Matthew 14:4-36
wanted <2309> [when.]
because <3754> [because.]
birthday <1077> [birth-day.]
daughter <2364> [the daughter.]
danced <3738> [danced.]
before <1722> [before them. Gr. in the midst.]
Instructed <4264> [being.]
Give <1325> [Give.]
a platter <4094> [a charger.]
king <935> [the king.]
grieved <3076> [sorry.]
oath <3727> [the oath's.]
beheaded <607> [and beheaded.]
prison <5438> [the prison.]
Josephus informs us that John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by Herod in the strong castle of Machaerus, which he describes as situated about 60 stadia east of Jordan, not far from where the river discharges itself into the Dead Sea.
and given ..... and <2532 1325> [and given.]
took <142> [took.]
and he had compassion .... and <2532 4697> [and was.]
to him <846> [his.]
Send .... away <630> [send.]
need <5532> [they.]
he instructed <2753> [he commanded.]
looking up <308> [looking.]
he gave thanks <2127> [he blessed.]
were satisfied <5526> [were.]
and .... and they picked up <2532 142> [and they took.]
about <5616> [about.]
<2424> [Jesus.]
while <2193> [while.]
he went up <305> [he went.]
<2258> [he was.]
beating <928> [tossed.]
was ending <5438 5067> [the fourth watch.]
The Jews at this time divided the night into four watches; the first was from six o'clock in the evening till nine, the second from nine to twelve, the third from twelve till three, and the fourth from three till six; so that it probably began to be daylight before our Lord came to his disciples.
walking <4043> [walking.]
This suspension of the laws of gravitation was a proper manifestation of omnipotence.
they were terrified <5015> [they were.]
Have courage ..... Do ... be afraid <2293 5399> [Be.]
I <1510> [it.]
order <2753> [bid.]
walked <4043> [he walked.]
when ... saw <991> [when.]
<2478> [boisterous. or, strong. Lord.]
reached out <1614> [stretched.]
caught <1949> [and caught.]
You of little faith <3640> [O thou.]
<1684> [come.]
worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
Truly ...... of God <230 2316> [Of.]
After ... had crossed over <1276> [when.]
land ... Gennesaret <1093 1082> [the land of Gennesaret.]
Gennesaret was a fertile district, in which were situated the cities of Tiberias and Capernaum, extending along the western shore of the lake to which it gave name, about 30 stadia, or nearly four miles, in length, and twenty stadia, or two miles and a half, in breadth, according to Josephus.
only <3440> [only.]
edge <2899> [hem.]
were healed <1295> [perfectly.]