Romans 1:4
was appointed <3724> [declared. Gr. determined. the Son.]
according to <2596> [according.]
Romans 2:8
in <1537> [contentious.]
and .......... and do not obey <2532 544> [and do not.]
but .................. but follow <1161 3982> [but obey.]
anger <2372> [indignation.]
Romans 2:27
who keeps <5055> [if it fulfil.]
judge <2919> [judge.]
written code <1223 1121> [by the.]
Romans 3:20
For <1360> [Therefore.]
before him <846 1799> [in his sight.]
by ....... for through <1537 1063 1223> [for by the.]
Romans 3:30
Romans 5:1
have been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we have <2192> [we have.]
through <1223> [through.]
Romans 9:6
as though <3634 1161> [as though.]
not ........... not <3756> [they are not.]
Romans 9:30
shall we say <2046> [shall.]
Gentiles <1484> [the Gentiles.]
did ... pursue <1377> [followed.]
righteousness ....... righteousness <1161 1343> [even the righteousness.]
Romans 10:5
one <3754 444> [That the man.]
Romans 11:15
rejection <580> [the casting.]
reconciliation <2643> [the reconciling.]
<1508> [but.]
Romans 11:36
from him .... him .... him ..... To him <1537 846> [of him.]
him .... him .... him ..... To him <846> [to whom. Gr. to him.]