Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Exodus 29:21-46 (NET)

29:21 You are to take some of the blood that is on the altar and some of the anointing oil and sprinkle it on Aaron , on his garments , on his sons , and on his sons ’ garments with him, so that he may be holy , he and his garments along with his sons and his sons ’ garments . 29:22 “You are to take from the ram the fat , the fat tail , the fat that covers the entrails , the lobe of the liver , the two kidneys and the fat that is on them, and the right thigh – for it is the ram for consecration 29:23 and one round flat cake of bread , one perforated cake of oiled bread , and one wafer from the basket of bread made without yeast that is before the Lord . 29:24 You are to put all these in Aaron’s hands and in his sons ’ hands , and you are to wave them as a wave offering before the Lord . 29:25 Then you are to take them from their hands and burn them on the altar for a burnt offering , for a soothing aroma before the Lord . It is an offering made by fire to the Lord . 29:26 You are to take the breast of the ram of Aaron’s consecration ; you are to wave it as a wave offering before the Lord , and it is to be your share . 29:27 You are to sanctify the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the contribution , which were waved and lifted up as a contribution from the ram of consecration , from what belongs to Aaron and to his sons . 29:28 It is to belong to Aaron and to his sons from the Israelites , by a perpetual ordinance , for it is a contribution . It is to be a contribution from the Israelites from their peace offerings , their contribution to the Lord . 29:29 “The holy garments that belong to Aaron are to belong to his sons after him, so that they may be anointed in them and consecrated in them. 29:30 The priest who succeeds him from his sons , when he first comes to the tent of meeting to minister in the Holy Place, is to wear them for seven days . 29:31 “You are to take the ram of the consecration and cook its meat in a holy place . 29:32 Aaron and his sons are to eat the meat of the ram and the bread that was in the basket at the entrance of the tent of meeting . 29:33 They are to eat those things by which atonement was made to consecrate and to set them apart , but no one else may eat them, for they are holy . 29:34 If any of the meat from the consecration offerings or any of the bread is left over until morning , then you are to burn up what is left over . It must not be eaten , because it is holy . 29:35 “Thus you are to do for Aaron and for his sons , according to all that I have commanded you; you are to consecrate them for seven days . 29:36 Every day you are to prepare a bull for a purification offering for atonement . You are to purge the altar by making atonement for it, and you are to anoint it to set it apart as holy . 29:37 For seven days you are to make atonement for the altar and set it apart as holy . Then the altar will be most holy . Anything that touches the altar will be holy . 29:38 “Now this is what you are to prepare on the altar every day continually : two lambs a year old . 29:39 The first lamb you are to prepare in the morning , and the second lamb you are to prepare around sundown . 29:40 With the first lamb offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of oil from pressed olives, and a fourth of a hin of wine as a drink offering . 29:41 The second lamb you are to offer around sundown ; you are to prepare for it the same meal offering as for the morning and the same drink offering , for a soothing aroma , an offering made by fire to the Lord . 29:42 “This will be a regular burnt offering throughout your generations at the entrance of the tent of meeting before the Lord , where I will meet with you to speak to you there . 29:43 There I will meet with the Israelites , and it will be set apart as holy by my glory . 29:44 “So I will set apart as holy the tent of meeting and the altar , and I will set apart as holy Aaron and his sons , that they may minister as priests to me. 29:45 I will reside among the Israelites , and I will be their God , 29:46 and they will know that I am the Lord their God , who brought them out from the land of Egypt , so that I may reside among them. I am the Lord their God .


  • Exo 29:1-46 -- The Consecration of Aaron and His Sons

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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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  • I. The liberation of Israel 1:1-15:21A. God's preparation of Israel and Moses chs. 1-41. The growth of Jacob's family 1:1-72. The Israelites' bondage in Egypt 1:8-223. Moses' birth and education 2:1-104. Moses' flight from Eg...
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  • The rest of this section contains the record of the Israelites' reaction to the giving of the Law and God's reason for giving it as He did. He wanted the people to reverence Him and therefore not to sin (v. 20).343"It can be ...
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  • The Israelites carried out the instructions given here later. The record of this seven-day ritual appears in Leviticus 8. I shall defer comment since Moses explained the offerings and procedures specified in this chapter more...
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  • Breaking God's covenant resulted in the Israelites' separation from fellowship with Him. It did not terminate their relationship with Him, but it did hinder their fellowship with Him. Similarly when Christians sin we do not c...
  • The renewal of the covenant made the erection of the tabernacle possible. Here begins what scholars refer to as the Code of the Priests (Exod. 35--Lev. 16). Having broken the covenant once, God proceeded to give His people mo...
  • Moses described the directions for constructing the tabernacle and its furnishings earlier (chs. 25-31). I will simply give a breakdown of the individual items here with references and parallel references (cf. also 35:11-19)....
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  • The Israelites erected the tabernacle on the first day of the first month, almost exactly one year after the Israelites left Egypt (vv. 2, 17). This was about nine months after Israel had arrived at Mt. Sinai (cf. 19:1).First...
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  • This chapter contains one of the great failures of Israel that followed one of its great blessings.238As God was preparing to bless His people they were preparing to disobey Him."So now we come to the ultimate rebellion of Is...
  • Another step in preparing to enter Canaan involved setting forth in an organized fashion all the sacrifices that God required the priests to offer for the whole nation during a year. These offerings maintained fellowship with...
  • Moses turned in his address from contemplating the past to an exhortation for the future. This section is the climax of his first speech."The parallel between the literary structure of this chapter and that of the Near Easter...
  • The lesson the writer intended this incident to teach the readers is that Yahweh is holy and His people should not take His presence among them lightly (cf. Lev. 10:1-11; Num. 16). God's presence is real, and His people must ...
  • God had revealed detailed plans for the temple to David (v. 19). Evidently God had instructed David as He had Moses (Exod. 25-31). The writer did not include all the details of the plan David received from the Lord any more t...
  • The text does not record exactly when the exiles arrived in Jerusalem, but it was probably sometime in 537 B.C. since Cyrus issued his decree in 538 B.C. The "seventh month"(v. 1) of the Jew's sacred calendar was Tishri (late...
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  • 43:18 The Lord told Ezekiel what to do when the construction of the altar was complete.538The purpose of this altar was to receive the burnt offerings that people would bring to the Lord and to receive the blood of those anim...
  • 44:15-16 The Levites from Zadok's branch of the priestly family, however, would have special privileges since Zadok and his sons had served the Lord faithfully in the past (cf. 40:46; 1 Sam. 2:35; 2 Sam. 8:17; 15:24-29; 1 Kin...
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  • 2:10 Another prophecy came from the Lord on the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month of 520 B.C. (Kislev 24, December 18). During the two months between this prophecy and the former one (vv. 1-9), Zechariah began his ministry...
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  • The writer next emphasized the future glory that the Son will experience to heighten his readers' appreciation for Him and for their own future with Him. He did this by reflecting on Psalm 8. He wanted his readers to apprecia...
  • 7:26 In view of His superior ministry it is only fitting that our High Priest should be a superior Person. "Holy"(Gr. hosios) stresses blamelessness.230"Innocent"means without guile or malice. "Undefiled"looks at His absolute...
  • Peter began this epistle in the manner that was customary in this day.9He introduced himself and his original readers, and he wished God's blessing on them to prepare them for what he had to say. He prepared them for dealing ...
  • 2:26 The "these things"in view probably refer to what John had just written (vv. 18-25)."The author concludes his attack on the false teachers with a warning and a word of encouragement for his followers."992:27 The "anointin...
  • 21:2 In the same vision, John next saw a city descending out of heaven from God (cf. v. 10; 3:12; Heb. 11:13-16). It was holy in contrast to the former Jerusalem (cf. 11:8; Isa. 52:1; Matt. 4:5; 27:53). As the old Jerusalem w...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

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