NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 45:6


throne <03678> [throne.]

God <0430> [O God.]

scepter ....... scepter <07626> [the sceptre.]

Psalms 45:1


music director <05329> [(Title.) To the chief.]

Or, rather, "To the chief musician upon the hexachords, a didactic ode for the sons of Korah, and a song of loves." {Shoshannim} most probably denotes hexachords, or six-stringed instruments, from {shesh,} "six:" hence the Persian {shasta,} a six-stringed lute. This Psalm is supposed by some to be an epithalamium, or nuptial song, on the marriage of Solomon with Pharaoh's daughter; but with what propriety could Solomon be described as fairer than the children of men, a mighty warrior, a victorious conqueror, and a prince whose throne is for ever and ever? A greater than Solomon is here; and the person described is no other than the Messiah, as is acknowledged by many Jewish writers. The Targum on ver. 3 says, "Thy beauty, {malka meshecha,} O King Messiah, is greater than the children of men;" and the Apostle expressly quotes it as such Heb 1:8, 9. It was probably written by David after Nathan's prophetic address 1 Ch 17:27.

Lilies <07799> [Shoshannim.]

69:1 80:1 *titles [All]

well-written poem <04905> [Maschil. or, of instruction. A song.]

stirred <07370> [is inditing. Heb. boileth, or, bubbleth up.]

beautiful <02896> [a good.]

king <04428> [touching.]

tongue <03956> [tongue.]

Psalms 22:10


came out <07993> [cast.]

God <0410> [thou.]

birth .......... mother's <07358 0517> [from.]

Isaiah 9:7


vast <04766> [the increase.]

strengthening ..... justice <05582 04941> [to establish it.]

intense devotion <07068> [The zeal.]

Ezekiel 37:24-25


David <01732> [David.]

one <0259> [one.]

<03212> [they shall.]


live .... land ............ lived .... live <03427 0776> [they shall dwell in.]

children .... grandchildren <01121> [even they.]

servant ....................... servant <05650> [and my.]

Daniel 2:44


days <03118> [in the days. Chal. in their days.]

That is, in the days of one of these kingdoms, (see Ru 1:1,) i.e, the Roman; in which the "God of heaven set up" the spiritual kingdom of the Messiah, which shall yet "become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth."

God <0426> [the God.]

raise up ...................................... stand <06966> [set up.]

everlasting ..................................... forever <05957> [which shall never.]

kingdom ......... kingdom ....................... kingdoms <04437> [kingdom. Chal. kingdom thereof. break.]

Luke 1:32-33


great <2071 3173> [shall be great.]

Son <5207> [the Son.]

will give <1325> [give.]


He will reign <936> [he.]

house <3624> [the.]

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