Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Numbers 16:8-50 (NET)

16:8 Moses said to Korah , “Listen now , you sons of Levi ! 16:9 Does it seem too small a thing to you that the God of Israel has separated you from the community of Israel to bring you near to himself, to perform the service of the tabernacle of the Lord , and to stand before the community to minister to them? 16:10 He has brought you near and all your brothers , the sons of Levi , with you. Do you now seek the priesthood also ? 16:11 Therefore you and all your company have assembled together against the Lord ! And Aaron – what is he that you murmur against him?” 16:12 Then Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram , the sons of Eliab , but they said , “We will not come up . 16:13 Is it a small thing that you have brought us up out of the land that flows with milk and honey , to kill us in the wilderness ? Now do you want to make yourself a prince over us? 16:14 Moreover , you have not brought us into a land that flows with milk and honey , nor given us an inheritance of fields and vineyards . Do you think you can blind these men ? We will not come up .” 16:15 Moses was very angry , and he said to the Lord , “Have no respect for their offering ! I have not taken so much as one donkey from them , nor have I harmed any one of them !” 16:16 Then Moses said to Korah , “You and all your company present yourselves before the Lord – you and they , and Aaron – tomorrow . 16:17 And each of you take his censer , put incense in it, and then each of you present his censer before the Lord : 250 censers , along with you , and Aaron – each of you with his censer .” 16:18 So everyone took his censer , put fire in it, and set incense on it, and stood at the entrance of the tent of meeting , with Moses and Aaron . 16:19 When Korah assembled the whole community against them at the entrance of the tent of meeting , then the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole community .
The Judgment on the Rebels
16:20 The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron : 16:21 “Separate yourselves from among this community , that I may consume them in an instant .” 16:22 Then they threw themselves down with their faces to the ground and said , “O God , the God of the spirits of all people , will you be angry with the whole community when only one man sins ?” 16:23 So the Lord spoke to Moses : 16:24 “Tell the community : ‘Get away from around the homes of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram .’” 16:25 Then Moses got up and went to Dathan and Abiram ; and the elders of Israel went after him. 16:26 And he said to the community , “Move away from the tents of these wicked men , and do not touch anything they have, lest you be destroyed because of all their sins .” 16:27 So they got away from the homes of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram on every side , and Dathan and Abiram came out and stationed themselves in the entrances of their tents with their wives , their children , and their toddlers . 16:28 Then Moses said , “This is how you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these works , for I have not done them of my own will . 16:29 If these men die a natural death , or if they share the fate of all men , then the Lord has not sent me. 16:30 But if the Lord does something entirely new , and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up along with all that they have, and they go down alive to the grave , then you will know that these men have despised the Lord !” 16:31 When he had finished speaking all these words , the ground that was under them split open , 16:32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, along with their households , and all Korah’s men , and all their goods . 16:33 They and all that they had went down alive into the pit , and the earth closed over them. So they perished from among the community . 16:34 All the Israelites who were around them fled at their cry , for they said , “What if the earth swallows us too?” 16:35 Then a fire went out from the Lord and devoured the 250 men who offered incense .
The Atonement for the Rebellion
16:36 The Lord spoke to Moses : 16:37 “Tell Eleazar son of Aaron the priest to pick up the censers out of the flame , for they are holy , and then scatter the coals of fire at a distance . 16:38 As for the censers of these men who sinned at the cost of their lives , they must be made into hammered sheets for covering the altar , because they presented them before the Lord and sanctified them. They will become a sign to the Israelites .” 16:39 So Eleazar the priest took the bronze censers presented by those who had been burned up , and they were hammered out as a covering for the altar . 16:40 It was a memorial for the Israelites , that no outsider who is not a descendant of Aaron should approach to burn incense before the Lord , that he might not become like Korah and his company – just as the Lord had spoken by the authority of Moses . 16:41 But on the next day the whole community of Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron , saying , “You have killed the Lord’s people !” 16:42 When the community assembled against Moses and Aaron , they turned toward the tent of meeting – and the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared . 16:43 Then Moses and Aaron stood before the tent of meeting . 16:44 The Lord spoke to Moses : 16:45 “Get away from this community , so that I can consume them in an instant !” But they threw themselves down with their faces to the ground. 16:46 Then Moses said to Aaron , “Take the censer , put burning coals from the altar in it, place incense on it, and go quickly into the assembly and make atonement for them, for wrath has gone out from the Lord – the plague has begun !” 16:47 So Aaron did as Moses commanded and ran into the middle of the assembly , where the plague was just beginning among the people . So he placed incense on the coals and made atonement for the people . 16:48 He stood between the dead and the living , and the plague was stopped . 16:49 Now 14,700 people died in the plague , in addition to those who died in the event with Korah . 16:50 Then Aaron returned to Moses at the entrance of the tent of meeting , and the plague was stopped .



Bible Dictionary



Sermon Illustrations

Satan Can Bring Sickness and Suffering; Satan’s Ways to Bring Sickness; How Satan Brings Sickness and Suffering


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • After offering these sacrifices, Aaron blessed the people (v. 22). He "stepped down"perhaps from a platform near the altar of burnt offerings on which he may have been standing to address the people. Probably Moses took Aaron...
  • Moses did not identify Nadab and Abihu's exact offense in the text. However the "strange fire"seems most likely to have been an incense offering presented apart from God's command. It may have involved assuming the role of th...
  • To formulate a statement that summarizes the teaching of this book it will be helpful to identify some of the major revelations in Numbers. These constitute the unique values of the book.The first major value of Numbers is th...
  • I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-101. The first census and the organization of the people chs. 1-42. Commands and rituals t...
  • The end of chapter 10 is the high point of the Book of Numbers spiritually. The beginning of chapter 11 records the beginning of the spiritual decline of Israel that resulted in God's judging the nation. He postponed the fulf...
  • Having received their sentence from the Lord, the people then presumptuously proceeded to go up on their own to take the land (vv. 40-42)."They are like children who had broken a valuable vase and decided to make it better' b...
  • Moses recorded few events during the years of Israel's wandering in the wilderness, but those he did preserve have instructive value. Most important among them is the rebellion of Korah's group against Moses and Aaron, and Go...
  • "As the laws increase and the constraints grow, the people seem less willing or less capable of following them. At this point in the narrative we see that the whole order of the priesthood is thrown open to direct confrontati...
  • The fact that God halted the plague in response to Aaron's atoning action with his censer (16:47-48) would have proved that God accepted him as the high priest and not the rebels. God gave the miracle of the budding rod to ma...
  • God gave this law so the nation might maintain purity as the older generation died off in the wilderness. Its purpose was not to remove sin itself but to remove the uncleanness that death represented because of its connection...
  • Here begins the fourth and last leg of the Israelites' journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.1. From Egypt to Sinai (Exod. 12-19)2. From Sinai to Kadesh (Num. 11-12)3. From Kadesh back to Kadesh--38 years of wilderness wand...
  • At the end of 37 years the Israelites returned to the wilderness of Zin and Kadesh. Kadesh was a large area of desert located on the edge of the wilderness of Zin. God had previously judged the older generation of Israelites ...
  • The Book of Numbers is a lesson in the importance of trust and obedience. The Israelites frequently failed to trust and obey God in the hours of their trials, and consequently God postponed His blessing. Most of them never en...
  • Because God did not reveal Himself in any physical form He forbade the Israelites' making any likeness of Him as an aid to worship (vv. 15-18). They were not to worship the heavenly bodies for this purpose either (v. 19) as d...
  • The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
  • The lesson the writer intended this incident to teach the readers is that Yahweh is holy and His people should not take His presence among them lightly (cf. Lev. 10:1-11; Num. 16). God's presence is real, and His people must ...
  • The Chronicler gave us much more information about Uzziah than we have in Kings (2 Kings 15:1-7). Uzziah ("Yahweh is strong") was evidently the king's throne name and Azariah ("Yahweh helps") his personal name.Uzziah, as his ...
  • These men returned but could not serve as priests until the high priest could determine that they were indeed descendants of Aaron (cf. Num. 16:40; 18:9-10). Perhaps the high priest did this using the Urim and Thummim if thes...
  • The king gave the Jews permission to defend themselves by killing their enemies. Evidently this meant that they not only met attack with resistance but in some cases initiated attack against those who they knew would destroy ...
  • 106:6 The psalmist confessed that Israel had been unfaithful to God. This was true of his own generation as it had been true of former generations. This confession introduced a review of specific iniquities and wickedness.106...
  • 20:10-12 So the Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness. At Mount Sinai He gave them statutes and ordinances that would result in their welfare if they obeyed them, namely, the Mosaic Law. He also gave th...
  • 2:19 Even though some in the church were upsetting and being upset, the church itself had stood and would continue to stand firm (Gr. perfect tense; cf. vv. 20-21; 1 Cor. 3:10-12; Eph. 2:20-22; 1 Tim. 3:15). The witness (seal...
  • Having explored the concept of Jesus as a faithfulhigh priest (3:1-4:14), the writer proceeded next to develop the idea that Jesus is a mercifulhigh priest in the service of God (cf. 2:17). A high priest must be faithful to G...
  • The writer now focused on the issue of sacrifice."The argument moves a stage further as the author turns specifically to what Christ has done. The sacrifices of the old covenant were ineffectual. But in strong contrast Christ...
  • The writer turned from positive admonition to negative warning to highlight the seriousness of departing from the Lord."Between the imperatives of vv. 22-25 and 32, 35, the author describes, more fully than in 2:2f.; 6:4-6, t...
  • The writer put his readers' sufferings in perspective so they might not overestimate the difficulty they faced in remaining faithful to God."Suffering comes to all; it is part of life, but it is not easy to bear. Yet it is no...
  • The writer shifted again from exposition to exhortation. The hook word "speak"(Gr. lalountiand lalounta) in verses 24 and 25 ties the two sections together.12:25 The One speaking probably refers to God. "Him who warned them o...
  • v. 10 The things the false teachers did not understand but reviled probably refer to aspects of God's revealed will that they chose to reject (cf. 1 Cor. 2:7-16)."Jude, like his brother James, denounces the sins of the tongue...
  • The revelation of Satan's activity, which the song of the martyrs (vv. 10-12) interrupted, now resumes.12:13 Satan will concentrate his vengeance on Israelites during the Great Tribulation, under the sovereign control of God,...
  • 19:17 John saw next an angel standing in the sun, a conspicuous position in which all the birds could see him. He cried loudly for all the birds flying in midheaven to assemble (cf. Ezek. 39:4, 17). Jesus referred to the same...
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