Romans 8:6
outlook .... flesh ...... outlook <5427 4561> [to be carnally minded. Gr. the minding of the flesh. So.]
outlook ......... outlook .... Spirit <5427 4151> [to be spiritually minded. Gr. the minding of the Spirit.]
Romans 8:10
if Christ <1487 5547> [if Christ.]
body <4983> [the body.]
But .............. but <1161> [but.]
life <2222> [life.]
Romans 8:38
For I am convinced <1063 3982> [For I.]
that <3754> [that.]
neither ... nor ... nor ... nor .... nor ...... nor ..... nor <3777> [nor.]
Romans 11:15
rejection <580> [the casting.]
reconciliation <2643> [the reconciling.]
<1508> [but.]
Romans 5:10
<5607> [when.]
we were reconciled ............... have been reconciled <2644> [reconciled.]
will we be saved <4982> [we shall.]
Romans 6:23
For ... payoff <1063 3800> [For the wages.]
but ... gift <1161 5486> [but the.]
Romans 5:17
transgression .... one man .... through ... one ...................... through ... one <1520 3900 1223> [by one man's offence. or, by one offence. abundance.]
gift <1431> [gift.]
reigned ...................... reign <936> [shall reign.]