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Jeremiah 20:2


flogged <05221> [smote.]

stocks <04115> [the stocks.]

{Hammahpecheth,} from {haphach,} "to overturn, subvert, distort," generally denotes an overthrow, (De 29:22. Isa 1:7; 10:19,) and seems to signify here a sort of stocks, by which the limbs were distorted into uneasy postures. So the Chaldee, {keephtha} and Jerome, {nervus,} which he explains in his comment as "a kind of wooden fetter, into which the feet were thrust, {vinculi lignei genus, cui pedes inseruntur.} Some learned men understand it as merely signifying a place of confinement, or house of correction; but the word is never used for any of the prisons into which the prophet was afterwards cast; and the punishment seems to have been public and ignominious.

Upper <05945> [in the high.]

Jeremiah 32:2


king ..................... royal <04428> [then.]

The siege had commenced on the tenth month of the preceding year, and continued a year after, ending in the fifth month of the following year; consequently the siege must have lasted eighteen months and twenty-seven days. See 2 Ki 25:18.

Jeremiah <03414> [Jeremiah.]

king .............. courtyard ........ royal <02691 04428> [in the.]

Jeremiah 33:1


spoke <01697> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. Moreover.]

This was the eleventh year of Zedekiah, Jeremiah being still shut up in prison; but he was now in the court of the prison, where the elders and the king's officers might consult him with the greater ease.

confined <06113> [he.]

Jeremiah 37:15


officials <08269> [the princes.]

put <05414> [put.]

house <01004> [in the.]

Jeremiah 38:6


took <03947> [took.]

cistern ................................. cistern <0953> [into.]

<04428> [Hammelech. or, the king.]

lowered <07971> [and they.]

cistern ................................. cistern <0953> [And in.]

This dungeon, which seems to have belonged to one of Zedekiah's sons, appears to have been a most dreadful place; the horrors of which were probably augmented by the cruelty of the jailor. "The eastern people," observes Sir J. Chardin, "have not different prisons for the different classes of criminals; the judges do not trouble themselves about where the prisoners are confined, or how they are treated, considering it merely as a place of safety; and all that they require of the jailor is, that the prisoner be forthcoming when called for. As to the rest, he is master to do as he pleases; to treat him well or ill; to put him in irons or not; to shut him up close, or hold him in easier restraint; to admit people to him, or to suffer nobody to see him. If the jailor and his servants have large fees, let the person be the greatest rascal in the world, he shall be lodged in the jailor's own apartment, and the best part of it; and on the contrary, if those that have imprisoned a man give the jailor greater presents, or that he has a greater regard for them, he will treat the prisoner with the greatest inhumanity." This adds a double energy to those passages which speak of "the sighing of the prisoner," and to Jeremiah's supplicating that he might not be remanded to the dungeon of Jonathan. (ver. 26; ch. 37:20.)

Jeremiah 38:28


Jeremiah 40:4

Jeremiah 40:2


Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

Colossians 1:23


you remain <1961> [ye continue.]

established <2311> [grounded.]

shifting <3334> [moved.]

hope <1680> [the hope.]

in <1722> [to.]

under <5259> [under.]

that <3739> [whereof.]

Ephesians 3:1


I <1473> [I.]

prisoner <1198> [the.]

this .......... for the sake of <5127 5228> [for.]

Ephesians 6:20


I am an ambassador <4243> [I am.]

chains <254> [bonds. or, a chain.]

in <1722> [therein. or, thereof. boldly.]

Ephesians 6:2


Ephesians 2:9


Hebrews 11:36


mocking <1701> [mockings.]

And ..... and flogging and .... and <1161 2532 3148> [and scourgings.]

chains <1199> [bonds.]

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