Romans 4:8-25
<3739> [to whom.]
this <3778> [Cometh.]
For we say ....... as <1063 1519 3004> [for we.]
circumcised .......... not circumcised <1722 4061 3756> [not in circumcision.]
"Faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness," at least 14 years before he was circumcised; the former having taken place some time before Ishmael's birth, at which time he was 86 years old, and the other when Ishmael was 13 years of age, and Abraham 99.
sign <4592> [the sign.]
seal <4973> [a seal.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
father <3962> [father.]
righteousness .................................. righteousness <1519 1343> [that righteousness.]
not <3756> [to them.]
footsteps <2487> [in the steps.]
For ... promise ...... his .... he <1063 846 1860> [For the.]
his .... he ......... through ... law ... through ... righteousness <846 1223 3551 1343> [through the.]
through .... but through <1223 235> [but through.]
is empty ..... is nullified <2758 2673> [made.]
For <1063> [Because.]
where <3757> [where.]
by faith ...................................... faith <4102 1537> [of faith.]
promise <1860> [the promise.]
father <3962> [the father.]
I have made <5087> [I have.]
[before him. or, like unto him.]
makes .... alive <2227> [who quickeneth.]
summons <2564> [calleth.]
<3844> [against.]
Without <3361> [being.]
he considered <2657> [considered.]
He did ... waver <1252> [staggered.]
but was strengthened <1161 235 1743> [but was.]
was fully convinced <4135> [fully.]
able <2076 1415> [he was able.]
it was credited <3049> [it was imputed.]
for our sake <1223 2248> [for us.]
believe <4100> [if we.]
He was given over <3739 3860> [Who was.]
and was raised <2532 1453> [and was raised.]