Psalms 19:4
<06957> [line. or, rule, or, direction. In them.]
Psalms 19:1
psalm <04210> [(Title.) A Psalm.]
It is uncertain when this highly finished and beautiful ode was composed; though some think it was written by David in the wilderness when persecuted by Saul.
heavens <08064> [The heavens.]
sky <07549> [the firmament.]
{RakeeÆ’,} from {rakÆ’,} to stretch out, the expanse, not only containing the celestial bodies, but also the air, light, rain, dews, etc., all of which display the infinite power and wisdom of their Almighty Creator.
Psalms 10:1-18
stand <05975> [A.M. 3464. B.C. 541. standest.]
during <05956> [hidest.]
wicked <07563> [The wicked, etc. Heb. In the pride of the wicked he doth, etc.]
trapped <08610> [let.]
boasts <01984> [boasteth.]
[hearts. Heb. soul's. and blesseth, etc. or, the covetous blesseth himself, he abhorreth the Lord.]
Lord <03068> [whom.]
rejects <05006> [abhorreth.]
arrogant <01363> [the pride.]
hold ... accountable <01875> [will not.]
God <0430> [God, etc. or, all his thoughts are, There is no God.]
<04209> [thoughts.]
commands <04941> [thy judgments.]
disdains <06315> [he puffeth.]
says <0559> [said.]
upended <04131> [not.]
<01755> [never. Heb. unto generation and generation.]
full <04390> [full.]
deceptive <04820> [and deceit. Heb. deceits.]
tongue <03956> [under.]
injures <05999> [mischief.]
destroys <0205> [vanity. or, iniquity.]
waits <03427> [sitteth.]
eyes <05869> [his eyes.]
look for <06845> [are privily set. Heb. hide themselves.]
ambush ............... ambush <0693> [He lieth.]
hidden place <04565> [secretly. Heb. in the secret places.]
catch ..... catches <02414> [to catch.]
oppressed ..... oppressed ... pulling <06041 04900> [poor, when.]
crushed <01794> [croucheth. Heb. breaketh himself.]
beaten down <07817> [humbleth.]
sturdy <06099> [by his strong ones. Heb. or, into his strong parts.]
says <0559> [said.]
God <0410> [God.]
Rise <06965> [Arise.]
strike <05375> [lift.]
forget <07911> [forget.]
<06035> [humble. or, afflicted.]
reject <05006> [contemn.]
accountable <01875> [Thou.]
notice <07200> [Thou hast.]
see <05027> [for thou.]
inflicts <05414> [to requite.]
unfortunate victim <02489> [the poor.]
entrusts <05800> [committeth. Heb. leaveth.]
deliver <05826> [helper.]
Break <07665> [Break.]
accountable <01875> [seek.]
Lord <03068> [The Lord.]
nations <01471> [heathen.]
Lord <03068> [Lord.]
oppressed <06035> [humble.]
feel secure <03559> [thou wilt prepare. or, establish.]
listen <0241> [cause.]
defend <08199> [judge.]
<0582> [the man.]
terrorize <06206> [oppress. or, terrify.]