Matthew 8:10
he was amazed <2296> [he marvelled.]
I have ... found <2147> [I have.]
Matthew 9:22
daughter <2364> [Daughter.]
Your <4675> [thy.]
from <575> [from.]
Matthew 9:28-29
went <2064> [come.]
Do you believe <4100> [Believe.]
he touched <680> [touched.]
according to <2596> [According.]
Matthew 13:58
Matthew 15:28
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
Our Lord's purpose being now answered, he openly commended her faith, and assured her that her daughter was healed.
great <3173> [great.]
be done <1096> [be it.]
Mark 1:40-41
came <2064> [there.]
a leper <3015> [a leper.]
fell to ... knees <1120> [kneeling.]
If you are willing <1437 2309> [if thou.]
Moved with compassion <4697> [moved.]
I am willing <2309> [I.]
Mark 2:5
saw <1492> [saw.]
he said <3004> [he said.]
Son <5043> [Son.]
The Jews believed that not only death but all disease was the consequence of sin. "There is no death without sin, nor any chastisement without iniquity;" and that "no diseased person could be healed of his disease till his sins were blotted out." Our Lord, therefore, as usual, appeals to their received opinions, and asserts his high dignity, by first forgiving the sins, and then healing the body of the paralytic.
sins <266> [sins.]
Mark 2:11-12
<5620> [insomuch.]
glorified <1392> [glorified.]
We have never seen <1492 3763> [We never.]
Mark 9:23-24
If <1487> [If.]
<3326> [with.]
help <997> [help.]
Mark 10:52
your faith <4675 4102> [thy faith.]
has healed you <4571 4982> [made thee whole. or, saved thee. he received.]
followed <190> [followed.]