> [greeting.]
James 1:4
have <2192> [let.]
perfect ........ perfect and <5046 2532> [perfect and.]
deficient <3007> [wanting.]
James 1:6
he must ask <154> [let.]
doubting ...... doubts <1252> [he.]
James 2:2
assembly <4864> [assembly. Gr. synagogue. gold.]
fine <2986> [goodly.]
in filthy <1722 4508> [in vile.]
James 2:6
you <5210> [ye.]
Are ..... oppressing <2616> [Do.]
and <2532> [and.]
James 2:22
You see <991> [Seest thou. or, Thou seest. faith.]
faith .......... faith was perfected <4102 5048> [faith made.]
James 2:26
For just as <5618> [as.]
spirit <4151> [spirit. or, breath. so.]
James 3:10
From <1537> [of.]
These things <5023> [these.]
James 3:13
wise <4680> [is a.]
understanding <1990> [endued.]
he should show <1166> [let.]
good <2570> [a good.]
among ............. in ... gentleness <1722 4240> [with meekness.]
James 4:3
you ask and ...... you ask <2532 154> [ask, and.]
you can spend <1159> [ye may.]
passions <2237> [lusts. or, pleasures.]
James 5:5
You have lived indulgently <5171> [have lived.]
luxuriously <4684> [been.]
James 5:8
You also .... and <5210 2532> [ye also.]
strengthen <4741> [stablish.]
for <3754> [for.]
James 5:10
who <3739> [who.]
example <5262> [for.]
James 5:19
wanders <4105> [err.]
anyone ........ and someone <2532 5100> [and one.]