Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 95:7
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
John 10:26-28
BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
1. BagiMu, Tuhan, nyanyianku, kar'na setaraMu siapakah ?
Hendak kupuji Kau selalu; padaku Roh Kudus berikanlah,
Supaya dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
kidungku berkenan kepadaMu.
Mzm 89:7
Yes 40:25
Ef 5:18-20
2. O tuntun aku ke PutraMu,
agar padaMu 'ku dituntunNya:
dan RohMu diam dalam rohku,
membuat mata hatiku cerah,
sehingga kurasakan damaiMu
dan kuungkapkan dalam kidungku.
Ef 1:17-18
3. Beri berkatMu, Maha Tuhan,
gar benar kudus puianku,
dan doa juga kulagukan
di dalam Roh dan kebenaranMu,
jiwaku pun padaMu bersyukur,
bersama bala sorga bermazmur.
Yoh 4:23
Mzm 103:20-22
4. Doaku yang tak terucapkan,
Roh kudusMu yang mengungkapkannya
Dan bahwa aku anak Allah,
Roh kudus juga mengatakannya,
sehingga dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
'ku berseru, "Ya Abba, Bapaku!"
Rm 8:26
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
5. Padaku RohMu mengajarkan
berdoa yang sesuai maksudMu;
ya Bapa, pasti Kaudengarkan
doaku dalam nama PutraMu:
di dalam Dia kuterimalah
karunia demi karunia.
Rm 8:26-27
Yoh 16:23-27
Yoh 1:16
6. Betapa aku bahagia
dan sukacita hatiku penuh:
'ku yakin, Kau memperhatikan
semua yang kumohon padaMu.
Berkelimpahan pemberianMu,
Jauh melebihi perkiraanku.
Ef 3:20
7. Di dalam Kristus 'ku terjamin:
Ia sendiri Perantaraku;
di dalam Dia "ya" dan "amin"
yang dalam Roh kuminta padaMu.
Kupuji Dikau kini dan kekal
kar'na bahagia itu kukenal.1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 1:20
Play Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]
1. Bunga 'kan layu kering, sian diganti malam;
soal sandang pangan masih terus penting.
Mzm 103:15-16
2. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
3. Bila kaurasa sepi, siapa yang memahami?
Jika kau menangis, siapa yang mengerti?
4. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
5. Yang kauterima lebih masih kaurasa kurang
dan yang kauperlukan tak pasti diberi.
6. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
7. Takkan di sana perlu surya dan sinar bulan,
kar'na wajah Tuhan 'kan menyinarimu.
Yes 60:18-19
Why 21:23
8. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
9. Hilanglah rasa sedih, Tuhan beserta kita;
hidup bahagia tak akan berhenti.
1 Tes 4:17
10. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
11. Songsonglah Hari Kekal! Nyanyilah bagi Allah;
kita selamanya olehNya dikenal.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
12. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!Play Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
1. Seluruh umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal: besar kecil semua, sekarang
kekal. Mereka dijagai di dalam dunia; baik hidup maupun mati mereka
milikNya. Baik hidup maupun mati mereka milikNya.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
Mrk 10:13-16
Rm 14:8
2. Mereka dikenalNya yang hidup beriman, yang patuh dan percaya
berdasarkan Firman. Firmanlah yang menjadi santapan baka,
Firmanlah yang menjamin bertahan s'lamanya.
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Mat 4:4
3. Mereka dikenalNya yang harapnya teguh, mengaku Yesus saja
Tuhannya yang kudus. Mereka disinari sabdaNya yang benar dan
Tumbuh tiap hari menghijau dan segar.
Mzm 52:10
Mzm 92:13-16
4. Mereka dikenalNya yang kasihnya penuh, yang ikut kehendakNya
dan hidup dalam Roh, berjalan dalam kasih dengan sesamanya dan
suka memberkati menurut contohNya.
Mrk 3:35
Mrk 12:31
Yoh 13:34
Rm 12:10
Flp 2:1-6
Mat 5:44
Rm 12:14
5. Begitu umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal besar-kecil semua, sekarang dan
kekal; mereka menghayati kuasa Roh Kudus iman, harapan, kasih
pegangannya terus.
Mrk 10:13-16
6. Berikanlah, ya Tuhan, iman tetap teguh, harapan tak berkurang dan
kasih yang penuh. Di saat Kau kembali, tempatkan umatMu yang
sudah Kaukenali di sisi kananMu.1 Kor 13:13
Mat 25:33-34
John 21:15-17
'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
1. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku, Penghibur kalau hatiku
gelisah, Yang melepaskan orang dari susah. Wahai jiwaku,
puji Tuhanmu!Mzm 116:1-6
Yoh 21:15-17
Ef 6:24
2 Tim 4:18
2. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Penebus: olehNya taurat tak mengutuk lagi;
lunaslah sudah utang yang ditagih; dosa dihapus darah Yang Kudus.
Rm 5:16-19
Gal 3:13
1 Kor 7:23
Kol 1:20
3. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus s'lamanya: Sabda dan RohNya menyucikan daku;
aib dosaku sudah Ia basuh; 'ku dibarui turut citraNya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
4. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Sobatku: ketika aku, bagai kanak-kanak
jalan tertatih waktu mau melangkah, 'ku dipegang tanganNya yang teguh.
Mzm 73:23
Hos 11:3
5. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus tak henti: rela kupikul salib dan bebanNya
dan kulakukan titah dan pesanNya; jangan olehku Tuhanku sedih.
Mat 11:28-30
Mrk 8:34
6. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus yang teguh memimpin daku sampai aku mati;
di saat itu dosa tiada lagi dan 'ku lega memuji Tuhanku.
Rm 6:7
7. Yang kukasihi, HariNya dekat. Nanti kulihat kemuliaan Tuhan
dan di terangNya Dia kuagungkan. Pujilah Tuhan, segenap jemaat.Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
Play 'KuTahu,Tuhanku [KJ.306]
1. 'Ku tahu, Tuhanku, Engkau milikku, Engkau pilihanku,
bersih hatiku. Pengasih, Pengampun, Juruselamatku,
Engkaulah kucinta kini tekadku.
Ef 6:24
2. Kucinta padaMu kar'na kasihMu. Kauhapus dosaku
dengan wafatMu; mahkota berduri t'lah melukaiMu.
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!
Kol 2:14
3. Tetap Kau kucinta sampai ajalku; kupuji namaMu
s'lama hayatku. Pun saat sang maut renggutkan nyawaku,
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!
Ibr 9:11-14
Mrk 15:17
Yoh 21:15-17
4. Di rumah mulia kekal abadi kupuji namaMu tiada henti;
dengan sukacita 'ku akan berseru:
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!Rm 8:38-39
Play Di Muka Tuhan Yesus [KJ.29]
1. Di muka Tuhan Yesus betapa hina diriku.
Kubawa dosa-dosaku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 15:21
Luk 22:61-62
Yoh 21:17
2. Di muka Tuhan Yesus tersungkur kar'na dosaku,
kubuka kerinduanku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 7:38
3. Di muka Tuhan Yesus 'ku insaf akan salahku;
bertobat kini hatiku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
4. Di muka Tuhan Yesus kudapat kasih sayangNya;
hatiku pasrah berserah di muka Tuhan Yesus.Luk 7:47-48
Psalms 79:13
[Psa 79:13] We Lift Our Hearts In Thanks Today
We lift our hearts in thanks today
For all the gifts of life;
And first, for peace that turns away
The enemies of strife;And next, the beauty of the earth,
Its flowers and lovely things,
The spring’s great miracle of birth,
With sound of songs and wings;Then, harvests of its teeming soil
In orchard, croft and field;
But more, the service and the toil
Of those who helped them yield;And most, the gifts of hope and love,
Of wisdom, truth and right,
The gifts that shine like stars above
To chart the world by night.As we receive, so let us give,
With ready, generous hand,
Rich fruitage from the lives we live
To bless our home and land.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 95:7
[Psa 95:7] Hush, My Soul, What Voice Is Pleading?
Hush, my soul, what voice is pleading?
Thou canst feel its silent power;
Who is this that speaks so gently
In this solemn evening hour?
“Stay, poor sinner; life is fleeting,
And thy soul is dark within;
Wilt thou wait till outer darkness
Close in gloom thy life of sin?”Hark! it is a voice of sweetness,
Tenderly it speaks, and true!
Dark and sad, yet strangely yearning,
For a peace I never knew.
Half inclined to stay and listen,
Half inclined to go away;
Still I linger, for it whispers,
“Harden not thy heart today.”What is this that steals beside me?
Can it be that at my side,
In His own mysterious presence,
Stands the wondrous Crucified?
“Why poor sinner, wilt thou linger?
I am waiting to forgive;
See the meaning of these wound prints;
I have died that thou mayest live!”Hush, my soul! It is thy Savior!
And He seeks His lost one now;
He is waiting, flee not from Him,
Venture near, before Him bow;
Tell Thy sins; He will forgive thee;
And He will not love thee less;
For the human heart of Jesus
Overflows with tenderness.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:7] I Have Heard Thy Voice, Lord Jesus
I have heard Thy voice, Lord Jesus,
Saying in Thy grace divine:
“Fear thou not, I have redeemed thee;
I have called thee, thou art Mine.”
Lord, I bring Thee full allegiance!
Therefore now to Thee I sing,
Answ’ring, “Yea, Thou hast redeemed me;
I am Thine, my Lord, my King!”I have nothing worth Thy taking,
Thou, whom heav’nly hosts adore,
But my heart is longing, yearning,
To be Thine forevermore.
So I come to Thee, Lord Jesus,
Laying in surrender meet
All I am, and have, and hope for,
All I love, at Thy dear feet.Yet the off’rings here are humble,
Which Thy children bring to Thee,
And their best and sweetest praises
Are but rendered falt’ringly.
But our song shall be triumphant,
When Thy glory we shall see:
“All for Jesus!” All for Jesus!
Now and through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:7] No Voice But Thine
We come again, O gracious Lord,
Around Thy hallowed mercy seat,
To feast upon Thy living Word,
And lay our burdens at Thy feet.Refrain
Shut out the world, that we may see
Within our midst no one but Thee;
Our love inspire through faith divine,
That we may hear no voice but Thine.We come again, for still we need
Refreshing showers our hearts to cheer,
In Thy dear Name the grace we plead,
That to Thy throne will bring us near.Refrain
Our strength renew, our hope increase,
And may we now Thy blessings share;
Keep Thou Thine own in perfect peace,
Control our thoughts, direct our prayer.Refrain
And when this hour shall pass away,
Oh, may Thy presence come so near
That from our hearts we all may say,
’Twas good for us to gather here.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:7] Today The Savior Calls
Today the Savior calls:
Ye wand’rers, come;
O ye benighted souls,
Why longer roam?Today the Savior calls:
O listen now!
Within these sacred walls
To Jesus bow.Today the Savior calls:
For refuge fly;
The storm of justice falls,
And death is nigh.The Spirit calls today:
Yield to His power;
O grieve Him not away;
’Tis mercy’s hour.Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 10:26-28
[Joh 10:27] I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
I hear Thy welcome voice
That calls me, Lord, to Thee,
For cleansing in Thy precious blood
That flowed on Calvary.Refrain
I am coming Lord!
Coming now to Thee!
Wash me, cleanse me in the blood
That flowed on Calvary!Refrain
Though coming weak and vile,
Thou dost my strength assure;
Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse,
Till spotless all, and pure.Refrain
’Tis Jesus calls me on
To perfect faith and love,
To perfect hope and peace and trust,
For earth and Heav’n above.Refrain
’Tis Jesus Who confirms
The blessèd work within,
By adding grace to welcomed grace,
Where reigned the power of sin.Refrain
And He the witness gives
To loyal hearts and free
That every promise is fulfilled,
If faith but brings the plea.Refrain
All hail! atoning blood!
All hail! redeeming grace!
All hail! the gift of Christ our Lord,
Our Strength and Righteousness.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:27] Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice
Jesus makes my heart rejoice,
I’m His sheep, and know His voice;
He’s a Shepherd, kind and gracious,
And His pastures are delicious;
Constant love to me He shows,
Yea, my very name He knows.Trusting His mild staff always,
I go in and out in peace;
He will feed me with treasure
Of His grace in richest measure;
When athirst to Him I cry,
Living water He’ll supply.Should not I for gladness leap,
Led by Jesus as His sheep?
For when these blest days are over,
To the arms of my dear Savior
I shall be conveyed to rest:
Amen, yea, my lot is blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:27] Loving Shepherd Of Thy Sheep
Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep,
Keep Thy lamb, in safety keep;
Nothing can Thy power withstand,
None can pluck me from Thy hand.Loving Savior, Thou didst give
Thine own life that we might live,
And the hands outstretched to bless
Bear the cruel nails’ impress.I would praise Thee every day,
Gladly all Thy will obey,
Like Thy blessèd ones above
Happy in Thy precious love.Loving Shepherd, ever near,
Teach Thy lamb Thy voice to hear,
Suffer not my steps to stray
From the straight and narrow way.Where Thou leadest I would go,
Walking in Thy steps below,
Till before my Father’s throne
I shall know as I am known.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:27] My Sheep Know My Voice
My sheep hear My voice, and the path that I take,
They follow wherever I go;
My sheep know My voice and come at my call,
But a stranger’s voice do they not know.Refrain
My sheep know My voice, and day by day
They abide in the fold and go not astray,
They love Me because I have made them my choice,
And they follow My call for My sheep know My voice.My sheep know My voice, and the pastures of green,
Where I lead them so often to feed;
My sheep know My voice and the cool sparkling stream
Where beside its still waters I lead.Refrain
My sheep know My voice, and the valley of death
Through which I shall lead them some day;
But no danger nor harm can touch one of them,
For I will be with them alway.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:28] God The Father, Be Our Stay
God the Father, be our Stay; Oh, let us perish never!
Cleanse us from our sins, we pray, and grant us life forever.
Keep us from the Evil One; uphold our faith most holy,
Grant us to trust Thee solely with humble hearts and lowly.
Let us put God’s armor on, with all true Christians running
Our heav’nly race and shunning the devil’s wiles and cunning.
Amen, amen, this be done; so sing we, hallelujah!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:28] Send Forth, O God, Thy Light And Truth
Send forth, O God, Thy light and truth,
And let them lead me still,
Undaunted, in the paths of right,
Up to Thy holy hill.
Then to Thy altar will I spring,
And in my God rejoice;
And praise shall tune the trembling string,
And gratitude my voice.O why, my soul, art thou cast down?
Within me why distressed?
Thy hopes the God of grace shall crown;
He yet shall make thee blessed.
To Him, my never failing Friend,
I bow, and kiss the rod;
To Him shall thanks and praise ascend,
My Savior and my God.Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 21:15-17
[Joh 21:15] My God, I Love Thee
My God, I love Thee; not because
I hope for Heav’n thereby,
Nor yet because who love Thee not
May eternally die.Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me
Upon the cross embrace;
For me didst bear the nails and spear,
And manifold disgrace.And griefs and torments numberless,
And sweat of agony;
E’en death itself; and all for man
Who was Thine enemy.Then why, O blessèd Jesus Christ
Should I not love Thee well?
Not for the hope of winning Heaven,
Nor of escaping hell.Not with the hope of gaining aught,
Nor seeking a reward,
But as Thyself hast lovèd me,
O everlasting Lord!E’en so I love Thee, and will love,
And in Thy praise will sing,
Solely because Thou art my God,
And my eternal King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] O God, I Love Thee
O God, I love Thee; not that my poor love
May win me entrance to Thy Heaven above,
Nor yet that strangers to Thy love must know
The bitterness of everlasting woe.But, Jesus, Thou art mine, and I am Thine;
Clasped to Thy bosom by Thy arms divine,
Who on the cruel cross for me hast borne
The nails, the spear, and man’s unpitying scorn.No thought can fathom and no tongue express
Thy griefs, Thy toils, Thy anguish measureless,
Thy death, O Lamb of God the undefiled;
And all for me, Thy wayward sinful child.How can I choose but love Thee, God’s dear Son,
O Jesus, loveliest, and most loving One!
Were there no Heaven to gain, no Hell to flee,
For what Thou art alone I must love Thee.Not for the hope of glory or reward,
But even as Thyself hast loved me, Lord,
I love Thee, and will love Thee and adore,
Who art my King, my God, for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] O Jesus, Jesus
O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!
Forgive me if I say,
For very love, Thy sacred Name
A thousand times a day.Refrain
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!I love Thee so I know not how
My transports to control;
Thy love is like a burning fire
Within my very soul.Refrain
Burn, burn, O love, within my heart,
Burn fiercely night and day,
Till all the dross of earthly loves
Is burned, and burned away.Refrain
O light in darkness, joy in grief,
O heav’n begun on earth;
Jesus, my Love, my Treasure, who
Can tell what Thou art worth?Refrain
What limit is there to this love?
Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay?
On, on! our Lord is sweeter far
Today than yesterday.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] She Loved Her Savior
She loved her Savior, and to Him
Her costliest present brought;
To crown His head, or grace His Name,
No gift too rare she thought.And though the prudent worldling frowned,
And thought the poor bereft;
Christ’s humble friend sweet comfort found,
For He approved the gift.The poor are always with us here,
’Tis our great Father’s plan
That mutual wants and mutual care
May bind us man to man.So let the Savior be adored,
And not the poor despised,
Give to the hungry from your hoard,
But all, give all to Christ.Go, clothe the naked, lead the blind,
Give to the weary rest;
For sorrow’s children comfort find,
And help for all distressed.But give to Christ alone Thy heart,
Thy faith, Thy love supreme,
Then for His sake Thine alms impart,
And so give all to Him.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Beautiful Witness
Jimmie, said his kind protector,
Long his faithful friend and guide,
Jimmie, do you love the Savior?
Yes, the happy child replied.
Can you tell how much you love Him?
All my heart to Him I give;
Love my Savior? Yes, forever,
I will try for Him to live.Refrain
Beautiful witness for God is he,
The tears of the orphan are wiped away,
I love Jesus, and Jesus loves me;
And that is all I’ve got to say.’Twas the Holy Spirit led him
In the pleasant way of truth,
And he sought and found the Savior
In the early days of youth.
Should he live till years have sprinkled
O’er his brow the frost of age,
Sweet to him the words of comfort,
From the Bible’s sacred page.Refrain
Children, we may love the Savior;
If we seek Him, we shall find;
Are we ready now to serve Him
With our heart, our strength, and mind?
Think of all His tender mercies,
All the wonders He has done.
Little Jimmie’s bright example
Let us follow, every one.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Forsaken Once, And Thrice Denied
Forsaken once, and thrice denied,
The risen Lord gave pardon free,
Stood once again at Peter’s side,
And asked him, “Lov’st thou Me?”How many times with faithless word
Have we denied His holy Name,
How oft forsaken our dear Lord,
And shrunk when trial came?Saint Peter, when the cock crew clear,
Went out, and wept his broken faith;
Strong as a rock through strife and fear,
He served his Lord till death.How oft his cowardice of heart
We have without his love sincere,
The sin without the sorrow’s smart,
The shame without the tear!O oft forsaken, oft denied,
Forgive our shame, wash out our sin;
Look on us from Thy Father’s side
And let that sweet look win.Hear when we call Thee from the deep,
Still walk beside us on the shore,
Give hands to work, and eyes to weep,
And hearts to love Thee more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Old Time Way, The
Do you love the blessèd Savior
In the old time way?
Is your heart aglow with rapture
In the old time way?Refrain
In the old time way,
In the old time way,
We must claim the old time blessing,
In the old time way.Are you keeping close to Jesus
In the old time way?
Daily walking in His presence
In the old time way?Refrain
Have you made a full surrender
In the old time way?
Given all to follow Jesus
In the old time way?Refrain
Are you working for His kingdom
In the old time way?
Are you leading others to Him
In the old time way?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:17] I Love Jesus
I love Jesus, for He saved my soul;
From His cross the tides of mercy roll;
Long and far He sought me, when astray;
Now, He leads me in His own right way.Refrain
I love Jesus; He’s my King;
Of His mercy I will sing;
I will follow in His paths of light,
Till I see Him in His glory bright.I love Jesus, for He’s always near,
Ever ready with a word of cheer;
Ev’ry day, and ev’ry passing hour,
I will trust Him for His keeping pow’r.Refrain
I love Jesus when the joybeams glow;
Love Him, when the stormy tempests blow;
I will praise Him while the ages roll;
Hallelujah! for He saved my soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:17] I Love My Jesus Quite Alone
I love my Jesus quite alone.
The Bride, the Bridegroom of my spirit;
No others shall my heart, no, none,
Through love, through loving more inherit.
No man can do at once for two.
For one’s, for one’s will and for t’others:
Therefore I’ll leave all others.The magnet needle erring goes,
When from, when from the pole distracted.
And take before quite no repose,
Till he, till he has her attracted.
And since my heart with Thy love dart
Is touched, is touched by its flaming ether,
Therefore, they haste together.And though Thou art like the north star
In Heav…in Heaven altified
And I on earth so distant far
I’ll fol…I’ll follow undenied.
Still Thee my Light, and my eyesight.
Shall still, shall still be turned to Thee,
From every place, and woo Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal