John 9:29-34
know ......... do ... know <1492> [know.]
<1161> [as for.]
We know ......... do not know <2249 1492 3756> [we know not.]
<1722> [herein.]
and ... he caused <2532 455> [and yet.]
We know <1492> [we know.]
if anyone <1437 5100> [if any.]
and does <2532 4160> [and doeth.]
him <5127> [him.]
Never before <1537> [Since.]
It is worthy of remark, that, from the foundation of the world, no person born blind had been restored to sight, even by surgical operation, till about the year 1728; when the celebrated Dr. Cheselden, by couching the eyes of a young man fourteen years of age, restored them to perfect vision. This was the effect of well-directed surgery; that performed by Christ was wholly a miracle, effected by the power of God. The simple means employed could have had no effect in this case, and were merely employed as symbols.
Never before <165> [the world.]
<2258> [were.]
were born <1080> [wast.]
You ....... and ... you ...... So <2532 4771> [and dost.]
and ........ So they threw <2532 1544> [And they.]
they threw him out <846 1854 1544> [cast him out. or, excommunicated him.]