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Text -- Acts 19:2-41 (NET)

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19:2 and said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They replied, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 19:3 So Paul said, “Into what then were you baptized?” “Into John’s baptism,” they replied. 19:4 Paul said, “John baptized with a baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, in Jesus.” 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, 19:6 and when Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they began to speak in tongues and to prophesy. 19:7 (Now there were about twelve men in all.)
Paul Continues to Minister at Ephesus
19:8 So Paul entered the synagogue and spoke out fearlessly for three months, addressing and convincing them about the kingdom of God. 19:9 But when some were stubborn and refused to believe, reviling the Way before the congregation, he left them and took the disciples with him, addressing them every day in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. 19:10 This went on for two years, so that all who lived in the province of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.
The Seven Sons of Sceva
19:11 God was performing extraordinary miracles by Paul’s hands, 19:12 so that when even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his body were brought to the sick, their diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. 19:13 But some itinerant Jewish exorcists tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were possessed by evil spirits, saying, “I sternly warn you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.” 19:14 (Now seven sons of a man named Sceva, a Jewish high priest, were doing this.) 19:15 But the evil spirit replied to them, “I know about Jesus and I am acquainted with Paul, but who are you?” 19:16 Then the man who was possessed by the evil spirit jumped on them and beat them all into submission. He prevailed against them so that they fled from that house naked and wounded. 19:17 This became known to all who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks; fear came over them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was praised. 19:18 Many of those who had believed came forward, confessing and making their deeds known. 19:19 Large numbers of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them up in the presence of everyone. When the value of the books was added up, it was found to total fifty thousand silver coins. 19:20 In this way the word of the Lord continued to grow in power and to prevail.
A Riot in Ephesus
19:21 Now after all these things had taken place, Paul resolved to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. He said, “After I have been there, I must also see Rome.” 19:22 So after sending two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, he himself stayed on for a while in the province of Asia. 19:23 At that time a great disturbance took place concerning the Way. 19:24 For a man named Demetrius, a silversmith who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought a great deal of business to the craftsmen. 19:25 He gathered these together, along with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that our prosperity comes from this business. 19:26 And you see and hear that this Paul has persuaded and turned away a large crowd, not only in Ephesus but in practically all of the province of Asia, by saying that gods made by hands are not gods at all. 19:27 There is danger not only that this business of ours will come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be regarded as nothing, and she whom all the province of Asia and the world worship will suffer the loss of her greatness.” 19:28 When they heard this they became enraged and began to shout, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” 19:29 The city was filled with the uproar, and the crowd rushed to the theater together, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus, the Macedonians who were Paul’s traveling companions. 19:30 But when Paul wanted to enter the public assembly, the disciples would not let him. 19:31 Even some of the provincial authorities who were his friends sent a message to him, urging him not to venture into the theater. 19:32 So then some were shouting one thing, some another, for the assembly was in confusion, and most of them did not know why they had met together. 19:33 Some of the crowd concluded it was about Alexander because the Jews had pushed him to the front. Alexander, gesturing with his hand, was wanting to make a defense before the public assembly. 19:34 But when they recognized that he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” for about two hours. 19:35 After the city secretary quieted the crowd, he said, “Men of Ephesus, what person is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is the keeper of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image that fell from heaven? 19:36 So because these facts are indisputable, you must keep quiet and not do anything reckless. 19:37 For you have brought these men here who are neither temple robbers nor blasphemers of our goddess. 19:38 If then Demetrius and the craftsmen who are with him have a complaint against someone, the courts are open and there are proconsuls; let them bring charges against one another there. 19:39 But if you want anything in addition, it will have to be settled in a legal assembly. 19:40 For we are in danger of being charged with rioting today, since there is no cause we can give to explain this disorderly gathering.” 19:41 After he had said this, he dismissed the assembly.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Achaia a Roman province located in Greece along the south coast of the Gulf of Corinth
 · Alexander the son of Simon the Cyrenian who was compelled to carry the cross of Jesus,a leading man of Jerusalem when Peter and John were tried there,a man who was converted but who afterwards apostatised
 · Aristarchus a man who accompanied Paul on his third missionary journey
 · Artemis a pagan goddess
 · Asia A Roman province on the west side of Asia Minor.
 · Demetrius a man who was a silversmith in Ephesus and who opposed Paul,a man who was well spoken of by John
 · Diana a pagan goddess
 · Ephesians the inhabitants of Ephesus
 · Ephesus a town in western Asia Minor at the mouth of the Cayster River
 · Erastus a man who was a friend of Paul
 · Gaius a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John
 · Greek the language used by the people of Greece
 · Jerusalem the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin
 · Jewish the people descended from Israel
 · Jews the people descended from Israel
 · John a son of Zebedee; younger brother of James; the beloved disciple of Christ,a relative of Annas the high priest,a son of Mary the sister of Barnabas, and surnamed Mark,the father of Simon Peter
 · Jupiter the king of the Greek gods
 · Macedonia a Roman province north of Greece which included 10 Roman colonies (IBD),citizens of the province of Macedonia
 · Paul a man from Tarsus who persecuted the church but became a missionary and writer of 13 Epistles
 · Rome the capital city of Italy
 · Sceva a Jewish chief priest.
 · Timothy a young man of Lystra who travelled with Paul and to whom two epistles were addressed
 · Tyrannus a man in Ephesus in whose school Paul spoke

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Reasoning | Paul | PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 | PASTORAL EPISTLES | Magic | LYDIA (1) | LAODICEANS, EPISTLE TO THE | GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE | Ephesus | Demetrius | Daemoniac | Curious arts | Chiefs of Asia | CHARM | Beast | Baptism, John's | Baptism, Christian | BAPTISM (LUTHERAN DOCTRINE) | Asia | ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, 8-12 | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Act 19:2 - -- Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed? ( ei pneuma hagion elabete pisteusanteṡ ). This use of Pi in a direct question occurs in Act 1:6...

Did ye receive the Holy Spirit when ye believed? ( ei pneuma hagion elabete pisteusanteṡ ).

This use of Pi in a direct question occurs in Act 1:6, is not according to the old Greek idiom, but is common in the lxx and the N.T. as in Luk 13:23 which see (Robertson, Grammar , p. 916). Apparently Paul was suspicious of the looks or conduct of these professed disciples. The first aorist active participle pisteusantes is simultaneous with the second aorist active indicative elabete and refers to the same event.

Robertson: Act 19:2 - -- Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was ( All' oude ei pneuma hagion estin ēkousamen ). The reply of these ignorant disciples i...

Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was ( All' oude ei pneuma hagion estin ēkousamen ).

The reply of these ignorant disciples is amazing. They probably refer to the time of their baptism and mean that, when baptized, they did not hear whether (ei in indirect question) the Holy Spirit was (estin retained as in Joh 7:39). Plain proof that they knew John’ s message poorly.

Robertson: Act 19:3 - -- Into what ( eis tōi ). More properly,

Into what ( eis tōi ).

More properly,

Robertson: Act 19:3 - -- Unto what or on what basis (Robertson, Grammar , p. 592). Clearly, Paul felt they had received a poor baptism with no knowledge of the Holy Spirit...

Unto what

or on what basis (Robertson, Grammar , p. 592). Clearly, Paul felt they had received a poor baptism with no knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

Robertson: Act 19:3 - -- John’ s baptism ( to IoÌ„anou baptisma ). Last mention of John the Baptist in the N.T. They had been dipped in other words, but they had not gra...

John’ s baptism ( to IoÌ„anou baptisma ).

Last mention of John the Baptist in the N.T. They had been dipped in other words, but they had not grasped the significance of the ordinance.

Robertson: Act 19:4 - -- With the baptism of repentance ( baptisma metanoias ). Cognate accusative with ebaptisen and the genitive metanoias describing the baptism as mar...

With the baptism of repentance ( baptisma metanoias ).

Cognate accusative with ebaptisen and the genitive metanoias describing the baptism as marked by (case of species or genus), not as conveying, repentance just as in Mar 1:4 and that was the work of the Holy Spirit. But John preached also the baptism of the Holy Spirit which the Messiah was to bring (Mar 1:7.; Mat 3:11.; Luk 3:16). If they did not know of the Holy Spirit, they had missed the point of John’ s baptism.

Robertson: Act 19:4 - -- That they should believe on him that should come after him, that is on Jesus ( eis ton erchomenon met' auton hina pisteus ōsin , tout' estin eis to...

That they should believe on him that should come after him, that is on Jesus ( eis ton erchomenon met' auton hina pisteus ōsin , tout' estin eis ton Iēsoun ).

Note the emphatic prolepsis of eis ton erchomenon met' auton before hina pisteusoÌ„sin with which it is construed. This is John’ s identical phrase, "the one coming after me"as seen in Mar 1:7; Mat 3:11; Luk 3:16; Joh 1:15. It is not clear that these "disciples"believed in a Messiah, least of all in Jesus. They were wholly unprepared for the baptism of John. Paul does not mean to say that John’ s baptism was inadequate, but he simply explains what John really taught and so what his baptism signified.

Robertson: Act 19:5 - -- The name of the Lord Jesus ( to onoma ton kuriou Iēsou ). Apollos was not rebaptized. The twelve apostles were not rebaptized. Jesus received no ot...

The name of the Lord Jesus ( to onoma ton kuriou Iēsou ).

Apollos was not rebaptized. The twelve apostles were not rebaptized. Jesus received no other baptism than that of John. The point here is simply that these twelve men were grossly ignorant of the meaning of John’ s baptism as regards repentance, the Messiahship of Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Hence Paul had them baptized, not so much again, as really baptized this time, in the name or on the authority of the Lord Jesus as he had himself commanded (Mat 28:19) and as was the universal apostolic custom. Proper understanding of "Jesus"involved all the rest including the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Luke does not give a formula, but simply explains that now these men had a proper object of faith (Jesus) and were now really baptized.

Robertson: Act 19:6 - -- When Paul had laid his hands upon them ( epithentos autois tou Paulou cheiras ). Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of epitithēmi...

When Paul had laid his hands upon them ( epithentos autois tou Paulou cheiras ).

Genitive absolute of second aorist active participle of epitithēmi . This act of laying on of the hands was done in Samaria by Peter and John (Act 8:16) and in Damascus in the case of Paul (Act 9:17) and was followed as here by the descent of the Holy Spirit in supernatural power.

Robertson: Act 19:6 - -- They spake with tongues ( elaloun glōssais ). Inchoative imperfect, began to speak with tongues as in Jerusalem at Pentecost and as in Caesarea bef...

They spake with tongues ( elaloun glōssais ).

Inchoative imperfect, began to speak with tongues as in Jerusalem at Pentecost and as in Caesarea before the baptism.

Robertson: Act 19:6 - -- Prophesied ( eprophēteuon ). Inchoative imperfect again, began to prophesy. The speaking with tongues and prophesying was external and indubitable ...

Prophesied ( eprophēteuon ).

Inchoative imperfect again, began to prophesy. The speaking with tongues and prophesying was external and indubitable proof that the Holy Spirit had come on these twelve uninformed disciples now fully won to the service of Jesus as Messiah. But this baptism in water did not "convey"the Holy Spirit nor forgiveness of sins. Paul was not a sacramentalist.

Robertson: Act 19:8 - -- Spake boldly ( eparrēsiazeto ). Imperfect middle, kept on at it for three months. Cf. same word in Act 18:26.

Spake boldly ( eparrēsiazeto ).

Imperfect middle, kept on at it for three months. Cf. same word in Act 18:26.

Robertson: Act 19:8 - -- Persuading ( peithoÌ„n ). Present active conative participle of peithoÌ„ , trying to persuade (Act 28:23). Paul’ s idea of the Kingdom of God wa...

Persuading ( peithōn ).

Present active conative participle of peithoÌ„ , trying to persuade (Act 28:23). Paul’ s idea of the Kingdom of God was the church of God which he (Jesus, God’ s Son) had purchased with his own blood (Act 20:28, calling Christ God). Nowhere else had Paul apparently been able to speak so long in the synagogue without interruption unless it was so at Corinth. These Jews were already interested Act 18:20).

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- But when some were hardened ( hōs de tines esklērunonto ). Imperfect passive of sklērunō , causative like hiphil in Hebrew, to make hard (...

But when some were hardened ( hōs de tines esklērunonto ).

Imperfect passive of sklērunō , causative like hiphil in Hebrew, to make hard (sklēros ) or rough or harsh (Mat 25:24). In lxx and Hippocrates and Galen (in medical writings). In N.T. only here and Rom 9:18 and Rom 9:4 times in Heb 3:8, Heb 3:13, Heb 3:15; Heb 4:7, Heb 4:8 quoting and referring to Psa 95:8 about hardening the heart like a gristle. The inevitable reaction against Paul went on even in Ephesus though slowly.

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- Disobedient ( epeithoun ). Imperfect again, showing the growing disbelief and disobedience (apeithēs ), both ideas as in Act 14:2; Act 17:5, first...

Disobedient ( epeithoun ).

Imperfect again, showing the growing disbelief and disobedience (apeithēs ), both ideas as in Act 14:2; Act 17:5, first refusal to believe and then refusal to obey. Both sklērunō and apeitheō occur together, as here, in Ecclus. 30:12.

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- Speaking evil of the Way ( kakologountes tēn hodon ). Late verb from kakologos (speaker of evil) for the old kakōs legō . Already in Mar 7:10...

Speaking evil of the Way ( kakologountes tēn hodon ).

Late verb from kakologos (speaker of evil) for the old kakōs legō . Already in Mar 7:10; Mar 9:39; Mat 15:4. Now these Jews are aggressive opponents of Paul and seek to injure his influence with the crowd. Note "the Way"as in Act 9:2 for Christianity.

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- He departed from them ( apostas ap' autōn ). Second aorist active participle of aphistēmi , made an "apostasy"(standing off, cleavage) as he did ...

He departed from them ( apostas ap' autōn ).

Second aorist active participle of aphistēmi , made an "apostasy"(standing off, cleavage) as he did at Corinth (Act 18:7, metabas , making a change).

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- Separated the disciples ( aphōrisen tous mathētas ). First aorist active indicative of aphorizō , old verb to mark limits (horizon) as already ...

Separated the disciples ( aphōrisen tous mathētas ).

First aorist active indicative of aphorizō , old verb to mark limits (horizon) as already in Act 13:2. Paul himself was a spiritual Pharisee "separated"to Christ (Rom 1:1). The Jews regarded this withdrawal as apostasy, like separating the sheep from the goats (Mat 25:32). Paul now made a separate church as he had done at Thessalonica and Corinth.

Robertson: Act 19:9 - -- In the school of Tyrannus ( en tēi scholēi Turannou ). Scholē (our school) is an old word from schein (echō ) to hold on, leisure and th...

In the school of Tyrannus ( en tēi scholēi Turannou ).

Scholē (our school) is an old word from schein (echō ) to hold on, leisure and then in later Greek (Plutarch, etc.) a place where there is leisure as here. Only this example in the N.T. This is the Greek notion of "school,"the Jewish being that of "yoke"as in Mat 11:29. The name Tyrannus (our tyrant) is a common one. It is an inscription in the Columbarium of the Empress Livia as that of a physician in the court. Furneaux suggests the possibility that a relative of this physician was lecturing on medicine in Ephesus and so as a friend of Luke, the physician, would be glad to help Paul about a place to preach. It was probably a public building or lecture hall with this name whether hired by Paul or loaned to him. The pagan sophists often spoke in such halls. The Codex Bezae adds "from the fifth hour to the tenth"as the time allotted Paul for his work in this hall, which is quite possible, from just before midday till the close of the afternoon (from before the noon meal till two hours before sunset) each day. Here Paul had great freedom and a great hearing. As the church grows there will be other places of meeting as the church in the house of Aquila and Priscilla (1Co 16:19).

Robertson: Act 19:10 - -- For two years ( epi etē duo ). Note epi with accusative for extent of time as in Act 19:8, epi mēnas treis and often. But in Act 20:31 Paul s...

For two years ( epi etē duo ).

Note epi with accusative for extent of time as in Act 19:8, epi mēnas treis and often. But in Act 20:31 Paul said to the Ephesian elders at Miletus that he laboured with them for the space of "three years."That may be a general expression and there was probably a longer period after the "two years"in the school of Tyrannus besides the six months in the synagogue. Paul may have preached thereafter in the house of Aquila and Priscilla for some months, the "for a while"of Act 19:22.

Robertson: Act 19:10 - -- So that all they which dwelt in Asia heard ( hōste pantas tous katoikountas tēn Asian akousai ). Actual result with hōste and the infinitive ...

So that all they which dwelt in Asia heard ( hōste pantas tous katoikountas tēn Asian akousai ).

Actual result with hoÌ„ste and the infinitive with accusative of general reference as is common (also Act 19:11) in the Koiné[28928]Å¡ (Robertson, Grammar , pp. 999f.). Paul apparently remained in Ephesus, but the gospel spread all over the province even to the Lycus Valley including the rest of the seven churches of Rev 1:11; 2; 3. Demetrius in Act 19:26will confirm the tremendous influence of Paul’ s ministry in Ephesus on Asia. Forty years after this Pliny in his famous letter to Trajan from Bithynia will say of Christianity: "For the contagion of this superstition has not only spread through cities, but also through villages and country places."It was during these years in Ephesus that Paul was greatly disturbed over the troubles in the Corinthian Church. He apparently wrote a letter to them now lost to us (1Co 5:9), received messages from the household of Chloe, a letter from the church, special messengers, sent Timothy, then Titus, may have made a hurried trip himself, wrote our First Corinthians, was planning to go after the return of Titus to Troas where he was to meet him after Pentecost, when all of a sudden the uproar raised by Demetrius hurried Paul away sooner than he had planned. Meanwhile Apollos had returned from Corinth to Ephesus and refused to go back (1Co 16:12). Paul doubtless had helpers like Epaphras and Philemon who carried the message over the province of Asia, Tychicus, and Trophimus of Asia who were with him on the last visit to Jerusalem (Act 19:22, Act 19:29; Act 20:4). Paul’ s message reached Greeks, not merely Hellenists and God-fearers, but some of the Greeks in the upper circles of life in Ephesus.

Robertson: Act 19:11 - -- Special miracles ( dunameis ou tas tuchousas ). "Powers not the ones that happen by chance,""not the ordinary ones,"litotes for "the extraordinary."A...

Special miracles ( dunameis ou tas tuchousas ).

"Powers not the ones that happen by chance,""not the ordinary ones,"litotes for "the extraordinary."All "miracles"or "powers"(dunameis ) are supernatural and out of the ordinary, but here God regularly wrought (epoiei ), imperfect active) wonders beyond those familiar to the disciples and completely different from the deeds of the Jewish exorcists. This phrase is peculiar to Luke in the N.T. (also Act 28:2), but it occurs in the classical Greek and in the Koiné[28928]Å¡ as in III Macc. Luk 3:7 and in papyri and inscriptions (Deissmann, Bible Studies , p. 255). In Samaria Philip wrought miracles to deliver the people from the influence of Simon Magus. Here in Ephesus exorcists and other magicians had built an enormous vogue of a false spiritualism and Paul faces unseen forces of evil. His tremendous success led some people to superstitious practices thinking that there was power in Paul’ s person.

Robertson: Act 19:12 - -- Handkerchiefs ( soudaria ). Latin word for sudor (sweat). Used in Luk 19:20; Joh 11:44; Joh 20:7. In two papyri marriage-contracts this word occurs...

Handkerchiefs ( soudaria ).

Latin word for sudor (sweat). Used in Luk 19:20; Joh 11:44; Joh 20:7. In two papyri marriage-contracts this word occurs among the toilet articles in the dowry (Deissmann, Bible Studies , p. 223).

Robertson: Act 19:12 - -- Aprons ( simikinthia ). Latin word also, semicinctilum (semi , cingo ). Only here in the N.T. Linen aprons used by servants or artisans (Martial...

Aprons ( simikinthia ).

Latin word also, semicinctilum (semi , cingo ). Only here in the N.T. Linen aprons used by servants or artisans (Martial XIV. 153). Paul did manual work at Ephesus (Act 20:34) and so wore these aprons.

Robertson: Act 19:12 - -- Departed ( apallalsethai ). Present passive infinitive with hōste for actual result as in Act 19:10. If one wonders how God could honour such sup...

Departed ( apallalsethai ).

Present passive infinitive with hoÌ„ste for actual result as in Act 19:10. If one wonders how God could honour such superstitious faith, he should remember that there is no power in superstition or in magic, but in God. If God never honoured any faith save that entirely free from superstition, how about Christian people who are troubled over the number 13, over the moon, the rabbit’ s foot? The poor woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Christ’ s garment and was healed (Luk 8:44-46) as others sought to do (Mat 14:36). God condescends to meet us in our ignorance and weakness where he can reach us. Elisha had a notion that some of the power of Elijah resided in his mantle (2Ki 2:13). Some even sought help from Peter’ s shadow (Act 5:15).

Robertson: Act 19:13 - -- Of the strolling Jews, exorcists ( tōn perierchomenōn Ioudaiōn exorkistōn ). These exorcists travelled around (peri ) from place to place li...

Of the strolling Jews, exorcists ( tōn perierchomenōn Ioudaiōn exorkistōn ).

These exorcists travelled around (peri ) from place to place like modern Gypsy fortune-tellers. The Jews were especially addicted to such practices with spells of sorcery connected with the name of Solomon (Josephus, Ant. VIII. 2.5). See also Tobit 8:1-3. Jesus alludes to those in Palestine (Mat 12:27; Luk 11:19). The exorcists were originally those who administered an oath (from exorkizō , to exact an oath), then to use an oath as a spell or charm. Only instance here in the N.T. These men regarded Paul as one of their own number just as Simon Magus treated Simon Peter. Only here these exorcists paid Paul the compliment of imitation instead of offering money as Magus did.

Robertson: Act 19:13 - -- To name over ( onomazein epi ). They heard what Paul said and treated his words as a magic charm or spell to drive the evil spirits out.

To name over ( onomazein epi ).

They heard what Paul said and treated his words as a magic charm or spell to drive the evil spirits out.

Robertson: Act 19:13 - -- I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth ( Horkizō humas ton Iēsoun hon Paulos kērussei ). Note two accusatives with the verb of swearing (cf....

I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth ( Horkizō humas ton Iēsoun hon Paulos kērussei ).

Note two accusatives with the verb of swearing (cf. Mar 5:7) as a causative verb (Robertson, Grammar , p. 483). The papyri furnish numerous instances of horkizō in such constructions (Deissmann, Bible Studies , p. 281). Note also the article with Jesus, "the Jesus,"as if to identify the magic word to the demons with the addition "whom Paul preaches."They thought that success turned on the correct use of the magical formula. The Ephesian mysteries included Christianity, so they supposed.

Robertson: Act 19:14 - -- Seven sons of Sceva ( Skeuā hepta huioi ). Who this Sceva was we do not know. If a high priest, he was highly connected in Jerusalem (cf. Act 5:24)...

Seven sons of Sceva ( Skeuā hepta huioi ).

Who this Sceva was we do not know. If a high priest, he was highly connected in Jerusalem (cf. Act 5:24). Some MSS. have ruler instead of priest. His name may be Latin in origin. Skeuā has Doric form of genitive. But that he had seven sons in this degraded business shows how Judaism had fared poorly in this superstitious city. Did they imagine there was special power in the number seven?

Robertson: Act 19:15 - -- Jesus I know ( ton Iēsoun ginōskō ). "The (whom you mention) Jesus I recognize (ginōskō )"and "the (whom you mentioned) Paul I am acquaint...

Jesus I know ( ton Iēsoun ginōskō ).

"The (whom you mention) Jesus I recognize (ginōskō )"and "the (whom you mentioned) Paul I am acquainted with (ton Paulon epistamai )."Clear distinction between ginōskō and epistamai .

Robertson: Act 19:15 - -- But who are ye? ( humeis de tines estė ). But you, who are you? Emphatic prolepsis.

But who are ye? ( humeis de tines estė ).

But you, who are you? Emphatic prolepsis.

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- Leaped on them ( ephalomenos ep' autous ). Second aorist (ingressive) middle participle of ephallomai , old verb to spring upon like a panther, here ...

Leaped on them ( ephalomenos ep' autous ).

Second aorist (ingressive) middle participle of ephallomai , old verb to spring upon like a panther, here only in the N.T.

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- Mastered ( katakurieusas ). First aorist (effective) active participle of katakurieuō , late verb from kata and kurios , to become lord or master...

Mastered ( katakurieusas ).

First aorist (effective) active participle of katakurieuō , late verb from kata and kurios , to become lord or master of.

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- Both ( amphoterōn ). Papyri examples exist where amphoteroi means "all"or more than "two"(Robertson, Grammar , p. 745). So here amphoteroi inc...

Both ( amphoterōn ).

Papyri examples exist where amphoteroi means "all"or more than "two"(Robertson, Grammar , p. 745). So here amphoteroi includes all seven. "Both"in old English was used for more than two.

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- So that ( hōste ). Another example (Act 19:10, Act 19:11) of hōste with the infinitive for result.

So that ( hōste ).

Another example (Act 19:10, Act 19:11) of hōste with the infinitive for result.

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- Naked ( gumnous ). Probably with torn garments,

Naked ( gumnous ).

Probably with torn garments,

Robertson: Act 19:16 - -- Wounded ( tetraumatisōmenous ). Perfect passive participle of traumatizō , old verb to wound, from trauma (a wound). In the N.T. only here and ...

Wounded ( tetraumatisōmenous ).

Perfect passive participle of traumatizō , old verb to wound, from trauma (a wound). In the N.T. only here and Luk 20:12.

Robertson: Act 19:17 - -- Was magnified ( emegaluneto ). Imperfect passive. To make great. It was a notable victory over the powers of evil in Ephesus.

Was magnified ( emegaluneto ).

Imperfect passive. To make great. It was a notable victory over the powers of evil in Ephesus.

Robertson: Act 19:18 - -- Came ( ērchonto ). Imperfect middle, kept coming, one after another. Even some of the believers were secretly under the spell of these false spirit...

Came ( ērchonto ).

Imperfect middle, kept coming, one after another. Even some of the believers were secretly under the spell of these false spiritualists just as some Christians today cherish private contacts with so-called occult powers through mediums, seances, of which they are ashamed.

Robertson: Act 19:18 - -- Confessing ( exomologoumenoi ). It was time to make a clean breast of it all, to turn on the light, to unbosom their secret habits.

Confessing ( exomologoumenoi ).

It was time to make a clean breast of it all, to turn on the light, to unbosom their secret habits.

Robertson: Act 19:18 - -- Declaring their deeds ( anaggellontes tas praxeis autōn ). Judgment was beginning at the house of God. The dupes (professing believers, alas) of th...

Declaring their deeds ( anaggellontes tas praxeis autōn ).

Judgment was beginning at the house of God. The dupes (professing believers, alas) of these jugglers or exorcists now had their eyes opened when they saw the utter defeat of the tricksters who had tried to use the name of Jesus without his power. The boomerang was tremendous. The black arts were now laid bare in their real character. Gentile converts had a struggle to shake off their corrupt environment.

Robertson: Act 19:19 - -- Not a few of them that practised curious arts ( hikanoi tōn ta perierga praxantōn ). Considerable number of the performers or exorcists themselve...

Not a few of them that practised curious arts ( hikanoi tōn ta perierga praxantōn ).

Considerable number of the performers or exorcists themselves who knew that they were humbugs were led to renounce their evil practices. The word perierga (curious) is an old word (peri , erga ) originally a piddler about trifles, a busybody (1Ti 5:13), then impertinent and magical things as here. Only two examples in the N.T. It is a technical term for magic as the papyri and inscriptions show. Deissmann ( Bible Studies , p. 323) thinks that these books here burned were just like the Magic Papyri now recovered from Egypt.

Robertson: Act 19:19 - -- Burned them in the sight of all ( katekaion enōpion pantōn ). Imperfect active of katakaiō . It probably took a good while to do it, burned the...

Burned them in the sight of all ( katekaion enōpion pantōn ).

Imperfect active of katakaiō . It probably took a good while to do it, burned them completely (up, we say; down, the Greeks say, perfective use of kata ). These Magical Papyri or slips of parchment with symbols or magical sentences written on them called Ephesia Grammata (Ephesian Letters). These Ephesian Letters were worn as amulets or charms.

Robertson: Act 19:19 - -- They brought them together ( sunenegkantes ). Second aorist active participle of sunpherō . What a glorious conflagration it would be if in every c...

They brought them together ( sunenegkantes ).

Second aorist active participle of sunpherō . What a glorious conflagration it would be if in every city all the salacious, blasphemous, degrading books, pamphlets, magazines, and papers could be piled together and burned.

Robertson: Act 19:19 - -- They counted ( sunepsēphisan ). First aorist active indicative of sunpsēphizō , to reckon together. In lxx (Jeremiah 29:49). Only here in N.T. ...

They counted ( sunepsēphisan ).

First aorist active indicative of sunpsēphizō , to reckon together. In lxx (Jeremiah 29:49). Only here in N.T. Sunkatapsēphizō in Act 1:26.

Robertson: Act 19:19 - -- Fifty thousand pieces of silver ( arguriou muriadas pente ). Five ten thousand (muriadas ) pieces of silver. Ephesus was largely Greek and probably ...

Fifty thousand pieces of silver ( arguriou muriadas pente ).

Five ten thousand (muriadas ) pieces of silver. Ephesus was largely Greek and probably the silver pieces were Greek drachmae or the Latin denarius, probably about ten thousand dollars or two thousand English pounds.

Robertson: Act 19:20 - -- Mightily ( kata kratos ). According to strength. Only here in N.T., common military term in Thucydides. Such proof of a change counted.

Mightily ( kata kratos ).

According to strength. Only here in N.T., common military term in Thucydides. Such proof of a change counted.

Robertson: Act 19:20 - -- Grew and prevailed ( ēuxanen kai ischuen ). Imperfect actives, kept growing and gaining strength. It was a day of triumph for Christ in Ephesus, th...

Grew and prevailed ( ēuxanen kai ischuen ).

Imperfect actives, kept growing and gaining strength. It was a day of triumph for Christ in Ephesus, this city of vast wealth and superstition. Ephesus for centuries will be one of the centres of Christian power. Timothy will come here and John the Apostle and Polycarp and Irenaeus.

Robertson: Act 19:21 - -- Purposed in the spirit ( etheto en tōi pneumati ). Second aorist middle indicative for mental action and "spirit"expressed also. A new stage in Pau...

Purposed in the spirit ( etheto en tōi pneumati ).

Second aorist middle indicative for mental action and "spirit"expressed also. A new stage in Paul’ s career begins here, a new division of the Acts.

Robertson: Act 19:21 - -- Passed through ( dielthōn ). Word (dierchomai ) used ten times in Acts (cf. Act 19:1) of missionary journeys (Ramsay).

Passed through ( dielthōn ).

Word (dierchomai ) used ten times in Acts (cf. Act 19:1) of missionary journeys (Ramsay).

Robertson: Act 19:21 - -- Macedonia and Achaia ( tēn Makedonian kai Achaian ). This was the way that he actually went, but originally he had planned to go to Achaia (Corinth...

Macedonia and Achaia ( tēn Makedonian kai Achaian ).

This was the way that he actually went, but originally he had planned to go to Achaia (Corinth) and then to Macedonia, as he says in 2Co 1:15., but he had now changed that purpose, perhaps because of the bad news from Corinth. Already when he wrote I Corinthians he proposed to go first to Macedonia (1Co 16:5-7). He even hoped to spend the winter in Corinth "if the Lord permit"and to remain in Ephesus till Pentecost, neither of which things he did.

Robertson: Act 19:21 - -- I must also see Rome ( dei me kai RoÌ„meÌ„n idein ). This section of Acts begins with Rome in the horizon of Paul’ s plans and the book closes w...

I must also see Rome ( dei me kai Rōmēn idein ).

This section of Acts begins with Rome in the horizon of Paul’ s plans and the book closes with Paul in Rome (Rackham). Here he feels the necessity of going as in Rom 1:15 he feels himself "debtor"to all including "those in Rome"(Rom 1:16). Paul had long desired to go to Rome (Rom 1:10), but had been frequently hindered (Rom 1:13), but he has definitely set his face to go to Rome and on to Spain (Rom 15:23-29). Paley calls sharp attention to this parallel between Act 19:21 and Rom 1:10-15; Rom 15:23-29. Rome had a fascination for Paul as the home of Aquila and Priscilla and numerous other friends (Romans 16), but chiefly as the capital of the Roman Empire and a necessary goal in Paul’ s ambition to win it to Jesus Christ. His great work in Asia had stirred afresh in him the desire to do his part for Rome. He wrote to Rome from Corinth not long after this and in Jerusalem Jesus in vision will confirm the necessity (dei ) that Paul see Rome (Act 23:11).

Robertson: Act 19:22 - -- Timothy and Erastus ( Timotheon kai Eraston ). Paul had sent Timothy to Corinth (1Co 4:17) and had requested kindly treatment of this young minister ...

Timothy and Erastus ( Timotheon kai Eraston ).

Paul had sent Timothy to Corinth (1Co 4:17) and had requested kindly treatment of this young minister in his difficult task of placating the divided church (1Co 16:10-11) that he might return to Paul as he evidently had before Paul leaves Ephesus. He then despatched Titus to Corinth to finish what Timothy had not quite succeeded in doing with instructions to meet him in Troas. Now Timothy and Erastus (cf. Rom 16:23; 2Ti 4:20) go on to Macedonia to prepare the way for Paul who will come on later.

Robertson: Act 19:22 - -- He himself stayed in Asia for a while ( autos epeschen chronon eis tēn Asian ). Literally, He himself had additional time in Asia. Second aorist ac...

He himself stayed in Asia for a while ( autos epeschen chronon eis tēn Asian ).

Literally, He himself had additional time in Asia. Second aorist active indicative of epechoÌ„ , old and common idiom, only here in the N.T. in this sense and the verb only in Luke and Paul. The reason for Paul’ s delay is given by him in 1Co 16:8., the great door wide open in Ephesus. Here again Luke and Paul supplement each other. Pentecost came towards the end of May and May was the month of the festival of Artemis (Diana) when great multitudes would come to Ephesus. But he did not remain till Pentecost as both Luke and Paul make plain.

Robertson: Act 19:23 - -- No small stir ( tarachos ouk oligos ). Same phrase in Act 12:18 and nowhere else in the N.T. Litotes.

No small stir ( tarachos ouk oligos ).

Same phrase in Act 12:18 and nowhere else in the N.T. Litotes.

Robertson: Act 19:23 - -- Concerning the Way ( peri tēs hodou ). See this phrase for Christianity in Act 9:2; Act 19:9; Act 24:22 which see, like the "Jesus Way"of the India...

Concerning the Way ( peri tēs hodou ).

See this phrase for Christianity in Act 9:2; Act 19:9; Act 24:22 which see, like the "Jesus Way"of the Indians. There had already been opposition and "stir"before this stage (cf. Act 19:11-20). The fight with wild beasts in 1Co 15:32 (whatever it was) was before that Epistle was written and so before this new uproar. Paul as a Roman citizen could not be thrown to wild beasts, but he so pictured the violent opponents of Christ in Ephesus.

Robertson: Act 19:24 - -- Demetrius, a silversmith ( Dēmētrios argurokopos ). The name is common enough and may or may not be the man mentioned in 3 Jo Act 1:12 who was al...

Demetrius, a silversmith ( Dēmētrios argurokopos ).

The name is common enough and may or may not be the man mentioned in 3 Jo Act 1:12 who was also from the neighbourhood of Ephesus. There is on an inscription at Ephesus near the close of the century a Demetrius called neopoios Artemidos a temple warden of Artemis (Diana). Zoeckler suggests that Luke misunderstood this word neopoios and translated it into argurokopos , a beater (koptō , to beat) of silver (arguros , silver), "which made silver shrines of Artemis"(poiōn naous (argurous ) Artemidos ). It is true that no silver shrines of the temple have been found in Ephesus, but only numerous terra-cotta ones. Ramsay suggests that the silver ones would naturally be melted down. The date is too late anyhow to identify the Demetrius who was neopoios with the Demetrius argurokopos who made little silver temples of Artemis, though B does not have the word argurous . The poor votaries would buy the terra-cotta ones, the rich the silver shrines (Ramsay, Paul the Traveller , p. 278). These small models of the temple with the statue of Artemis inside would be set up in the houses or even worn as amulets. It is a pity that the Revised Version renders Artemis here. Diana as the Ephesian Artemis is quite distinct from the Greek Artemis, the sister of Apollo, the Diana of the Romans. This temple, built in the 6th century b.c., was burnt by Herostratus Oct. 13 b.c. 356, the night when Alexander the Great was born. It was restored and was considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Artemis was worshipped as the goddess of fertility, like the Lydian Cybele, a figure with many breasts. The great festival in May would offer Demetrius a golden opportunity for the sale of the shrines.

Robertson: Act 19:24 - -- Brought no little business ( pareicheto ouk oligēn ergasian ). Imperfect middle, continued to bring (furnish, provide). The middle accents the part...

Brought no little business ( pareicheto ouk oligēn ergasian ).

Imperfect middle, continued to bring (furnish, provide). The middle accents the part that Demetrius played as the leader of the guild of silversmiths, work for himself and for them.

Robertson: Act 19:24 - -- Unto the craftsmen ( tais technitais ). The artisans from technē (craft, art). Trade guilds were common in the ancient world. Demetrius had proba...

Unto the craftsmen ( tais technitais ).

The artisans from technē (craft, art). Trade guilds were common in the ancient world. Demetrius had probably organized this guild and provided the capital for the enterprise.

Robertson: Act 19:25 - -- Whom he gathered together ( hous sunathroisas ). First aorist active participle of sunathroizō , old verb to assemble together (athroos , a crowd),...

Whom he gathered together ( hous sunathroisas ).

First aorist active participle of sunathroizō , old verb to assemble together (athroos , a crowd), in the N.T. only here and Act 12:12.

Robertson: Act 19:25 - -- With the workmen of like occupation ( kai tous peri ta toiauta ergatas ). "And the workmen concerning such things,"apparently those who made the marb...

With the workmen of like occupation ( kai tous peri ta toiauta ergatas ).

"And the workmen concerning such things,"apparently those who made the marble and terra-cotta shrines who would also be affected in the same way. It was a gathering of the associated trades, not for a strike, for employer and employees met together, but in protest against the preaching of Paul.

Robertson: Act 19:25 - -- We have our wealth ( hē euporia hēmin estin ). The wealth is to us (dative of possession). This old word for wealth occurs here alone in the N.T....

We have our wealth ( hē euporia hēmin estin ).

The wealth is to us (dative of possession). This old word for wealth occurs here alone in the N.T. It is from eu and poros , easy to pass through, easy to accomplish, to be well off, wealthy, welfare, weal, well-being, rich. Demetrius appeals to this knowledge and self-interest of the artisans as the basis for their zeal for Artemis, piety for revenue.

Robertson: Act 19:26 - -- At Ephesus ( Ephesou ). Genitive of place as also with Asias (Asia). Cf. Robertson, Grammar , pp. 494f.

At Ephesus ( Ephesou ).

Genitive of place as also with Asias (Asia). Cf. Robertson, Grammar , pp. 494f.

Robertson: Act 19:26 - -- This Paul ( ho Paulos houtos ). Contemptuous use of houtos .

This Paul ( ho Paulos houtos ).

Contemptuous use of houtos .

Robertson: Act 19:26 - -- Hath turned away ( metesteÌ„sen ). Changed, transposed. First aorist active indicative, did change. Tribute to Paul’ s powers as a preacher born...

Hath turned away ( metestēsen ).

Changed, transposed. First aorist active indicative, did change. Tribute to Paul’ s powers as a preacher borne out by Luke’ s record in Act 19:10. There may be an element of exaggeration on the part of Demetrius to incite the workmen to action, for the worship of Artemis was their wealth. Paul had cut the nerve of their business. There had long been a Jewish colony in Ephesus, but their protest against idolatry was as nothing compared with Paul’ s preaching (Furneaux).

Robertson: Act 19:26 - -- Which are made with hands ( hoi dia cheirōn ginomenoi ). Note the present tense, made from time to time. No doubt Paul had put the point sharply as...

Which are made with hands ( hoi dia cheirōn ginomenoi ).

Note the present tense, made from time to time. No doubt Paul had put the point sharply as in Athens (Act 17:29). Isaiah (Isa 44:9-17) had pictured graphically the absurdity of worshipping stocks and stones, flatly forbidden by the Old Testament (Exo 20:4; Psa 135:15-18). The people identified their gods with the images of them and Demetrius reflects that point of view. He was jealous of the brand of gods turned out by his factory. The artisans would stand by him on this point. It was a reflection on their work.

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- This our trade ( touto to meros ). Part, share, task, job, trade.

This our trade ( touto to meros ).

Part, share, task, job, trade.

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- Come into disrepute ( eis apelegmon elthein ). Not in the old writers, but in lxx and Koiné. Literally, reputation, exposure, censure, rejection af...

Come into disrepute ( eis apelegmon elthein ).

Not in the old writers, but in lxx and Koiné. Literally, reputation, exposure, censure, rejection after examination, and so disrepute. Their business of making gods would lose caste as the liquor trade (still called the trade in England) has done in our day. They felt this keenly and so Demetrius names it first. They felt it in their pockets.

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- Of the great goddess Artemis ( tēs megalēs theas Artemidos ). She was generally known as the Great (hē Megalē ). An inscription found at Eph...

Of the great goddess Artemis ( tēs megalēs theas Artemidos ).

She was generally known as the Great (hē Megalē ). An inscription found at Ephesus calls her "the greatest god"(hē megistē theos ). The priests were eunuchs and there were virgin priestesses and a lower order of slaves known as temple-sweepers (neōkoroi , Act 19:35). They had wild orgiastic exercises that were disgraceful with their Corybantic processions and revelries.

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- Be made of no account ( eis outhen logisthēnai ). Be reckoned as nothing, first aorist passive infinitive of logizomai and eis .

Be made of no account ( eis outhen logisthēnai ).

Be reckoned as nothing, first aorist passive infinitive of logizomai and eis .

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- Should even be deposed of her magnificence ( mellein te kai kathaireisthai tēs megaleiotētos autēs ). Note the present infinitive after mellein...

Should even be deposed of her magnificence ( mellein te kai kathaireisthai tēs megaleiotētos autēs ).

Note the present infinitive after mellein , ablative case (so best MSS.) after kathaireō , to take down, to depose, to deprive of. The word megaleiotēs occurs also in Luk 9:43 (the majesty of God) and in 2Pe 1:16 of the transfiguration of Christ. It is already in the lxx and Deissmann ( Light from the Ancient East , p. 363) thinks that the word runs parallel with terms used in the emperor-cult.

Robertson: Act 19:27 - -- All Asia and the world holē ‛hē' Asia kai ‛hē' oikoumenā . See note on Act 11:28 for same use of oikoumenā . An exaggeration, to be sur...

All Asia and the world

holē ‛hē' Asia kai ‛hē' oikoumenā . See note on Act 11:28 for same use of oikoumenā . An exaggeration, to be sure, but Pausanias says that no deity was more widely worshipped. Temples of Artemis have been found in Spain and Gaul. Multitudo errantium non efficit veritatem (Bengel). Even today heathenism has more followers than Christianity. To think that all this splendour was being set at naught by one man and a despised Jew at that!

Robertson: Act 19:28 - -- They were filled with wrath ( genomenoi plereis thumou ). Having become full of wrath.

They were filled with wrath ( genomenoi plereis thumou ).

Having become full of wrath.

Robertson: Act 19:28 - -- Cried out ( ekrazon ). Inchoative imperfect, began to cry out and kept it up continuously. Reiteration was characteristic of the orgiastic exercises....

Cried out ( ekrazon ).

Inchoative imperfect, began to cry out and kept it up continuously. Reiteration was characteristic of the orgiastic exercises. The Codex Bezae adds after thumou (wrath): Dramontes eis tān amphodon (running into the street), which they certainly did after the speech of Demetrius.

Robertson: Act 19:28 - -- Great is Artemis of the Ephesians ( Megalā hā Artemis Ephesiōn ). D (Codex Bezae) omits hā (the) and makes it read: "Great Artemis of the E...

Great is Artemis of the Ephesians ( Megalā hā Artemis Ephesiōn ).

D (Codex Bezae) omits hā (the) and makes it read: "Great Artemis of the Ephesians."This was the usual cry of the votaries in their orgies as the inscriptions show, an ejaculatory outcry or prayer instead of an argument as the other MSS. have it. That is vivid and natural (Ramsay, Church in the Roman Empire , pp. 135ff.). Yet on this occasion the artisans were making an argumentative protest and plea against Paul. An inscription at Dionysopolis has "Great is Apollo."

Robertson: Act 19:29 - -- With the confusion ( tēs sugchuseōs ). Genitive case after eplāsthā . An old word, but in the N.T. only here, from verb sugcheō , to pour t...

With the confusion ( tēs sugchuseōs ).

Genitive case after eplaÌ„sthaÌ„ . An old word, but in the N.T. only here, from verb sugcheoÌ„ , to pour together like a flood (only in Acts in the N.T.). Vivid description of the inevitable riot that followed "the appearance of such a body in the crowded agora of an excitable city"(Rackham) "vociferating the city’ s watch-word."

Robertson: Act 19:29 - -- They rushed ( hōrmēsan ). Ingressive aorist active indicative of hormaō , old verb for impetuous dashing, a case of mob psychology (mob mind), ...

They rushed ( hōrmēsan ).

Ingressive aorist active indicative of hormaō , old verb for impetuous dashing, a case of mob psychology (mob mind), with one accord (homothumadon as in Act 1:14, etc.).

Robertson: Act 19:29 - -- Into the theatre ( eis to theatron ). A place for seeing (theaomai ) spectacles, originally for dramatic representation (Thucydides, Herodotus), the...

Into the theatre ( eis to theatron ).

A place for seeing (theaomai ) spectacles, originally for dramatic representation (Thucydides, Herodotus), then for the spectators, then for the spectacle or show (1Co 4:9). The theatre (amphitheatre) at Ephesus can still be traced in the ruins (Wood, Ephesus ) and shows that it was of enormous size capable of seating fifty-six thousand persons (some estimate it only 24, 500). It was the place for large public gatherings of any sort out of doors like our football and baseball parks. In particular, gladiatorial shows were held in these theatres.

Robertson: Act 19:29 - -- Having seized Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia ( sunarpasantes Gaion kai Aristarchon Makedonas ). See note on Act 6:12 for this same verb. They...

Having seized Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia ( sunarpasantes Gaion kai Aristarchon Makedonas ).

See note on Act 6:12 for this same verb. They wanted some victims for this "gladiatorial"show. These two men were "Paul’ s companions in travel"(sunekdaÌ„mous Paulou ), together (sun ) with Paul in being abroad, away from home or people (ek̇daÌ„mous , late word, in the N.T. only here and 2Co 8:19). How the mob got hold of Gaius (Act 20:4) and Aristarchus (Act 20:4; Act 27:2; Col 4:10; Phm 1:24) we do not know whether by accidental recognition or by search after failure to get Paul. In Rom 16:4 Paul speaks of Priscilla and Aquila as those "who for my life laid down their own necks."Paul lived with them in Ephesus as in Corinth. It is possible that Demetrius led the mob to their house and that they refused to allow Paul to go or to be seized at the risk of their own lives. Paul himself may have been desperately ill at this time as we know was the case once during his stay in Ephesus when he felt the answer of death in himself (2Co 1:9) and when God rescued him. That may mean that, ill as he was, Paul wanted to go and face the mob in the theatre, knowing that it meant certain death.

Robertson: Act 19:30 - -- And when Paul was minded to enter in unto the people ( Paulou de boulomenou eiselthein eis ton dāmon ). Genitive absolute. Plainly Paul wanted to f...

And when Paul was minded to enter in unto the people ( Paulou de boulomenou eiselthein eis ton dāmon ).

Genitive absolute. Plainly Paul wanted to face the howling mob, whether it was the occasion pictured in 2Co 1:9 or not. "St. Paul was not the man to leave his comrades in the lurch"(Knowling).

Robertson: Act 19:30 - -- Suffered him not ( ouk eiōn auton ). Imperfect of eaō , common verb to allow, what Gildersleeve called the negative imperfect (Robertson, Gramma...

Suffered him not ( ouk eiōn auton ).

Imperfect of eaō , common verb to allow, what Gildersleeve called the negative imperfect (Robertson, Grammar , p. 885), denoting resistance to pressure. The more Paul insisted on going the more the disciples refused to agree to it and they won.

Robertson: Act 19:31 - -- Certain also of the chief officers of Asia ( tines de kai tōn Asiarchōn ). These "Asiarchs"were ten officers elected by cities in the province wh...

Certain also of the chief officers of Asia ( tines de kai tōn Asiarchōn ).

These "Asiarchs"were ten officers elected by cities in the province who celebrated at their own cost public games and festivals (Page). Each province had such a group of men chosen, as we now know from inscriptions, to supervise the funds connected with the worship of the emperor, to preside at games and festivals even when the temple services were to gods like Artemis. Only rich men could act, but the position was eagerly sought.

Robertson: Act 19:31 - -- Being his friends ( ontes autōi philoi ). Evidently the Asiarchs had a high opinion of Paul and were unwilling for him to expose his life to a wild...

Being his friends ( ontes autōi philoi ).

Evidently the Asiarchs had a high opinion of Paul and were unwilling for him to expose his life to a wild mob during the festival of Artemis. They were at least tolerant toward Paul and his preaching. "It was an Asiarch who at Smyrna resisted the cry of the populace to throw Polycarp to the lions"(Furneaux).

Robertson: Act 19:31 - -- Besought him ( parekaloun auton ). Imperfect active, showing that the messengers sent had to insist over Paul’ s protest. "

Besought him ( parekaloun auton ).

Imperfect active, showing that the messengers sent had to insist over Paul’ s protest. "

Robertson: Act 19:31 - -- Not to adventure himself "(mā dounai heauton ). It was a hazard, a rash adventure "to give himself"(second aorist active infinitive of didōmi )...

Not to adventure himself

"(mā dounai heauton ). It was a hazard, a rash adventure "to give himself"(second aorist active infinitive of didōmi ). Just this sense of "adventure"with the idiom occurs only here in the N.T., though in Polybius V., 14, 9. But the phrase itself Paul uses of Jesus who gave himself for our sins (Gal 1:4; 1Ti 2:6; Tit 2:14). It is not the first time that friends had rescued Paul from peril (Act 9:25, Act 9:30; Act 17:10, Act 17:14). The theatre was no place for Paul. It meant certain death.

Robertson: Act 19:32 - -- Some therefore cried one thing and some another ( alloi men oun allo tōi ekrazon ). This classical use of allos allo (Robertson, Grammar , p. 74...

Some therefore cried one thing and some another ( alloi men oun allo tōi ekrazon ).

This classical use of allos allo (Robertson, Grammar , p. 747) appears also in Act 2:12; Act 21:34. Literally, "others cried another thing."The imperfect shows the repetition (kept on crying) and confusion which is also distinctly stated.

Robertson: Act 19:32 - -- For the assembly was in confusion ( ān gar hā ekklāsia sunkechumenā ). The reason for the previous statement. Periphrastic past perfect passi...

For the assembly was in confusion ( ān gar hā ekklāsia sunkechumenā ).

The reason for the previous statement. Periphrastic past perfect passive of sugcheō , sugchunō unnō , to pour together, to commingle as in Act 19:29(sugchuseōs ). It was not an "assembly"(ekklāsia , ek , kaleō , to call out), but a wholly irregular, disorganized mob in a state (perfect tense) of confusion. There was "a lawful assembly"(Act 19:39), but this mob was not one. Luke shows his contempt for this mob (Furneaux).

Robertson: Act 19:32 - -- Had come together ( sunelālutheisan ). Past perfect active of sunerchomai . It was an assembly only in one sense. For some reason Demetrius who was...

Had come together ( sunelālutheisan ).

Past perfect active of sunerchomai . It was an assembly only in one sense. For some reason Demetrius who was responsible for the mob preferred now to keep in the background, though he was known to be the ring-leader of the gathering (Act 19:38). It was just a mob that shouted because others did.

Robertson: Act 19:33 - -- And they brought Alexander out of the crowd ( ek de tou ochlou sunebibasan Alexandron ). The correct text (Aleph A B) has this verb sunebibasan (fr...

And they brought Alexander out of the crowd ( ek de tou ochlou sunebibasan Alexandron ).

The correct text (Aleph A B) has this verb sunebibasan (from sunbibazō , to put together) instead of proebibasan (from probibazō , to put forward). It is a graphic word, causal of bainō , to go, and occurs in Act 16:10; Col 2:19; Eph 4:16. Evidently some of the Jews grew afraid that the mob would turn on the Jews as well as on the Christians. Paul was a Jew and so was Aristarchus, one of the prisoners. The Jews were as strongly opposed to idolatry as were the Christians.

Robertson: Act 19:33 - -- The Jews putting him forward ( probalontōn auton tōn Ioudaiōn ). Genitive absolute of the second aorist active participle of proballō , old v...

The Jews putting him forward ( probalontōn auton tōn Ioudaiōn ).

Genitive absolute of the second aorist active participle of proballō , old verb to push forward as leaves in the spring (Luk 21:30). In the N.T. only in these two passages. Alexandria had already disgraceful scenes of Jew-baiting and there was real peril now in Ephesus with this wild mob. So Alexander was pushed forward as the champion to defend the Jews to the excited mob. He may be the same Alexander the coppersmith who did Paul much evil (2Ti 4:14), against whom Paul will warn Timothy then in Ephesus. "The Jews were likely to deal in the copper and silver required for the shrines, so he may have had some trade connexion with the craftsmen which would give him influence"(Furneaux).

Robertson: Act 19:33 - -- Beckoned with the hand ( kataseisas tān cheira ). Old verb kataseiō , to shake down, here the hand, rapidly waving the hand up and down to get a ...

Beckoned with the hand ( kataseisas tān cheira ).

Old verb kataseiō , to shake down, here the hand, rapidly waving the hand up and down to get a hearing. In the N.T. elsewhere only in Act 12:17; Act 13:16; Act 21:40 where "with the hand"(tāi cheiri , instrumental case) is used instead of tān cheira (the accusative).

Robertson: Act 19:33 - -- Would have made a defence unto the people ( āthelen apologeisthai tōi dēmōi ). Imperfect active, wanted to make a defence, tried to, started ...

Would have made a defence unto the people ( āthelen apologeisthai tōi dēmōi ).

Imperfect active, wanted to make a defence, tried to, started to, but apparently never got out a word. Apologeisthai (present middle infinitive, direct middle, to defend oneself), regular word for formal apology, but in N.T. only by Luke and Paul (twice in Gospel, six times in Acts, and in Rom 2:15; 2Co 12:19).

Robertson: Act 19:34 - -- When they perceived ( epignontes ). Recognizing, coming to know fully and clearly (epi̇ ), second aorist (ingressive) active participle of epiginoÌ...

When they perceived ( epignontes ).

Recognizing, coming to know fully and clearly (epi̇ ), second aorist (ingressive) active participle of epiginōskō . The masculine plural is left as nominative absolute or pendens without a verb. The rioters saw at once that Alexander was (estin , present tense retained in indirect assertion) a Jew by his features.

Robertson: Act 19:34 - -- An with one voice cried out ( pōhnē egeneto mia ek pantōn krazontōn ). Anacoluthon or construction according to sense. Literally, "one voice ...

An with one voice cried out ( pōhnē egeneto mia ek pantōn krazontōn ).

Anacoluthon or construction according to sense. Literally, "one voice arose from all crying."Krazontōn agrees in case (ablative) with pantōn , but Aleph A have krazontes . This loose construction is not uncommon (Robertson, Grammar , pp. 436f.). Now at last the crowd became unanimous (one voice) at the sight of a hated Jew about to defend their attacks on the worship of Artemis. The unanimity lasted "about the space of two hours"(hosei epi hōras duo ), "as if for two hours."Their creed centred in this prolonged yell: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians"with which the disturbance started (Act 19:28).

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- The town-clerk ( ho grammateus ). Ephesus was a free city and elected its own officers and the recorder or secretary was the chief magistrate of the ...

The town-clerk ( ho grammateus ).

Ephesus was a free city and elected its own officers and the recorder or secretary was the chief magistrate of the city, though the proconsul of the province of Asia resided there. This officer is not a mere secretary of another officer or like the copyists and students of the law among the Jews, but the most influential person in Ephesus who drafted decrees with the aid of the strataÌ„goi , had charge of the city’ s money, was the power in control of the assembly, and communicated directly with the proconsul. Inscriptions at Ephesus give frequently this very title for their chief officer and the papyri have it also. The precise function varied in different cities. His name appeared on the coin at Ephesus issued in his year of office.

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- Had quieted the multitude ( katasteilas ton ochlon ). First aorist active participle of katastellō , to send down, arrange dress (Euripides), lower...

Had quieted the multitude ( katasteilas ton ochlon ).

First aorist active participle of katastelloÌ„ , to send down, arrange dress (Euripides), lower (Plutarch), restrain (papyrus example), only twice in the N.T. (here and Act 19:36, be quiet), but in lxx and Josephus. He evidently took the rostrum and his very presence as the city’ s chief officer had a quieting effect on the billowy turmoil and a semblance of order came. He waited, however, till the hubbub had nearly exhausted itself (two hours) and did not speak till there was a chance to be heard.

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- Saith ( phāsin ). Historical present for vividness.

Saith ( phāsin ).

Historical present for vividness.

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- How that. Merely participle ousan and accusative polin in indirect discourse, no conjunction at all (Robertson, Grammar , pp. 1040ff.), common i...

How that.

Merely participle ousan and accusative polin in indirect discourse, no conjunction at all (Robertson, Grammar , pp. 1040ff.), common idiom after ginōskō , to know.

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- Temple-keeper ( neōkoron ). Old word from neōs (naos' , temple, and koreō , to sweep. Warden, verger, cleaner of the temple, a sacristan. So ...

Temple-keeper ( neōkoron ).

Old word from neōs (naos' , temple, and koreō , to sweep. Warden, verger, cleaner of the temple, a sacristan. So in Xenophon and Plato. Inscriptions so describe Ephesus as neōkoron tēs Artemidos as Luke has it here and also applied to the imperial cultus which finally had several such temples in Ephesus. Other cities claimed the same honour of being neōkoros , but it was the peculiar boast of Ephesus because of the great temple of Artemis. A coin of a.d. 65 describes Ephesus as neōkoros . There are papyri examples of the term applied to individuals, one to Priene as neōkoros of the temple in Ephesus (Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary ).

Robertson: Act 19:35 - -- And of the image which fell down from Jupiter ( kai tou diopetous ). Supply agalma (image), "the from heaven-fallen image."From Zeus (Dios ) and p...

And of the image which fell down from Jupiter ( kai tou diopetous ).

Supply agalma (image), "the from heaven-fallen image."From Zeus (Dios ) and petō (piptō , pipetō ), to fall. Zeus (Jupiter) was considered lord of the sky or heaven and that is the idea in diopetous here. The legend about a statue fallen from heaven occurs concerning the statue of Artemis at Tauris, Minerva at Athens, etc. Thus the recorder soothed the vanity (Rackham) of the crowd by appeal to the world-wide fame of Ephesus as sacristan of Artemis and of her heaven-fallen image.

Robertson: Act 19:36 - -- Cannot be gainsaid ( anantirātn oun ontōn ). Genitive absolute with oun (therefore). Undeniable (an , anti , rātos ), verbal adjective. Oc...

Cannot be gainsaid ( anantirātn oun ontōn ).

Genitive absolute with oun (therefore). Undeniable (an , anti , rātos ), verbal adjective. Occasionally in late Greek (Polybius, etc.), only here in N.T., but adverb anantirētōs in Act 10:29. These legends were accepted as true and appeased the mob.

Robertson: Act 19:36 - -- Ye ought ( deon estin ). It is necessary. Periphrastic present indicative instead of dei like 1Pe 1:6; 1Ti 5:13.

Ye ought ( deon estin ).

It is necessary. Periphrastic present indicative instead of dei like 1Pe 1:6; 1Ti 5:13.

Robertson: Act 19:36 - -- Be quiet ( katestalmenous ). Perfect passive participle of katastellō (see Act 19:35).

Be quiet ( katestalmenous ).

Perfect passive participle of katastellō (see Act 19:35).

Robertson: Act 19:36 - -- Rash ( propetes ). Old adjective from pro and petō , to fall forward, headlong, precipitate. In the N.T. only here and 2Ti 3:4, though common in ...

Rash ( propetes ).

Old adjective from pro and petō , to fall forward, headlong, precipitate. In the N.T. only here and 2Ti 3:4, though common in the Koiné. Better look before you leap.

Robertson: Act 19:37 - -- Neither robbers of temples ( oute hierosulous ). Common word in Greek writers from hieron , temple, and sulaō , to rob, be guilty of sacrilege. The...

Neither robbers of temples ( oute hierosulous ).

Common word in Greek writers from hieron , temple, and sulaō , to rob, be guilty of sacrilege. The word is found also on inscriptions in Ephesus. The Jews were sometimes guilty of this crime (Rom 2:22), since the heathen temples often had vast treasures like banks. The ancients felt as strongly about temple-robbing as westerners used to feel about a horse-thief.

Robertson: Act 19:37 - -- Nor blasphemers of our goddess ( oute blasphāmountas tān theon hēmōn ). Nor those who blasphemed our goddess. That is to say, these men (Gaiu...

Nor blasphemers of our goddess ( oute blasphāmountas tān theon hēmōn ).

Nor those who blasphemed our goddess. That is to say, these men (Gaius and Aristarchus) as Christians had so conducted themselves (Col 4:5) that no charge could be placed against them either in act (temple-robbery) or word (blasphemy). They had done a rash thing since these men are innocent. Paul had used tact in Ephesus as in Athens in avoiding illegalities.

Robertson: Act 19:38 - -- Have a matter against any one ( echousin pros tina logon ). For this use of echō logon with pros See note on Mat 5:32; and note on Col 3:13. Th...

Have a matter against any one ( echousin pros tina logon ).

For this use of echō logon with pros See note on Mat 5:32; and note on Col 3:13. The town-clerk names Demetrius and the craftsmen (technitai ) as the parties responsible for the riot.

Robertson: Act 19:38 - -- The courts are open ( agoraioi agontai ). Supply hāmerai (days), court days are kept, or sunodoi , court-meetings are now going on, Vulgate conv...

The courts are open ( agoraioi agontai ).

Supply hāmerai (days), court days are kept, or sunodoi , court-meetings are now going on, Vulgate conventus forenses aguntur . Old adjective from agora (forum) marketplace where trials were held. Cf. Act 17:4. There were regular court days whether they were in session then or not.

Robertson: Act 19:38 - -- And there are proconsuls ( kai anthupatoi eisin ). Asia was a senatorial province and so had proconsuls (general phrase) though only one at a time, "...

And there are proconsuls ( kai anthupatoi eisin ).

Asia was a senatorial province and so had proconsuls (general phrase) though only one at a time, "a rhetorical plural"(Lightfoot). Page quotes from an inscription of the age of Trajan on an aqueduct at Ephesus in which some of Luke’ s very words occur (neoÌ„koros , anthupatos , grammateus , daÌ„mos ).

Robertson: Act 19:38 - -- Let them accuse one another ( egkaleitoÌ„san alleÌ„lois ). Present active imperative of egkaleoÌ„ (en , kaleoÌ„ ), old verb to call in one’ ...

Let them accuse one another ( egkaleitōsan allēlois ).

Present active imperative of egkaleoÌ„ (en , kaleoÌ„ ), old verb to call in one’ s case, to bring a charge against, with the dative. Luke uses the verb six times in Acts for judicial proceedings (Act 19:38, Act 19:40; Act 23:28, Act 23:29; Act 26:2, Act 26:7). The town-clerk makes a definite appeal to the mob for orderly legal procedure as opposed to mob violence in a matter where money and religious prejudice unite, a striking rebuke to so-called lynch-law proceedings in lands today where Christianity is supposed to prevail.

Robertson: Act 19:39 - -- Anything about other matters ( tōi peraiterō ). Most MSS. here have tōi peri heterōn , but B b Vulgate read tōi peraiterō as in Plato&#...

Anything about other matters ( tōi peraiterō ).

Most MSS. here have toÌ„i peri heteroÌ„n , but B b Vulgate read toÌ„i peraiteroÌ„ as in Plato’ s Phaedo . Several papyri examples of it also. It is comparative peraiteros of pera , beyond. Note also epi in epizaÌ„teite . Charges of illegal conduct (Page) should be settled in the regular legal way. But, if you wish to go further and pass resolutions about the matter exciting you, "it shall be settled in the regular assembly"(en toÌ„i ennomoÌ„i ekkleÌ„siaÌ„i ). "In the lawful assembly,"not by a mob like this. Wood ( Ephesus ) quotes an inscription there with this very phrase "at every lawful assembly"(kata paÌ„san ennomon ekklaÌ„sian ). The Roman officials alone could give the sanction for calling such a lawful or regular assembly. The verb epiluoÌ„ is an old one, but in the N.T. only here and Mar 4:34 (which see) where Jesus privately opened or disclosed the parables to the disciples. The papyri give examples of the verb in financial transactions as well as of the metaphorical sense. The solution will come in the lawful assembly, not in a riot like this. See also 2Pe 1:20 where the substantive epilusis occurs for disclosure or revelation (prophecy).

Robertson: Act 19:40 - -- For indeed we are in danger to be accused concerning this day’ s riot ( kai gar kinduneuomen egkaleisthai staseoÌ„s peri teÌ„s saÌ„meron ). The ...

For indeed we are in danger to be accused concerning this day’ s riot ( kai gar kinduneuomen egkaleisthai staseoÌ„s peri teÌ„s saÌ„meron ).

The text is uncertain. The text of Westcott and Hort means "to be accused of insurrection concerning today’ s assembly."The peril was real. Kinduneuomen , from kindunos , danger, peril. Old verb, but in the N.T. only here and Luk 8:23; 1Co 15:30.

Robertson: Act 19:40 - -- There being no cause for it ( mādenos aitiou huparchontos ). Genitive absolute with aitios , common adjective (cf. aitia , cause) though in N.T. on...

There being no cause for it ( mādenos aitiou huparchontos ).

Genitive absolute with aitios , common adjective (cf. aitia , cause) though in N.T. only here and Heb 5:9; Luk 23:4, Luk 23:14, Luk 23:22.

Robertson: Act 19:40 - -- And as touching it ( peri hou ). "Concerning which."But what? No clear antecedent, only the general idea.

And as touching it ( peri hou ).

"Concerning which."But what? No clear antecedent, only the general idea.

Robertson: Act 19:40 - -- Give an account of this concourse ( apodounai logon peri tēs sustrophēs tautēs ). Rationem reddere . They will have to explain matters to the ...

Give an account of this concourse ( apodounai logon peri tēs sustrophēs tautēs ).

Rationem reddere . They will have to explain matters to the proconsul. Sustrophē (from sun , together, strephō , to turn) is a late word for a conspiracy (Act 23:12) and a disorderly riot as here (Polybius). In Act 28:12 sustrephō is used of gathering up a bundle of sticks and of men combining in Mat 17:22. Seneca says that there was nothing on which the Romans looked with such jealousy as a tumultuous meeting.

Robertson: Act 19:41 - -- Dismissed the assembly ( apelusen tēn ekklēsian ). The town-clerk thus gave a semblance of law and order to the mob by formally dismissing them, ...

Dismissed the assembly ( apelusen tēn ekklēsian ).

The town-clerk thus gave a semblance of law and order to the mob by formally dismissing them, this much to protect them against the charge to which they were liable. This vivid, graphic picture given by Luke has all the earmarks of historical accuracy. Paul does not describe the incidents in his letters, was not in the theatre in fact, but Luke evidently obtained the details from one who was there. Aristarchus, we know, was with Luke in Caesarea and in Rome and could have supplied all the data necessary. Certainly both Gaius and Aristarchus were lively witnesses of these events since their own lives were involved.

Vincent: Act 19:2 - -- Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? The two verbs are in the aorist tense, and therefore denote instantaneous acts. The A. V. ther...

Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?

The two verbs are in the aorist tense, and therefore denote instantaneous acts. The A. V. therefore gives an entirely wrong idea, as there is no question about what happened after believing; but the question relates to what occurred when they believed. Hence Rev., rightly, Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed?

Vincent: Act 19:2 - -- We have not heard Also the aorist. We did not hear; referring back to the time of their beginning.

We have not heard

Also the aorist. We did not hear; referring back to the time of their beginning.

Vincent: Act 19:2 - -- Whether there be any Holy Ghost But, as Bengel observes, " They could not have followed either Moses or John the Baptist without having heard of ...

Whether there be any Holy Ghost

But, as Bengel observes, " They could not have followed either Moses or John the Baptist without having heard of the Holy Ghost." The words, therefore, are to be explained, not of their being unaware of the existence of the Holy Ghost, but of his presence and baptism on earth. The word ἐÌστιν , there be, is to be taken in the sense of be present, or be given, as in Joh 7:39, where it is said, " The Holy Ghost was not yet (οὐÌπω ἦν ) , " and where the translators rightly render, " was not yet given. "

Vincent: Act 19:3 - -- Unto what ( εἰς Ï„Î¹Ì ) Rev., more correctly into. See on Mat 28:19.

Unto what ( εἰς Ï„Î¹Ì )

Rev., more correctly into. See on Mat 28:19.

Vincent: Act 19:3 - -- John The last mention of John the Baptist in the New Testament.. " Here, at last, he wholly gives place to Christ" (Bengel).


The last mention of John the Baptist in the New Testament.. " Here, at last, he wholly gives place to Christ" (Bengel).

Vincent: Act 19:10 - -- Asia See on Act 2:9.


See on Act 2:9.

Vincent: Act 19:11 - -- Special ( οὐ τὰς τυχουÌσας ) A peculiar expression. Lit., not usual or common, such as one might fall in with frequen...

Special ( οὐ τὰς τυχουÌσας )

A peculiar expression. Lit., not usual or common, such as one might fall in with frequently.

Vincent: Act 19:12 - -- Body ( χÏωτὸς ) Properly, the surface of the body, the skin; but, in medical language, of the body.

Body ( χÏωτὸς )

Properly, the surface of the body, the skin; but, in medical language, of the body.

Vincent: Act 19:12 - -- Handkerchiefs ( σουδαÌÏια ) See on Luk 19:20.

Handkerchiefs ( σουδαÌÏια )

See on Luk 19:20.

Vincent: Act 19:12 - -- Aprons ( σιμικιÌνθια ) Only here in New Testament. A Latin word, semicinctia. Lit., something passing half-way round the body: an ...

Aprons ( σιμικιÌνθια )

Only here in New Testament. A Latin word, semicinctia. Lit., something passing half-way round the body: an apron or waistband. Perhaps garments worn by Paul when engaged at his trade.

Vincent: Act 19:13 - -- Vagabond ( πεÏιεÏχομεÌνων ) Lit., going about. Rev., strolling.

Vagabond ( πεÏιεÏχομεÌνων )

Lit., going about. Rev., strolling.

Vincent: Act 19:13 - -- Exorcists ( ἐξοÏκιστῶν ) Only here in New Testament. The kindred verb, adjure, occurs Mat 26:63, and means, originally, to admin...

Exorcists ( ἐξοÏκιστῶν )

Only here in New Testament. The kindred verb, adjure, occurs Mat 26:63, and means, originally, to administer an oath. These Jewish exorcists pretended to the power of casting out evil spirits by magical arts derived from Solomon.

Vincent: Act 19:14 - -- Did ( ποιοῦντες ) The participle denotes practice.

Did ( ποιοῦντες )

The participle denotes practice.

Vincent: Act 19:15 - -- I know - I know ( γινωÌσκω - ὲπιÌσταμαι ) There is a purpose in using two different words to denote the demon's recognition ...

I know - I know ( γινωÌσκω - ὲπιÌσταμαι )

There is a purpose in using two different words to denote the demon's recognition of the Divine Master and of the human agent, though it is not easy to convey the difference in a translation. It is the difference between an instinctive perception or recognition of a supreme power and the more intimate knowledge of a human agent. A divine mystery would invest Jesus, which the demon would feel, though he could not penetrate it. His knowledge of a man would be greater, in his own estimation at least. The difference may be given roughly, thus: " Jesus I recognize, and Paul I am acquainted with. "

Vincent: Act 19:15 - -- Overcame them ( κατακυÏιευÌσας ) The best texts read both of them, which would imply that only two of the seven were concerned in...

Overcame them ( κατακυÏιευÌσας )

The best texts read both of them, which would imply that only two of the seven were concerned in the exorcism. Rev., better, mastered, thus giving the force of κυÌÏιος , master, in the composition of the verb.

Vincent: Act 19:16 - -- Prevailed against ( ἰÌσχυσε ) See on Luk 14:30; and Luk 16:3.

Prevailed against ( ἰÌσχυσε )

See on Luk 14:30; and Luk 16:3.

Vincent: Act 19:17 - -- Was known ( ἐγεÌνετο γνωστὸν ) More correctly, became known.

Was known ( ἐγεÌνετο γνωστὸν )

More correctly, became known.

Vincent: Act 19:18 - -- Confessed and shewed ( ἐξομολογουÌμενοι καὶ ἀναγγεÌλλοντες ) The two words denote the fullest and most ope...

Confessed and shewed ( ἐξομολογουÌμενοι καὶ ἀναγγεÌλλοντες )

The two words denote the fullest and most open confession. They openly (ἐξ ) confessed, and declared thoroughly (Î±Ì“Î½Î±Ì , from top to bottom ) their deeds. See on Mat 3:6.

Vincent: Act 19:19 - -- Curious arts ( τὰ πεÏιÌεÏγα ) The word means, literally, overwrought, elaborate, and hence recondite or curious, as magical pr...

Curious arts ( τὰ πεÏιÌεÏγα )

The word means, literally, overwrought, elaborate, and hence recondite or curious, as magical practices. Only here and 1Ti 5:13, in its original sense of those who busy themselves excessively (πεÏÎ¹Ì ): busybodies. The article indicates the practices referred to in the context.

Vincent: Act 19:19 - -- Books Containing magical formulas. Heathen writers often allude to the Ephesian letters. These were symbols, or magical sentences written on sl...


Containing magical formulas. Heathen writers often allude to the Ephesian letters. These were symbols, or magical sentences written on slips of parchment, and carried about as amulets. Sometimes they were engraved on seals.

Vincent: Act 19:19 - -- Burned ( κατεÌκαιον ) Burned them up (ÎºÎ±Ï„Î±Ì ). The imperfect is graphic, describing them as throwing book after book on the pile...

Burned ( κατεÌκαιον )

Burned them up (ÎºÎ±Ï„Î±Ì ). The imperfect is graphic, describing them as throwing book after book on the pile.

Vincent: Act 19:19 - -- Counted ( συνεψηÌφισαν ) Only here in New Testament. See on Luk 14:28. The preposition συÌν , together, in the compound verb, i...

Counted ( συνεψηÌφισαν )

Only here in New Testament. See on Luk 14:28. The preposition συÌν , together, in the compound verb, indicates the reckoning up of the sum-total.

Vincent: Act 19:19 - -- Fifty thousand pieces of silver If reckoned in Jewish money, about thirty-five thousand dollars; if in Greek drachmae , as is more probable, abou...

Fifty thousand pieces of silver

If reckoned in Jewish money, about thirty-five thousand dollars; if in Greek drachmae , as is more probable, about nine thousand three hundred dollars.

Vincent: Act 19:23 - -- The way See on Act 9:2.

The way

See on Act 9:2.

Vincent: Act 19:24 - -- Silversmith ( ἀÏγυÏοκοÌπος ) Lit., a silver-beater.

Silversmith ( ἀÏγυÏοκοÌπος )

Lit., a silver-beater.

Vincent: Act 19:24 - -- Shrines Small models of the temple of Diana, containing an image of the goddess. They were purchased by pilgrims to the temple, just as rosaries ...


Small models of the temple of Diana, containing an image of the goddess. They were purchased by pilgrims to the temple, just as rosaries and images of the Virgin are bought by pilgrims to Lourdes, or bronze models of Trajan's column or of the Colonne Vendôme by tourists to Rome or Paris.

Vincent: Act 19:24 - -- Craftsmen ( τεχνιÌταις ) In the next verse he mentions the workmen (ἐÏγαÌτας ) , the two words denoting, respectively, the...

Craftsmen ( τεχνιÌταις )

In the next verse he mentions the workmen (ἐÏγαÌτας ) , the two words denoting, respectively, the artisans, who performed the more delicate work, and the laborers, who did the rougher work.

Vincent: Act 19:25 - -- Wealth ( εὐποÏιÌα ) See on ability, Act 11:29. Lit., welfare. Wealth is used by the A. V. in the older and more general sense of w...

Wealth ( εὐποÏιÌα )

See on ability, Act 11:29. Lit., welfare. Wealth is used by the A. V. in the older and more general sense of weal, or well-being generally. Compare the Litany of the English Church: " In all time of our tribulation, in all time of our wealth. "

Vincent: Act 19:27 - -- Craft ( μεÌÏος ) Lit., part or department of trade.

Craft ( μεÌÏος )

Lit., part or department of trade.

Vincent: Act 19:27 - -- To be set at nought ( εἰς ἀπελεγμὸν ἐλθεῖν ) Lit., to come into refutation or exposure; hence, disrepute, as ...

To be set at nought ( εἰς ἀπελεγμὸν ἐλθεῖν )

Lit., to come into refutation or exposure; hence, disrepute, as Rev. Compare Act 18:28, and see note there. ἈπελεγμοÌÏ‚ , refutation, occurs only here in New Testament.

Vincent: Act 19:27 - -- Diana Or Artemis. We must distinguish between the Greek Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana, and the Ephesian goddess. The former, according ...


Or Artemis. We must distinguish between the Greek Artemis, known to the Romans as Diana, and the Ephesian goddess. The former, according to the legend, was the daughter of Zeus (Jove), and the sister of Apollo. She was the patroness of the chase, the huntress among the immortals, represented with bow, quiver, and spear, clad in hunting-habit, and attended by dogs and stags. She was both a destroyer and a preserver, sending forth her arrows of death, especially against women, but also acting as a healer, and as the special protectress of women in childbirth. She was also the goddess of the moon. She was a maiden divinity, whose ministers were vowed to chastity.

The Ephesian Artemis is totally distinct from the Greek, partaking of the Asiatic character, and of the attributes of the Lydian Cybele, the great mother of the gods. Her worship near Ephesus appears to have existed among the native Asiatic population before the foundation of the city, and to have been adopted by the Greek immigrants, who gradually transferred to her features peculiar to the Grecian goddess. She was the personification of the fructifying and nourishing powers of nature, and her image, as represented on current coins of the time, is that of a swathed figure, covered with breasts, and holding in one hand a trident, and in the other a club. This uncouth figure, clad in a robe covered with mystic devices, stood in the shrine of the great temple, hidden by a purple curtain, and was believed to have fallen down from heaven (Act 19:35). In her worship the oriental influence was predominant. The priests were eunuchs, and with them was associated a body of virgin priestesses and a number of slaves, the lowest of whom were known as neocori , or temple-sweepers (Act 19:35). " Many a time must Paul have heard from the Jewish quarter the piercing shrillness of their flutes, and the harsh jangling of their timbrels; many a time have caught glimpses of their detestable dances and Corybantic processions, as, with streaming hair, and wild cries, and shaken torches of pine, they strove to madden the multitudes into sympathy with that orgiastic worship which was but too closely connected with the vilest debaucheries" (Farrar, " Life and Work of Paul" ).

Vincent: Act 19:27 - -- Magnificence See on 2Pe 1:16.


See on 2Pe 1:16.

Vincent: Act 19:28 - -- Cried out ( ἐÌκÏαζον ) The imperfect is graphic; they continued crying. This reiteration was a characteristic of the oriental orgiast...

Cried out ( ἐÌκÏαζον )

The imperfect is graphic; they continued crying. This reiteration was a characteristic of the oriental orgiastic rites.

Vincent: Act 19:29 - -- The theatre The site of which can still be traced. It is said to have been capable of seating fifty-six thousand persons.

The theatre

The site of which can still be traced. It is said to have been capable of seating fifty-six thousand persons.

Vincent: Act 19:29 - -- Having seized ( συναÏπαÌσαντες ) Lit., " having seized along with (συÌν ):" carried them along with the rush.

Having seized ( συναÏπαÌσαντες )

Lit., " having seized along with (συÌν ):" carried them along with the rush.

Vincent: Act 19:29 - -- Companions in travel ( συνεκδηÌμους ) Only here and 2Co 8:19. The word is compounded of συÌν , along with, ἐκ , forth, and...

Companions in travel ( συνεκδηÌμους )

Only here and 2Co 8:19. The word is compounded of συÌν , along with, ἐκ , forth, and δῆμος , country or land, and means, therefore, one who has gone forth with another from his country.

Vincent: Act 19:31 - -- Of the chief officers of Asia ( τῶν ἈσιαÏχῶν ) The Asiarchs. These were persons chosen from the province of Asia, on account o...

Of the chief officers of Asia ( τῶν ἈσιαÏχῶν )

The Asiarchs. These were persons chosen from the province of Asia, on account of their influence and wealth, to preside at the public games and to defray their expenses.

Vincent: Act 19:33 - -- They drew ( Ï€ÏοεβιÌβασαν ) More correctly, urged forward. See on before instructed, Mat 14:8.

They drew ( Ï€ÏοεβιÌβασαν )

More correctly, urged forward. See on before instructed, Mat 14:8.

Vincent: Act 19:34 - -- With one voice cried out The reverberations of their voices from the steep rock which formed one side of the theatre must have rendered their fre...

With one voice cried out

The reverberations of their voices from the steep rock which formed one side of the theatre must have rendered their frenzied cries still more terrific.

Vincent: Act 19:35 - -- The town-clerk Or recorder, who had charge of the city-archives, and whose duty it was to draw up official decrees and present them to assembli...

The town-clerk

Or recorder, who had charge of the city-archives, and whose duty it was to draw up official decrees and present them to assemblies of the people. Next to the commander, he was the most important personage in the Greek free cities.

Vincent: Act 19:35 - -- Worshipper ( νεωκοÌÏον ) Lit., a temple-sweeper. See on Act 19:27. This title, originally applied to the lowest menials of the temple,...

Worshipper ( νεωκοÌÏον )

Lit., a temple-sweeper. See on Act 19:27. This title, originally applied to the lowest menials of the temple, became a title of honor, and was eagerly appropriated by the most famous cities. Alexander says, " The city of Ephesus is the sacristan of the great goddess Artemis."

Vincent: Act 19:36 - -- Quiet ( κατεσταλμεÌνους ) Compare quieted (Act 19:35). The verb means to let down or lower; and so is applied, metaphoricall...

Quiet ( κατεσταλμεÌνους )

Compare quieted (Act 19:35). The verb means to let down or lower; and so is applied, metaphorically, to keeping one's self in check; repressing.

Vincent: Act 19:36 - -- Rash ( Ï€Ïοπετὲς ) Lit., headlong.

Rash ( Ï€Ïοπετὲς )

Lit., headlong.

Vincent: Act 19:37 - -- Robbers of churches ( ἱεÏοσυÌλους ) The A. V. puts a droll anachronism into the mouth of the town-clerk of a Greek city. Render, rat...

Robbers of churches ( ἱεÏοσυÌλους )

The A. V. puts a droll anachronism into the mouth of the town-clerk of a Greek city. Render, rather, as Rev., robbers of temples.

Vincent: Act 19:38 - -- The law is open ( ἀγοÏαῖοι ᾶγονται ) Lit., the court-days are being kept. Rev., the courts are open . Compare Rev 17:5.

The law is open ( ἀγοÏαῖοι ᾶγονται )

Lit., the court-days are being kept. Rev., the courts are open . Compare Rev 17:5.

Vincent: Act 19:38 - -- Deputies ( ἀνθυÌπατοι ) Proconsuls, by whom Asia, as a senatorial province, was governed. See Introduction to Luke.

Deputies ( ἀνθυÌπατοι )

Proconsuls, by whom Asia, as a senatorial province, was governed. See Introduction to Luke.

Vincent: Act 19:40 - -- Concourse ( συστÏοφῆς ) Lit., a twisting together: hence of anything which is rolled or twisted into a mass; and so of a mass of peo...

Concourse ( συστÏοφῆς )

Lit., a twisting together: hence of anything which is rolled or twisted into a mass; and so of a mass of people, with an underlying idea of confusion: a mob. Compare Act 23:12.

Wesley: Act 19:2 - -- The extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, as well as his sanctifying graces? We have not so much as heard - Whether there be any such gifts.

The extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, as well as his sanctifying graces? We have not so much as heard - Whether there be any such gifts.

Wesley: Act 19:3 - -- Into what dispensation? To the sealing of what doctrine? Into John's baptism - We were baptized by John and believe what he taught.

Into what dispensation? To the sealing of what doctrine? Into John's baptism - We were baptized by John and believe what he taught.

Wesley: Act 19:4 - -- That is, the whole baptism and preaching of John pointed at Christ. After this John is mentioned no more in the New Testament. Here he gives way to Ch...

That is, the whole baptism and preaching of John pointed at Christ. After this John is mentioned no more in the New Testament. Here he gives way to Christ altogether.

Wesley: Act 19:5 - -- By some other. Paul only laid his hands upon them.

By some other. Paul only laid his hands upon them.

Wesley: Act 19:5 - -- They were baptized twice; but not with the same baptism. John did not administer that baptism which Christ afterward commanded, that is, in the name o...

They were baptized twice; but not with the same baptism. John did not administer that baptism which Christ afterward commanded, that is, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Wesley: Act 19:9 - -- The Christian way of worshipping God.

The Christian way of worshipping God.

Wesley: Act 19:9 - -- Leaving them their synagogue to themselves.

Leaving them their synagogue to themselves.

Wesley: Act 19:9 - -- Not on the Sabbath only, in the school of one Tyrannus - Which we do not find was any otherwise consecrated, than by preaching the Gospel there.

Not on the Sabbath only, in the school of one Tyrannus - Which we do not find was any otherwise consecrated, than by preaching the Gospel there.

Wesley: Act 19:10 - -- All who desired it among the inhabitants of the proconsular Asia, now heard the word: St. Paul had been forbidden to preach it in Asia before, Act 16:...

All who desired it among the inhabitants of the proconsular Asia, now heard the word: St. Paul had been forbidden to preach it in Asia before, Act 16:6. But now the time was come.

Wesley: Act 19:11 - -- Wrought in a very uncommon manner.

Wrought in a very uncommon manner.

Wesley: Act 19:12 - -- Who also occasioned many of those diseases, which yet might appear to be purely natural.

Who also occasioned many of those diseases, which yet might appear to be purely natural.

Wesley: Act 19:13 - -- Several of the Jews about this time pretended to a power of casting out devils, particularly by certain arts or charms, supposed to be derived from So...

Several of the Jews about this time pretended to a power of casting out devils, particularly by certain arts or charms, supposed to be derived from Solomon.

Wesley: Act 19:13 - -- Vain undertaking! Satan laughs at all those who attempt to expel him either out of the bodies or the souls of men but by Divine faith. All the light o...

Vain undertaking! Satan laughs at all those who attempt to expel him either out of the bodies or the souls of men but by Divine faith. All the light of reason is nothing to the craft or strength of that subtle spirit. His craft cannot be known but by the Spirit of God nor can his strength be conquered but by the power of faith.

Wesley: Act 19:17 - -- So that even the malice of the devil wrought for the furtherance of the Gospel.

So that even the malice of the devil wrought for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Wesley: Act 19:18 - -- Of their own accord, and openly declaring their deeds - The efficacy of God's word, penetrating the inmost recesses of their soul, wrought that free a...

Of their own accord, and openly declaring their deeds - The efficacy of God's word, penetrating the inmost recesses of their soul, wrought that free and open confession to which perhaps even torments would not have compelled them.

Wesley: Act 19:19 - -- Magical arts, to which that soft appellation was given by those who practised them. Ephesus was peculiarly famous for these. And as these practices we...

Magical arts, to which that soft appellation was given by those who practised them. Ephesus was peculiarly famous for these. And as these practices were of so much reputation there, it is no wonder the books which taught them should bear a great price.

Wesley: Act 19:19 - -- As it were by common consent, burnt them - Which was far better than selling them, even though the money had been given to the poor.

As it were by common consent, burnt them - Which was far better than selling them, even though the money had been given to the poor.

Wesley: Act 19:19 - -- If these pieces of silver be taken for Jewish shekels, the sum will amount to six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds.

If these pieces of silver be taken for Jewish shekels, the sum will amount to six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds.

Wesley: Act 19:20 - -- In extent, and prevail - In power and efficacy.

In extent, and prevail - In power and efficacy.

Wesley: Act 19:21 - -- Paul sought not to rest, but pressed on, as if he had yet done nothing. He is already possessed of Ephesus and Asia. He purposes for Macedonia and Ach...

Paul sought not to rest, but pressed on, as if he had yet done nothing. He is already possessed of Ephesus and Asia. He purposes for Macedonia and Achaia. He has his eye upon Jerusalem, then upon Rome; afterward on Spain, Rom 15:28. No Cesar, no Alexander the Great, no other hero, comes up to the magnanimity of this little Benjamite. Faith and love to God and man had enlarged his heart, even as the sand of the sea.

Wesley: Act 19:24 - -- Silver models of that famous temple, which were bought not only by the citizens, but by strangers from all parts.

Silver models of that famous temple, which were bought not only by the citizens, but by strangers from all parts.

Wesley: Act 19:24 - -- The other silversmiths.

The other silversmiths.

Wesley: Act 19:25 - -- Employed by him and them.

Employed by him and them.

Wesley: Act 19:26 - -- This manifestly shows, that the contrary opinion did then generally prevail, namely, that there was a real Divinity in their sacred images. Though som...

This manifestly shows, that the contrary opinion did then generally prevail, namely, that there was a real Divinity in their sacred images. Though some of the later heathens spoke of them just as the Romanists do now.

Wesley: Act 19:27 - -- No wonder a discourse should make so deep an impression, which was edged both by interest and superstition. The great goddess was one of the standing ...

No wonder a discourse should make so deep an impression, which was edged both by interest and superstition. The great goddess was one of the standing titles of Diana.

Wesley: Act 19:27 - -- Miserable majesty, which was capable of being thus destroyed! Whom all Asia and the world - That is, the Roman empire, worshippeth - Although under a ...

Miserable majesty, which was capable of being thus destroyed! Whom all Asia and the world - That is, the Roman empire, worshippeth - Although under a great variety of titles and characters. But the multitude of those that err does not turn error into truth.

Wesley: Act 19:29 - -- Demetrius and his company, into the theatre - Where criminals were wont to be thrown to the wild beasts, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus - Wh...

Demetrius and his company, into the theatre - Where criminals were wont to be thrown to the wild beasts, dragging with them Gaius and Aristarchus - When they could not find Paul. Probably they hoped to oblige them to fight with the wild beasts, as some think St. Paul had done before.

Wesley: Act 19:30 - -- Being above all fear, to plead the cause of his companions, and prove they are not gods which are made with hands.

Being above all fear, to plead the cause of his companions, and prove they are not gods which are made with hands.

Wesley: Act 19:31 - -- The Asian priests, who presided over the public games, which they were then celebrating in honour of Diana.

The Asian priests, who presided over the public games, which they were then celebrating in honour of Diana.

Wesley: Act 19:32 - -- Which is commonly the case in such an assembly.

Which is commonly the case in such an assembly.

Wesley: Act 19:33 - -- Namely, the artificers and workmen, Alexander - Probably some well - known Christian whom they saw in the crowd: the Jews pushing him on - To expose h...

Namely, the artificers and workmen, Alexander - Probably some well - known Christian whom they saw in the crowd: the Jews pushing him on - To expose him to the more danger.

Wesley: Act 19:33 - -- In token of desiring silence, would have made a defence - For himself and his brethren.

In token of desiring silence, would have made a defence - For himself and his brethren.

Wesley: Act 19:34 - -- And consequently an enemy to their worship of images; they prevented him, by crying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.

And consequently an enemy to their worship of images; they prevented him, by crying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.

Wesley: Act 19:35 - -- Probably the chief governor of the public games.

Probably the chief governor of the public games.

Wesley: Act 19:35 - -- They believed that very image of Diana, which stood in her temple, fell down from Jupiter in heaven. Perhaps he designed to insinuate, as if falling d...

They believed that very image of Diana, which stood in her temple, fell down from Jupiter in heaven. Perhaps he designed to insinuate, as if falling down from Jupiter, it was not made with hands, and so was not that sort of idols which Paul had said were no gods.

Wesley: Act 19:37 - -- They simply declared the one God, and the vanity of idols in general.

They simply declared the one God, and the vanity of idols in general.

Wesley: Act 19:38 - -- One in every province. There was one at Ephesus.

One in every province. There was one at Ephesus.

Wesley: Act 19:39 - -- In such a regular assembly as has authority to judge of religious and political affairs.

In such a regular assembly as has authority to judge of religious and political affairs.

Wesley: Act 19:40 - -- He wisely calls it by an inoffensive name.

He wisely calls it by an inoffensive name.

JFB: Act 19:1-3 - -- Where his ministry was so powerful that a formidable party in the Church of that city gloried in his type of preaching in preference to Paul's (1Co 1:...

Where his ministry was so powerful that a formidable party in the Church of that city gloried in his type of preaching in preference to Paul's (1Co 1:12; 1Co 3:4), no doubt from the marked infusion of Greek philosophic culture which distinguished it, and which the apostle studiously avoided (1Co 2:1-5).

JFB: Act 19:1-3 - -- "parts," the interior of Asia Minor, which, with reference to the seacoast, was elevated.

"parts," the interior of Asia Minor, which, with reference to the seacoast, was elevated.

JFB: Act 19:1-3 - -- Thus fulfilling his promise (Act 18:21).

Thus fulfilling his promise (Act 18:21).

JFB: Act 19:1-3 - -- In the same stage of Christian knowledge as Apollos at first, newly arrived, probably, and having had no communication as yet with the church at Ephes...

In the same stage of Christian knowledge as Apollos at first, newly arrived, probably, and having had no communication as yet with the church at Ephesus.

JFB: Act 19:2 - -- Rather, "Received ye the Holy Ghost when ye believed?" implying, certainly, that the one did not of necessity carry the other along with it (see on Ac...

Rather, "Received ye the Holy Ghost when ye believed?" implying, certainly, that the one did not of necessity carry the other along with it (see on Act 8:14-17). Why this question was asked, we cannot tell; but it was probably in consequence of something that passed between them from which the apostle was led to suspect the imperfection of their light.

JFB: Act 19:2 - -- This cannot be the meaning, since the personality and office of the Holy Ghost, in connection with Christ, formed an especial subject of the Baptist's...

This cannot be the meaning, since the personality and office of the Holy Ghost, in connection with Christ, formed an especial subject of the Baptist's teaching. Literally, the words are, "We did not even hear whether the Holy Ghost was (given)"; meaning, at the time of their baptism. That the word "given" is the right supplement, as in Joh 7:39, seems plain from the nature of the case.

JFB: Act 19:4 - -- Water unto repentance.

Water unto repentance.

JFB: Act 19:4 - -- That is, who should baptize with the Holy Ghost. The point of contrast is not between John and Christ personally, but between the water baptism of Joh...

That is, who should baptize with the Holy Ghost. The point of contrast is not between John and Christ personally, but between the water baptism of John unto repentance, and the promised baptism of the Spirit from the hands of his coming Master unto new life. As to all the facts, or at least the significancy, of this baptism, which made the whole life and work of Christ another thing from what it was conceived to be before it was vouchsafed, these simple disciples were unenlightened.

JFB: Act 19:5-7 - -- Not the mere words reported in Act 19:4, but the subject expounded according to the tenor of those words.

Not the mere words reported in Act 19:4, but the subject expounded according to the tenor of those words.

JFB: Act 19:5-7 - -- Not however by Paul himself (1Co 1:14).

Not however by Paul himself (1Co 1:14).

JFB: Act 19:5-7 - -- Into the whole fulness of the new economy, as now opened up to their believing minds.

Into the whole fulness of the new economy, as now opened up to their believing minds.

JFB: Act 19:6 - -- See on Act 10:44-45.

See on Act 10:44-45.

JFB: Act 19:8-10 - -- See on Act 17:2-3.

See on Act 17:2-3.

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- "some."


JFB: Act 19:9 - -- Implying that others, probably a large number, believed.

Implying that others, probably a large number, believed.

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- From the synagogue, as at Corinth (Act 18:7).

From the synagogue, as at Corinth (Act 18:7).

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- Withdrawing to a separate place of meeting, for the sake both of the converts already made, and the unsophisticated multitude.

Withdrawing to a separate place of meeting, for the sake both of the converts already made, and the unsophisticated multitude.

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- "discoursing" or "discussing."

"discoursing" or "discussing."

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- Or lecture hall.

Or lecture hall.

JFB: Act 19:9 - -- Probably a converted teacher of rhetoric or philosophy.

Probably a converted teacher of rhetoric or philosophy.

JFB: Act 19:10 - -- In addition to the former three months. See on Act 20:31. But during some part of this period he must have paid a second unrecorded visit to Corinth, ...

In addition to the former three months. See on Act 20:31. But during some part of this period he must have paid a second unrecorded visit to Corinth, since the one next recorded (see on Act 20:2-3) is twice called his third visit (2Co 12:14; 2Co 13:1). See on 2Co 1:15-16, which might seem inconsistent with this. The passage across was quite a short one (see on Act 18:19) --Towards the close of this long stay at Ephesus, as we learn from 1Co 16:8, he wrote his FIRST EPISTLE TO THE CORINTHIANS; also (though on this opinions are divided) the EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. (See Introduction to First Corinthians, and Introduction to Galatians). And just as at Corinth his greatest success was after his withdrawal to a separate place of meeting (Act 18:7-10), so at Ephesus.

JFB: Act 19:10 - -- The Roman province of

The Roman province of

JFB: Act 19:10 - -- This is the "great door and effectual opened unto him" while resident at Ephesus (1Co 16:9), which induced him to make it his headquarters for so long...

This is the "great door and effectual opened unto him" while resident at Ephesus (1Co 16:9), which induced him to make it his headquarters for so long a period. The unwearied and varied character of his labors here are best seen in his own subsequent address to the elders of Ephesus (Act 20:17, &c.). And thus Ephesus became the "ecclesiastical center for the entire region, as indeed it remained for a very long period" [BAUMGARTEN]. Churches arose at Colosse, Laodicea, and Hierapolis eastward, either through his own labors or those of his faithful helpers whom he sent out in different directions, Epaphras, Archippus, Philemon (Col 1:7; Col 4:12-17; Phm 1:23).

JFB: Act 19:11-12 - -- No ordinary

No ordinary

JFB: Act 19:11-12 - -- Implying that he had not been accustomed to work such.

Implying that he had not been accustomed to work such.

JFB: Act 19:12 - -- Compare Act 5:15-16, very different from the magical acts practiced at Ephesus. "God wrought these miracles" merely "by the hands of Paul"; and the ve...

Compare Act 5:15-16, very different from the magical acts practiced at Ephesus. "God wrought these miracles" merely "by the hands of Paul"; and the very exorcists (Act 19:13), observing that the name of Jesus was the secret of all his miracles, hoped, by aping him in this, to be equally successful; while the result of all in the "magnifying of the Lord Jesus" (Act 19:17) showed that in working them the apostle took care to hold up Him whom he preached as the source of all the miracles which he wrought.

JFB: Act 19:13 - -- Simply, "wandering Jews," who went from place to place practicing exorcism, or the art of conjuring evil spirits to depart out of the possessed. That ...

Simply, "wandering Jews," who went from place to place practicing exorcism, or the art of conjuring evil spirits to depart out of the possessed. That such a power did exist, for some time at least, seems implied in Mat 12:27. But no doubt this would breed imposture; and the present case is very different from that referred to in Luk 9:49-50.

JFB: Act 19:13 - -- A striking testimony to the power of Christ's name in Paul's mouth.

A striking testimony to the power of Christ's name in Paul's mouth.

JFB: Act 19:14-17 - -- Head, possibly, of one of the twenty-four courts.

Head, possibly, of one of the twenty-four courts.

JFB: Act 19:15 - -- "recognize."


JFB: Act 19:15 - -- "know intimately," in contrast to them, whom he altogether disowns. but who are ye?

"know intimately," in contrast to them, whom he altogether disowns.

but who are ye?

JFB: Act 19:16 - -- Mark the clear line of demarcation here between "the evil spirit which answered and said" and "the man in whom the evil spirit was." The reality of su...

Mark the clear line of demarcation here between "the evil spirit which answered and said" and "the man in whom the evil spirit was." The reality of such possessions could not be more clearly expressed.

JFB: Act 19:16 - -- This was so appalling a testimony at once against those profane impostors and in favor of Paul and the Master whom he preached, that we wonder not tha...

This was so appalling a testimony at once against those profane impostors and in favor of Paul and the Master whom he preached, that we wonder not that it spread to "all the Jews and Greeks at Ephesus, that fear fell on them," and that "the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified."

JFB: Act 19:18-20 - -- The dupes of magicians, &c., acknowledging how shamefully they had been deluded, and how deeply they had allowed themselves to be implicated in such p...

The dupes of magicians, &c., acknowledging how shamefully they had been deluded, and how deeply they had allowed themselves to be implicated in such practices.

JFB: Act 19:19 - -- The word signifies things "overdone"; significantly applied to arts in which laborious but senseless incantations are practiced.

The word signifies things "overdone"; significantly applied to arts in which laborious but senseless incantations are practiced.

JFB: Act 19:19 - -- Containing the mystic formularies.

Containing the mystic formularies.

JFB: Act 19:19 - -- The tense, here used graphically, expresses progress and continuance of the conflagration.

The tense, here used graphically, expresses progress and continuance of the conflagration.

JFB: Act 19:19 - -- About £2000 (presuming it to be the drachma, the current coin of the Levant, of about 10d. value). From their nature they would be costly, and books ...

About £2000 (presuming it to be the drachma, the current coin of the Levant, of about 10d. value). From their nature they would be costly, and books then bore a value above any standard we are familiar with. The scene must have been long remembered at Ephesus, as a strong proof of honest conviction on the part of the sorcerers and a striking triumph of Jesus Christ over the powers of darkness. The workers of evil were put to scorn, like Baal's priests on Carmel, and the word of God mightily grew and prevailed [HOWSON].

JFB: Act 19:21-22 - -- Completed, implying something like a natural finish to his long period of labor at Ephesus.

Completed, implying something like a natural finish to his long period of labor at Ephesus.

JFB: Act 19:21-22 - -- Mark here the vastness of the apostle's missionary plans. They were all fulfilled, though he "saw Rome" only as a prisoner.

Mark here the vastness of the apostle's missionary plans. They were all fulfilled, though he "saw Rome" only as a prisoner.

JFB: Act 19:22 - -- As his pioneers, in part to bring "them into remembrance of his ways which were in Christ" (1Co 4:17; 1Co 16:10), partly to convey his mind on various...

As his pioneers, in part to bring "them into remembrance of his ways which were in Christ" (1Co 4:17; 1Co 16:10), partly to convey his mind on various matters. After a brief stay he was to return (1Co 16:11). It is very unlikely that this Erastus was "the chamberlain of the city" of Corinth, of that name (Rom 16:23).

JFB: Act 19:22 - -- The province of

The province of

JFB: Act 19:22 - -- That is, at Ephesus, its chief city. (Asia is mentioned in contrast with Macedonia in the previous clause).

That is, at Ephesus, its chief city. (Asia is mentioned in contrast with Macedonia in the previous clause).

JFB: Act 19:23 - -- Of Paul's proposed departure.

Of Paul's proposed departure.

JFB: Act 19:23 - -- "the"


JFB: Act 19:23 - -- So the new religion seemed then to be designated (Act 9:2; Act 22:4; Act 24:14).

So the new religion seemed then to be designated (Act 9:2; Act 22:4; Act 24:14).

JFB: Act 19:24-26 - -- "of"


JFB: Act 19:24-26 - -- Small models of the Ephesian temple and of the shrine or chapel of the goddess, or of the shrine and statue alone, which were purchased by visitors as...

Small models of the Ephesian temple and of the shrine or chapel of the goddess, or of the shrine and statue alone, which were purchased by visitors as memorials of what they had seen, and were carried about and deposited in houses as a charm. (The models of the chapel of our Lady of Loretto, and such like, which the Church of Rome systematically encourages, are such a palpable imitation of this heathen practice that it is no wonder it should be regarded by impartial judges as Christianity paganized).

JFB: Act 19:24-26 - -- The master-artificers.

The master-artificers.

JFB: Act 19:25 - -- Rather, "with the workmen (or fabricators) of such articles," meaning the artisans employed by the master-artificers, all who manufactured any kind of...

Rather, "with the workmen (or fabricators) of such articles," meaning the artisans employed by the master-artificers, all who manufactured any kind of memorial of the temple and its worship for sale.

JFB: Act 19:26 - -- The evidences of it were to be seen, and the report of it was in everybody's mouth.

The evidences of it were to be seen, and the report of it was in everybody's mouth.

JFB: Act 19:26 - -- Noble testimony this to the extent of Paul's influence!

Noble testimony this to the extent of Paul's influence!

JFB: Act 19:26 - -- The universal belief of the people was that they were gods, though the more intelligent regarded them only as habitations of Deity, and some, probably...

The universal belief of the people was that they were gods, though the more intelligent regarded them only as habitations of Deity, and some, probably, as mere aids to devotion. It is exactly so in the Church of Rome.

JFB: Act 19:27 - -- That is, "that indeed is a small matter; but there is something far worse." So the masters of the poor Pythoness put forward the religious revolution ...

That is, "that indeed is a small matter; but there is something far worse." So the masters of the poor Pythoness put forward the religious revolution which Paul was attempting to effect at Philippi, as the sole cause of their zealous alarm, to cloak the self-interest which they felt to be touched by his success (Act 16:19-21). In both cases religious zeal was the hypocritical pretext; self-interest, the real moving cause of the opposition made.

JFB: Act 19:27 - -- It was reckoned one of the wonders of the world. It was built about 550 B.C., of pure white marble, and though burned by a fanatic on the night of the...

It was reckoned one of the wonders of the world. It was built about 550 B.C., of pure white marble, and though burned by a fanatic on the night of the birth of Alexander the Great, 356 B.C., was rebuilt with more splendor than before. It was four hundred twenty-five feet long by two hundred twenty broad, and the columns, one hundred twenty-seven in number, were sixty feet in height, each of them the gift of a king, and thirty-six of them enriched with ornament and color. It was constantly receiving new decorations and additional buildings, statues, and pictures by the most celebrated artists, and kindled unparalleled admiration, enthusiasm, and superstition. Its very site is now a matter of uncertainty. The little wooden image of Diana was as primitive and rude as its shrine was sumptuous; not like the Greek Diana, in the form of an imposing huntress, but quite Asiatic, in the form of a many-breasted female (emblematic of the manifold ministrations of Nature to man), terminating in a shapeless block. Like some other far-famed idols, it was believed to have fallen from heaven (Act 19:35), and models of it were not only sold in immense numbers to private persons, but set up for worship in other cities [HOWSON]. What power must have attended the preaching of that one man by whom the death blow was felt to be given to their gigantic and witching superstition!

JFB: Act 19:28-29 - -- The civic cry of a populace so proud of their temple that they refused to inscribe on it the name of Alexander the Great, though he offered them the w...

The civic cry of a populace so proud of their temple that they refused to inscribe on it the name of Alexander the Great, though he offered them the whole spoil of his Eastern campaign if they would do it [STRABO in HOWSON].

JFB: Act 19:29 - -- Disappointed of Paul, as at Thessalonica (Act 17:5-6). They are mentioned in Act 20:4; Act 27:2; Rom 16:23; 1Co 1:14; and probably 3Jo 1:1. If it was ...

Disappointed of Paul, as at Thessalonica (Act 17:5-6). They are mentioned in Act 20:4; Act 27:2; Rom 16:23; 1Co 1:14; and probably 3Jo 1:1. If it was in the house of Aquila and Priscilla that he found an asylum (see 1Co 16:9), that would explain Rom 16:3-4, where he says of them that "for his life they laid down their own necks" [HOWSON].

JFB: Act 19:29 - -- A vast pile, whose ruins are even now a wreck of immense grandeur [SIR C. FELLOWES, Asia Minor, 1839].

A vast pile, whose ruins are even now a wreck of immense grandeur [SIR C. FELLOWES, Asia Minor, 1839].

JFB: Act 19:30-34 - -- With noble forgetfulness of self.

With noble forgetfulness of self.

JFB: Act 19:30-34 - -- The demos, that is, the people met in public assembly.

The demos, that is, the people met in public assembly.

JFB: Act 19:30-34 - -- The tense used implies only that they were using their efforts to restrain him; which might have been unavailing but for what follows.

The tense used implies only that they were using their efforts to restrain him; which might have been unavailing but for what follows.

JFB: Act 19:31 - -- Literally, "And certain also of the Asiarchs." These were wealthy and distinguished citizens of the principal towns of the Asian province, chosen annu...

Literally, "And certain also of the Asiarchs." These were wealthy and distinguished citizens of the principal towns of the Asian province, chosen annually, and ten of whom were selected by the proconsul to preside over the games celebrated in the month of May (the same month which Romanism dedicates to the Virgin). It was an office of the highest honor and greatly coveted. Certain of these, it seems, were favorably inclined to the Gospel, at least were Paul's "friends," and knowing the passions of a mob, excited during the festivals, "sent (a message) to him desiring him not to adventure himself into the theater."

JFB: Act 19:33 - -- Rather, "some of the multitude urged forward Alexander, the Jews thrusting him forward." As the blame of such a tumult would naturally be thrown upon ...

Rather, "some of the multitude urged forward Alexander, the Jews thrusting him forward." As the blame of such a tumult would naturally be thrown upon the Jews, who were regarded by the Romans as the authors of all religious disturbances, they seem to have put forward this man to clear them of all responsibility for the riot. (BENGEL'S conjecture, that this was Alexander the coppersmith, 2Ti 4:14, has little to support it).

JFB: Act 19:33 - -- Compare Act 13:16; Act 21:40.

Compare Act 13:16; Act 21:40.

JFB: Act 19:33 - -- "offered to speak in defense."

"offered to speak in defense."

JFB: Act 19:34 - -- The very appearance of a Jew had the opposite effect to that intended. To prevent him obtaining a hearing, they drowned his voice in one tumultuous sh...

The very appearance of a Jew had the opposite effect to that intended. To prevent him obtaining a hearing, they drowned his voice in one tumultuous shout in honor of their goddess, which rose to such frantic enthusiasm as took two hours to exhaust itself.

JFB: Act 19:35-41 - -- Keeper of the public archives, and a magistrate of great authority.

Keeper of the public archives, and a magistrate of great authority.

JFB: Act 19:35-41 - -- "calmed."


JFB: Act 19:35-41 - -- "the multitude," which the very presence of such an officer would go far to do.

"the multitude," which the very presence of such an officer would go far to do.

JFB: Act 19:35-41 - -- Literally, the neocoros or "warden." The word means "temple-sweeper"; then, "temple-guardian." Thirteen cities of Asia had an interest in the temple, ...

Literally, the neocoros or "warden." The word means "temple-sweeper"; then, "temple-guardian." Thirteen cities of Asia had an interest in the temple, but Ephesus was honored with the charge of it. (Various cities have claimed this title with reference to the Virgin or certain saints) [WEBSTER and WILKINSON].

JFB: Act 19:35-41 - -- "from the sky" or "from heaven." See on Act 19:27. "With this we may compare various legends concerning images and pictures in the Romish Church, such...

"from the sky" or "from heaven." See on Act 19:27. "With this we may compare various legends concerning images and pictures in the Romish Church, such as the traditional likenesses of Christ, which were said to be "not made with hands"" [WEBSTER and WILKINSON].

JFB: Act 19:36 - -- Like a true legal man, he urges that such was notoriously the constitution and fixed character of the city, with which its very existence was all but ...

Like a true legal man, he urges that such was notoriously the constitution and fixed character of the city, with which its very existence was all but bound up. Did they suppose that all this was going to be overturned by a set of itinerant orators? Ridiculous! What did they mean, then, by raising such a stir?

JFB: Act 19:37 - -- "temple-plunderers," or sacrilegious persons.

"temple-plunderers," or sacrilegious persons.

JFB: Act 19:37 - -- This is a remarkable testimony, showing that the apostle had, in preaching against idolatry, studiously avoided (as at Athens) insulting the feelings ...

This is a remarkable testimony, showing that the apostle had, in preaching against idolatry, studiously avoided (as at Athens) insulting the feelings of those whom he addressed--a lesson this to missionaries and ministers in general.

JFB: Act 19:38 - -- Of complaint.

Of complaint.

JFB: Act 19:38 - -- Rather, "the court days are being held."

Rather, "the court days are being held."

JFB: Act 19:38 - -- Literally "proconsuls" (see on Act 13:7); that is, probably, the proconsul and his council, as a court of appeal.

Literally "proconsuls" (see on Act 13:7); that is, probably, the proconsul and his council, as a court of appeal.

JFB: Act 19:39 - -- "have any question."

"have any question."

JFB: Act 19:39 - -- Of a public nature.

Of a public nature.

JFB: Act 19:40 - -- The public authorities.

The public authorities.

JFB: Act 19:40 - -- By our superiors.

By our superiors.

Clarke: Act 19:2 - -- Have ye received the Holy Ghost - It is likely that these were Asiatic Jews, who, having been at Jerusalem about twenty-six years before this, had h...

Have ye received the Holy Ghost - It is likely that these were Asiatic Jews, who, having been at Jerusalem about twenty-six years before this, had heard the preaching of John, and received his baptism, believing in the coming Christ, whom John had proclaimed; but it appears that till this time they had got no farther instruction in the Christian religion. Paul, perceiving this, asked them if they had received the Holy Ghost since they believed? For it was the common privilege of the disciples of Christ to receive, not only the ordinary graces, but also the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit; and thus the disciples of Christ differed from those of John, and of all others. John baptized with water; Jesus baptized with the Holy Ghost. And to this day the genuine disciples of Christ are distinguished from all false religionists, and from nominal Christians, by being made partakers of this Spirit, which enlightens their minds, and convinces of sin, righteousness, and judgment; quickens their souls, witnesses to their conscience that they are the children of God, and purifies their hearts. Those who have not received these blessings from the Holy Spirit, whatever their profession may be, know nothing better than John’ s baptism: good, excellent in its kind, but ineffectual to the salvation of those who live under the meridian of Christianity

Clarke: Act 19:2 - -- We have not so much as heard whether, etc. - That is, they had not heard that there were particular gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit to be receiv...

We have not so much as heard whether, etc. - That is, they had not heard that there were particular gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit to be received. They could not mean that they had not heard of the Holy Spirit; for John, in his baptism, announced Christ as about to baptize with the Holy Ghost, Mat 3:11; Luk 3:16; but they simply meant that they had not heard that this Spirit, in his gifts, had been given to or received by any one.

Clarke: Act 19:4 - -- That they should believe on him which should come after - John baptized them with the baptism of repentance; this was common to all the baptisms adm...

That they should believe on him which should come after - John baptized them with the baptism of repentance; this was common to all the baptisms administered by the Jews to proselytes; but telling them that they should believe on him who was coming, was peculiar to John’ s baptism.

Clarke: Act 19:5 - -- When they heard this, etc. - As there is no evidence in the New Testament of persons being rebaptized, unless this be one, many criticisms have been...

When they heard this, etc. - As there is no evidence in the New Testament of persons being rebaptized, unless this be one, many criticisms have been hazarded to prove that these persons were not rebaptized. I see no need of this. To be a Christian, a man must be baptized in the Christian faith: these persons had not been baptized into that faith, and therefore were not Christians: they felt this, and were immediately baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. This is a plain case; but let one instance be produced of a person being rebaptized, who had before been baptized in the name of the holy Trinity, or even in the name of Jesus alone. In my view, it is an awful thing to iterate baptism when it had been before essentially performed: by "essentially performed,"I mean, administered by sprinkling, washing, or plunging, by or in water, in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, being invoked at the time. Whoever has had this has the essence of baptism, as far as that can be conferred by man; and it matters not at what period of his life he has had it; it is a substantial baptism, and by it the person has been fully consecrated to the holy and blessed Trinity; and there should not be an iteration of this consecration on any account whatever. It is totally contrary to the canon law; it is contrary to the decisions of the best divines; it is contrary to the practice of the purest ages of the Church of God; it is contrary to the New Testament, and tends to bring this sacred ordinance into disrepute.

Clarke: Act 19:6 - -- They spake with tongues, and prophesied - They received the miraculous gift of different languages; and in those languages they taught to the people...

They spake with tongues, and prophesied - They received the miraculous gift of different languages; and in those languages they taught to the people the great doctrines of the Christian religion; for this appears to be the meaning of the word Ï€Ïοεφητευον, prophesied, as it is used above.

Clarke: Act 19:8 - -- Spake boldly - three months - We have often remarked that St. Paul, in every place, made his first offers of salvation to the Jews; and it was only ...

Spake boldly - three months - We have often remarked that St. Paul, in every place, made his first offers of salvation to the Jews; and it was only when they rejected it, that he turned to the Gentiles; see Act 18:6. And the same line of conduct he pursues here: he goes to the school of Tyrannus, at least a public place, to which all might resort, when they obstinately rejected the Gospel in the synagogue

Clarke: Act 19:8 - -- Disputing and persuading - Διαλεγομενος, και πειθων, Holding conversations with them, in order to persuade them of the truth o...

Disputing and persuading - Διαλεγομενος, και πειθων, Holding conversations with them, in order to persuade them of the truth of the doctrine of Christ.

Clarke: Act 19:9 - -- When divers were hardened - Τινες, When some of them were hardened; several no doubt felt the power of Divine truth, and yielded consent. Our ...

When divers were hardened - Τινες, When some of them were hardened; several no doubt felt the power of Divine truth, and yielded consent. Our term divers, one of the most bald in our language, has too general a meaning for this place

Behold the effect of the word of God! It is a savour of life unto life, or death unto death, according as it is received or rejected. The twelve men mentioned above received it affectionately, and they were made partakers of the Holy Ghost; the others were hardened, for they refused to believe; and they calumniated the doctrine, and became Satan’ s preachers among the multitude, to prejudice them against Christ and his religion

Clarke: Act 19:9 - -- Separated the disciples - Paul, and those converted under his ministry, had doubtless been in the habit of attending public worship in the synagogue...

Separated the disciples - Paul, and those converted under his ministry, had doubtless been in the habit of attending public worship in the synagogue: but, on the persecuting conduct of these Jews; he and his converts wholly withdrew from the synagogue, and took a place for themselves; and constantly afterwards held their own meetings at a school room, which they hired no doubt for the purpose

Clarke: Act 19:9 - -- The school of one Tyrannus - For σχολῃ, the school, one MS. has συναγωγῃ, the synagogue; and, for Tyrannus, some have Tyrannios. ...

The school of one Tyrannus - For σχολῃ, the school, one MS. has συναγωγῃ, the synagogue; and, for Tyrannus, some have Tyrannios. Some have considered the original word as being an epithet, rather than the name of a person; and think that a prince or nobleman is intended, because Ï„Ï…Ïαννος, tyrant, is taken in this sense: but this is a most unlikely conjecture. It appears that the person in question was a schoolmaster, and that he lent or hired his room to the apostles; and that they preached daily in it to as many, both Jews and Gentiles, as chose to attend. It is very likely that Tyrannus was a Jew, and was at least well affected to the Christian cause; for we have many proofs that individuals among them kept schools for the instruction of their youth; besides the schools or academies kept by the more celebrated rabbins. See Schoettgen and Vitringa. The school of Tyrannus might have been such a place as Exeter Hall, and such like places for public and especially for extraordinary religious meetings in London.

Clarke: Act 19:10 - -- By the space of two years - The schoolhouse of Tyrannus was his regular chapel; and it is likely that in it he taught Christianity, as Tyrannus taug...

By the space of two years - The schoolhouse of Tyrannus was his regular chapel; and it is likely that in it he taught Christianity, as Tyrannus taught languages or sciences

Clarke: Act 19:10 - -- All they - in Asia heard the word - Meaning, probably, the Proconsular Asia, for the extent of which see the note on Act 16:6

All they - in Asia heard the word - Meaning, probably, the Proconsular Asia, for the extent of which see the note on Act 16:6

Clarke: Act 19:10 - -- Jews and Greeks - For, although he ceased preaching in the synagogues of the Jews, yet they continued to hear him in the school of Tyrannus. But it ...

Jews and Greeks - For, although he ceased preaching in the synagogues of the Jews, yet they continued to hear him in the school of Tyrannus. But it is likely that Paul did not confine himself to this place, but went about through the different towns and villages; without which, how could all Asia have heard the word? By Greeks, we are to understand, not only the proselytes of the gate, but the heathens in general.

Clarke: Act 19:11 - -- God wrought special miracles - Δυναμεις τε ου τας τυχαυσας, Miracles of no ordinary kind, i.e. extraordinary miracles.

God wrought special miracles - Δυναμεις τε ου τας τυχαυσας, Miracles of no ordinary kind, i.e. extraordinary miracles.

Clarke: Act 19:12 - -- Handkerchiefs or aprons - ΣουδαÏια η σιμικινθια, Probably the sudaria were a sort of handkerchiefs, which, in travelling, were...

Handkerchiefs or aprons - ΣουδαÏια η σιμικινθια, Probably the sudaria were a sort of handkerchiefs, which, in travelling, were always carried in the hand, for the convenience of wiping the face; and the simikinthia were either the sashes or girdles that went about the loins. These, borrowed from the apostle, and applied to the bodies of the diseased, became the means, in the hand of God, of their restoration to health

Clarke: Act 19:12 - -- The diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them - Here, there is a most evident distinction made between the diseases and the...

The diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them - Here, there is a most evident distinction made between the diseases and the evil spirits: hence they were not one and the same thing.

Clarke: Act 19:13 - -- Certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists - Τινες απο των πεÏιεÏχομενων Ιουδαιων εξοÏκιϚων ; Certain of the ...

Certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists - Τινες απο των πεÏιεÏχομενων Ιουδαιων εξοÏκιϚων ; Certain of the Jews who went about practicing exorcisms. Vagabond has a very bad acceptation among us; but, literally, vagabundus signifies a wanderer, one that has no settled place of abode. These, like all their countrymen, in all places, went about to get their bread in what way they could; making trial of every thing by which they could have the prospect of gain. Finding that Paul cast out demons through the name of Jesus, they thought, by using the same, they might produce the same effects; and, if they could, they knew it would be to them an ample source of revenue; for demoniacs abounded in the land.

Clarke: Act 19:14 - -- Seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests - The original Ιουδαιου ὰÂχιεÏεως, dignifies a Jewish high priest; but ...

Seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests - The original Ιουδαιου ὰÂχιεÏεως, dignifies a Jewish high priest; but it is not probable that any sons, much less seven sons of a Jewish high priest, should be strolling exorcists: it is therefore likely that υἱοι Σκευα τινος ἱεÏεως, the sons of Skeva, a certain priest, as it stands in the Codex Bezae, is the true reading. The whole verse in that MS. reads thus: Among them there also the sons of Skeva, a priest, who wished to do the same: for they were accustomed to exorcise such persons. And entering in to the demoniac, they began to invoke that Name, saying, We command thee by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth, to go out. And the evil spirit angered, and said unto them, Jesus I know, etc. It has been often remarked that in our Lord’ s time there were many of the Jews that professed to cast out demons; and perhaps to this our Lord alludes, Mat 12:27. See the note there

Josephus, in speaking of the wisdom of Solomon, says that he had that skill by which demons are expelled; and that he left behind him the manner of using exorcisms, by which they are cast out; and that those arts were known among his countrymen down to his own time; and then gives us the following relation: "I have seen a certain man of my own country whose name was Eleazar, releasing people that were demoniacs, in the presence of Vespasian, his sons, his captains, and the whole multitude of his soldiers. The manner of the cure was this: He put a ring, that had a root of one of those sorts mentioned by Solomon, to the nostrils of the demoniac, after which he drew out the demon through his nostrils; and, when the man fell down, immediately he adjured him to return into him no more, making still mention of Solomon, and reciting the incantations that he had composed. And when Eleazar would persuade the spectators that he had such power, he set at a little distance a cup of water, and commanded the demon, as he went out of the man, to overturn it; and, when this was done, the skill and wisdom of Solomon were showed very manifestly."Joseph. Antiq. book viii. cap. 2, sect. 5. Whiston’ s edition

That there were such incantations among the Jews we know well, and that there are still such found, and that they are attributed to Solomon; but that they are his remains to be proved; and could this even be done, a point remains which can never be proved, viz. that those curious arts were a part of that wisdom which he received from God, as Josephus intimates. Indeed, the whole of the above account gives the strongest suspicion of its being a trick by the Jewish juggler, which neither Josephus nor the emperor could detect; but the ring, the root, the cup of water, the spell, etc.; all indicate imposture. Magicians among the Jews were termed בעלי ×©× baaley shem , Masters of the Name, that is, the name of Jehovah יהוה by a certain pronunciation of which they believed the most wonderful miracles could be wrought. There were several among them who pretended to this knowledge; and, when they could not deny the miracles of our Lord, they attributed them to his knowledge of the true pronunciation of this most sacred name.

Clarke: Act 19:15 - -- Jesus I know, and Paul I know - In the answer of the demoniac, the verb in varied: τον Ιησουν γινωσκω, και τον Παυλον Î...

Jesus I know, and Paul I know - In the answer of the demoniac, the verb in varied: τον Ιησουν γινωσκω, και τον Παυλον επιϚαμαι· ὑμεις δε τινες ( τινος ) εϚε . I acknowledge Jesus, and am acquainted with Paul; but of whom are ye? Ye belong to neither; ye have no authority. And he soon gave them full proof of this. This distinction is observed in my old MS. Bible: I have knowe Jesu, and I wote Poule; forsothe who ben yee.

Clarke: Act 19:16 - -- And the man in whom the evil spirit was, etc. - Thus we find that one man was more powerful than these seven brothers; so that he stripped them of t...

And the man in whom the evil spirit was, etc. - Thus we find that one man was more powerful than these seven brothers; so that he stripped them of their upper garments, and beat and wounded the whole! Was not this a proof that he derived his strength from the evil spirit that dwelt in him?

Clarke: Act 19:17 - -- The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified - They saw that there was a sovereign power in the name of Jesus, which could not be imitated by these lyin...

The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified - They saw that there was a sovereign power in the name of Jesus, which could not be imitated by these lying exorcists: they therefore reverenced this name, and despised those pretenders

Exorcisms or adjurations of evil spirits were very frequent in the primitive Church: the name of Jesus was that alone which was used. The primitive fathers speak strong and decisive words concerning the power of this name; and how demons were tormented and expelled by it, not only from individuals, but from the temples themselves. Exorcists formed a distinct class an the Church; hence we read of presbyters, deacons, exorcists, lectors, and door-keepers. The adjuration was commonly used over the catechumens, before they were admitted to baptism. Gregory of Nazianzen, and Cyril of Jerusalem speak much of this rite. See my Succession of Sacred Literature, under Cyril, and Gregory Nazianzen; and see Suicer, under εξοÏκισμος .

Clarke: Act 19:19 - -- Which used curious arts - Τα πεÏιεÏγα . From the use of this word in the Greek writers, we know that it signified magical arts, sorceries...

Which used curious arts - Τα πεÏιεÏγα . From the use of this word in the Greek writers, we know that it signified magical arts, sorceries, incantations, etc. Ephesus abounded with these. Dio Cassius, speaking of the Emperor Adrian, says, Ὁ ΑδÏιανος πεÏιεÏγοτατος ην και μαντειαις και μαγγανειαις παντοδαπαις εχÏητο . "Adrian was exceedingly addicted to curious arts, and practised divination and magic."These practices prevailed in all nations of the earth

Clarke: Act 19:19 - -- Brought their books together - The Εφεσια γÏαμματα, or Ephesian characters, are celebrated in antiquity; they appear to have been amu...

Brought their books together - The Εφεσια γÏαμματα, or Ephesian characters, are celebrated in antiquity; they appear to have been amulets, inscribed with strange characters, which were carried about the body for the purpose of curing diseases, expelling demons, and preserving from evils of different kinds. The books brought together on this occasion were such as taught the science, manner of formation, use, etc., of these charms

Suidas, under Εφεσια γÏαμματα, Ephesian letters, gives us the following account. "Certain obscure incantations. - When Milesius and Ephesius wrestled at the Olympic games, Milesius could not prevail, because his antagonist had the Ephesian letters bound to his heels; when this was discovered, and the letters taken away, it is reported that Milesius threw him thirty times.

The information given by Hesychius is still more curious: Εφεσια γÏαμματα. ην μεν παλαι Ïš ' · ὑϚεÏον δε Ï€Ïοσεθεσαν τινες απατεωνες και αλλα· φασι δε των Ï€Ïωτων τα ονοματα, ταδε ΑΣΚΙΟÎ, ΚΑΤΑΣΚΙΟÎ, ΛΙΞ, ΤΕΤΡΑΞ, ΔΑΜÎΑΜΕÎΕΥΣ, ΑΙΣΙΟη Δηλοι δε, το μεν Ασκιον, σκοτος· το δε Κατα σκιον, φως· το δε Λιξ, γη· τετÏαξ δε, ενιαυτος· Δαμναμενευς δε, ἡλιος· Αισιον δε, αληθες. Ταυτα ουν ἱεÏα εϚι και ἁγια . "The Ephesian letters or characters were formerly six, but certain deceivers added others afterwards; and their names, according to report, were these: Askion, Kataskion, Lix, Tetrax, Damnameneus, and Aislon. It is evident that Askion signifies Darkness; Kataskion, Light; Lix, the Earth; Tetrax, the Year; Damnameneus, the Sun; and Aision, Truth. These are holy and sacred things."The same account may be seen in Clemens Alexandrinus; Strom. lib. v. cap. 8, where he attempts to give the etymology of these different terms. These words served, no doubt, as the keys to different spells and incantations; and were used in order to the attainment of a great variety of ends. The Abraxas of the Basilidians, in the second century, were formed on the basis of the Ephesian letters; for those instruments of incantation, several of which are now before me, are inscribed with a number of words and characters equally as unintelligible as the above, and in many cases more so

When it is said they brought their books together, we are to understand the books which treated of these curious arts; such as the Εφεσια γÏαμματα, or Ephesian characters

Clarke: Act 19:19 - -- And burned them before all - These must have been thoroughly convinced of the truth of Christianity, and of the unlawfulness of their own arts

And burned them before all - These must have been thoroughly convinced of the truth of Christianity, and of the unlawfulness of their own arts

Clarke: Act 19:19 - -- Fifty thousand pieces of silver - Some think that the αÏγυÏιον, which we translate piece of silver, means a shekel, as that word is used Ma...

Fifty thousand pieces of silver - Some think that the αÏγυÏιον, which we translate piece of silver, means a shekel, as that word is used Mat 26:16, where see the note; 50,000 shekels, at 3s., according to Dean Prideaux’ s valuation, (which is that followed throughout this work), would amount to 7,500£

But, as this was a Roman and not a Jewish country, we may rationally suppose that the Jewish coin was not here current; and that the αÏγυÏιον, or silver coin, mentioned by St. Luke, must have been either Greek or Roman; and, it is very likely that the sestertius is meant, which was always a silver coin, about the value, according to Arbuthnot, of two-pence, or 1d. 3q3/4., which answers to the fourth part of a denarius, rated by the same author at 7 3/4d. Allowing this to be the coin intended, the 50,000 sestertii would amount to 403£. 12s. 11d

The Vulgate reads, denariorum quinquaginta millium , fifty thousand denarii, which, at 7 3/4 d., will amount to 1,614£. 11s. 8d. The reading of the Itala version of the Codex Bezae is very singular, Denariorum sestertia ducenta . "Two hundred sesterces of denarii;"which may signify no more than "two hundred sestertii of Roman money:"for in this sense denarius is certainly used by Cicero, Orat. pro Quint.; where ad denarium solvere , means to pay in Roman money, an expression similar to our word sterling. This sum would amount to no more than 1£. 12s. 3 1/2d. But that which is computed from the sestertius is the most probable amount.

Clarke: Act 19:20 - -- So mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed - The Codex Bezae reads this verse thus: "So mightily grew the word of the Lord, and prevailed; and ...

So mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed - The Codex Bezae reads this verse thus: "So mightily grew the word of the Lord, and prevailed; and the faith of God increased and multiplied."It is probable that it was about this time that St. Paul had that conflict which he mentions, 1Co 15:32 : If I after the manner of men, have fought with wild beasts at Ephesus, etc. See the note there. It means some severe trials not here mentioned, unless we may suppose him to refer to the ferocious insurrection headed by Demetrius, mentioned at the end of this chapter.

Clarke: Act 19:21 - -- Paul purposed in the spirit, etc. - Previously to this he appears to have concerted a journey to Macedonia, and a visit to Corinth, the capital of A...

Paul purposed in the spirit, etc. - Previously to this he appears to have concerted a journey to Macedonia, and a visit to Corinth, the capital of Achaia, where he seems to have spent a considerable time, probably the whole winter of a.d. 58; see 1Co 16:5, 1Co 16:6; and afterwards to go to Jerusalem; but it is likely that he did not leave Ephesus till after pentecost, a.d. 59. (1Co 16:8) And he resolved, if possible, to see Rome, which had been the object of his wishes for a considerable time. See Rom 1:10, Rom 1:13; Rom 16:23

It is generally believed that, during this period, while at Ephesus, he wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians. He had heard that some strange disorders had entered into that Church: -

1.    That there were divisions among them; some extolling Paul, beyond all others; some, Peter; others, Apollos

2.    He had learned from Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus, whom he saw at Ephesus, 1Co 16:17; 1Co 7:1, that several abuses had crept into their religious assemblies

3.    That even the Christians went to law with each other, and that before the heathens. And

4.    That a person professing Christianity in that city, had formed a matrimonial contract with his step-mother. It was to remedy those disorders that he wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians, in which he strongly reprehends all the above evils.

Clarke: Act 19:22 - -- So he sent into Macedonia - He desired Timothy to go as far as Corinth, 1Co 4:18, and after that to return to him at Ephesus, 1Co 16:11; but he hims...

So he sent into Macedonia - He desired Timothy to go as far as Corinth, 1Co 4:18, and after that to return to him at Ephesus, 1Co 16:11; but he himself continued in Asia some time longer; probably to make collections for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Erastus, mentioned here for the first time, appears to have been the chamberlain, οικονομος, either of Ephesus or Corinth; see Rom 16:23. He was one of St. Paul’ s companions, and is mentioned as being left by the apostle at Corinth, 2Ti 4:20.

Clarke: Act 19:23 - -- No small stir about that way - Concerning the Gospel, which the apostles preached; and which is termed this way, Act 9:2, where see the note.

No small stir about that way - Concerning the Gospel, which the apostles preached; and which is termed this way, Act 9:2, where see the note.

Clarke: Act 19:24 - -- Silver shrines for Diana - It is generally known that the temple of Diana at Ephesus was deemed one of the seven wonders of the world, and was a mos...

Silver shrines for Diana - It is generally known that the temple of Diana at Ephesus was deemed one of the seven wonders of the world, and was a most superb building. It appears that the silver shrines mentioned here were small portable representations of this temple, which were bought by strangers as matters of curiosity, and probably of devotion. If we can suppose them to have been exact models of this famous temple, representing the whole exterior of its magnificent workmanship, which is possible, they would be held in high estimation, and probably become a sort of substitute for the temple itself, to worshippers of this goddess who lived in distant parts of Greece. The temple of Diana was raised at the expense of all Asia Minor, and yet was two hundred and twenty years in building, before it was brought to its sum of perfection. It was in length 425 feet, by 220 in breadth; and was beautified by 127 columns, which were made at the expense of so many kings; and was adorned with the most beautiful statues. To procure himself an everlasting fame, Erostratus burned it to the ground the same night on which Alexander the Great was born. It is reported that Alexander offered to make it as magnificent as it was before, provided he might put his name on the front; but this was refused. It was afterwards rebuilt and adorned, but Nero plundered it of all its riches. This grand building remains almost entire to the present day, and is now turned into a Turkish mosque. See an account of it in Montfaucon, Antiq. Expliq. vol. ii., with a beautiful drawing on plate vi., No. 20. See also Stuart’ s Athens. There were also pieces of silver struck with a representation of the temple of Minerva on one side: many coins occur in the reigns of the first Roman emperors, where temples, with idols in the porch, appear on the reverse; and several may be seen in Muselius, in the reigns of Trajan, Adrian, Antoninus Pius, etc. A beautiful representation of the temple of Diana at Ephesus may be seen on a medal engraved by Montfaucon, in his Antiq. Expliq. Suppl. vol. ii. plate 33. It has eight Doric columns in front, which Pliny says were sixty feet in length. In the entrance, the figure of Diana is represented with a sort of tower upon her head; her arms are supported by two staves; at her feet are represented two stags with their backs towards each other. The sun is represented on the right side of her head, and the moon as a crescent on the left. On each side and at the bottom of this temple are the words, Ï€Ïωτων Ασιας Εφεσιων . Some think that the medals here referred to are the same that are meant by the silver shrines made by Demetrius and his craftsmen. See the note on Act 19:27

Clarke: Act 19:24 - -- Brought no small gain - There were many made, many sold, and probably at considerable prices.

Brought no small gain - There were many made, many sold, and probably at considerable prices.

Clarke: Act 19:25 - -- By this craft we have our wealth - The word ευποÏια not only signifies wealth, but also abundance. It was a most lucrative trade; and he pl...

By this craft we have our wealth - The word ευποÏια not only signifies wealth, but also abundance. It was a most lucrative trade; and he plainly saw that, if the apostles were permitted to go on thus preaching, the worship of Diana itself would be destroyed; and, consequently, all the gain that he and his fellows derived from it would be brought to nought.

Clarke: Act 19:26 - -- This Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people - From the mouth of this heathen we have, in one sentence, a most pleasing account of the succe...

This Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people - From the mouth of this heathen we have, in one sentence, a most pleasing account of the success with which God had blessed the labors of the apostles: not only at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, they had persuaded and converted much people; for they had insisted that they could be no gods which are made with hands; and this the common sense of the people must at once perceive.

Clarke: Act 19:27 - -- The temple of the great goddess Diana - From a number of representations of the Ephesian goddess Diana, which still remain, we find that she was wid...

The temple of the great goddess Diana - From a number of representations of the Ephesian goddess Diana, which still remain, we find that she was widely different from Diana the huntress. She is represented in some statues all covered over with breasts, from the shoulders down to the feet; in others she is thus represented, from the breast to the bottom of the abdomen, the thighs and legs being covered with the heads of different animals. From this it is evident that, under this name and form, nature, the nourisher and supporter of all things, was worshipped: the sun and moon, being grand agents, in all natural productions, were properly introduced as her attributes or symbols. Because she was the representative of universal nature, she was called, in opposition to Diana the huntress and goddess of chastity, the Great goddess Diana; not only worshipped in Asia, but throughout the whole world; both the Greeks and the Romans unanimously conjoining in her worship

Several statues of this Ephesian Diana still remain; and some beautiful ones are represented by Montfaucon, in his Antig. Expliq. vol. i. book iii. cap. 15, plates 46, 47, 48. From this father of antiquaries, much information on this subject may be derived. He observes that the original statue of Diana of Ephesus, which was in that noble temple, esteemed one of the wonders of the world, was made of ivory, as Pliny says; but Vitruvius says it was made of cedar; and others, of the wood of the vine. The images of this goddess are divided into several bands, or compartments; so that they appear swathed from the breasts to the feet. On the head is generally represented a large tower, two stories high. A kind of festoon of flowers and fruit descends from her shoulders; in the void places of the festoon a crab is often represented, and sometimes crowned by two genii or victories. The arms are generally extended, or stretched a little out from the sides; and on each one or two lions. Below the festoon, between the two first bands, there are a great number of paps: hence she has been styled by some of the ancients, Multimammia, and πολυμαϚος, the goddess with the multitude of paps: on one figure I count nineteen. Between the second and third bands, birds are represented; between the third and fourth, a human head with tritons; between the fourth and fifth, heads of oxen. Most of the images of this goddess are represented as swathed nearly to the ancles, about which the folds of her robe appear. Though there is a general resemblance in all the images of the Ephesian Diana, yet some have more figures or symbols, some less: these symbols are generally paps, human figures, oxen, lions, stags, griffins, sphinxes, reptiles, bees, branches of trees, and roses

That nature is intended by this goddess is evident from the inscription on two of those represented by Montfaucon: παναιολος φυσις παντων μητηÏ, Nature, full of varied creatures, and mother of all things. It is evident that this Diana was a composition of several deities: her crown of turrets belongs to Cybele, the mother of the gods; the lions were sacred to her also; the fruits and oxen are symbols of Ceres; the griffins were sacred to Apollo; and the deer or stags to Diana. The crab being placed within the festoon of flowers evidently refers to the northern tropic Cancer; and the crab being crowned in that quarter may refer to the sun having accomplished his course, and begun to return with an increase of light, heat, etc: The paps, or breasts, as has already been observed, show her to be the nurse of all things; and the different animals and vegetables represented on those images point out nature as the supporter of the animal and vegetable world: the moon and tritons show her influence on the sea; and the sun her influence on the earth. All these things considered, it is no wonder that this goddess was called at Ephesus the Great Diana, and that she was worshipped, not only in that city, but in all the world. In the worship of this deity, and in the construction of her images, the heathens seem to have consulted common sense and reason in rather an unusual manner. But we must observe, also, that among the Greeks and Romans they had two classes of deities: the Dii Majores, and the Dii Minores: the great gods, and the minor gods. The latter were innumerable; but the former; among whom was Diana, were only twelve - Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, Mars, Mercury, and Vulcan; Juno, Vesta, Ceres, Diana, Venus, and Minerva. These twelve were adored through the whole Gentile world, under a variety of names.

Clarke: Act 19:29 - -- The whole city was filled with confusion - Thus we find the peace of the whole city was disturbed, not by an apostle preaching the Gospel of Christ,...

The whole city was filled with confusion - Thus we find the peace of the whole city was disturbed, not by an apostle preaching the Gospel of Christ, but by one interested, unprincipled knave, who did not even plead conscience for what he was doing; but that it was by this craft he and his fellows got their wealth, and he was afraid to lose it

Clarke: Act 19:29 - -- Rushed - into the theater - The theatres, being very spacious and convenient places, were often used for popular assemblies and public deliberation,...

Rushed - into the theater - The theatres, being very spacious and convenient places, were often used for popular assemblies and public deliberation, especially in matters which regarded the safety of the state. There are several proofs of this in ancient authors. So Tacitus, Hist. ii. 80, speaking concerning Vespasian, says: Antiochensium theatrum ingressus, ubi illis consultare mos est, concurrentes et in adulationem effusos alloquitur . "Having entered into the theater of the Antiochians, where it was the custom to hold consultations, the people running together, and being profuse in flattery, he addressed them."Frontinus, in Stratagem lib. iii. cap. 2, speaking of a public meeting at the theater at Agrigentum, observes, ubi ex more Graecorum locus consultationi praebebatur ; which, according to the custom of the Greeks, is the place for public deliberation. See several examples in Kypke.

Clarke: Act 19:31 - -- Certain of the chief of Asia - Τινες των ΑσιαÏχων ; Some of the Asiarchs. The Asiarchs were those to whom the care and regulation o...

Certain of the chief of Asia - Τινες των ΑσιαÏχων ; Some of the Asiarchs. The Asiarchs were those to whom the care and regulation of the public games were intrusted: they were a sort of high priests, and were always persons of considerable riches and influence. These could not have been Christians; but they were what the sacred text states them to have been, αυτῳ φιλοι, his friends; and foreseeing that Paul would be exposed to great danger if he went into the theater, amidst such a tumultuous assembly, they sent a message to him, entreating him not to go into danger so apparent. Query: Did he not go, and fight with these wild beasts at Ephesus? 1Co 15:32.

Clarke: Act 19:32 - -- Some - cried one thing, and some another - This is an admirable description of a tumultuous mob, gathered together without law or reason; getting th...

Some - cried one thing, and some another - This is an admirable description of a tumultuous mob, gathered together without law or reason; getting their passions inflamed, and looking for an opportunity to commit outrages, without why or wherefore - principle or object

Clarke: Act 19:32 - -- For the assembly was confused - Ἡ εκκλησια ; The same word which we translate church; and thus we find that it signifies any assembly, g...

For the assembly was confused - Ἡ εκκλησια ; The same word which we translate church; and thus we find that it signifies any assembly, good or bad, lawful, or unlawful; and that only the circumstances of the case can determine the precise nature of the assembly to which this word is applied.

Clarke: Act 19:33 - -- They drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward - From this and the following verses it is pretty evident that this Alexander...

They drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward - From this and the following verses it is pretty evident that this Alexander was brought forward on this occasion by the Jews, that he might make an oration to the multitude, in order to exculpate the Jews, who were often by the heathens confounded with the Christians; and cast the whole blame of the uproar upon Paul and his party. And he was probably chosen because he was an able speaker; and when he beckoned with his hand; to gain an audience, the Greeks, knowing that he was a Jew, and consequently as much opposed to the worship of Diana as Paul was, would not hear him; and therefore, to drown his apology, τῳ δημω, for the people, viz. the Jews, they vociferated for the space of two hours, Great is Diana of the Ephesians! There does not seem any just ground from the text to suppose that this Alexander was a Christian; or that he was about to make an apology for the Christians: it is generally believed that he is the same with Alexander the coppersmith, of whom St. Paul speaks, 2Ti 4:14, and whom, with Philetus, he was obliged to excommunicate, 1Ti 1:20. By the Jews putting him forward, we are to understand their earnestness to get him to undertake their defense, and criminate, as much as possible, St. Paul and his companions, and the Christian cause in general; which he would no doubt have done, without vindicating the worship of Diana, which, as a Jew, he would not dare to attempt.

Clarke: Act 19:35 - -- When the town-clerk - ὉγÏαμματευς, Literally, the scribe. The Syriac has reisha damedinato , the chief or prince of the city. The late...

When the town-clerk - ὉγÏαμματευς, Literally, the scribe. The Syriac has reisha damedinato , the chief or prince of the city. The later Syriac has, the scribe of the city. Some think that the word recorder would do better here than town-clerk; and indeed it is evident that a magistrate of considerable authority and influence is intended - the mayor or sovereign of the city

Clarke: Act 19:35 - -- Ye men of Ephesus - The speech of this man may be thus analyzed 1.    He states that there was no need of a public declaration that t...

Ye men of Ephesus - The speech of this man may be thus analyzed

1.    He states that there was no need of a public declaration that the Ephesians were worshippers of Diana; this every person knew, and nobody attempted to contest it, Act 19:35, Act 19:36

2.    That the persons accused were not guilty of any public offense, nor of any breach of the laws of the city, Act 19:37

3.    That, if they were, this was not a legal method of prosecuting them, Act 19:38, Act 19:39

4.    That they themselves, by this tumultuous meeting, had exposed themselves to the censure of the law, and were in danger of being called into question for it, Act 19:40. See Dodd

Clarke: Act 19:35 - -- Is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana - The word νεωκοÏος, neocoros , which we translate worshipper, signified at first, among the anc...

Is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana - The word νεωκοÏος, neocoros , which we translate worshipper, signified at first, among the ancient Greeks, no more than sweeper of the temple, and answered nearly to our sexton: in process of time, the care of the temple was intrusted to this person: at length the neocori became persons of great consequence, and were those who offered sacrifices for the life of the emperor. Whole cities took this appellation, as appears on many ancient coins and medals; and Ephesus is supposed to have been the first that assumed this title. At this time, it was commonly known as belonging to this city. "What man is there that knoweth not that the city of the Ephesians is the Neocoros of the great goddess Diana?"As if he had said: "The whole city is devoted to her worship: it is reputed an honor to our highest characters even to sweep her temple, and open and shut her doors. Besides, we offer to her the highest sacrifices; and are intrusted with the religious service that pertains to the emperor’ s safety.

Clarke: Act 19:35 - -- Of the image which fell down from Jupiter? - The original image of the Ephesian Diana (see on Act 19:27 (note)) was supposed to have descended from ...

Of the image which fell down from Jupiter? - The original image of the Ephesian Diana (see on Act 19:27 (note)) was supposed to have descended from heaven; which intimates that it was so old that no person knew either its maker or the time in which it was formed, and it was the interest of the priests to persuade the people that this image had been sent to them as a present from Jupiter himself. Several images and sacred things were supposed, among the heathens, to be presents immediately from heaven. Euripides states the image of Diana of Tauri to be of this kind; and calls it διοπετες αγαλμα, the image fallen from Jupiter. Numa pretended that the ancilia , or sacred shields, had come from heaven. In imitation of these, many of the Italian papists believe that the shrine of our lady of Loretto was also a Divine gift to their country. St. Isidore, of Damietta, says that the heathen, in order to induce the people to believe that such images came from heaven, either banished or slew the artists that had formed them, that there might be no evidence of the time in which, or the persons by whom, they were made: this point secured, it was easy to persuade the credulous multitude that they had been sent from heaven. The story of the Palladium, on which the safety of Troy was said to depend, is well known. It was an image of Minerva, and also supposed to have descended from Jupiter.

Clarke: Act 19:37 - -- These men - are neither robbers of churches - ἹÏεσυλους ; Spoilers of sacred places. As his design evidently was to appease and concilia...

These men - are neither robbers of churches - ἹÏεσυλους ; Spoilers of sacred places. As his design evidently was to appease and conciliate the people, he fixed first on a most incontrovertible fact: These men have not spoiled your temples; nor is there any evidence that they have even blasphemed your goddess. The apostles acted as prudent men should: they endeavored to enlighten the minds of the multitude, that the absurdity of their gross errors might be the more apparent; for, when they should know the truth, it was likely that they would at once abandon such gross falsehood.

Clarke: Act 19:38 - -- If Demetrius - have a matter against any man - If it be any breach of law, in reference to Demetrius and the artists, the law is open, αγοÏαι...

If Demetrius - have a matter against any man - If it be any breach of law, in reference to Demetrius and the artists, the law is open, αγοÏαιοι αγονται ; these are the terms of law, public courts, times of sessions or assize; or, rather, the judges are mow sitting: so the words may be understood. And there are deputies, ανθυπατοι, proconsuls, appointed to guard the peace of the state, and to support every honest man in his right: let them implead one another; let the one party bring forward his action of assault or trespass, and the other put in his defense: the laws are equal and impartial, and justice will be done to him who is wronged.

Clarke: Act 19:39 - -- But if ye inquire any thing concerning other matters - In which the safety of the state, or the national worship, is concerned, know that such a mat...

But if ye inquire any thing concerning other matters - In which the safety of the state, or the national worship, is concerned, know that such a matter is not the business of the mob; it must be heard and determined in a lawful assembly, εν τη εννομῳ εκκλησιᾳ, one legally constituted, and properly authorized to hear and determine on the subject.

Clarke: Act 19:40 - -- For we are in danger, etc. - Popular commotions were always dreaded by the Roman government; and so they should by all governments; for, when might ...

For we are in danger, etc. - Popular commotions were always dreaded by the Roman government; and so they should by all governments; for, when might has nothing to direct its operations but passion, how destructive must these operations be! One of the Roman laws made all such commotions of the people capital offenses against those who raised them. Qui caetum et concursus fecerit, capite puniatur : "He who raises a mob shall forfeit his life."If such a law existed at Ephesus - and it probably did, from this reference to it in the words of the town-clerk or recorder - then Demetrius must feel himself in great personal danger; and that his own life lay now at the mercy of those whom he had accused, concerning whom he had raised such an outcry, and against whom nothing disorderly could be proved.

Clarke: Act 19:41 - -- He dismissed the assembly - Την εκκλησιαν . Another proof that the word εκκλησια, which we generally translate church, signifi...

He dismissed the assembly - Την εκκλησιαν . Another proof that the word εκκλησια, which we generally translate church, signifies an assembly of any kind, good or bad, legal or illegal

1.    How forcible are right words! From the conduct of this prudent, sensible man, we may learn how much influence persons of this character may have, even over the unbridled multitude. But, where the civil power associates itself with the lawless might of the many, There must be confusion and every evil work. What a blessing to the community is the civil law! Were it not for this, the unthinking multitude would destroy others, and at last destroy themselves. Law and justice are from God; and the civil power, by which they are supported and administered, should be respected by all who regard the safety of their persons or property

2.    Though the ministry of St. Paul was greatly blessed at Ephesus, and his preaching appears to have been very popular, yet this sunshine was soon darkened: peace with the world cannot last long; the way of the Lord will always be opposed by those who love their own ways

3.    How few would make an outward profession of religion, were there no gain connected with it! And yet, as one justly observes, religion is rendered gainful only by some external part of it. For this very reason, the external part of religion is always on the increase, and none can find fault with it without raising storms and tempests; while the internal part wastes and decays, no man laying it to heart. Demetrius and his fellows would have made no stir for their worship, had not the apostle’ s preaching tended to discredit that by which they got their wealth. Most of the outcries that have been made against all revivals of religion - revivals by which the Church has been called back to its primitive principles and purity, have arisen out of self-interest. The cry of, the Church is in danger, has been echoed only by those who found their secular interest at stake; and knew that reformation must unmask them and show that the slothful and wicked servants could no longer be permitted to live on the revenues of that Church which they disgraced by their lives, and corrupted by their false doctrines. He that eats the Church’ s bread should do the Church’ s world: and he that will not work should not be permitted to eat.

Calvin: Act 19:2 - -- 2.Whether they had received the Holy Ghost The end of the history doth show that Paul doth not speak in this place of the Spirit of regeneration, but...

2.Whether they had received the Holy Ghost The end of the history doth show that Paul doth not speak in this place of the Spirit of regeneration, but of the special gifts which God gave to divers at the beginning of the gospel, for the common edifying of the Church. But now upon this interrogation of Paul ariseth a question, whether the Spirit were common to all everywhere at that time? For if he were given only to a few, why doth he join him with faith, as if they were so linked together that they could not be separate? Peradventure, they were none of the common sort; or because they were an indifferent number, that is, twelve, Paul demandeth whether they were all without the gifts of the Spirit. Notwithstanding, I think thus, that so many Jews were offered in presence of the Gentiles, not by chance, but by the counsel of God; and that at one time being disciples, that is, of the number of the faithful, who did notwithstanding confess that they were ignorant of the principal glory of the gospel, which was apparent in spiritual gifts, that by them Paul’s ministry might be beautified and set forth. For it is unlike that Apollos left so few disciples at Ephesus; and he might have taught them better, since that he learned the way of the Lord perfectly of Priscilla and Aquila. −

Moreover, I do not doubt but that the brethren of whom Luke spake before were other than these. In sum, when Paul seeth that these men do profess the name of Christ, to the end he may have a more certain trial of their faith, he asketh them whether they have received the Holy Ghost. For it appeareth by Paul himself that this was a sign and token of the grace of God to establish the credit of doctrine; I would know of you whether ye received the Holy Ghost by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ( Gal 3:2). −

We know not whether there be any Holy Ghost How could it be, that men being Jews heard nothing of the Spirit, concerning which the prophets speak everywhere, and whose commendations and titles are extant in the whole Scripture? Surely we gather by this that Paul did neither speak generally of the Spirit; and that these men, as they were asked, did deny that they knew those visible graces wherewith God had beautified the kingdom of his Son. Therefore, they confess that they know not whether God give such gifts. Therefore, there is in the word Spirit the figure metonymia. And this sense doth that confirm that if they had altogether denied that they knew anything concerning the Spirit of God, Paul would not have passed over with silence such a gross error; yea, an error altogether monstrous. When he demandeth to what end, or how they were baptized, he showeth therewithal, that wheresoever Christ had been soundly and thoroughly preached the visible graces did also appear, that such worship − 353 might be common to all churches. Wherefore, no marvel if Paul wonder that the faithful are ignorant of such glory of Christ, which God would have to be apparent everywhere at that time; and a correction immediately, he telleth them that they must not stay in those rudiments which they had learned; because it was John’s office to prepare disciples for Christ. −

Calvin: Act 19:4 - -- 4.John truly Paul’s admonition tended to this end, that these men being convict of their ignorance might desire to go forward. He saith that John p...

4.John truly Paul’s admonition tended to this end, that these men being convict of their ignorance might desire to go forward. He saith that John preached of Christ who was to come. Therefore he sent out his disciples, − 354 that running in the course they might go towards Christ who was not as yet revealed. Wherefore, to the end these men may not flatter themselves, and refuse to go forward, he showeth that they be yet far from the mark. For the feeling of want doth enforce men to desire that which is as yet lacking. The sum cometh to this end, as if Paul had said Before Christ was glorified, this power of his did not appear − 355 in the world; when he was ascended into heaven he would have his kingdom to flourish thus. Therefore the graces of the Spirit were much less shed out when John was as yet in the course of his embassage, which do now declare that Christ sitteth at the right hand of his Father forasmuch as he had not as then openly showed himself to be the Redeemer of the world. Therefore know ye that you must go farther forward; because ye be far from the mark. So that he doth plainly show that the faith of the godly who had been taught by John ought to have looked unto Christ who was to come, lest these men should stand still being newly entered, without going any farther. −

And even by this also are we taught that the baptism of John was a token of repentance and remission of sins and that our baptism at this day doth not differ any thing from it, save only that Christ is already revealed, and in his death and resurrection our salvation is made perfect: and so baptism was brought unto his [its] effect; because out of that fountain of Christ’s death and resurrection whereof I have spoken, floweth repentance, and thither is faith referred again that it may thence fet [seek] free righteousness. In sum, Paul showeth plainly that that was the baptism of regeneration and renovation as is ours. And because both purging and newness of life doth flow from Christ alone he saith that it was grounded in his faith, by which words we be also taught, that hereupon dependeth all the force of baptism, that we lay hold upon by faith in Christ whatsoever baptism doth figure; so far off is it, that the outward sign doth derogate from or diminish the grace of Christ any iota. −

Calvin: Act 19:5 - -- 5.When they heard these things Because the men of old had conceived an opinion that the baptism of John and of Christ were diverse, it was no inconve...

5.When they heard these things Because the men of old had conceived an opinion that the baptism of John and of Christ were diverse, it was no inconvenient − 356 thing for them to be baptized again, who were only prepared with the baptism of John. But that that diversity was falsely and wickedly by them believed, it appeareth by this, in that it was a pledge and token of the same adoption, and of the same newness of life, which we have at this day in our baptism; and, therefore, we do not read that Christ did baptize those again who came from John unto him. Moreover, Christ received baptism in his own flesh, that he might couple himself with us by that visible sign, ( Mat 3:15) but if that reigned diversity be admitted, this singular benefit shall fall away and perish, that baptism is common to the Son of God and to us, or that we have all one baptism with him. But this opinion needeth no long refutation, because to the end they may persuade that these two baptisms be diverse, they must needs show first wherein the one differeth from the other; but a most excellent likelihood answereth on both parts, and also the agreement and conformity of the parts, − 357 which causeth us to confess that it is all one baptism. −

Now the question is, whether it were lawful to repeat the same; and furious men in this our age; trusting to this testimony, went about to bring in baptizing again. − 358 Some take baptism for new institution or instruction, of whose mind I am not, because, as their exposition is too much racked, so it smelleth of a starting-hole − 359. −

Other some deny that baptism was repeated; because they were baptized amiss by some foolish enemy − 360 of John. But because their conjecture hath no color; yea, the words of Paul do rather import that they were the true and natural disciples of John, and Luke doth honorably call them disciples of Christ; I do not subscribe to this opinion, and yet deny that the baptism of water was repeated, because the words of Luke import no other thing, save only that they were baptized with the Spirit. First, it is no new thing for the name of baptism to be translated unto the gifts of the Spirit, as we saw in the first and in the eleventh chapters, ( Act 1:5, and Act 11:6) where Luke said, that when Christ promised to his apostles to send the Spirit visible, he called it baptism. −

Also, that when the Spirit came down upon Cornelius, Peter remembered the words of the Lord, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.†Again, we see that those visible gifts are spoken of by name in this place, and that the same are given with baptism. And whereas it followeth immediately, that when he had laid his hands upon them, the Spirit came, I take it to be added by way of interpretation; for it is a kind of speaking much used in the Scripture, first to set down a thing briefly, and afterwards to make it more plain. Therefore, that which by reason of brevity was somewhat obscure, doth Luke better express and lay more open, saying, that by laying on of hands the Spirit was given them. If any man object, that when baptism is put for the gifts of the Spirit, it is not taken simply, but having somewhat added to it. I answer, that Luke’s meaning doth sufficiently appear by the text; and again, that Luke doth allude unto the baptism whereof he spake. And surely if you understand it of the external sign, it shall be an absurd thing that it was given them without using any better doctrine. But and if you take it metaphorically for institution, the speech shall be as yet harsh; and the narration should not agree, that after they were taught the Holy Ghost came down upon them. −

Furthermore, as I confess that this laying on of hands was a sacrament, so I say that those fell through ignorance who did continually imitate the same. For seeing that all men agree in this, that it was a grace which was to last only for a time, which was showed by that sign, it is a perverse and ridiculous thing to retain the sign since the truth is taken away. There is another respect of baptism and the supper, wherein the Lord doth testify that those gifts are laid open for us, which the Church shall enjoy even until the end of the world. Wherefore we must diligently and wisely distinguish perpetual sacraments from those which last only for a time, lest vain and frivolous visures [semblances] have a place among the sacraments. Whereas the men of old time did use laying on of hands, that they might confirm the profession of faith in those who were grown up, − 361 I do not mislike it; so that no man think that the grace of the Spirit is annexed to such a ceremony, as doth Jerome against the Luciferians. −

But the Papists are worthy of no pardon, who being not content with the ancient rite, durst thrust in rotten and filthy anointing, that it might be not only a confirmation of baptism, but also a more worthy sacrament, whereby they imagine that the faithful are made perfect who were before only half perfect, — whereby those are armed against the battle, who before had their sins only forgiven them. For they have not been afraid to spew out these horrible blasphemies.

Calvin: Act 19:8 - -- 8.Going into the synagogue By this we gather that Paul began with the company of the godly, who had already given their names to Christ. Secondly, th...

8.Going into the synagogue By this we gather that Paul began with the company of the godly, who had already given their names to Christ. Secondly, that he came into the synagogue, that he might gather together into one body of the Church the rest of the Jews who knew not Christ as yet, or at least who had not as yet received him. And he saith that Paul behaved himself boldly, that we may know that he was not therefore heard by the space of three months, because he did craftily cover the doctrine of the gospel, or did insinuate himself by certain dark crooks. Luke doth also by and by express some token of boldness, showing that he disputed and persuaded touching the kingdom of God. And we know that by this word is oftentimes noted that restoring which was promised to the fathers, and which was to be fulfilled by the coming of Christ. For seeing that without Christ there is an evil-favored and confused scattering abroad and ruin of all things, the prophets did attribute this not in vain to the Mesas who was to come, that it should come to pass that he should establish the kingdom of God in the world. And now, because this kingdom doth bring us back from falling and sliding back, unto the obedience of God, and maketh us sons of enemies; it consisteth — First in the free forgiveness of sins, whereby God doth reconcile us to himself, and doth adopt us to be his people: Secondly, in newness of life, whereby he fashioneth and maketh us like to his own image. He saith that he disputed and persuaded, meaning that Paul did so dispute, that he proved that with sound reasons which he did allege; that done, he used the pricks of godly exhortations, whereby he pricked forward his hearers. − 362 For no profound disputations − 363 shall make us obedient to God, unless we be moved with godly admonitions. −

Calvin: Act 19:9 - -- 9.Seeing their hearts were hardened We do not read that Paul was heard so patiently and so favorably by the Jews at any place as at Ephesus at his fi...

9.Seeing their hearts were hardened We do not read that Paul was heard so patiently and so favorably by the Jews at any place as at Ephesus at his first coming. For whereas others raising tumults did drive him away, he was requested by these to tarry longer. Now, after that he had endeavored, by the space of three months, to erect the kingdom of God among them, the ungodliness and stubbornness of many doth show itself. For Luke saith that they were hardened; and surely such is the power of the heavenly doctrine that it doth either make the reprobate mad or else more obstinate; and that not of nature, but accidentally, as they say, because, when they be urged by the truth, their secret poison breaketh out. −

Luke addeth that they spake evil of the way before the people. For the contemners of the gospel − 364 do resist that deadlily among others which they will not embrace. And this do they to no other end, save only because they be desirous (if it can be) to have all men partners in their impiety. It is well known that every ordinance is understood by this word way; but here it is referred unto the gospel of Christ. Now, Luke saith that Paul departed from them, and did separate the brethren, by which example we are taught, that when we have experience of desperate and incurable stubbornness, we must lose our labor no longer. Therefore, Paul admonisheth Titus to avoid a man that is an heretic, after once or twice admonition ( Tit 3:10). For the word of God is unjustly blasphemed, − 365 if it be cast to dogs and swine. Also, we must provide for the weak, lest through wicked backbitings and slandering of sound doctrine, their godliness be subverted. Therefore, Paul did separate the disciples, lest the goats should with their stink infect the flock of sheep; secondly, that the pure worshippers of God might make profession freely. −

Disputing daily This place showeth how continual Paul’s diligence was in teaching; and that they be too churlish and dainty who are straightway weary of learning. For we see how few come daily, who are ready and apt to hear. And though he had a particular care for the household flock which he had gathered as into a sheepfold, yet he doth not suffer strangers to be destitute of his industry; but continuing the course of his disputation, he trieth whether he can find any which are apt to be taught. He calleth it the school of Tyrannus, meaning no such man as had gotten the government of Asia; for the Romans bare rule throughout all Asia, but it is to be thought that the school was built at the charge of one Tyrannus, and given to the city. Therefore, the faithful did use a public place, which bare the name of the builder, where they had their assemblies. −

Calvin: Act 19:10 - -- 10.All which dwelt Luke doth not mean that the men of Asia came thither to hear Paul; but that the smell [savor] of his preaching went throughout all...

10.All which dwelt Luke doth not mean that the men of Asia came thither to hear Paul; but that the smell [savor] of his preaching went throughout all Asia, and that the seed was sown far and wide; so that his labor was fruitful not only to one city, but also to places which were far off; and that cometh to pass oftentimes, that when the truth of God is preached in one place, it soundeth where the voice of the minister cannot sound, being spread abroad far and wide; because it is delivered from hand to hand, and one doth teach another. For one man were not sufficient, unless every man were for himself diligent to spread abroad the faith. −

Calvin: Act 19:11 - -- 11.No small miracles He calleth miracles virtutes or powers, after the common custom of the Scripture, which were testimonies of the extraordinar...

11.No small miracles He calleth miracles virtutes or powers, after the common custom of the Scripture, which were testimonies of the extraordinary power of God. And showeth that Paul’s apostleship was set forth with these ensigns, that his doctrine might have the greater authority. For it is a common speech, That wonders and signs are showed by the hand of men. So that the praise thereof is ascribed to God alone as to the author; and man is only the minister. And that he may the more amplify the miracles, he saith that handkerchiefs and partlets − 366 were brought unto the sick, which so soon as they touched they were healed. It is not unknown − 367 to what end Paul had such power given him, to wit, that he might prove himself to be a true apostle of Christ, that he might make the gospel to be believed, and might confirm his ministry. And here it is expedient to call to mind those things which we had before, touching the lawful use of miracles. And whereas God did heal the sick with Paul’s handkerchiefs, it tended to that end, that even those who had never seen the man might, notwithstanding, reverently embrace his doctrine, though he himself were absent. For which cause the Papists are more blockish, who wrest this place unto their relics; as if Paul sent his handkerchiefs that men might worship them and kiss them − 368 in honor of them; as in Papistry, they worship Francis’ shoes and mantle, Rose’s girdle, Saint Margaret’s comb, and such like trifles. Yea, rather, he did choose most simple − 369 things, lest any superstition should arise by reason of the price or pomp. For he was fully determined to keep Christ’s glory sound and undiminished.

Calvin: Act 19:13 - -- 13. To the end it may more plainly appear that the apostleship of Paul was confirmed by those miracles whereof mention was made of late, Luke doth n...

13. To the end it may more plainly appear that the apostleship of Paul was confirmed by those miracles whereof mention was made of late, Luke doth now teach that when certain did falsely pretend the name of Christ, such abuse was most sharply punished. Whereby we gather that such miracles were wrought by the hand of Paul, to no other end, save only that all men might know that he did faithfully preach Christ to be the power of God; forasmuch as the Lord did not only not suffer them to be separate from the pure doctrine of the gospel; but did so sharply punish those who did draw them preposterously unto their enchantments; whence we gather again, that whatsoever miracles do darken the name of Christ they be juggling casts of the devil; and that those be coziness and falsifiers who draw the true miracles of God to any other end, save only that true religion may be established. − 370 −

Certain exorcists I do not doubt but that this office did proceed of foolish emulation. God was wont to exercise his power diverse ways among the Jews; and he had used the prophets in times past as ministers to drive away devils; under color hereof they invented conjuration, − 371 and hereupon was erected unadvisedly an extraordinary function without the commandment of God. Also, it may be that (God appointing it so to be) it did somewhat; − 372 not that he favored it preposterously, but that they might more willingly retain the religion of their fathers, until the coming of Christ. Under the reign of Christ, wicked ambition caused strife between the Christians and the Jews. For exorcists were made after the will of men; after that (as superstition doth always wax worse and worse) the Pope would have this common to all his clerks, who were to be promoted unto an higher degree. For after that they be made door-keepers, forthwith the conjuring of devils is committed to them; and by very experience they set themselves to be laughed at. For they are enforced to confess that they give a vain title, and such as is without effect, for where is the power they have to conjure devils? and the very exorcists themselves do take upon them, to their own reproach, an office which they never put in practice. But this falleth out justly, that. there is no end of erring, when men depart from the word of God. As touching these men, we gather that they were wandering rogues, and such as went from door to door, of which sort we see many at this day in Popery; for he saith that they went about. By which words he giveth us to understand, that they went to and fro as occasion was offered them to deceive men. −

We adjure you by Jesus It is a thing like to be true, [probable] that these deceivers flee unto the name of Christ, that they might get new power, whereof they had falsely boasted before, or because the power which they had did cease, that they might darken the gospel. This invocation had two faults; for whereas they were enemies − 373 to Paul’s doctrine, they abuse the color thereof without faith, as it were, unto magical enchantments; secondly, they take to themselves without the calling of God that which is not in man’s hand. But the lawful calling upon the name of God and Christ is that which is directed by faith, and doth not pass the bounds of a man’s calling. Wherefore, we are taught by this example, that we must attempt nothing, unless we have the light of the word of God going before us, lest we suffer like punishment for our sacrilege. The Lord himself commandeth us to pray. Whosoever they be which have not the gift of miracles given them, let them keep themselves within these bounds. For when the apostles made the unclean spirits come out of men, they had God for their author, and they knew that they did faithfully execute the ministry which he had enjoined them. −

Calvin: Act 19:16 - -- 16.The man running upon them That is attributed to the man which the devil did by him. For he had not been able to do such an act of himself, as to p...

16.The man running upon them That is attributed to the man which the devil did by him. For he had not been able to do such an act of himself, as to put to flight seven strong young men being wounded and naked. And to set down for a certainty how the devil doth dwell in men, we cannot, save only that there may be − 374 a contrariety between the Spirit of God and the spirit of Satan. For as Paul teacheth that we be the temples of God, because the Spirit of God dwelleth in us; so he saith again that Satan worketh effectually in all unbelievers. Notwithstanding, we must know that Luke speaketh in this place of a particular kind of dwelling; to wit, when Satan hath the bridle so much that he doth possess the whole man. −

Furthermore, God meant to show such a token, that he might declare that his power is not included in the sound of the voice, and that it is not lawful superstitiously to abuse the name of his Son. And when he suffereth Satan to deceive us, let us know that we be more sharply punished than if he should wound us in the flesh. For the false show and color of miracles is an horrible enchantment to bewitch and besot the unbelievers, that they may be drowned in deeper darkness, because they refused the light of God. −

Calvin: Act 19:17 - -- 17.There came fear The fruit of that vengeance which God brought upon those who did wickedly abuse the name of Christ is this, in that they were all ...

17.There came fear The fruit of that vengeance which God brought upon those who did wickedly abuse the name of Christ is this, in that they were all touched with reverence, lest they should contemn that doctrine, whose revenger the Lord hath showed by an evident token and testimony he would be, and they were brought to reverence Christ. For, besides that God doth invite us by all his judgments to come thus far, that they may terrify us from sinning, in this example peculiarly was the majesty of Christ set forth, and the authority of the gospel established. Wherefore, there is more heavy and grievous punishment prepared for deceivers, who, with their enchantments, profane the name of Christ wittingly, lest they promise to themselves that they shall escape unpunished for such gross sacrilege. Whereas he saith that it was made known to all men, it signifieth as much as commonly or everywhere. For his meaning is, that the matter was much talked of among the people, to the end the name of Christ might be made known to more men.

Calvin: Act 19:18 - -- 18.Many which believed Luke bringeth forth one token of that fear whereof he spake. For they did indeed declare that they were thoroughly touched and...

18.Many which believed Luke bringeth forth one token of that fear whereof he spake. For they did indeed declare that they were thoroughly touched and moved with the fear of God, who, of their own accord, did confess the faults and offenses of their former life, lest, through their dissimulation, they should nourish the wrath of God within. We know what a hard matter it is to wring true confession out of those who have offended, for seeing men count nothing more precious than their estimation, they make more account of shame than of truth; yea, so much as in them lieth, they seek to cover their shame. Therefore, this voluntary confession was a testimony of repentance and of fear. For no man, unless he be thoroughly touched, will make himself subject to the slanders and reproaches of men, and will willingly be judged upon earth, that he may be loosed and acquitted in heaven. When he saith, Many, by this we gather that they had not all one cause, for it may be that these men had corrupt consciences a long time; as many are oftentimes infected with hidden and inward vices. Wherefore, Luke doth not prescribe all men a common law; but he setteth before them an example which those must follow who need like medicine. For why did these men confess their facts, save only that they might give testimony of their repentance, and seek counsel and ease at Paul’s hands? It was otherwise with those who came unto the baptism of John, confessing their sins ( Mat 3:6). For by this means they did confess that they did enter into repentance without dissimulation. −

But in this place Luke teacheth by one kind, after what sort the faithful were touched with the reverence of God, when God set before them an example of his severity. For which cause the impudence of the Papists is the greater, who color their tyranny by this fact. For wherein doth their auricular confession agree − 375 with this example? First, the faithful confessed how miserably they had been deceived by Satan before they came to the faith, bringing into the sight of men certain examples. But by the Pope’s law it is required that men reckon up all their words and deeds and thoughts. We read that those men confessed this once; the Pope’s law commandeth that it be repeated every year at least. These men made confession of their own accord; the Pope bindeth all men with necessity. Luke saith there came many, not all; in the Pope’s law there is no exception. These men humbled themselves before the company of the faithful; the Pope giveth a far other commandment, that the sinner confess his sins, whispering in the ear of one priest. − 376 Lo, how well they apply − 377 the Scriptures to prove their subtilities. −

Calvin: Act 19:19 - -- 19.Who used curious crafts Luke doth not only speak of magical jugglings, but of frivolous and vain studies, whereof the more part of men is for the ...

19.Who used curious crafts Luke doth not only speak of magical jugglings, but of frivolous and vain studies, whereof the more part of men is for the most part too desirous. For he useth the word, πεÏιεÏγα, under which the Grecians comprehend whatsoever things have in themselves no sound commodity, but lead men’s minds and studies through diverse crooks unprofitably. Such is judicial astrology, as they call it, and whatsoever divinations men − 378 invent to themselves against the time to come. They burn their books, that they may cut off all occasion of erring, both for themselves and for others. And whereas the greatness of the price doth not call them back from endamaging themselves so much, they do thereby better declare the study [zeal] of their godliness. Therefore, as Luke did of late describe their confession in words, so now he setteth down the confession they make in deeds. But because the Grecians take αÏγυÏιον for all kind of money, it is uncertain whether Luke doth speak of pence or sestertians. − 379 Notwithstanding, because it is certain that he expressed a sum, that we might know that the faithful did valiantly contemn gain, I do nothing doubt but that he meaneth pence, or some other better kind of coin. − 380 And fifty thousand pence (denarii) make about nine thousand pound of French money [French livres]. −

Calvin: Act 19:20 - -- 20.Grew mightily [ lions. ] The word κατα κÏατος doth signify that the word increased not a little, (or that these proceedings were not c...

20.Grew mightily [ lions. ] The word κατα κÏατος doth signify that the word increased not a little, (or that these proceedings were not common) as if he should say, that in those increasings appeared rare efficacy, and such as was greater than it used commonly to be. The word grew do I refer unto the number of men, as if he should have said, that the Church was increased, new disciples being gathered together dally, because doctrine is spread abroad. And I interpret that, that the word was confirmed in every one thus, to wit, that they did profit in the obedience of the gospel and in godliness more and more, and that their faith took deeper root. −

Calvin: Act 19:21 - -- 21.He purposed in spirit His meaning is, that Paul purposed to take his journey through the instinct and motion of the Spirit; that we may know that ...

21.He purposed in spirit His meaning is, that Paul purposed to take his journey through the instinct and motion of the Spirit; that we may know that all his whole life was framed according to God’s will and pleasure. And therefore hath he the Spirit to be the governor of his actions, because he did both give over himself by him to be ruled, and did also depend upon his government. Neither skilleth that which followeth, that he had not that success in his journey which he did hope for; for God doth oftentimes govern and rule his faithful servants, suffering them to be ignorant of the end. − 381 For he will have them so far forth addicted to him, that they follow that which he hath showed them by his Spirit, even shutting their eyes when matters be doubtful. Moreover, it is certain that he was wholly addicted to profit the churches, omitting and foreslowing [neglecting] his own commodity, in that he had rather deprive himself of Timotheus, a most excellent to him of all, most faithful, most dear, finally, a most fit companion, than not to provide for the Macedonians.

Calvin: Act 19:23 - -- 23.Tumult about that way Concerning this word way, let the readers understand thus much, that it is here taken for that which the Latins call sect...

23.Tumult about that way Concerning this word way, let the readers understand thus much, that it is here taken for that which the Latins call sect; the Greek philosophers call it heresies or heresy. But because in the Church of God, where the unity of faith ought to reign, there is nothing more odious or detestable than for every man to choose, at his pleasure, that which he will follow, I think that Luke did fly that name which was, for good causes, infamous among the godly, and that after the Hebrew phrase, he put way instead of ordinance. And as touching the sum of the matter, we see how wonderfully the Lord did exercise his servant. He did hope when he did address himself for his journey, that the Church would be quiet after his departure, and, lo, there ariseth an uproar at a sudden where he did least fear. But in Demetrius it appeareth what a hurtful plague covetousness is. For one man, for his own gain’s sake, is not afraid − 383 to trouble a whole city with sedition. And the craftsmen, who were as firebrands kindled by him, and do spread abroad the fire everywhere, do teach us what an easy matter it is to cause filthy [sordid] men, and whose belly is their God, to commit all manner [of] wickedness; especially if they live only by gains evil gotten, − 384 and the hope of gain be taken from them. −

Moreover, in his history we see a lively image of our time. Demetrius and his band raised a tumult; because, if superstition whereby they were wont to get gains be taken away, their craft will fall to the ground. Therefore they fight as if it were for their life, lest Demetrius go without his fat prey, and the rest want their daily living. What zeal doth at this day prick forward the Pope, the horned bishops, the monks, and all the rabblement of the Popish clergy? Yea, what fury doth drive them so sore − 385 to resist the gospel? They boast that they strive for the Catholic faith; neither did Demetrius want an honest color, pretending the worship of Diana. But the matter itself doth plainly declare that they fight not so much for the altars as for the fires, to wit, that they may have hot kitchens. They can well wink at filthy blasphemies against God, so they lack nothing of their revenues, only they are more than courageous in maintaining such superstitions as are meetest for their purpose. − 386 −

Therefore, being taught by such examples, let us learn to make choice of such a kind of life as is agreeable to the doctrine of Christ; lest desire of gain − 387 a provoke us to enter a wicked and ungodly combat. And as for those who, through ignorance or error, are fallen unto any ungodly occupation, or are entangled in any other impure and wicked kind of life, let them, notwithstanding, beware of such sacrilegious rashness. And as touching godly teachers, let them learn by this example, that they shall never want adversaries, until the whole world, through denial of itself, offer peace, which we know will never come to pass. Because Paul’s doctrine taketh away Demetrius and the rest of the silversmiths’ gains, they leap out furiously to put out [destroy] the same, will not they do the same whom the gospel shall contrary? But there is no man who hath not occasion to fight. For all the affections of the flesh are enemies to God. So that it must needs be, that how many lusts of the flesh there be [reign] in the world, there are as many armed enemies to resist Christ. It will, indeed, oftentimes fall out, that God will bridle the wicked, lest they raise some tumult, or break out into open rage. Yet, whosoever is not tamed and brought down to bear Christ’s yoke, he shall always hate his gospel. So that faithful and godly teachers must persuade themselves that they shall always have to deal with great store of enemies. Demetrius’ covetousness is manifest. Nevertheless, we must also know this, that he was Satan’s fan, [bellows] who, seeking by all means to overthrow Paul’s doctrine, found this fit instrument. Now, forasmuch as we know that Satan is a deadly enemy to Christ and the truth, do we think that he shall ever want ministers, who shall rage through his motion and persuasion, either with open rage, or else seek to work the overthrow of the gospel by secret practices, or spew out the poison of their hatred, or else, at least, show some token of enmity by fretting and murmuring? −

Calvin: Act 19:25 - -- 25.By this craft Demetrius doth in this place filthily betray his malice. It is lawful for a man, in some measure, to provide for his private profit;...

25.By this craft Demetrius doth in this place filthily betray his malice. It is lawful for a man, in some measure, to provide for his private profit; but to trouble common [the public] peace for a man’s own gain, to overthrow − 388 equity and right, to give over a man’s self to do violence and commit murder, to extinguish that of set purpose which is just and right; that is too great wickedness. Demetrius confesseth that this is the state of the cause, because, [viz. that] Paul denieth that those are gods which are made with men’s hands. He doth not inquire whether this be true or no; but being blinded with a desire to get gain, he is carried headlong to oppress true doctrine. The same blindness doth drive him headlong to seek violent remedies. Also the craftsmen, because they be afraid of poverty and hunger, run headlong as violently; for the belly is blind and deaf, so that it can admit no equity. For which cause, every one of us ought more to suspect himself, when the question is touching our own gain and profit, lest the same covetous desire which made these men so mad take away all difference of justice and injustice, of that which is filthy and that which is honest. −

Calvin: Act 19:27 - -- 27.Not only this part This is first disorderly handled in − 389 that Demetrius is careful for religion after other things; − 390 because nothing ...

27.Not only this part This is first disorderly handled in − 389 that Demetrius is careful for religion after other things; − 390 because nothing is more absurd than to prefer the belly before the goddess; but even this is also vain, in that he pretendeth that the worship of Diana is in hazard. For if he had suffered no loss by Paul’s doctrine, he would have sat quietly at home; he would neither have taken thought for the worship of Diana, neither would he have troubled others. What is the cause, then, he is so diligent and so earnest in his business? even this, because he was plagued at home; and because he saw that he and his copartners had no honest or probable cause to make any stir, he goeth about to color [gloss] the matter with some other color. Therefore, to the end he may cover the shame of his wicked fact, he cloaketh it with the title of religion, which is plausible. So that the wicked, howsoever they strive frowardly against God, yet they gather here and there honest excuses − 391 impudently; but God doth not suffer himself to be mocked, but doth rather pull them out of their starting-holes [subterfuges]. There needeth no other witness to refute Demetrius’ hypocrisy, because he cutteth his own throat with his own words, when he betrayeth the sorrow which he had conceived, because of the loss which he sustained. − 392 In like state do the Papists stand at this day; they boast with full mouth that they be patrons of the Catholic faith and of the holy mother the Church, but when they have spoken − 393 thus touching their zeal, in the very handling of the cause they breathe out with open throat the smell of their kitchens. But if we have a desire to handle the cause of godliness purely and in earnest, let us forget our commodities, that the glory of God may have the chief place. For the show of profit doth so tie all our senses with enticements, that though we wander through all manner of wickedness, yet do we flatter ourselves so long as we be determined to provide for our own commodity. −

Whom all Asia and the world doth worship It seemeth to Demetrius an unmeet thing that Diana her majesty should be brought to naught, which all the world doth reverence and worship, and this is a common starting-hole [subterfuge] for all superstitious persons, to pretend the consent of the multitude. But true religion requireth a more steadfast stay than in the will and pleasure of men. There is nothing which at this day doth more keep back the simple and unskillful than that they dare not cast from them (such ancient) errors as are commonly received everywhere. Because they feign and imagine that that which pleased many, though foolishly and rashly, is to be counted lawful. For which cause they be not afraid boldly to set the very name of custom against God himself. But the Lord doth prescribe to us another manner of rule, to wit, that being content with his authority alone, we do not pass either for the opinion of men, nor for our own commodity, nor for the custom of many nations.

Calvin: Act 19:29 - -- 29. Luke setteth down in this place the nature of the people, as if it were depainted in a table. − 395 Like as if a thousand houses should be set...

29. Luke setteth down in this place the nature of the people, as if it were depainted in a table. − 395 Like as if a thousand houses should be set on fire at a sudden, so all the city was on an uproar in one moment; and when such a tempest is once raised, it is not easily stayed. And forasmuch as the servants of Christ cannot avoid this mischief, they must be armed with invincible constancy, that they may boldly suffer the tumults raised among the people, and that they may not be troubled as with some new and strange matter, when they see that the people is unquiet. So Paul himself doth elsewhere triumph that he went valiantly through the midst of sedition ( 2Co 6:5). Nevertheless, the Lord doth uphold the ministers of his word with an excellent comfort, when as they be tossed amidst diverse storms and garboils, and with excellent boldness doth he establish them, when he doth testify that he holdeth the helm of his Church; and not that only, but that he is the governor and moderator of all tumults and storms, so that he can stay the same so soon as it seemeth good to him. Therefore, let us know that we must sail as it were in a tempestuous sea; yet that we must suffer this infamy, as if we ourselves were the procurers of trouble? − 396 neither may anything lead us away from the right course of our duty. So that in sailing we shall be sore troubled; yet will not the Lord suffer us to suffer shipwreck. Furthermore, we see that though sedition be confused, yet doth the people always take the worse part; as the men of Ephesus do now catch Gains and Aristarchus, and they drive back Alexander with their furious outcries. Whence cometh this, save only because Satan doth reign in their hearts, so that they rather favor an evil cause? There is also another reason, because a prejudice conceived upon a false report doth possess their minds, so that they cannot abide to sift the cause any farther. −

Calvin: Act 19:30 - -- 30.And when Paul would We may see that Paul’s constancy was coupled with modesty. When as he might well have kept himself out of sight, of his own ...

30.And when Paul would We may see that Paul’s constancy was coupled with modesty. When as he might well have kept himself out of sight, of his own accord was he prepared to put himself in hazard. And yet he doth not refuse to follow their counsel, who knew the state of matters better than he. If he had not been kept back, that which he determined to do could not have been imputed to rashness. There was no sedition raised through his fault. Why should he not venture his life, especially seeing that he did not despair of better success? But when the brethren, and such friends as were more skillful, dissuade him, his modesty is worthy to be commended, in that he doth not stand stoutly in his purpose. −

Calvin: Act 19:33 - -- 33.They drew out Alexander It is to be thought that the Jews did not send forth this Alexander to plead the common cause of the nation, but that they...

33.They drew out Alexander It is to be thought that the Jews did not send forth this Alexander to plead the common cause of the nation, but that they were desirous to bring him before the people that he might be murdered. Nevertheless, the name Jew made him to be so hated, that they did outrageously refuse whatsoever he was about to speak in the matter and cause; yea, he did hardly escape with his life in such an uproar. Moreover, it is uncertain whether this be that Alexander of whom Paul maketh mention elsewhere, ( Tit 1:20; and 2Ti 4:14) yet the conjecture seemeth to me allowable. But and if we believe that it is he, let us learn by this fearful example to walk circumspectly, lest Satan carry us away into like falling away [defection]. For we see that he who was at the point to suffer martyrdom, became a treacherous and wicked revolt [apostate]. −

Calvin: Act 19:34 - -- 34.Great is Diana of the Ephesians This was a clamorous confession, but without any soundness; neither did it proceed from the faith of the heart. Fo...

34.Great is Diana of the Ephesians This was a clamorous confession, but without any soundness; neither did it proceed from the faith of the heart. For whence came that great divinity of Diana whereof they spake, save only because like mad men they furiously defend that error which they had once received? It fareth otherwise with true godliness, that we believe with the heart unto righteousness, and then doth the confession of the mouth follow to salvation. Therein doth the distemperature and mad stubbornness of all mad men and brain-sick fools differ from the constancy and zeal of the martyrs. And yet, notwithstanding, our sluggishness is shameful if we be not as ready and stout in the confession of a sure faith as are they in their filthy error. For we see what the Spirit of God prescribeth unto us by the mouth of David, −

“ I believed, and therefore will I speak,†( Psa 116:10).

Calvin: Act 19:35 - -- 35. Luke showeth in this place that the tumult was so appeased, that yet, notwithstanding, superstition prevailed with the mad people, and the truth...

35. Luke showeth in this place that the tumult was so appeased, that yet, notwithstanding, superstition prevailed with the mad people, and the truth of God was not heard. For the town-clerk, as politic men use to do, counteth it sufficient for him if he can by any means appease the outrageous multitude. Nevertheless, the cause itself is oppressed. He saw undoubtedly Demetrius’ malice, and how he had troubled the city, abusing the pretense of religion for his own private gain; but he toucheth not that wound which he knew to be unknown to the unskillful. Nevertheless, to the end he may stay the uproar and contention, he extolleth the reigned power of Diana, and maintaineth her superstitious worship. If Paul had been in the common place − 398 at that time, he would rather have suffered death an hundred times than have suffered himself to be delivered from danger paying so dear for it. For though the town-clerk had not been by him commanded to speak thus, yet it should have been treacherous dissimulation in a public witness and preacher of heavenly doctrine. The scribe affirmeth that the image which the Ephesians did worship came down from heaven, and that Paul and his companions spake no blasphemy against their goddess. Could he have holden his peace, but he must needs by his silence have allowed his false excuse? And this had been to shake hands with idolatry. Therefore, it was not without cause that Luke said before that Paul was kept back by the brethren, and not suffered to enter into the common place [theater]. −

Calvin: Act 19:37 - -- 37.Men which are neither church-robbers He doth both truly and well deny that they be church-robbers; but he doth shortly after falsely define the ki...

37.Men which are neither church-robbers He doth both truly and well deny that they be church-robbers; but he doth shortly after falsely define the kind of church-robbery to speak blasphemously against Diana. For seeing that all superstition is profane and polluted, it followeth that those be sacrilegious persons who translate the honor which is due to God alone unto idols. But the wisdom of the town-clerk, and that carnal, is here commended, and not his godliness. For he had respect unto this alone to extinguish the heat of the uproar; and therefore doth he at length conclude, if Demetrius have any private matter, there be judgment-seats and magistrates. And that public affairs must be handled in a lawful, and not in a disordered assembly — in an assembly gathered by the commandment of the magistrates, and not in a concourse which is without consideration, run together through the motion of one man, and to satisfy his appetite. − 399 He calleth them deputies, − 400 in the plural number, not that Asia had more than one, but because legates did sometimes keep courts in the place of the deputies. Also, he appeaseth them by putting them in fear, because the deputy had occasion offered to punish and fine the city sore. − 401

Defender: Act 19:2 - -- A better rendering of this phrase is "when ye believed."

A better rendering of this phrase is "when ye believed."

Defender: Act 19:2 - -- These twelve Ephesian disciples were evidently considered disciples of Christ, rather than of John, since Paul recognized they had "believed." Also, t...

These twelve Ephesian disciples were evidently considered disciples of Christ, rather than of John, since Paul recognized they had "believed." Also, they would surely have been identified specifically as disciples of John had that been the case (compare Joh 3:22-26). In some way, possibly through some of John's disciples rather than John himself, these disciples had learned of Jesus and had believed on Him. However, what they had learned did not include the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and so even though this teaching had been enough to bring them salvation, it was deficient. In fact, John himself had been given the authority "to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins" (Luk 1:77).

Defender: Act 19:2 - -- This admission proves that the Ephesian disciples had not heard the message of John directly, since John had certainly preached about the Holy Spirit ...

This admission proves that the Ephesian disciples had not heard the message of John directly, since John had certainly preached about the Holy Spirit (Mat 3:11; Joh 1:32-34) and was himself "filled with the Holy Ghost" (Luk 1:15)."

Defender: Act 19:3 - -- Here Paul simply assumed the disciples had been baptized since they had believed and were disciples. In the New Testament, baptism always immediately ...

Here Paul simply assumed the disciples had been baptized since they had believed and were disciples. In the New Testament, baptism always immediately follows saving faith, and is then followed by discipleship. This is the only case mentioned in the New Testament of anyone being "rebaptized." Not even Apollos, who also had known "only the baptism of John" until Aquila and Priscilla gave him further instruction (Act 18:25, Act 18:26), needed to be rebaptized. The same was true of the twelve apostles. Presumably the difference was that the Ephesian disciples had been baptized by one or more of John's disciples after the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost when Christ's disciples first began to baptize "in the name of Jesus Christ" (Act 2:38). Also, this was an important new stage in the spread of the gospel, with Ephesus destined to become a center like Antioch and Jerusalem. It was important that the ministry of John be thus tied in with that of Christ once and for all by a manifestation of the Holy Spirit as at Jerusalem, Antioch and in the house of Cornelius."

Defender: Act 19:7 - -- It is perhaps significant that the number was the same as the number of the original apostles. Like the latter at Jerusalem, these became the nucleus ...

It is perhaps significant that the number was the same as the number of the original apostles. Like the latter at Jerusalem, these became the nucleus of the important church at Ephesus. Very likely, they were "the elders of the church" (Act 20:17), to whom Paul spoke with such earnestness on his last trip to Jerusalem (Acts 20:17-38)."

Defender: Act 19:10 - -- Paul actually spent about three years altogether ministering in Ephesus (compare Act 20:31).

Paul actually spent about three years altogether ministering in Ephesus (compare Act 20:31).

Defender: Act 19:10 - -- Although Paul himself probably did not travel around the province of Asia, many of his Ephesian converts did. It was probably during this period that ...

Although Paul himself probably did not travel around the province of Asia, many of his Ephesian converts did. It was probably during this period that the "seven churches of Asia" (Revelation 2 and 3), as well as the churches at Colosse and Hierapolis were founded. Paul's letter to the Colossians indicates that he had not actually visited Colosse (Col 1:4; Col 2:1), but knew about it. The key role of Ephesus is further indicated by the fact that, according to firm testimony of the early Christians, the Apostle John later became its chief bishop, and that the first of the seven letters sent through him by Christ to the churches was directed to the church at Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7)."

Defender: Act 19:13 - -- The city of Ephesus was notorious in the ancient world not only for its idols but also for an abundance of magicians and other occultists. Demon posse...

The city of Ephesus was notorious in the ancient world not only for its idols but also for an abundance of magicians and other occultists. Demon possession was common and, therefore, there were also practitioners of exorcism. Among them were the "wandering Jews," who professed to be able to invoke the supposedly unpronounceable name of the Lord over those possessed. The seven sons of Sceva (professed to be a chief priest) were not Christians, but they saw that Paul had been more effective than other exorcists in casting out demons, and so decided that the name of Jesus was itself strong magic."

Defender: Act 19:19 - -- The value of these books at today's prices would be about a million dollars. This striking verse is a remarkable testimony both to the tremendous prev...

The value of these books at today's prices would be about a million dollars. This striking verse is a remarkable testimony both to the tremendous prevalence of pagan occultism in Ephesus and also to the wonderful power of the gospel to overcome this."

Defender: Act 19:27 - -- Diana (same as Artemis) was not only the goddess of hunting, but was considered - at least in Asia and in many other places around the Graeco/Roman wo...

Diana (same as Artemis) was not only the goddess of hunting, but was considered - at least in Asia and in many other places around the Graeco/Roman world - to be the "mother goddess" of all nature, much like Gaia, the goddess currently being widely promoted as Mother Earth in the New-Age movement. The temple of Diana at Ephesus was so magnificent that it was considered one of the "seven wonders of the world" in ancient times."

Defender: Act 19:35 - -- This tradition was derived from the fact that a large meteorite had fallen from the sky into Ephesus. It apparently had a shape which the pagan leader...

This tradition was derived from the fact that a large meteorite had fallen from the sky into Ephesus. It apparently had a shape which the pagan leaders of Ephesus interpreted as a many-breasted female which they identified as an image of the goddess. Copies of this image thereafter became both commercially and religiously profitable to the Ephesians. Renaissance scholars denied that such an event could ever have happened until other meteorite falls began to be documented in modern times."

TSK: Act 19:2 - -- Have ye : Act 19:5, Act 2:17, Act 2:38, Act 2:39, Act 8:15-17, Act 10:44, Act 11:15-17; Rom 1:11 We have : 1Sa 3:7; Joh 7:39; 1Co 6:19, 1Co 12:1-11; G...

TSK: Act 19:3 - -- Unto what : Mat 28:19; 1Co 12:13 Unto John’ s : Act 18:25; Matt. 3:1-17; Luke 3:1-38

Unto what : Mat 28:19; 1Co 12:13

Unto John’ s : Act 18:25; Matt. 3:1-17; Luke 3:1-38

TSK: Act 19:4 - -- John : Act 1:5, Act 11:16, Act 13:23-25; Mat 3:11, Mat 3:12, Mat 11:3-5, Mat 21:25-32; Mar 1:1-12; Luk 1:76-79, Luk 3:16-18; Joh 1:15, Joh 1:27, Joh 1...

TSK: Act 19:5 - -- they : Act 2:38, Act 8:12, Act 8:16; Rom 6:3, Rom 6:4; 1Co 1:13-15, 1Co 10:2

TSK: Act 19:6 - -- laid : Act 6:6, Act 8:17-19, Act 9:17; 1Ti 5:22; 2Ti 1:6 the Holy Ghost : Act 2:4, Act 10:45, Act 10:46, Act 13:2; 1Co 12:8-11, 1Co 12:28-30 and proph...

laid : Act 6:6, Act 8:17-19, Act 9:17; 1Ti 5:22; 2Ti 1:6

the Holy Ghost : Act 2:4, Act 10:45, Act 10:46, Act 13:2; 1Co 12:8-11, 1Co 12:28-30

and prophesied : 1Cor. 14:1-25

TSK: Act 19:8 - -- went : Act 13:14, Act 13:46, Act 14:1, Act 26:22, Act 26:23 disputing : Act 19:9, Act 1:3, Act 9:20-22, Act 17:1-3, Act 17:17, Act 18:4, Act 18:19, Ac...

TSK: Act 19:9 - -- Cir, am 4061, ad 57 divers : Act 7:51, Act 13:45, Act 13:46, Act 18:6; 2Ki 17:14; 2Ch 30:8, 2Ch 36:16; Neh 9:16, Neh 9:17, Neh 9:29; Psa 95:8; Isa 8:1...

TSK: Act 19:10 - -- this : Act 18:11, Act 20:18, Act 20:31; Rom 10:18 Asia : Act 16:6; 2Ti 1:15; 1Pe 1:1; Rev 1:4, Rev 1:11 both : Act 18:4, Act 20:20,Act 20:21; Rom 1:16...

TSK: Act 19:11 - -- Act 5:12, Act 14:3, Act 15:12, Act 16:18; Mar 16:17-20; Joh 14:12; Rom 15:18, Rom 15:19; Gal 3:5; Heb 2:4

TSK: Act 19:12 - -- Act 5:15; 2Ki 4:29-31, 2Ki 13:20,2Ki 13:21

TSK: Act 19:13 - -- vagabond : Gen 4:12, Gen 4:14; Psa 109:10 exorcists : Mat 12:27; Luk 11:19 took : Act 8:18, Act 8:19; Mar 9:38; Luk 9:49 adjure : Jos 6:26; 1Sa 14:24;...

TSK: Act 19:15 - -- Act 16:17, Act 16:18; Gen 3:1-5; 1Ki 22:21-23; Mat 8:29-31; Mar 1:24, Mar 1:34, Mar 5:9-13; Luk 4:33-35, Luk 8:28-32

TSK: Act 19:16 - -- Mar 5:3, Mar 5:4, Mar 5:15; Luk 8:29, Luk 8:35

TSK: Act 19:17 - -- all : Act 19:10 and fear : Act 2:43, Act 5:5, Act 5:11, Act 5:13, Act 13:12; Lev 10:3; 1Sa 6:20; 2Sa 6:9; Psa 64:9; Luk 1:65; Luk 7:16 the name : Phi ...

TSK: Act 19:18 - -- confessed : Lev 16:21, Lev 26:40; Job 33:27, Job 33:28; Psa 32:5; Pro 28:13; Jer 3:13; Eze 16:63, Eze 36:31; Mat 3:6; Rom 10:10; 1Jo 1:9

TSK: Act 19:19 - -- used : Act 8:9-11, Act 13:6, Act 13:8; Exo 7:11, Exo 7:22; Deu 18:10-12; 1Sa 28:7-9; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 33:6; Isa 8:19, Isa 47:12, Isa 47:13; Dan 2:2 curi...

used : Act 8:9-11, Act 13:6, Act 13:8; Exo 7:11, Exo 7:22; Deu 18:10-12; 1Sa 28:7-9; 1Ch 10:13; 2Ch 33:6; Isa 8:19, Isa 47:12, Isa 47:13; Dan 2:2

curious : ΠεÏιεÏγα [Strong’ s G4021], curious, that is, magical arts, in which sense the word is used in the Greek writers. The study of magic was prosecuted with such zeal at Ephesus, that Εφεσια [Strong’ s G2180], γÏαμματα [Strong’ s G1121], the Ephesian letters, certain charms, or words used in incantation, became much celebrated in antiquity.

and burned : Gen 35:4; Exo 32:20; Deu 7:25, Deu 7:26; Isa 2:20,Isa 2:21, Isa 30:22; Mat 5:29, Mat 5:30; Luk 14:33; Heb 10:34

fifty : Probably Attic drachms; which at 7, 1/2d. each, would amount to 1, 562£. 10s. or at, 9d. each, to 1, 875£.

TSK: Act 19:20 - -- Act 6:7, Act 12:24; Isa 55:11; 2Th 3:1

TSK: Act 19:21 - -- Cir, am 4063, ad 59 these : Rom 15:25-28; Gal 2:1 purposed : Act 16:6-10, Act 18:21, Act 20:22; Lam 3:37; Rom 1:13; 2Co 1:15-18 when : Act 20:1-6 to g...

TSK: Act 19:22 - -- Macedonia : Act 16:9, Act 16:10, Act 18:5, Act 20:1; 2Co 1:16, 2Co 2:13, 2Co 8:1, 2Co 11:9; 1Th 1:8 that ministered : Act 13:5, Act 16:3 Erastus : Rom...

TSK: Act 19:23 - -- there : 2Co 1:8-10, 2Co 6:9 that : Act 19:9, Act 9:2, Act 18:26, Act 22:4, Act 24:14, Act 24:22

TSK: Act 19:24 - -- shrines : Îαους , temples, probably portable silver models of the temple of Diana, and small images of the goddess, somewhat like the Santa Cas...

shrines : Îαους , temples, probably portable silver models of the temple of Diana, and small images of the goddess, somewhat like the Santa Casa purchased by pilgrims at Loretto.

Diana : Act 19:27, Act 19:28, Act 19:34, Act 19:35

brought : Act 16:16; Isa 56:11, Isa 56:12; 1Ti 6:9, 1Ti 6:10

TSK: Act 19:25 - -- ye know : Act 16:19; Hos 4:8, Hos 12:7, Hos 12:8; 2Pe 2:3; Rev 18:3, Rev 18:11-19

TSK: Act 19:26 - -- that not : Act 19:10,Act 19:18-20; 1Co 16:8, 1Co 16:9; 1Th 1:9 that they : Act 14:15, Act 17:29; Psa 115:4-8, Psa 135:15-18; Isa 44:10-20, Isa 46:5-8;...

TSK: Act 19:27 - -- that not : Act 19:21; Zep 2:11; Mat 23:14; 1Ti 6:5 whom : 1Jo 5:19; Rev 13:3, Rev 13:8

TSK: Act 19:28 - -- they : Act 7:54, Act 16:19-24, Act 21:28-31; Psa 2:2; Rev 12:12 and cried : Act 19:34, Act 19:35; 1Sa 5:3-5; 1Ki 18:26-29; Isa 41:5-7; Jer 50:38; Rev ...

TSK: Act 19:29 - -- the whole : Act 19:32, Act 17:8, Act 21:30,Act 21:38 Gaius : Rom 16:23; 1Co 1:14 Aristarchus : Act 20:4, Act 27:2; Col 4:10; Phm 1:24 Macedonia : Mace...

the whole : Act 19:32, Act 17:8, Act 21:30,Act 21:38

Gaius : Rom 16:23; 1Co 1:14

Aristarchus : Act 20:4, Act 27:2; Col 4:10; Phm 1:24

Macedonia : Macedonia, an extensive province of Greece, was bounded on the north by the mountains of Haemus, on the south by Epirus and Achaia, on the east by the Aegean sea and Thrace, and on the west by the Adriatic sea; celebrated in all histories as being the third kingdom which, under Alexander the Great, obtained the empire of the world, and had under it 150 nations.

the theatre : 1Co 4:9 *Gr.

TSK: Act 19:30 - -- Paul : Act 14:14-18, Act 17:22-31, Act 21:39 the disciples : 2Sa 18:2, 2Sa 18:3, 2Sa 21:17

TSK: Act 19:31 - -- the chief : Act 19:10, Act 16:6; Pro 16:7 desiring : Act 21:12

the chief : Act 19:10, Act 16:6; Pro 16:7

desiring : Act 21:12

TSK: Act 19:32 - -- cried : Act 19:29, Act 21:34 and the : Act 19:40; Mat 11:7-9; Luk 7:24-26

TSK: Act 19:33 - -- Alexander : 1Ti 1:20; 2Ti 4:14 beckoned : Act 12:17, Act 13:16, Act 21:40, Act 24:10; Luk 1:22 his : Act 22:1, Act 26:1, Act 26:2; Phi 1:7

TSK: Act 19:34 - -- they knew : Act 19:26, Act 16:20; Rom 2:22 all : 1Ki 18:26; Mat 6:7 Great : Act 19:28; Rev 13:4

TSK: Act 19:35 - -- Ye men : Eph 2:12 a worshipper : Gr. the temple-keeper and of : Act 19:26; 2Th 2:10,2Th 2:11; 1Ti 4:2 Jupiter : Act 14:12, Act 14:13

Ye men : Eph 2:12

a worshipper : Gr. the temple-keeper

and of : Act 19:26; 2Th 2:10,2Th 2:11; 1Ti 4:2

Jupiter : Act 14:12, Act 14:13

TSK: Act 19:36 - -- ye ought : Act 5:35-39; Pro 14:29, Pro 25:8

TSK: Act 19:37 - -- which : Act 25:8; 1Co 10:32; 2Co 6:3

TSK: Act 19:38 - -- Demetrius : Act 19:24 have : Act 18:14; Deu 17:8; 1Co 6:1 the law is open : or, the court-days are kept

Demetrius : Act 19:24

have : Act 18:14; Deu 17:8; 1Co 6:1

the law is open : or, the court-days are kept

TSK: Act 19:39 - -- lawful : or, ordinary, Act 19:39

lawful : or, ordinary, Act 19:39

TSK: Act 19:40 - -- we are : Act 17:5-8 uproar : Act 20:1, Act 21:31, Act 21:38; 1Ki 1:41; Mat 26:5

TSK: Act 19:41 - -- when : Pro 15:1, Pro 15:2; Ecc 9:17 he dismissed : Psa 65:7; 2Co 1:8-10

when : Pro 15:1, Pro 15:2; Ecc 9:17

he dismissed : Psa 65:7; 2Co 1:8-10

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Act 19:2 - -- Have ye received the Holy Spirit? - Have ye received the extraordinary effusions and miraculous influences of the Holy Spirit? Paul would not d...

Have ye received the Holy Spirit? - Have ye received the extraordinary effusions and miraculous influences of the Holy Spirit? Paul would not doubt that, if they had "believed,"they had received the ordinary converting influences of the Holy Spirit - for it was one of his favorite doctrines that the Holy Spirit renews the heart. But, besides this, the miraculous influences of the Spirit were conferred on many societies of believers. The power of speaking with tongues, or of working miracles, was imparted as an evidence of the presence of God, and of their acceptance with him, Act 10:45-46; 1 Cor. 14. It was natural for Paul to ask whether this evidence of the divine favor has been granted to them.

Since ye believed - Since you embraced the doctrine of John that the Messiah was soon to come.

We have not so much as heard ... - This seems to be a very strange answer. Yet we are to remember:

(1) That these were mere disciples of John’ s doctrine, and that his preaching related particularly to the Messiah, and not to the Holy Spirit.

\caps1 (2) i\caps0 t does not even appear that they had heard that the Messiah had come, or had heard of Jesus of Nazareth, Acts . Act 19:4-5.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 t is not remarkable, therefore, that they had no clear conceptions of the character and operations of the Holy Spirit. Yet,

(4) They were just in that state of mind that they were willing to embrace the doctrine when it was proclaimed to them, thus showing that they were really under the influence of the Holy Spirit. God may often produce important changes in the hearts and lives of sinners, even where they have no clear and systematic views of religious doctrines. In all such cases, however, there will be a readiness of heart to embrace the truth where it is made known.

Barnes: Act 19:3 - -- Unto what - Unto what faith or doctrine. What did you profess to believe when you were baptized? Unto John’ s baptism - See the note...

Unto what - Unto what faith or doctrine. What did you profess to believe when you were baptized?

Unto John’ s baptism - See the notes on Act 18:25.

Barnes: Act 19:4 - -- John verily baptized - John did indeed baptize. With the baptism of repentance - Having special reference to repentance, or as a professi...

John verily baptized - John did indeed baptize.

With the baptism of repentance - Having special reference to repentance, or as a profession that they did repent of their sins. See the notes on Mat 3:6.

Saying unto the people - The design of his preaching was to tarn the people from their sins, and to prepare them for the coming of the Messiah. He therefore directed their attention principally to him that was to come, Joh 1:15, Joh 1:22-27.

That is, on Christ Jesus - These are the words of Paul, explaining what John taught. John taught them to believe in the Messiah, and Paul now showed them that the Messiah was Jesus of Nazareth. The argument of Paul is, that it was highly proper for them now to profess publicly that Saviour to whom John had borne such explicit testimony. "Jesus is the Messiah for whom John came to prepare the way; and as you have em braced John’ s doctrine, you ought now publicly to acknowledge that Redeemer by baptism in his name.

Barnes: Act 19:5 - -- When they heard this - When they heard what Paul had said respecting the nature of John’ s baptism. They were baptized ... - As ther...

When they heard this - When they heard what Paul had said respecting the nature of John’ s baptism.

They were baptized ... - As there is no other instance in the New Testament of any persons having been rebaptized, it has been made a question by some critics whether it was done here; and they have supposed that all this is the narrative of Luke respecting what took place under the ministry of John: to wit, that he told them to believe on Christ Jesus, and then baptized them in his name. But this is a most forced construction; and it is evident that these persons were rebaptized by the direction of Paul. For:

(1) This is the obvious interpretation of the passage - what would strike all persons as correct, unless there were some previous theory to support.

\caps1 (2) i\caps0 t was not a matter of fact that John baptized in the name of Christ Jesus. His was the baptism of repentance; and there is not the slightest evidence that he ever used the name of Jesus in the form of baptism.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 f it be the sense of the passage that John baptized them in the name of Jesus, then this verse is a mere repetition of Acts . Act 19:4; a tautology of which the sacred writers would not be guilty.

\caps1 (4) i\caps0 t is evident that the persons on whom Paul laid his hands Acts . Act 19:6, and those who were baptized, were the same. But these were the persons who heard Acts . Act 19:5 what was said. The narrative is continuous, all parts of it cohering together as relating to a transaction that occurred at the same time. If the obvious interpretation of the passage be the true one, it follows that the baptism of John was not strictly Christian baptism. It was the baptism of repentance; a baptism designed to prepare the way for the introduction of the kingdom of the Messiah. It will not follow, however, from this that Christian baptism is now ever to be repeated. For this there is no warrant in the New Testament. There is no command to repeat it, as in the case of the Lord’ s Supper; and the nature and design of the ordinance evidently supposes that it is to be performed but once. The disciples of John were rebaptized, not because baptism is designed to be repeated, but because they never had been, in fact, baptized in the manner prescribed by the Lord Jesus.

In the name of the Lord Jesus - See the notes on Act 2:38.

Barnes: Act 19:6 - -- And when Paul laid his hands ... - See the notes on Act 8:17. And they spake with tongues - See the notes on Act 2:4; Act 10:46. And...

And when Paul laid his hands ... - See the notes on Act 8:17.

And they spake with tongues - See the notes on Act 2:4; Act 10:46.

And prophesied - See the notes on Act 2:17; Act 11:27.

Barnes: Act 19:7 - -- And all the men - The whole number.

And all the men - The whole number.

Barnes: Act 19:8 - -- Persuading the things - Endeavoring to persuade them of the truth of what was affirmed respecting the kingdom of God.

Persuading the things - Endeavoring to persuade them of the truth of what was affirmed respecting the kingdom of God.

Barnes: Act 19:9 - -- But when divers - When some were hardened. Were hardened - When their hearts were hardened, and they became violently opposed to the gosp...

But when divers - When some were hardened.

Were hardened - When their hearts were hardened, and they became violently opposed to the gospel. When the truth made no impression on them. The word "harden,"as applied to the heart, is often used to denote "insensibility, and opposition to the gospel."

But spake evil of that way - Of the gospel - the way, path, or manner in which God saves people. See Act 16:17; Act 18:26; Mat 7:13-14.

Separated the disciples - Removed them from the influence and society of those who were seeking to draw them away from the faith. This is often the best way to prevent the evil influence of others. Christians, if they wish to preserve their minds calm and peaceful; if they wish to avoid the agitations of conflict, and the temptations of those who would lead them astray, should withdraw from their society, and seek the fellowship of their Christian brethren.

Disputing daily - This is not a happy translation. The word used here διαλεγοÌμενος dialegomenos does not of necessity denote "disputation or contention,"but is often used in a good sense of "reasoning"Act 17:2; Act 18:4, Act 18:19; Act 24:25, or of "public preaching,"Act 20:7, Act 20:9. It is used in this sense here, and denotes that Paul taught publicly, or reasoned on the subject of religion in this place.

In the school of one Tyrannus - Who this Tyrannus was is not known. It is probable that he was a Jew, who was engaged in this employment, and who might not be unfavorably disposed toward Christians. In his school, or in the room which he occupied for teaching, Paul instructed the people when he was driven from the synagogue. Christians at that time had no churches, and they were obliged to assemble in any place where it might be convenient to conduct public worship.

Barnes: Act 19:10 - -- This continued - This public instruction. By the space ... - For two whole years. So that all - That is, the great mass of the peop...

This continued - This public instruction.

By the space ... - For two whole years.

So that all - That is, the great mass of the people.

Which dwelt in Asia - In that province of Asia Minor of which Ephesus was the principal city. The name Asia was used sometimes to denote that single province. See the notes on Act 2:9. Ephesus was the capital; and there was, of course, a constant and large influx of people there for the purposes of commerce and worship.

Heard the word of the Lord Jesus - Heard the doctrine respecting the Lord Jesus.

Barnes: Act 19:11 - -- Special miracles - Miracles that were remarkable; that were not common, or that were very unusual ( οὐ τὰς τυχωÌν ou tas tuch...

Special miracles - Miracles that were remarkable; that were not common, or that were very unusual ( οὐ τὰς τυχωÌν ou tas tuchoÌ„n ). This expression is Classical Greek. Thus, Longinus says of Moses that he was no common man - οὐχ Ì“ ὁ Ï„Ï…Ìχων ἀνηÌÏ ouch ho tuchoÌ„n aneÌ„r .

Barnes: Act 19:12 - -- So that from his body - That is, those handkerchiefs which had been applied to his body, which he had used, or which he had touched. An instanc...

So that from his body - That is, those handkerchiefs which had been applied to his body, which he had used, or which he had touched. An instance somewhat similar to this occurs in the case of the woman who was healed by touching the hem of the Saviour’ s garment, Mat 9:20-22. Unto the sick - The sick who were at a distance, and who were unable to go where he was. If it be asked why this was done, it may be observed:

(1) That the working of miracles in that region would greatly contribute to the spread of the gospel.

\caps1 (2) w\caps0 e are not to suppose that there was any efficacy in the aprons thus brought, or in the mere fact that they had touched the body of Paul, anymore than there was in the hem of the Saviour’ s garment which the woman touched, or in the clay which he made use of to open the eyes of the blind man, Joh 8:6.

\caps1 (3) i\caps0 n this instance, the fact that the miracles were performed in this manner by garments which had touched his body, was a mere sign, or an evidence to the persons concerned, that it was done by the instrumentality of Paul, as the fact that the Saviour put his fingers into the ears of a deaf man, and spit and touched his tongue Mar 7:33, was an evidence to those who saw it that the power of healing came from him. The bearing of these aprons to the sick was, therefore, merely evidence to all concerned that miraculous power was given to Paul.

Handkerchiefs - The word used here σουδαÌÏια soudaria is of Latin origin, and properly denotes "a piece of linen"with which sweat was wiped from the face; and then "any piece of linen used for tying up or containing anything."In Luk 19:20, it denotes the "napkin"in which the talent of the unprofitable servant was concealed; in Joh 11:44; Joh 20:7, the "napkin"which was used to bind up the face of the dead applied to Lazarus and to our Saviour.

Or aprons - σιμικιÌνθια simikinthia . This is also Latin word, and means literally a half girdle, or covering half the person a piece of cloth which was girded round the waist to preserve the clothes of those who were engaged in any kind of work. The word "aprons"expresses the idea.

And the diseases departed - The sick were healed.

And the evil spirits - See the notes on Mat 4:24. It is evident that this power of working miracles would contribute greatly to Paul’ s success among the people.

Barnes: Act 19:13 - -- The vagabond Jews - Greek: Jews going about - πεÏιεÏχομεÌνων perierchomenoÌ„n . The word "vagabond"with us is now commonly ...

The vagabond Jews - Greek: Jews going about - πεÏιεÏχομεÌνων perierchomenoÌ„n . The word "vagabond"with us is now commonly used in a bad sense, to denote "a vagrant; a man who has no home; an idle, worthless fellow."The word, however, properly means "one wandering from place to place, without any settled habitation, from whatever cause it may be."Here it denotes "those Jews who wandered from place to place, practicing exorcism."

Exorcists - ἐξοÏκιστῶν exorkistoÌ„n . This word properly denotes "those who went about pretending to be able to expel evil spirits, or to cure diseases by charms, incantations,"etc. The word is derived from ὁÏκιÌζω horkizoÌ„ , "to bind with an oath."It was applied in this sense, because those who pretended to be able to expel demons used the formula of an oath, or adjured them, to compel them to leave the possessed persons. Compare Mat 12:27. They commonly used the name of God, or called on the demons in the name of God to leave the person. Here they used the name Jesus to command them to come out. Such wanderers and pretenders are common in Oriental countries now. See Land and the Book, vol. i. 224, 510.

To call over them - To name, or to use his name as sufficient to expel the evil spirit.

The name of the Lord Jesus - The reasons why they attempted this were:

(1) That Jesus had expelled many evil spirits; and,

(2) That it was in his name that Paul had performed his miracles. Perhaps they supposed there was some charm in this name to expel them.

We adjure you - We bind you by an oath; we command you as under the solemnity of an oath, Mar 5:7; 1Th 5:27. It is a form of putting one under oath, 1Ki 2:43; Gen 24:37; 2Ki 11:4; Neh 13:25 (Septuagint). That this art was practiced then, or attempted, is abundantly proved from Irenaeus, Origen, and Josephus ( Antiq. , book 8, chapter 2, section 5). See Doddridge. The common name which was used was the incommunicable name of God, Yahweh, by pronouncing which, in a special way, it was pretended they had the power of expelling demons.

Barnes: Act 19:14 - -- One Sceva - Sceva is a Greek name, but nothing more is known of him. Chief of the priests - This cannot mean that he was high priest amon...

One Sceva - Sceva is a Greek name, but nothing more is known of him.

Chief of the priests - This cannot mean that he was high priest among the Jews, as it is wholly improbable that his sons would be wandering exorcists. But it denotes that he was of the sacerdotal order. He was a Jewish chief priest; a priest of distinction, and had held the office of a ruler. The word "chief priest,"in the New Testament, usually refers to men of the sacerdotal order who were also rulers in the Sanhedrin.

Barnes: Act 19:15 - -- Jesus I know - His power to cast out devils I know. Compare Mat 8:29. Paul I know - Paul’ s power to cast out devils, Acts . Act 19:...

Jesus I know - His power to cast out devils I know. Compare Mat 8:29.

Paul I know - Paul’ s power to cast out devils, Acts . Act 19:12.

But who are ye? - What power have you over evil spirits? By what right do you attempt to expel them? The meaning is, "You belong neither to Jesus nor Paul, and you have no right or authority to at tempt to work miracles in the name of either."

Barnes: Act 19:16 - -- Leaped on them - Several such instances are recorded of the extraordinary power and rage of those who were possessed with evil spirits, Mar 5:3...

Leaped on them - Several such instances are recorded of the extraordinary power and rage of those who were possessed with evil spirits, Mar 5:3; Mar 9:29; Luk 9:42.

Barnes: Act 19:17 - -- The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified - Acquired increasing honor. The transaction showed that the miracles performed in the name of the Lor...

The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified - Acquired increasing honor. The transaction showed that the miracles performed in the name of the Lord Jesus by Paul were real, and were performed in attestation of the truth of the doctrine which he taught. Impostors could not work such miracles; and they who pretended to be able to do it only exposed themselves to the rage of evil spirits. It was thus shown that there was a real, vital difference between Paul and these impostors, and their failure only served to extend his reputation and the power of the gospel.

Barnes: Act 19:18 - -- Their deeds - Their actions; their evil course of life. The direct reference here is to the magical arts which had been used, but the word may ...

Their deeds - Their actions; their evil course of life. The direct reference here is to the magical arts which had been used, but the word may also be designed to denote "iniquity"in general. They who make a profession of religion will be willing to confess their transgressions, and no man can have evidence that he is truly renewed who is not willing to confess as well as to forsake his sins, Rom 10:10; Pro 28:13, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall find mercy."

Barnes: Act 19:19 - -- Curious arts - Arts or practices requiring skill, address, cunning. The word used here ( πεÏιÌεÏγα perierga ) denotes properly "th...

Curious arts - Arts or practices requiring skill, address, cunning. The word used here ( πεÏιÌεÏγα perierga ) denotes properly "those things that require care or skill,"and was thus applied to the arts of "magic, jugglery, and sleight of hand"that were practiced so extensively in Eastern countries. That such arts were practiced at Ephesus is well known. The Ephesian letters, by which incantations and charms were supposed to be produced, were much celebrated. They seem to have consisted of certain combinations of letters or words, which, by being pronounced with certain intonations of voice, were believed to be effectual in expelling diseases, or evil spirits; or which, by being written on parchment and worn, were supposed to operate as amulets, or charms, to guard from evil spirits or from danger. Thus, Plutarch (Sympos., 7) says, "The magicians compel those who are possessed with a demon to recite and pronounce the Ephesian letters, in a certain order, by themselves."Thus, Clemens Alex. (Strom. ii.) says, "Androcydes, a Pythagorean, says that the letters which are called Ephesian, and which are so celebrated, are symbols, etc."Erasmus says ( Adagg. Cent. , 2) that there were certain marks and magical words among the Ephesians, by using which they succeeded in every undertaking. Eustath. a.d. Homer, Odyssey Ï„ , says "that those letters were incantations which Croesus used when on the funeral pile, and which greatly befriended him."He adds that, in the war between the Milesians and Ephesians, the latter were thirteen times saved from ruin by the use of these letters. See Grotius and Kuinoel.

Brought their books - Books which explained the arts, or which contained the magical forms and incantations - perhaps pieces of parchment, on which were written the letters which were to be used in the incantations and charms.

And burned them before all men - Publicly. Their arts and offences had been public, and they sought now to undo the evil, as much as lay in their power, as extensively as they had done it.

And they counted - The price was estimated. By whom this was done does not appear. Probably it was not done by those who had been engaged in this business, and who had suffered the loss, but by the people, who were amazed at the sacrifice, and who were astonished at their folly in thus destroying their own property.

Fifty thousand pieces of silver - What coin the word ἀÏγυÏιÌου arguriou here translated "silver"denotes, it is impossible to tell, and consequently the precise value of this sacrifice cannot be ascertained. If it refers to the Jewish shekel, the sum would be 25,000 (about 5,420 British pounds), since the shekel was worth about half a dollar (circa 1880’ s). If it refers to Grecian or Roman coin - which is much more probable, as this was a pagan country, where the Jewish coin would not, probably, be much used the value would be much less. Probably, however, it refers to the Attic drachma, which was a silver coin worth about 9d. sterling, or not far from 17 cents, and then the value would be about 8,500 (1,875 British pounds). The precise value is not material. It was a large sum; and it is recorded to show that Christianity had power to induce people to forsake arts that were most lucrative, and to destroy the means of extending and perpetuating those arts, however valuable in a pecuniary point of view they might be. We are to remember, however, that this was not the intrinsic value of these books, but only their value as books of incantation. In themselves they might have been of very little worth. The universal prevalence of Christianity would make much that is now esteemed valuable pro, retry utterly worthless, as, for example, all that is used in gambling, in fraud, in counterfeiting, in distilling ardent spirits for drink, in the slave-trade, and in attempts to impose on and defraud mankind.

Barnes: Act 19:20 - -- So mightily grew the word of God - So powerfully. It had such efficacy and power in this wicked city. That power must have been mighty which wo...

So mightily grew the word of God - So powerfully. It had such efficacy and power in this wicked city. That power must have been mighty which would thus make them willing not only to cease to practice imposition, but to give up all hopes of future gains, and to destroy their property. On this instructive narrative we may remark:

(1) That religion has power to break the hold of sinners on unjust and dishonest means of living.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 hat those who have been engaged in an unchristian and dishonorable practice will abandon it when they become Christians.

\caps1 (3) t\caps0 hat their abhorrence of their former course will be, and ought to be, expressed as publicly as was the offence.

\caps1 (4) t\caps0 hat the evil practice will be abandoned at any sacrifice, however great. The question will be, what is right; not what will it cost. Property, in the view of a converted man, is nothing when compared with a good conscience.

\caps1 (5) t\caps0 his conduct of those who had used curious arts shows us what ought to be done by those who have been engaged in any evil course of life and who are then converted. If what they did when they were converted was right - and who can doubt it? - it settles a great principle on which young converts should act. If a man has been engaged in the slave-trade, he will abandon it, and his duty will not be to sell his ship to one who he knows will continue the traffic. His property should be withdrawn from the business publicly, either by being destroyed, or by being converted to a useful purpose. If a man has been a distiller of ardent spirits as a drink, his duty will be to forsake his evil course. Nor will it be his duty to sell his distillery to one who will continue the business, but to withdraw his property from it publicly, either by destroying it, or converting it to some useful purpose. If a man has been engaged in the traffic in ardent spirits, his duty is not to sell his stock to those who will continue the sale of the poison, but to withdraw it from public use - converting it to some useful purpose, if he can; if not, by destroying it. All that has ever been said by money-loving distillers, or venders of ardent spirits, about the loss which they would sustain by abandoning the business, might have been said by these practitioners of curious arts in Ephesus. And if the excuses of rumselling people are valid, their conduct was folly; and they should either have continued the business of practicing "curious arts"after they were converted, or should have sold their "books"to those who would have continued it. For assuredly it was not worse to practice jugglery and fortune-telling than it is to destroy the bodies and souls of people by the traffic in ardent spirits. And yet, how few people there are in Christian lands who practice on the principle of these honest, but comparatively unenlightened men at Ephesus.

Barnes: Act 19:21 - -- After these things were ended - After the gospel was firmly established at Ephesus, so that his presence there was no longer necessary. Pu...

After these things were ended - After the gospel was firmly established at Ephesus, so that his presence there was no longer necessary.

Purposed in the spirit - Resolved in his mind.

When he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia - In these places he had founded flourishing churches. It is probable that his main object in this visit was to take up a collection for the poor saints at Jerusalem. See the notes on Rom 15:25-26.

To go to Jerusalem - To bear the contribution of the Gentile churches to the poor and oppressed Christians in Judea.

I must also see Rome - See the notes on Rom 15:24. He did go to Rome, but he went in chains, as a prisoner.

Barnes: Act 19:22 - -- Timotheus - Timothy. He was a proper person to send there to visit the churches, as he had been there before with Paul, when they were establis...

Timotheus - Timothy. He was a proper person to send there to visit the churches, as he had been there before with Paul, when they were established, Act 16:3; Act 17:14.

And Erastus - Erastus was chamberlain of Corinth (Rom 16:23), or, more properly, the treasurer of the city (see the notes on that place), and he was, therefore, a very proper person to be sent with Timothy for the purpose of making the collection for the poor at Jerusalem. Paul had wisdom enough to employ a man accustomed to monied transactions in making a collection. On this collection his heart was intent, and he afterward went up with it to Jerusalem. See 2Co 8:9, and notes on Rom 15:25-26.

Stayed in Asia - At Ephesus.

For a season - How long is uncertain. He waited for a convenient opportunity to follow them, probably intending to do it as soon as they had fully prepared the way for the collection. See Paley’ s Horae Paulinae , p. 1, chapter 2.

Barnes: Act 19:23 - -- No small stir - No little excitement, disturbance, or tumult ταÌÏαχος tarachos . Compare Act 17:4-5. "About that way."Respecting t...

No small stir - No little excitement, disturbance, or tumult ταÌÏαχος tarachos . Compare Act 17:4-5. "About that way."Respecting the doctrines of Christianity which Paul preached. See the notes on Act 9:2; Act 18:26; Act 19:9.

Barnes: Act 19:24 - -- A silversmith - The word used here denotes "one who works in silver"in any way, either in making money, in stamping silver, or in forming utens...

A silversmith - The word used here denotes "one who works in silver"in any way, either in making money, in stamping silver, or in forming utensils from it. It is probable that the employment of this man was confined to the business here specified, that of making shrines, as his complaint Acts . Act 19:26-27 implied that destroying this would be sufficient to throw them out of all employment. Silver shrines ναοὺς naous . Temples. The word "shrine"properly means "a case, small chest, or box"; particularly applied to a box in which sacred things are deposited. Hence, we hear of the shrines for relics (Webster). The word "shrines"here denotes "small portable temples, or edifices,"made of silver, so as to represent the temple of Diana, and probably containing a silver image of the goddess. Such shrines would be purchased by devotees and by worshippers of the goddess, and by strangers, who would be desirous of possessing a representation of one of the seven wonders of the world. See the notes on Act 19:27. The great number of persons that came to Ephesus for her worship would constitute an ample sale for productions of this kind, and make the manufacture a profitable employment. It is well known that pagans everywhere are accustomed to carry with them small images, or representations of their gods, as an amulet or charm. The Romans had such images in all their houses, called penates, or household gods. A similar thing is mentioned as early as the time of Laban Gen 31:19, whose images Rachel had stolen and taken with her. Compare Jdg 17:5, "The man Micah had an house of gods"; 1Sa 19:13; Hos 3:4. These images were usually enclosed in a box, case, or chest, made of wood, iron, or silver; and probably, as here, usually made to resemble the temple where the idol was worshipped.

Diana - This was a celebrated goddess of the pagan, and one of the twelve superior deities. In the heavens she was Luna, or Meui (the moon); on earth, Diana; and in hell, Hecate. She was sometimes represented with a crescent on her head, a bow in her hand, and dressed in a hunting habit; at other times with a triple face, and with instruments of torture. She was commonly regarded as the goddess of hunting. She was also worshipped under the various names of Lucina, Proserpine, Trivia, etc. She was also represented with a great number of breasts, to denote her as being the fountain of blessings, or as distributing her benefits to each in their proper station. She was worshipped in Egypt, Athens, Cilicia, and among pagan nations generally; but the most celebrated place of her worship was Ephesus, a city especially dedicated to her.

Unto the craftsmen - To the laborers employed under Demetrius in the manufacture of shrines.

Barnes: Act 19:25 - -- With the workmen of like occupation - Those who were in his employ, and all others engaged in the same business. As they would be all affected ...

With the workmen of like occupation - Those who were in his employ, and all others engaged in the same business. As they would be all affected in the same way, it was easy to produce an excitement among them all.

Sirs - Greek: Men.

By this craft - By this business or occupation. This is our trade.

Our wealth - Greek: our acquisition; our property. We are dependent on it for a living. It does not mean that they were rich, but that they relied on this for a subsistence. That it was a lucrative business is apparent, but it is not affirmed that they were in fact rich.

Barnes: Act 19:26 - -- Ye see and hear - You see at Ephesus, and you hear the same in other places. Throughout all Asia - All Asia Minor; or perhaps the provinc...

Ye see and hear - You see at Ephesus, and you hear the same in other places.

Throughout all Asia - All Asia Minor; or perhaps the province of which Ephesus was the capital. See the notes on Act 2:9.

This Paul hath persuaded - We have here the noble testimony of a pagan to the zeal and success of the ministry of Paul. It is an acknowledgment that his labors had been most strikingly successful in turning the people from idolatry.

Saying that they be no gods ... - See the notes on Act 14:14-15.

Barnes: Act 19:27 - -- So that not only ... - The grounds of the charge which Demetrius made against Paul were two: first, that the business of the craftsmen would be...

So that not only ... - The grounds of the charge which Demetrius made against Paul were two: first, that the business of the craftsmen would be destroyed usually the first thing that strikes the mind of a sinner who is influenced By self-interest alone; and, second, that the worship of Diana would cease if Paul and his fellow-laborers were suffered to continue their efforts.

This our craft - This business in which we are engaged, and on which we are dependent. Greek: this part τὸ μεÌÏος to meros which pertains to us.

To be set at nought - To be brought into contempt. It will become so much an object of ridicule and contempt that we shall have no further employment. Greek: "Is in danger of coming into refutation" εἰς ἀπελεγμὸν eis apelegmon . Since what is refuted by argument is deemed useless, so the word comes also to signify what is useless, or which is an object of contempt or ridicule. We may here remark:

(1) That the extensive prevalence of the Christian religion would destroy many kinds of business in which people now engage. It would put an end to all that now ministers to the pride, vanity, luxury, vice, and ambition of people. Let religion prevail, and wars would cease, and all the preparations for war which now employ so many hearts and hands would be useless. Let religion prevail, and temperance would prevail also; and consequently all the capital and labor now employed in distilling and vending ardent spirits would be withdrawn, and the business be broken up. Let religion prevail, and licentiousness would cease, and all the arts which minister to it would be useless. Let Christianity prevail, and all that goes now to minister to idolatry, and the corrupt passions of people, would be destroyed. No small part of the talent, also, that is now worse than wasted in corrupting others by ballads and songs, by fiction and licentious tales, would be withdrawn. A vast amount of capital and talent would thus be at once set at liberty, to be employed in nobler and better purposes.

\caps1 (2) t\caps0 he effect of religion is often to bring the employments of people into shame and contempt. A revival of religion often makes the business of distilling an object of abhorrence. It pours shame on those who are engaged in ministering to the vices and luxuries of the world. Religion reveals the evil of such a course of life, and those vices are banished by the mere prevalence of better principles. Yet,

(3) The talent and capital thins disengaged is not rendered useless. It may be directed to other channels and other employment. Religion does not make people idle. It leads people to devote their talents to useful employments, and opens fields in which all may toil usefully to themselves and to their fellow-men. If all the capital, the genius, and the learning which are now wasted, and worse than wasted, were to be at once withdrawn from their present pursuits, they might be profitably employed. There is not now a useless man who might, not be useful; there is not a cent wasted which might not be employed to advantage in the great work of making the world better and happier.

But also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised - This temple, so celebrated, was regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world. It was 220 years in building before it was brought to perfection. It was built at the expense of all Asia Minor. The original object of worship among the Ephesians was a small statue of Diana, made of wood, but of what kind of wood is unknown. Pliny says that the temple was made of cedar, but that it was doubtful of what kind of wood the image was made. Some have said that it was of ebony. Mucian, who was three times consul, says that the Image was made of vine, and was never changed, though the temple was rebuilt seven times (Pliny, 16:79). See Vitruvius, ii. 9. It was merely an Egyptian hieroglyphic, with many breasts, representing the goddess of Nature - under which idea Diana was probably worshipped at Ephesus. Since the original figure became decayed by age, it was propped up by two rods of iron like spits, which were carefully copied in the image which was afterward made in imitation of the first.

A temple, most magnificent in structure, was built to contain the image of Diana, which was several times built and rebuilt. The first is said to have been completed in the reign of Servius Tullius, at least 570 b.c. Another temple is mentioned as having been designed by Ctesiphon, 540 years before the Christian era, and which was completed by Daphnis of Miletus and a citizen of Ephesus. This temple was partially destroyed by fire on the very day on which Socrates was poisoned, in 400 b.c., and again in 356 b.c., by the philosopher Herostratus, on the day on which Alexander the Great was born. He confessed, upon being put to the torture, that the only motive he had was to immortalize his name. The four walls, and a few columns only, escaped the flames. The temple was repaired, and restored to more than its former magnificence, in which, says Pliny (lib. xxxvi. c. 14), 220 years were required to bring it to completion.

It was 425 feet in length, 220 in breadth, and was supported by 127 pillars of Parian marble, each of which was 60 feet high. These pillars were furnished by as many princes, and 36 of them were curiously carved, and the rest were finely polished. Each pillar, it is supposed, with its base, contained 150 tons of marble. The doors and panelling were made of cypress wood, the roof of cedar, and the interior was rendered splendid by decorations of gold, and by the finest productions of ancient artists. This celebrated edifice, after suffering various partial demolitions, was finally burned by the Goths, in their third naval invasion, in 260 a.d. Travelers are now left to conjecture where its site was. Amidst the confused ruins of ancient Ephesus, it is now impossible to tell where this celebrated temple was, once one of the wonders of the world. "So passes away the glory of this world."See the Edinburgh Encyclopedia’ s "Ephesus"also Anacharsis’ Travels, vol. vi. p. 188; Ancient Universal Hist., vol. vii. p. 416; and Pococke’ s Travels.

And her magnificence - Her majesty and glory; that is, the splendor of her temple and her worship.

Whom all Asia - All Asia Minor.

And the world - Other parts of the world. The temple had been built by contributions from a great number of princes, and doubtless multitudes from all parts of the earth came to Ephesus to pay their homage to Diana.

Barnes: Act 19:28 - -- Were full of wrath - Were greatly enraged - probably at the prospect of losing their gains. Great is Diana ... - The term "great"was ofte...

Were full of wrath - Were greatly enraged - probably at the prospect of losing their gains.

Great is Diana ... - The term "great"was often applied by the Greeks to Diana. Thus, in Xenophon (Ephes. i.), he says, "I adjure you by your own goddess, the great ( τὴν μεγαÌλην teÌ„n megaleÌ„n ) Diana of the Ephesians."The design of this clamor was doubtless to produce a persecution against Paul, and thus to secure a continuance of their employment. Often, when people have no arguments, they raise a clamor; when their employments are in danger of being ruined, they are filled with rage. We may learn, also, that when people’ s pecuniary interests are affected, they often show great zeal for religion, and expect by clamor in behalf of some doctrine to maintain their own interest, and to secure their own gains.

Barnes: Act 19:29 - -- Confusion - Tumult; disorder. Gaius - He had lived at Corinth, and had kinky entertained Paul at his house, 1Co 1:14; Rom 16:23. Ari...

Confusion - Tumult; disorder.

Gaius - He had lived at Corinth, and had kinky entertained Paul at his house, 1Co 1:14; Rom 16:23.

Aristarchus - He attended Paul to Rome, and was there a prisoner with him, Col 4:10.

With one accord - Tumultuously; or with one mind or purpose.

Into the theatre - The theaters of the Greeks were not only places for public exhibitions, but also for holding assemblies, and often for courts, elections, etc. The people, therefore, naturally rushed there, as being a suitable place to decide this matter.

Barnes: Act 19:30 - -- Would have entered in unto the people - Probably to have addressed them, and to defend his own cause.

Would have entered in unto the people - Probably to have addressed them, and to defend his own cause.

Barnes: Act 19:31 - -- Certain of the chief of Asia - τῶν ἈσιαÏχῶν toÌ„n AsiarchoÌ„n . Of the Asiarchs. These were persons who presided over sac...

Certain of the chief of Asia - τῶν ἈσιαÏχῶν toÌ„n AsiarchoÌ„n . Of the Asiarchs. These were persons who presided over sacred things and over the public games. It was their business to see that the proper services of religion were observed, and that proper honor was rendered to the Roman emperor in the public festivals, at the games, etc. They were annually elected, and their election was confirmed at Rome before it was valid They held a common council at the principal city within their province, as at Ephesus, Smyrna, Sardis, etc., to consult and deliberate about the interests committed to their charge in their various provinces (Kuinoel and Schleusner). Probably they were assembled on such an occasion now; and during their remaining there they had heard Paul preach, and were friendly to his views and doctrines.

Which were his friends - It does not appear from ibis that they were Christian converts; but they probably had feelings of respect toward him, and were disposed to defend him and his cause. Perhaps, also, there might have existed a personal acquaintance and attachment.

Would not adventure - Would not risk his life in the tumult, and under the excited feelings of the multitude.

Barnes: Act 19:32 - -- Some therefore cried one thing ... - This is an admirable description of a mob, assembled for what purpose they knew not; but agitated by passi...

Some therefore cried one thing ... - This is an admirable description of a mob, assembled for what purpose they knew not; but agitated by passions, and strifes, and tumults.

And the more part knew not ... - The greater part did not know. They had been drawn together by the noise and excitement, and but a small part would know the real cause of the commotion. This is usually the case in tumultuous meetings.

Barnes: Act 19:33 - -- And they drew Alexander - Who this Alexander was is not known. Grotius supposes that it was "Alexander the coppersmith, who had in some way don...

And they drew Alexander - Who this Alexander was is not known. Grotius supposes that it was "Alexander the coppersmith, who had in some way done Paul much harm 2Ti 4:14; and whom, with Philetus, Paul had excommunicated. He supposes that it was a device of the Jews to put forward one who had been of the Christian party, in order to accuse Paul, and to attempt to cast the odium of the tumult on him. But it is not clear that the Alexander whom Paul had excommunicated was the person concerned in this transaction. All that appears in this narrative is, that Alexander was one who was known to be a Jew, and who wished to defend the Jews from being regarded as the authors of this tumult. It would be supposed by the pagan that the Christians Were only a sect of the Jews, and the Jews wished, doubtless, to show that they had not been concerned in giving occasion to this tumult, but that it was to be traced wholly to Paul and his friends.

The Jews putting him forward - That he might have a convenient opportunity to speak to the people.

Would have made his defence - Our translation, by the phrase "his defense,"would seem to imply that he was personally accused. But it was not so. The Greek is simply, "was about to apologize to the people"; that is, to make a defense, not of himself particularly, but of the Jews in general. The translation should have been "a defense."

Barnes: Act 19:34 - -- But when they knew - When they perceived or ascertained. That he was a Jew - There was a general prejudice against the Jews. They were di...

But when they knew - When they perceived or ascertained.

That he was a Jew - There was a general prejudice against the Jews. They were disposed to charge the whole difficulty on Jews - esteeming Christians to be but a sect of the Jews. They were, therefore, indiscriminate in their wrath, and unwilling to listen to any defense.

With one voice - Unitedly, in one continued shout and clamor.

About the space of two hours - The day, from sunrise to sunset, among the Greeks and Romans, was divided into twelve equal parts, Joh 11:9. An hour, therefore, did not differ materially from an hour with us. It is not at all improbable that the tumult would continue for so long a time, before it would be possible to allay the excitement.

Cried out ... - This they at first did to silence Alexander. The shouting, however, was continued in order to evince their attachment to Diana, as would be natural in an excited and tumultuous mob of pagan worshippers.

Barnes: Act 19:35 - -- And when the town-clerk - ὁ γÏαμματεÌÏ…Ï‚ ho grammateus . The scribe; the secretary. This word is often used in the Bible, and...

And when the town-clerk - ὁ γÏαμματεÌÏ…Ï‚ ho grammateus . The scribe; the secretary. This word is often used in the Bible, and is commonly translated "scribe,"and is applied to "public notaries in the synagogues; to clerks; to those who transcribed books, and hence, to men skilled in the law or in any kind of learning."Compare 2Sa 8:17; 2Ki 12:11; Ezr 7:6, Ezr 7:11-12; Mat 5:20; Mat 12:38; Mat 13:52; Mat 15:1; Mat 23:34; 1Co 1:20. It is, however, nowhere else applied to a pagan magistrate. It probably denoted "a recorder; or a transcriber of the laws; or a chancellor"(Kuinoel, Doddridge). This officer had a seat in their deliberative assemblies, and on him it seems to have devolved to keep the peace. The Syriac, "Prince of the city."The Vulgate and Arabic, "Scribe."

Had appeased the people - καταστειÌλας katasteilas . Having restrained, quieted, tranquillized, so as to be able to address them.

What man is there - Who is there that can deny this? It is universally known and admitted. This is the language of strong confidence, of reproof, and of indignation. It implied that the worship of Diana was so well established that there was no danger that it could be destroyed by a few Jews, and he therefore reproved them for what he deemed their unreasonable fears. But he little knew the power of that religion which had been the innocent cause of all this tumult; nor that, at no very distant period, this despised religion would overturn not only the worship of Diana at Ephesus, but the splendid idolatry of the mighty Roman empire.

Is a worshipper - νεωκοÌÏον neoÌ„koron . Margin, temple-keeper. The word used here does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament. It is derived from νεὼς neoÌ„s , for ναὸς naos , a temple, and κοÏεÌω koreoÌ„ , to sweep, to cleanse. But among the ancients, the office of keeping their temples was by no means as humble as that of sexton is with us. It was regarded as an office of honor and dignity to have charge of the temples of the gods, and to keep them in order. The term was also given to the cities that were regarded as the special patrons or worshippers of certain gods and goddesses. They esteemed it an honor to be regarded as the special keepers of their temples and images, or as having adopted them as their tutelar divinities. Such was Ephesus in regard to Diana. It was considered to be a high honor that the city was everywhere regarded as being entrusted with the worship of Diana, or with keeping the temple regarded by the whole world as especially her own. See Schleusner on this word.

And of the image - A special guardian of the image, or statue of Diana.

Which fell down ... - Which was reigned or believed to have been sent down from heaven. See the notes on Act 19:27. It is probable that the image was so ancient that the maker of it was unknown, and it was therefore reigned to have fallen from heaven. It was for the interest of the priest to keep up this impression. Many cities pretended to have been favored in a similar manner with images or statues of the gods, sent directly from heaven. The safety of Troy was supposed to depend on the Palladium, or image of Pallas Minerva, which was believed to have fallen from heaven. Numa pretended that the ancilia, or sacred shields, had descended from heaven. Herodian expressly affirms that "the Phoenicians had no statue of the sun polished by the hand, but only a certain large stone, circular below, and terminated acutely above in the figure of a cone, of a black color, and that they believed it to have fallen from heaven."The same thing was affirmed of the ancient Minerva of the Athenian Acropolis (Paus., Att. 26); of the Paphian Venus, and the Ceres of Sicily (Cic. in Verr., v. 187). It has been supposed by some that this image at Ephesus was merely a conical or pyramidal stone which fell from the clouds - a meteorite - and that it was regarded with superstitious reverence, as having been sent from heaven. See the Edinburgh Encyclopedia’ s article, "Meteorites."

From Jupiter - See the notes on Act 14:12.

Barnes: Act 19:36 - -- Seeing then ... - Since no one can call in question the zeal of the Ephesians on this subject, or doubt the sincerity of their belief, and sinc...

Seeing then ... - Since no one can call in question the zeal of the Ephesians on this subject, or doubt the sincerity of their belief, and since there can be no danger that this well-established worship is to be destroyed by the efforts of a few evil-disposed Jews, there is no occasion for this tumult.

Be quiet - Be appeased. The same Greek word which is used in Acts . Act 19:35, "had appeased the people."

To do nothing rashly - To do nothing in a heated, inconsiderate manner. There is no occasion for tumult and riot. The whole difficulty can be settled in perfect consistency with the maintenance of order.

Barnes: Act 19:37 - -- For ye ... - Demetrius and his friends. The blame was to be traced to them. Which are neither robbers of churches - The word "churches"we...

For ye ... - Demetrius and his friends. The blame was to be traced to them.

Which are neither robbers of churches - The word "churches"we now apply to edifices reared for purposes of Christian worship. Since no such churches had then been built, this translation is unhappy, and is not at all demanded by the original. The Greek word ἱεÏοσυÌλους hierosulous is applied properly to those who commit sacrilege; who plunder temples of their sacred things. The meaning here is that Paul and his companions had not been guilty of robbing the temple of Diana, or any other temple. The charge of sacrilege could not be brought against them. Though they had preached against idols and idol worship, yet they had offered no violence to the temples of idolaters, nor had they attempted to strip them of the sacred utensils employed in their service. What they had done, they had done peaceably.

Nor yet blasphemers of your goddess - They had not used harsh or reproachful language of Diana. This had not been charged on them, nor is there the least evidence that they had done it. They had opposed idolatry; had reasoned against it; and had endeavored to turn the people from it. But there is not the least evidence that they had ever done it in harsh or reproachful language. This shows that people should employ reason, and not harsh or reproachful language against a pervading evil; and that the way to remove it is to enlighten the minds of people, and to convince them of the error of their ways. People gain nothing by bitter and reviling words; and it is much to obtain the testimony of even the enemies of religion as Paul did of the chancellor of Ephesus - that no such words had been used in describing their crimes and follies.

Barnes: Act 19:38 - -- Have a matter against any man - Have a complaint of injury; if injustice has been done them by anyone. The law is open - See the margin. ...

Have a matter against any man - Have a complaint of injury; if injustice has been done them by anyone.

The law is open - See the margin. ἈγοÌÏαιοι Agoraioi ἀÌγονται agontai , that is, ἡμεÌÏαι heÌ„merai . There are court-days; days which are open, or appointed for judicial trials, where such matters can be determined in a proper manner. Perhaps the courts were then held, and the matter might be immediately determined.

And there are deputies - Roman proconsuls. See the notes on Act 13:7. The cause might be brought before them with the certainty that it would be heard and decided. The Syriac reads this in the singular number "Lo, the proconsul is in the city."

Let them implead one another - Let them accuse each other in the court. The laws are equal, and impartial justice will be done.

Barnes: Act 19:39 - -- But if we inquire - If you seek to determine any other matters than that pertaining to the alleged wrong which Demetrius has suffered in his bu...

But if we inquire - If you seek to determine any other matters than that pertaining to the alleged wrong which Demetrius has suffered in his business.

Other matters - Anything respecting public affairs; anything pertaining to the government and the worship of Diana.

In a lawful assembly - In an assembly convened, not by tumult and riot, but in conformity to law. This was a tumultuous assemblage, and it was proper in the public officer to demand that they should disperse; and that, if there were any public grievances to be remedied, it should be done in an assembly properly convened. It may be remarked here that the original word rendered assembly is what is usually in the New Testament rendered church - ἐκκλησιÌα ekkleÌ„sia . It is properly rendered by the word "assembly"- not denoting here "a mixed or tumultuous assemblage, but one called out, or convened in the legal manner."The proper meaning of the word is "what is called out.""The church, the Christian assembly ἐκκλησιÌα ekkleÌ„sia of the faithful,"is made up of those who are called out from the world.

Barnes: Act 19:40 - -- To be called in question - By the government; by the Roman authority. Such a tumult, continued for so long. a time, would be likely to attract ...

To be called in question - By the government; by the Roman authority. Such a tumult, continued for so long. a time, would be likely to attract the attention of the magistrates, and expose them to their displeasure. Popular commotions were justly dreaded by the Roman government; and such an assembly as this, convened without any good cause, would not escape their notice. There was a Roman law which made it capital for anyone to be engaged in promoting a riot. Sui coetum , et concursum fecerit , capite puniatur : "He who raises a mob, let him be punished with death."

Barnes: Act 19:41 - -- Dismissed the assembly - τὴν ἐκκλησιÌαν teÌ„n ekkleÌ„sian . The word usually translated "church."Here it is applied to th...

Dismissed the assembly - τὴν ἐκκλησιÌαν teÌ„n ekkleÌ„sian . The word usually translated "church."Here it is applied to the irregular and tumultuous "assemblage"which had convened in a riotous manner.

Poole: Act 19:2 - -- Have ye received the Holy Ghost? The extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost, as prophesying, speaking with tongues, healing of the sick, &c., as appea...

Have ye received the Holy Ghost? The extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost, as prophesying, speaking with tongues, healing of the sick, &c., as appears by Act 18:6 , and Joh 7:39 ; for it could not be, that they, who were instructed and baptized by John, should be ignorant of the essence or person of the Holy Ghost; for the Baptist had seen him descending upon our Saviour; as is remembered by all the evangelists which speak of his baptism, Mat 3:16 Mar 1:10 Luk 3:22 ; besides other scriptures which testified of him; and St. John had spoken of him unto all he baptized, that our Saviour would baptize them with the Holy Ghost and with fire, Joh 1:32,33 .

We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost: this answer must be understood, according to the question, of those gifts now mentioned; and which by the imposition of the hands of the apostles were given, especially at the ordination of such as were sent to preach the gospel, it being necessary for the planting of the church, those miraculous gifts assuring those unto whom they preached, that their doctrine was from heaven; as also to assure the apostles themselves of the success of their ministry, and the conversion of such they preached unto, as Act 10:44,47 . And this acceptation of these words is paralleled, 1Sa 3:7 , where it is said, that

Samuel did not yet know the Lord the meaning is, that he knew not that God was wont so to speak unto any; otherwise, that holy man, as young as he was, both knew God, and served him.

Poole: Act 19:3 - -- Unto what then were ye baptized? What doctrine did you make profession of? And what religion did you seal unto at your baptism? Unto John’ s ba...

Unto what then were ye baptized? What doctrine did you make profession of? And what religion did you seal unto at your baptism?

Unto John’ s baptism the doctrine that John taught, and the religion that he professed and preached. Thus the Jews are said to be

baptized unto Moses 1Co 10:2 , being engaged to believe the doctrine and observe the law delivered by Moses. Now the Baptist, as Act 18:25 , preached indeed Christ; but many things concerning him he could not preach, unless as of things to come; as his death, and resurrection: the Baptist being beheaded before our Saviour’ s death, and the Holy Ghost was not poured out in that extraordinary manner until after our Saviour’ s resurrection and ascension; which pouring out of the Spirit, these disciples at Ephesus, having been baptized by John in Judea, and afterwards returning home, might not have heard of.

Poole: Act 19:4 - -- The baptism of repentance at which the Baptist did exhort them to repentance, and they by it were obliged to repent; by which is manifest, that the b...

The baptism of repentance at which the Baptist did exhort them to repentance, and they by it were obliged to repent; by which is manifest, that the baptism of John and of Christ (which he commanded) are one and the same. John’ s baptism did respect Christ, and oblige the baptized to believe in him, as also to repent; and more, it was a seal unto them of the remission of their sins, as is expressly observed, Mar 1:4 : so that the baptism of John, and the baptism of the apostles afterward, had the same sign and the same thing signified in them both (the inward and outward part, the heavenly and earthly part, were the same in both); as also they had both the same end; and therefore they were both the same. Add to this, that unless the Baptist’ s and the apostles’ baptism were the same, Christ and his members (the church) are not baptized with the same baptism. It must be acknowledged that there are some circumstances in which they differ; John’ s baptism respected Christ to come; that is, in the exercise of his ministry (which was not so fully exercised till after John’ s death); but especially, those great things (his death, resurrection, and ascension, &c.) were to come after John’ s time, which now are accomplished.

On Christ Jesus including the Father and the Holy Ghost, and mentioning Christ, to difference his baptisms from the several baptizings and washings then in use.

Poole: Act 19:5 - -- The disciples, or those that John preached to, (for these Ephesians were not amongst those few that Paul baptized, 1Co 1:14 ), who when they heard w...

The disciples, or those that John preached to, (for these Ephesians were not amongst those few that Paul baptized, 1Co 1:14 ), who when they heard what the Baptist said in the foregoing verse, they were baptized; as in the same terms it is said, Act 2:37 ,

when they heard what St. Peter had said, they were pricked in their heart, & c., and were baptized. As for Paul’ s imposing his hands upon them that are said here to be baptized, it might very well be, that the twelve disciples, Act 19:7 , might have been baptized by John, and now receive the Holy Ghost in those extraordinary gifts by the laying on of the hands of St. Paul: for to what end should these disciples, who were baptized with St. John’ s baptism, be again baptized by Paul? It is true, they had further manifestations of the mystery of the gospel brought unto them; but if men should be baptized for every degree of knowledge or grace which they do acquire, how many baptisms had they need to have, who ought daily to grow in grace and in knowledge! It is evident, that the apostles themselves were only baptized with the baptism of John, for there were none else to baptize them. And baptism being an ordinance for our regeneration and new birth, as we can be born but once in the flesh, we can be but once also born in the Spirit; and no more may Christians be baptized twice, than the Jews could be twice circumcised.

Poole: Act 19:6 - -- Laid his hands upon them thereby ordaining and authorizing of them to preach the gospel. The Holy Ghost came on them in those extraordinary gifts o...

Laid his hands upon them thereby ordaining and authorizing of them to preach the gospel.

The Holy Ghost came on them in those extraordinary gifts of tongues, &c., whereby they were fitted to preach the gospel unto any nation or people unto whom they should be sent.

Prophesied they prophesied, either in its proper sense, being enabled to foretell things that were to come; or in a larger and more improper sense, praising and magnifying of God, and declaring the hidden mysteries of the gospel; expounding the Scriptures, especially the prophecies concerning Christ, as 1Co 14:1 .

Poole: Act 19:7 - -- Or exactly twelve; answering to the apostles, and that blessed number so often mentioned in Scripture.

Or exactly twelve; answering to the apostles, and that blessed number so often mentioned in Scripture.

Poole: Act 19:8 - -- The synagogue of the Jews at Ephesus. For in the greater cities the Jews had their synagogues, in which they had their prayers, read, and expounded t...

The synagogue of the Jews at Ephesus. For in the greater cities the Jews had their synagogues, in which they had their prayers, read, and expounded the law; as also a school for teaching of their theology, in which they treated of hard questions, and more difficult matters; which might occasion the apostle’ s frequenting that place.

The kingdom of God the gospel; which is so called, Rom 14:17 , because the kingdom of grace is by it set up in us here, and we are fitted by it for the kingdom of glory hereafter. But it might be also so called, because the Jews had dreamed of a political kingdom of the Messiah, and the Christians would own that Christ was indeed a King, but that his kingdom was a spiritual kingdom.

Poole: Act 19:9 - -- Divers were hardened the sun hardeneth what it doth not soften, and causeth a stench from dunghills, as well as a sweet smell from the mountains of s...

Divers were hardened the sun hardeneth what it doth not soften, and causeth a stench from dunghills, as well as a sweet smell from the mountains of spices; and Christ is for the falling, as well as for the rising of many.

That way so the doctrine of the gospel is called, by reason of its excellency above other ways. By way the Hebrews understand any course or means to an end. Hence we read of the way of peace, the way of salvation, the way of the Lord.

He departed from them; not frequenting any more the synagogue of the Jews, where they met only with contradiction of their doctrine, and blasphemy against their Saviour.

Tyrannus; some have taken this word appellatively, as denoting some great man, or ruler, who maintained a school, or place for instruction; but it is rather a proper name of some private teacher amongst them: for the Jews had not only public schools, where their consisteries did meet, but private schools, where their law was taught.

Poole: Act 19:10 - -- All they many of all sorts. Asia Asia the Lesser, or Asia strictly so called, lying about Ephesus: the heathens came thither to worship their Diana...

All they many of all sorts.

Asia Asia the Lesser, or Asia strictly so called, lying about Ephesus: the heathens came thither to worship their Diana; the Jews came thither about their affairs, either in their trades, or law suits.

The word of the Lord Jesus the gospel, which is the word concerning the Lord Jesus; or, the word which he appointed to be preached and published.

Poole: Act 19:11 - -- Special miracles not common or ordinary things, or such as might happen by chance. By the hands of Paul as Act 5:12 ; by his means and ministry.

Special miracles not common or ordinary things, or such as might happen by chance.

By the hands of Paul as Act 5:12 ; by his means and ministry.

Poole: Act 19:12 - -- Handkerchiefs or aprons our habit and attire being so different from what was used so long since, it cannot but occasion some variety in rendering th...

Handkerchiefs or aprons our habit and attire being so different from what was used so long since, it cannot but occasion some variety in rendering these words; which some think to signify two things; and some, but one and the same part of their clothes or dress: the words are both originally, Latin; the former so called from its use to wipe away sweat; the other, from its being usually tied about such as wore it.

The diseases departed from them God by such small and unlikely means wrought these miracles:

1. That the power of Christ (whom Paul preached) might the more clearly appear. And:

2. That such as were absent might have a high value for Christ and the gospel, though they had never seen Paul, or heard him preach. Such extraordinary works were also wrought by God to magnify the words preached by Peter, Act 5:15 , as our Saviour had foretold and promised, Joh 14:12 .

Poole: Act 19:13 - -- Vagabond Jews who wandered up and down, making it their trade and livelihood; as jugglers amongst us. Exorcists so called from their obtesting the ...

Vagabond Jews who wandered up and down, making it their trade and livelihood; as jugglers amongst us.

Exorcists so called from their obtesting the evil spirits in the name of God. Of these Josephus tells strange stories, Antiq. lib. 8, and thinks that the way of their exorcising was derived unto them from Solomon, and that they used the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; as also of Zebaoth, and Adonai, as Origen tells us. Some think, that though there is certainly no power in the words and syllables which they pronounced, yet that the true God, being rather willing to be known and owned by those names, than that any should call on the names of the false gods, did sometimes put forth his power in casting out of devils at such times, as Mat 12:27 . Howsoever, there being no warrant in the word of God for any such practice, and no promise to act faith in prayer upon, were the words never so serious, and the name of God and his attributes never so much (seemingly) manifested, it is a most abominable impiety.

The name of the Lord Jesus instead of, or together with, those other names formerly mentioned.

Poole: Act 19:14 - -- One of the chief of the twenty-four courses into which the priests were divided, 1Ch 24:4 , or such as (according to the corruption of those times) ...

One of the chief of the twenty-four courses into which the priests were divided, 1Ch 24:4 , or such as (according to the corruption of those times) had been high priests, and were laid aside, or were of the high priest’ s family, and hoped to succeed him.

Poole: Act 19:15 - -- I acknowledge that Jesus hath power to command me to go hence; and I know that Paul, as his minister, hath authority over me; but what pretensions h...

I acknowledge that Jesus hath power to command me to go hence; and I know that Paul, as his minister, hath authority over me; but what pretensions have ye to command me now? Though the devil is a liar, and the father of lies, yet none lie to their own disadvantage, but rather to their advantage, as they take it; and Satan may therefore be believed in what he here says, because it is to his disgrace, that, will he, nill he, he is under the command of God, though but signified to him by the least of his ministers or servants.

Poole: Act 19:16 - -- Leaped on them, &c. by the power of the evil spirit, which by the permission of God did act in him, Mat 8:28 Mar 5:4 Luk 8:29 . Satan retains still h...

Leaped on them, &c. by the power of the evil spirit, which by the permission of God did act in him, Mat 8:28 Mar 5:4 Luk 8:29 . Satan retains still his natural power, though he hath wholly lost his moral or spiritual power unto any good: and that his violence proceeded no further, is to be ascribed only to the bounds which God had set him, which he, being in chains, could not exceed or go beyond; not for his want of malice, but power.

Poole: Act 19:17 - -- Fear fell on them all they feared (after this example of God’ s not holding them guiltless that had taken his name in vain) to profane the name ...

Fear fell on them all they feared (after this example of God’ s not holding them guiltless that had taken his name in vain) to profane the name of Christ, and much more to blaspheme or speak against it.

The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified his authority, which the unclean spirit could not resist; and his doctrine and ministers, whose defence God had undertaken.

Poole: Act 19:18 - -- Many that believed came that believed the power which God alone had over Satan, and were convinced of their sin and danger in being led captive by hi...

Many that believed came that believed the power which God alone had over Satan, and were convinced of their sin and danger in being led captive by him.

And confessed, and showed their deeds openly declared their evil deeds. They durst keep the devil’ s counsel no longer, but expose and manifest it, that their sores being laid open, the balm of the gospel might more effectually be put into them. Thus with the mouth confession is made unto salvation, Rom 10:10 .

Poole: Act 19:19 - -- Thus their good works justified their faith, without which it had been dead, Jam 2:24,26 . Curious arts or rather idle and vain arts, as judicial ...

Thus their good works justified their faith, without which it had been dead, Jam 2:24,26 .

Curious arts or rather idle and vain arts, as judicial astrology, calculating nativities, and all magical arts, which the Ephesians, of all others, were most addicted to and famous for; and may be here called

curious arts because they were so called by the Ephesians, who practised them; as also because these arts are about curiosities, not necessary for us to know. Otherwise they are diabolical arts, or rather devilish cheats.

Brought their books together, and burned them: these books were not sold, and the price of them brought unto the apostles, because it was looked upon as the price of a whore, which was an abomination, and might not be offered unto God, Deu 23:18 .

Fifty thousand pieces of silver: what this sum amounts to is not so certain, because it is not agreed what these pieces were. Some make them Roman or Grecian coin; and others understand by them shekels, which are the Jewish money, and would make this sum so much the greater. Take them for so many pence, a piece of money commonly so called, which weighed the eighth part of an ounce of silver, as Mat 18:28 , they make six thousand two hundred and fifty ounces of silver, or so many crowns, and so much more as silver is worth more per ounce. Such indignation have rue converts against the sins they have been guilty of, that they will not retain any thing that might occasion their return unto them; were it a right eye, they would pull it out.

Poole: Act 19:20 - -- The increase which the seed of the word had made was very remarkable; or it is a great instance of the power of God’ s word, when it makes men ...

The increase which the seed of the word had made was very remarkable; or it is a great instance of the power of God’ s word, when it makes men willing to part with their beloved and accustomed sins, and not to stand upon saving or gaining; as Isa 55:11 .

Poole: Act 19:21 - -- Paul purposed in the spirit resolved with himself, or purposed in his heart, as Dan 1:8 . Yet in this his determination he had the influence and guid...

Paul purposed in the spirit resolved with himself, or purposed in his heart, as Dan 1:8 . Yet in this his determination he had the influence and guidance of the Holy Ghost, and that in a more than ordinary manner; as we may see by the continued series of this history, how he came to all these places here mentioned. Paul travelled through these countries, and went to these cities, because he hoped for a greater harvest, where he might scatter the seed so far abroad.

Poole: Act 19:22 - -- Ministered unto him this great apostle had not any to minister unto him out of state, but out of necessity, being he could not himself attend to all ...

Ministered unto him this great apostle had not any to minister unto him out of state, but out of necessity, being he could not himself attend to all the offices of the church. These were employed by Paul, not so much to procure any accommodation for himself by the way, as to further a collection for the poor brethren at Jerusalem, 2Co 9:3,4 .

Erastus: there seems to have been two of this name mentioned in Scripture: the one, Rom 16:23 , and the other, 2Ti 4:20 : the latter is here spoken of.

In Asia in Ephesus, which was in Asia, where Paul now was.

Poole: Act 19:23 - -- And the same time when all things seemed to have been quiet: so uncertain are the servants of Christ to have any quiet here. That way the doctrine ...

And the same time when all things seemed to have been quiet: so uncertain are the servants of Christ to have any quiet here.

That way the doctrine of the gospel, as Act 18:25 .

Poole: Act 19:24 - -- These shrines were only, either; 1. Portraits of the temple of Diana, in which was graven, or by any other art represented, that famous structure, ...

These shrines were only, either;

1. Portraits of the temple of Diana, in which was graven, or by any other art represented, that famous structure, which was afterwards burnt by Erostratus: or:

2. they were medals in which their idol Diana was expressed according to her image, spoken of, Act 19:35 . And they are called here, temples, or shrines, because they did resemble and represent that shrine or temple.

And these the superstitious people carried home to their houses and friends; not only to evidence what a pilgrimage they had performed, but to incite the more their devotions towards this idol.

Poole: Act 19:25 - -- Gain, getting or keeping a livelihood, are great temptations, and, a little pretext of piety with them, keep up the superstition and false worship t...

Gain, getting or keeping a livelihood, are great temptations, and, a little pretext of piety with them, keep up the superstition and false worship that abound in the world.

Poole: Act 19:26 - -- He tells them indeed what was St. Paul’ s doctrine; but he conceals the reasons of his doctrine; for there can be nothing more evident to any c...

He tells them indeed what was St. Paul’ s doctrine; but he conceals the reasons of his doctrine; for there can be nothing more evident to any considering man, than that there is but one God who made all things; as Psa 115:3,4 Jer 10:10 .

Poole: Act 19:27 - -- Not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought not only that we shall have no more to do, and be without work; but that it will be a reproa...

Not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought not only that we shall have no more to do, and be without work; but that it will be a reproach unto us to have had such an employment.

But also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised this is made an aggravation to the loss of their all, that religion should suffer too. How much more ought it to concern those who have a sure foundation for what they do profess!

All Asia this temple is said to have been burnt down the same day that Alexander was born, and that it was two hundred and twenty years in rebuilding, at the charge of all Asia.

The world worshippeth though the Romans might worship any god (of those multitudes) which they allowed, yet they might leave their estates only to a very few amongst them; but Diana of the Ephesians was one of those few; as also one of those twelve whom they accounted dii or deae majorum gentium, gods and goddesses of the highest quality, or first rank.

Poole: Act 19:28 - -- The argument from their profit wrought very much upon them, especially meeting with their prejudicate opinions, having pretended antiquity and unive...

The argument from their profit wrought very much upon them, especially meeting with their prejudicate opinions, having pretended antiquity and universality to confirm them.

Saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians to show their abhorrence of what Paul had taught; and desiring her glory might be perpetual, whom Paul thought not worthy to be honoured at all.

Poole: Act 19:29 - -- Filled with confusion tumults and noise; all conditions of men, high and low, promiscuously being met in such uproars. Gaius one born at Derbe, but...

Filled with confusion tumults and noise; all conditions of men, high and low, promiscuously being met in such uproars.

Gaius one born at Derbe, but living at Thessalonica, as Act 20:4 .

Aristarchus of whom we read, Act 27:2 Col 4:10 .

The theatre a place or structure built for public uses; whence;

1. Their sports or plays in any public solemnity were beheld.

2. Their speeches or orations in their common assemblies were heard.

3. Where they punished also their malefactors; it being accommodated with several steps or seats higher than one another, and of vast extent for these purposes.

Hither, according to their custom, they resort, to hear if any one would speak upon this occasion to them; or rather, to get these Christians condemned and executed for their supposed sacrilege and blasphemy.

Poole: Act 19:30 - -- Paul would have entered in unto the people being desirous either to appease the tumult; or, if the worst came of it, to die for Christ’ s sake. ...

Paul would have entered in unto the people being desirous either to appease the tumult; or, if the worst came of it, to die for Christ’ s sake.

The disciples suffered him not by their entreaties; to whom this good apostle’ s life, from whom they had received the faith, was more dear than their own.

Poole: Act 19:31 - -- Certain of the chief of Asia such as had the oversight of the plays and shows in honour of their idol gods, and were usually their priests; and were ...

Certain of the chief of Asia such as had the oversight of the plays and shows in honour of their idol gods, and were usually their priests; and were of four countries; from whence they had their names of Asiarchs, Bithynarchs, Syriarchs, and Cappadociarchs. Whosoever these were, the providence of God is to be adored, who could out of his greatest enemies raise up deliverers for his servants.

Poole: Act 19:32 - -- An excellent description of a popular tumult. Whether this assembly was afterwards made legal by the magistrates resorting thither, (though it was...

An excellent description of a popular tumult. Whether this

assembly was afterwards made legal by the magistrates resorting thither, (though it was not called by their authority), and is therefore called here, ekklhsia , is not so useful to inquire.

Poole: Act 19:33 - -- They drew Alexander out of the multitude where he could not be seen and heard, unto some more convenient place, from whence he might make a vindicati...

They drew Alexander out of the multitude where he could not be seen and heard, unto some more convenient place, from whence he might make a vindication or defence for them; and that most likely in behalf of the Jews, who were equally obnoxious to the rage of the people for being against their idolatry, as the Christians were. This

Alexander is thought to have been that Alexander of whom we read, 1Ti 1:20 2Ti 4:14 : though some think that this was another of that name.

Beckoned with the hand to procure silence; as Act 12:17 .

Poole: Act 19:34 - -- A Jew and by consequence an enemy to their idolatry; and, as they might imagine at least, a friend to St. Paul. All with one voice unanimity makes ...

A Jew and by consequence an enemy to their idolatry; and, as they might imagine at least, a friend to St. Paul.

All with one voice unanimity makes not the cause to be good, if it were bad at first.

Poole: Act 19:35 - -- Town clerk or secretary, who registered their acts, and intervened in all their meetings. Is a worshipper each country and city had their peculiar ...

Town clerk or secretary, who registered their acts, and intervened in all their meetings.

Is a worshipper each country and city had their peculiar gods, which they worshipped, and took for their patrons, as Ephesus did this goddess Diana. But the word here signifies a sacrist, or one that looks to the temple to keep it clean; especially that hath the charge of more solemn shows or sports in honour of any supposed deity: and these Ephesians took it to be their no small glory, that they were employed in such as belonged to Diana.

The image which fell down from Jupiter though the maker’ s name (Canetias) is upon record, yet it having lasted whilst the temple was six or seven times repaired, at least, if not renewed, and none ever remembering when it first was brought in amongst them, the crafty priests persuaded the credulous people that it was fallen from heaven, thereby getting more honour unto it, and profit to themselves.

Poole: Act 19:36 - -- He did there cunningly than honestly endeavour to evade their clamour, and still their rage, by telling them (how fallaciously soever), that neither...

He did there cunningly than honestly endeavour to evade their clamour, and still their rage, by telling them (how fallaciously soever), that neither Paul, nor any other Christian or Jew, had any quarrel with their goddess or worship. For they indeed were against all images that were made with hands; but theirs was not such a one, it being fallen down from heaven. We must consider he was but a pagan; and his design was only to still the people; and populus vult decipi.

Poole: Act 19:37 - -- Neither robbers of churches for they had not entered into their temple. Nor yet blasphemers of your goddess Paul had barely preached this truth amo...

Neither robbers of churches for they had not entered into their temple.

Nor yet blasphemers of your goddess Paul had barely preached this truth amongst them, not upbraiding them for their idolatry; as Michael, the archangel, brought no railing accusation against the devil, when he contended with him, Jud 1:9 .

Poole: Act 19:38 - -- The law is open which is fittest to determine all questions and controversies; for men would be partial to their own cause, and every one challenge t...

The law is open which is fittest to determine all questions and controversies; for men would be partial to their own cause, and every one challenge to be in the right.

Deputies who, under the Roman emperors or consuls, had power to hear and determine of all matters.

Let them implead one another that so both parties may be heard.

Poole: Act 19:39 - -- Other matters relating to the good government of the city, or maintaining the established religion, which ought not in such a confused manner to be t...

Other matters relating to the good government of the city, or maintaining the established religion, which ought not in such a confused manner to be treated of, but in an assembly called by lawful authority, which the Romans did usually call, at least, three times every month.

Poole: Act 19:40 - -- He wisely minds them of their danger; for being under the power of the Romans, it was no less than the loss of their liberties to abet any faction o...

He wisely minds them of their danger; for being under the power of the Romans, it was no less than the loss of their liberties to abet any faction or sedition; and to make a concourse or meeting tumultuously together, was capital, unless it were upon the sudden invasion of an enemy, or to but out some raging fire.

Poole: Act 19:41 - -- The people were persuaded quietly to depart to their homes. Thus God one way or other, sometimes by friends, and sometimes by foes, kept his church ...

The people were persuaded quietly to depart to their homes. Thus God one way or other, sometimes by friends, and sometimes by foes, kept his church and people from being ruined; and his hand is not shortened.

PBC: Act 19:8 - -- Graham Scroggins, the English theologian whom I often quote, made this comment relative to this particular verse, " We must reason if we would persuad...

Graham Scroggins, the English theologian whom I often quote, made this comment relative to this particular verse, " We must reason if we would persuade."

How easy it is -Saturday morning, you have your routine down, you have your morning plans, but there’s a knock on the door. You open the door and there’s two people, probably one of them has a briefcase and one is ready to talk and the other to stand by and support and they’ll have a magazine or some literature they want you either to receive free of charge or for a minor donation and they’ll want to talk to you about their faith. How easy it is to say, " thank you for coming but I have my church and I’m quite content with it -have a nice day." SLAM. How many of those people will ever end up in our church building on Sunday morning if that’s all we ever do? And let me challenge you very carefully -don’t be extemporaneous and just shoot from the hip when they start talking with you at the door. They have been well-trained, they have been equipped with a particular line of thought. I believe they are in error -grave error, but you should study them so thoroughly (and there are Christian writings that do this beautifully and simply) so that you know before they open their mouth when they read a certain passage and introduce a thought you know where they’re going and you have a gentle, gracious response right at the tip of your tongue and fresh in your mind to say, " well, you know that’s an interesting thought but did you ever consider that this might be a better way to look at that passage or a better idea to consider in the light of what the bible teaches?" " Wow! They understand what I said, they have a different view. These are bible studying people in this house. These are people that didn’t slam the door in my face. Can I come back and talk with you later?" Come on back -let’s talk. And then you talk with them -DON’T ARGUE with them, but give them a gentle witness to your faith -Christians have prepared materials that help you do this so skillfully and so graciously. You just might on some Sunday morning see one of those people who knocked on your door on Saturday say, " Can I go to church with you. I want to know more about these people you worship with."

If you want to persuade, you must equip yourself to reason.

PBC: Act 19:27 - -- There were sub-temples all over the Mediterranean world where Diana was worshipped remotely by others other than at Ephesus. How in the world could su...

There were sub-temples all over the Mediterranean world where Diana was worshipped remotely by others other than at Ephesus. How in the world could such a powerful Pagan religion feel threatened by these young Christians? Ugh -touch the pocketbook. If you want to get someone’s attention, touch the pocketbook.

In the early second century a Roman governor in another province of Rome wrote a report of his province back to the Roman authorities in Rome that the Christians were generating so many converts and the conversions to Christianity were having such a powerful impact in the lives of the people converted to Christ that many of the Pagan temples were in danger of desertion. I bring the point forward for a very obvious reason. I don’t harshly critize people who advocate influence of Christianity in our government or culture. I don’t always agree with their tactics. I think their tactics are in many cases self-defeating. The bible does not promise that Christianity will prevail by political action committee but by the gospel. We look at moral, ethical problems in our culture today. How well established and entrenched is the practice of abortion? Can we Christians have any impact on it? " Ah, it’s a snowball going downhill and it’s getting so big there’s nothing we can do about it?" There’s nothing we can do about it but the God whose power is behind the gospel can do plenty and these men merely did what Jesus told them to do in Ac 1:8 -they were faithful, credible, loyal witnesses to the gospel that God called them to preach and to live. That’s what they are doing here. But, the fact that they did it caused the authorities in the temple of Diana to say " These people are about to close down our temple- we’d better just rake them over the coals and get rid of them before we’re in trouble." If the gospel then could threaten the temple of Diana, -ah, the gospel can threaten any fortification, any moral collapse, any immoral or unethical situation in our world today and it can make a difference and we should never underestimate the gospel because of the God who is behind the gospel we preach. Our job is not to see how many people we can win or how much influence we can wield in certain circles of influence but our job is to be a credible, faithful and accurate and articulate witness to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ wherever God gives us a platform.

Haydock: Act 19:2 - -- St. Paul first inquires of them, if they have received the Holy Ghost by confirmation. Their answer is probably not to be interpreted with rigour; si...

St. Paul first inquires of them, if they have received the Holy Ghost by confirmation. Their answer is probably not to be interpreted with rigour; since they must have heard something of the holy Spirit, so often mentioned in the Old Testament, by whom the prophets are said to speak, &c. They meant, they did not know there was in the Church, any means of communicating this Spirit to the faithful. (Calmet)

Haydock: Act 19:5 - -- Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, so called to distinguish it from the baptism of John; and that of Christ was given in the name of the Father,...

Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, so called to distinguish it from the baptism of John; and that of Christ was given in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, according to the command of Christ himself. [Matthew xxviii. 19.] (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:6 - -- Imposed his hands on them, by which imposition of hands, was given the Holy Ghost in the sacrament of confirmation. (Witham)

Imposed his hands on them, by which imposition of hands, was given the Holy Ghost in the sacrament of confirmation. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:12 - -- Aprons. It is likely such as he used in working, cured diseases, and cast out devils. What wonder, then, if God work miracles by the relics of ...

Aprons. It is likely such as he used in working, cured diseases, and cast out devils. What wonder, then, if God work miracles by the relics of martyrs and saints, to testify the sanctity of his servants, and to encourage others both to give them a reasonable honour, and to imitate their lives? (Witham) ---

Thus was fulfilled the promise which Christ had made his disciples, viz. that they should perform greater miracles than he himself had done. St. John Chrysostom repeats more than once, that these clothes raised the dead, and that the apostles' shadow chased away all maladies, and triumphed over death. Perhaps the unprejudiced reader may observe in this verse some reason for paying due regard to the relics, or whatever has belonged to the saints.

Haydock: Act 19:13 - -- The Jewish exorcists. Among the Jews were some, who by calling upon the name of the true God, sometimes cast out evil spirits. But these sons of Sc...

The Jewish exorcists. Among the Jews were some, who by calling upon the name of the true God, sometimes cast out evil spirits. But these sons of Sceva seeing St. Paul cast out devils, by calling upon the name of Jesus, thought fit to do the same, though they did not believe in Jesus Christ. And God punished them in this manner, as it is here related, at least two of them. (Witham) ---

It is uncertain whether the Jews really possessed the power of exorcising demoniacs. From the 12th chapter of St. Matthew, one would be inclined to the affirmative opinion, as our Saviour seems to mention it as a thing well attested. The Jews pretended they received their exorcisms from Solomon. On the other hand, neither the Old nor New Testament ever approve of this power in them nor is it any where mentioned in Scripture that Solomon was the author of any such things. The old law was particularly severe in condemning every kind of enchantment. It is certain, that they, in the time here spoken of, added much superstition and magic to these rites. (Tirinus and others.) ---

Josephus mentions remarkable instances of their power in exorcisms performed in his own presence, and in that of the emperor Vespasian, and his whole army. (Lib. ii. chap. 25. The Jewish War) ---

Extraordinary things might possibly be performed by magic and collusion between these impostors and the demons. That this power of expelling devils, resides in the Church, every page of primitive ecclesiastical history, testifies. Scripture is also equally explicit on this subject. The exorcisms, says St. Cyprian, are the spiritual torments and scourges of the demons. (Ep. ad Demetrium.) ---

It was for this reason the Jews, on this occasion, used the name of Jesus; a name terrible to the infernal spirits, to add power to their imprecations. Tertullian urges facts of this power in the Christians, with much energy and eloquence, in his Apology. Prudentius has recorded the same, with equal elegance, in his verse ---

----------Torquetur Apollo

Nomine percussus Christi, nec fulmina verbi

Ferre potest. Agitant miserum verbera linguæ.

Haydock: Act 19:18 - -- Confessing and declaring their deeds, as penitents do in the sacrament of penance, and not only in general declaring or confessing themselves sinners...

Confessing and declaring their deeds, as penitents do in the sacrament of penance, and not only in general declaring or confessing themselves sinners. See Matthew iii. 6. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:19 - -- Curious arts. By which are here meant books of divination and magic art, to which study the Ephesians were much addicted. The price of the books bu...

Curious arts. By which are here meant books of divination and magic art, to which study the Ephesians were much addicted. The price of the books burnt, amounting to a great sum, even computing the 50,000 denarii, each of them at sevenpence half-penny English money. (Witham) ---

The value of the books here destroyed might have amounted to £1000 sterling. The Christian emperors, Constantine the Great, Valentinian, Theodosius, Marcian, and Justinian, have made laws not less strict for destroying, than those the Church for proscribing, the use of wicked books, where danger is likely to ensue. The danger of reading them is set forth by Eusebius, lib. vii. chap. 6; by St. Augustine, lib. iii. de bap. chap. 14; by St. Gregory, lib. v. ep. 64. ---

Such baneful productions should be destroyed; for although they may possibly produce no bad effect during the life of the present possessors, no one can pretend to say into what hands they will afterwards fall, nor what evil they may hereafter occasion.

Haydock: Act 19:21 - -- I must also see Rome. It is what St. Paul earnestly desired, and what the Spirit now revealed to him. See Romans i. (Witham)

I must also see Rome. It is what St. Paul earnestly desired, and what the Spirit now revealed to him. See Romans i. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:23 - -- About the way of the Lord; that is, about Christian faith, and religion. (Witham) --- A great source of these troubles that ensued, was the preachin...

About the way of the Lord; that is, about Christian faith, and religion. (Witham) ---

A great source of these troubles that ensued, was the preaching the gospel.

Haydock: Act 19:24 - -- Who made silver temples for Diana. [1] Perhaps figures of Diana's temple in silver; or boxes and shrines, in which was the statue or figure of Diana....

Who made silver temples for Diana. [1] Perhaps figures of Diana's temple in silver; or boxes and shrines, in which was the statue or figure of Diana. (Witham)



Ædes argenteas, Greek: naous argurous.

Haydock: Act 19:27 - -- In danger of being vilified, and Diana of losing her reputation. They ought to have reflected, says St. John Chrysostom, (hom. xlii.) that if such a...

In danger of being vilified, and Diana of losing her reputation. They ought to have reflected, says St. John Chrysostom, (hom. xlii.) that if such a poor man, as Paul, could destroy the worship, and the majesty of this great goddess, whom, as they say, all the world adored, how much greater and worthy of adoration must the God be, by whose power Paul could do this? (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:28 - -- Great is Diana of the Ephesians. This they shouted out without intermission for about two hours, though the greatest part knew not why they had me...

Great is Diana of the Ephesians. This they shouted out without intermission for about two hours, though the greatest part knew not why they had met together. A true representation of an unthinking rash mob. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:31 - -- Some also of the rulers of Asia. They are called friends to St. Paul, but it is uncertain whether they were Christians, or others, who favoured hi...

Some also of the rulers of Asia. They are called friends to St. Paul, but it is uncertain whether they were Christians, or others, who favoured him, and wished him well. (Witham)

Haydock: Act 19:35 - -- The town-clerk, &c. Literally, the scribe, or the recorder of the city. --- Jupiter's offspring. [2] His daughter, according to the poets. The Gr...

The town-clerk, &c. Literally, the scribe, or the recorder of the city. ---

Jupiter's offspring. [2] His daughter, according to the poets. The Greek text seems to signify a statue, or figure of Diana, which was pretended to have fallen from heaven, and from Jupiter. (Witham) ---

Is a worshipper. Greek: Neokoron ousan; the word Greek: Neokoros is found in this sense in the Arundelian marbles, and more frequently on ancient coins and inscriptions. Its derivation is from Greek: neos, a temple, and Greek: kore, a virgin, or rather Greek: korein, to cleanse and decorate; as if this city were especially destined to ornament the Diana of Ephesus, which the people supposed came to them not by the work of man, but a present from heaven.



Jovisque prolis, Greek: kai tou diopetous. Simulachri a cælo dilapsi. See Suidas.


Haydock: Act 19:37 - -- Nor of blasphemy against your goddess. St. John Chrysostom takes notice, that to calm the people, he says more than was true. (Witham)

Nor of blasphemy against your goddess. St. John Chrysostom takes notice, that to calm the people, he says more than was true. (Witham)

Gill: Act 19:2 - -- He said unto them, have ye received the Holy Ghost,.... Meaning, not the special regenerating and sanctifying grace of the Holy Ghost, for that is sup...

He said unto them, have ye received the Holy Ghost,.... Meaning, not the special regenerating and sanctifying grace of the Holy Ghost, for that is supposed in their being disciples and believers, but the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost, for it follows,

since ye believed? that is, in Christ; which is taking it for granted, that they had received the special grace of the Spirit of God; for this believing is to be understood of true, spiritual, special faith in Christ:

and they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost; by which they could not mean the person of the Holy Ghost: for they must have known that there was such a divine person as the Holy Ghost, from the writings of the Old Testament, with which they were conversant: and from the ministry of John, into whose baptism they were baptized; who saw the Spirit of God descend on Jesus, and bore witness of it; and declared, that Christ who was to come after him, would baptize with the Holy Ghost: nor could they mean the special grace of the Spirit, which they themselves had received; but the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit of God, which they at present knew nothing of, and which were afterwards bestowed upon them: they knew that there were prophecies in the Old Testament, concerning the effusion of the Spirit in the last days, in the days of the Messiah; but they had not heard that these had had their accomplishment; they had heard nothing of the day of Pentecost, and of the pouring out of the Spirit upon the apostles then, nor of any instance of this kind since; they did not know that the Holy Ghost was yet, Joh 7:39 they knew he was promised, but not that he was given; the Ethiopic version, to avoid the difficulty of the text, renders it, "we have only heard that there was an Holy Ghost".

Gill: Act 19:3 - -- And he said unto them, unto what then were ye baptized?.... The apostle takes it for granted that they were baptized, since they were not only believe...

And he said unto them, unto what then were ye baptized?.... The apostle takes it for granted that they were baptized, since they were not only believers, but disciples; such as not only believed with the heart, but had made a profession of their faith, and were followers of Christ; but asks unto what they were baptized; either in whose name they were baptized, since Christian baptism was administered in the name of the Spirit, as well as in the name of the Father and of the Son; or what attended or followed their baptism, seeing sometimes the Holy Ghost fell upon persons, either before baptism, or at it, or after it:

and they said, unto John's baptism; some think they had never been baptized at all with water baptism, only had received the doctrine preached by John, concerning repentance and remission of sins, and so were baptized unto him, professing the same doctrine he did, just as the Israelites were baptized into Moses; others think they were baptized, but very wrongly, being baptized in the name of John, and not in the name of Jesus Christ; and so, as it was not Christian baptism they had submitted to, it was right to baptize them again: but neither of these are probable, for it is not likely that they should receive John's doctrine, and not his baptism; that they should be his disciples and followers, and not attend to the more distinguishing branch of his ministry; and it is still more unlikely that they should be baptized in his name, who preached Jesus Christ to his followers, and pointed out to them the Lamb of God, and declared him to be greater than he; it seems rather that they were baptized, and that they were baptized in the name of Christ, as John's disciples were, as the apostle affirms in the following words.

Gill: Act 19:4 - -- Then said Paul,.... In reply to their answer, understanding them that they were baptized by John, he takes it up, and gives an account of John's bapti...

Then said Paul,.... In reply to their answer, understanding them that they were baptized by John, he takes it up, and gives an account of John's baptism: showing how agreeable it was, and that it was the same baptism with the baptism of Christ, being administered in his name:

John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance; which required repentance antecedent to it, and was a fruit and effect, and so an evidence of it:

saying unto the people; the people of the Jews, the common people, the multitude that attended on his ministry:

that they should believe on him, which should come after him, that is, on Jesus Christ; so that he preached faith in Christ, as well as repentance towards God; and made the one as well as the other a necessary prerequisite unto baptism; which shows, that his baptism and Christian baptism are the same.

Gill: Act 19:5 - -- When they heard this,.... That is, the people to whom John preached, his hearers; when they heard of the Messiah, and that Jesus was he, and that it b...

When they heard this,.... That is, the people to whom John preached, his hearers; when they heard of the Messiah, and that Jesus was he, and that it became them to believe in him:

they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus; not the disciples that Paul found at Ephesus, but the hearers of John; for these are the words of the Apostle Paul, giving an account of John's baptism, and of the success of his ministry, showing, that his baptism was administered in the name of the Lord Jesus; and not the words of Luke the Evangelist, recording what followed upon his account of John's baptism; for then he would have made mention of the apostle's name, as he does in the next verse; and have said, when they heard this account, they were baptized by Paul in the name of the Lord Jesus: the historian reports two things, first what Paul said, which lies in Act 19:4 then what he did, Act 19:6 where he repeats his name, as was necessary; as that he laid his hands upon them, which was all that was needful to their receiving the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost, having been already baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus: which sense is the more confirmed by the particles μεν and δε, which answer to one another in verses 4 and 5, and show the words to be a continuation of the apostle's speech, and not the words of the historian, which begin in the next verse. Beza's ancient copy adds, "for the remission of sins".

Gill: Act 19:6 - -- And when Paul had laid his hands upon them,.... They having been before baptized, not by him, but by John, or one of his disciples, in the name of the...

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them,.... They having been before baptized, not by him, but by John, or one of his disciples, in the name of the Lord Jesus; just as Peter and John laid their hands upon the believing Samaritans, who had been before baptized by Philip, Act 8:14 and the same extraordinary effects followed:

the Holy Ghost came on them; in his extraordinary gifts, whose special grace they had before an experience of:

and they spake with tongues; with other tongues, or in other languages, which they had never learned, or had been used to, as the disciples did at the day of "Pentecost": and prophesied; preached, having an extraordinary gift at once, of explaining the prophecies of the Old Testament, and also foretold things to come.

Gill: Act 19:7 - -- And all the men were about twelve. The Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions, have not the word "about"; but affirm, that the men were twelve; and ind...

And all the men were about twelve. The Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions, have not the word "about"; but affirm, that the men were twelve; and indeed the number being so small, the historian might be at a certainty about it: these seem to be the first materials of a Gospel church at Ephesus, which afterwards was very large and flourishing, and very likely were some of the elders of it.

Gill: Act 19:8 - -- And he went into the synagogue,.... Of the Jews at Ephesus, for it seems to have been a private house, where he had met with the twelve baptized disci...

And he went into the synagogue,.... Of the Jews at Ephesus, for it seems to have been a private house, where he had met with the twelve baptized disciples, and had laid his hands on them; and these being Jews, as it seems most likely, by their having been baptized into John's baptism, the apostle went along with them to the synagogue on the sabbath day, as was his usual custom; having a very great desire, and an affectionate concern, for the welfare of his countrymen the Jews:

and spake boldly for the space of three months; that is, he used great freedom of speech, and showed much courage and intrepidity of mind, in preaching the Gospel at the synagogue every sabbath day as it returned, during this space of time; some manuscripts read, "three days":

disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God; the kingdom of the Messiah, the Gospel dispensation, the doctrines and ordinances of the Gospel, and the Gospel church state, often signified by the kingdom of God, and of heaven, in Scripture; and concerning the glory of a future state, the way and right unto it, and meetness for it; and these things he reasoned upon in such a strong and nervous manner, and made use of such powerful arguments, in proof and demonstration of them, as were very persuasive, and engaged many to believe them, and give their assent unto them.

Gill: Act 19:9 - -- But when divers were hardened and believed not,.... For though some were affected with and convinced by the arguments the apostle used, others were bu...

But when divers were hardened and believed not,.... For though some were affected with and convinced by the arguments the apostle used, others were but the more hardened and remained incredulous: for the Gospel, while it is the savour of life unto life to some, it is the savour of death unto death, to others; as the sun melts the wax, and hardens the clay:

but spake evil of the way before the multitude; the Syriac version and Beza's ancient copy read, "before the multitude of the Gentiles": the unbelieving Jews not only contradicted the Gospel preached by the apostle, but blasphemed it, and said all the evil things of it they could, and loaded it with reproaches, and charged it with all the bad consequences they could think of; and that publicly, before all the people, in order to prejudice them against it; for by "the way", is meant the doctrine of the Gospel, which the Vulgate Latin here reads, "the way of the Lord"; and so some copies; and two of Stephens's copies read, "the way of God", as does also the Syriac version; and the Arabic version, "the way of faith"; and the Ethiopic version, "the doctrine"; the doctrine, which shows the way of God's salvation by Jesus Christ:

he departed from them; the hardened, unbelieving, and blaspheming Jews, as being unworthy of the means of grace; he went out of their synagogue, and no more entered there: and separated the disciples; from them, the twelve disciples he had laid his hands on, and others who in this space of time, the space of three months, had been converted under his ministry; these he formed into a separate Gospel church state, as well as engaged them to quit the company and conversation of these blasphemers, and no more attend with them in their synagogue, that so they might not be infected and corrupted by them; a separation from such who contradict and blaspheme the truths and ordinances of the Gospel, is justifiable:

disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus: which was either built by him, and so went by his name, or which one of this name possessed, and made use of; for it seems to be the proper name of a man, and so the Syriac version renders it, "whose name was Tyrannus"; though by others it is taken to be an appellative, and to design some great person, who patronised the apostle, and in whose house he taught; the word "tyrant", being formerly used for a king, a prince, or nobleman; and so the Arabic version renders it, "in the dwelling house of one of the great men"; the chief of Asia, that were his friends, Act 19:31 and so the Ethiopic version, "and he taught daily before the court and the governors": some copies read "Tyrannius"; mention is made of a philosopher whose name was "Tyrannion", who was so called, because he vexed and disturbed those that were brought up in the same school with him f; this man it seems was a schoolmaster; there was one of his name a bishop of Tyre, a martyr under Dioclesian; and another whose name was Tyrannus, bishop of Antioch g; Beza's ancient copy, and one of Stephens's, add, "from the fifth hour to the tenth"; as if he spent five hours in public teaching every day, and rest in his trade and devotion.

Gill: Act 19:10 - -- And this continued by the space of two years,.... Reckoning from the end of the three months, which had been spent in teaching in the synagogue: so...

And this continued by the space of two years,.... Reckoning from the end of the three months, which had been spent in teaching in the synagogue:

so that all they which dwelt in Asia; in the lesser Asia, called the proconsular Asia, of which Ephesus was the chief city:

heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks; these, as they came to Ephesus, whether on account of religion, the Asiatic Jews to their synagogue, and the Greeks or Gentiles to the famous temple of Diana, or on account of trade and business, or for the sake of seeing this place, had the opportunity of hearing the Apostle Paul preach, concerning the person, offices, and grace of Christ; and dispute and reason concerning the more abstruse and difficult points of the Christian religion, in the above school, for two years together; so that the word of the Lord went out from hence, and was spread in all the cities and towns in Asia.

Gill: Act 19:11 - -- And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul. For the confirmation of the doctrine which he preached, and of his mission, as an apostle; and ...

And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul. For the confirmation of the doctrine which he preached, and of his mission, as an apostle; and these were not any sort of miracles, common and vulgar ones, and much less things of chance, and what were merely accidental, as the word may signify; but they were rare and uncommon ones, and in which there was a visible display of the power of God; to whom as the efficient cause they are ascribed, the apostle being only an instrument God made use of.

Gill: Act 19:12 - -- So that from his body were brought unto the sick,.... The Ethiopic version renders it, "from the extremity", or "border of his garment"; and the Syria...

So that from his body were brought unto the sick,.... The Ethiopic version renders it, "from the extremity", or "border of his garment"; and the Syriac version, "from the garments which were upon his body"; were brought and put upon the sick; that is, of the clothes which the apostle wore, some of them were taken and carried to sick persons, and used by them: particularly "handkerchiefs" or "aprons"; the former were such as he might use to wipe his face with, and remove sweat, or any filth from the body; and the latter, what he might wear as a mechanic, when working at his trade:

and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them; who were afflicted and possessed with them; these were some of the special and uncommon miracles wrought by the hands of the apostle, and which were wrought in an uncommon way; and which most clearly showed that they were wrought by a divine power.

Gill: Act 19:13 - -- Then certain of the vagabond Jews,.... Who strolled about from place to place, pretending to tell fortunes, cure diseases by charms, and dispossess de...

Then certain of the vagabond Jews,.... Who strolled about from place to place, pretending to tell fortunes, cure diseases by charms, and dispossess devils by conjuration, and therefore are called as follows,

exorcists; such there were among the Jews, as Justin Martyr observes h, who adjured by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: these

took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus; they imitated the Apostle Paul, and attempted to do as he did, using the same: name; hoping to get money or applause, or both, in this way; and it may be observed, that there were some who really did cast out devils in the name of Christ, who did not belong to him, Mat 7:22

Saying, we adjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth; that is, to come out the bodies of those men which they had possessed: and the Jews made use of the name of Jesus for healing diseases; for it is said of one i, that

"he swallowed something which almost choked him, and one came, and muttered to him in the name of Jesus ben Pandira, and he was well''

The Alexandrian copy, Beza's ancient one, and others, the Vulgate Latin and Syriac versions, read, "I adjure you", &c.

Gill: Act 19:14 - -- And there were seven sons of one Sceva a Jew,.... Who strolled about the country, and used exorcisms: and chief of the priests; that were at Ephesu...

And there were seven sons of one Sceva a Jew,.... Who strolled about the country, and used exorcisms: and

chief of the priests; that were at Ephesus; not the high priest of the Jews, for he would have been at Jerusalem, and not at Ephesus; though indeed it does not necessarily follow from the words, that Sceva himself was there, only his seven sons: however, no such name appears in the catalogue of the Jewish high priests, nor is it reasonable to think, that seven sons of an high priest should follow such a vagabond course of life: Beza's ancient copy only calls him "a priest"; and the Alexandrian copy reads his name, Sceuta, and the Ethiopic version omits it; it is the same with סכו××”, and signifies a spectator, or observer; see the Targum on 2Sa 13:34.

which did so; adjured the devils in the name of Jesus, to come out; at least they did so in one case, as follows.

Gill: Act 19:15 - -- And the evil spirit answered and said,.... The Alexandrian copy, the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions, add, "to them"; to the seven sons o...

And the evil spirit answered and said,.... The Alexandrian copy, the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions, add, "to them"; to the seven sons of Sceva:

Jesus I know; to be the Son of God and Messiah, and own that he has power of dispossessing spirits, of which there were many instances in the days of his flesh:

and Paul I know; and own to be a servant of the most high God, by whom miracles of this kind have been wrought:

but who are ye? you are not the disciples of Jesus, nor the servants of God, but the children of the devil, and have no power over us, but on the other hand are subject to us.

Gill: Act 19:16 - -- And the man in whom the evil spirit was,.... Being agitated by him: leapt upon them; with great agility and force, and laid hold on them, and strug...

And the man in whom the evil spirit was,.... Being agitated by him:

leapt upon them; with great agility and force, and laid hold on them, and struggled with them, and beat and wounded them, and stripped them naked:

and overcame them, and prevailed against them; the Alexandrian copy, Beza's most ancient one, and some others, and the Vulgate Latin version read, "and overcame both"; as if only two of these seven sons had made this attempt, and were so used; though the Ethiopic version reads, "and overcame them all"; all the seven sons:

so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded; having their clothes tore off, and their bodies beat and bruised.

Gill: Act 19:17 - -- And this was known to all the Jews,.... These men being Jews: and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus: for though it was done in a private house, yet ther...

And this was known to all the Jews,.... These men being Jews: and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus: for though it was done in a private house, yet there might be many spectators and witnesses, both Jews and Greeks, who spread this fact about the city, and who, were to be depended upon:

and fear fell on them all; on the enemies of Christ and his Gospel, so that others were deterred from making such an attempt for the future:

and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified; which had such power over evil spirits, and whose power they themselves acknowledged: this was done by them that believed in Christ, who thought and spake the more highly of him; and who more strongly believed in him, and so magnified him, and gave more glory to him; Christ is great in himself, and he is magnified and made great, when he is declared to be so, and is treated as such.

Gill: Act 19:18 - -- And many that believed,.... In Jesus Christ, whose name was spoken of with great respect, and which spread fear in every person: came; to the apost...

And many that believed,.... In Jesus Christ, whose name was spoken of with great respect, and which spread fear in every person:

came; to the apostle:

and confessed; their sins; and acknowledged what a wicked life they had led:

and showed their deeds; their former evil deeds, which they had been guilty of; one copy reads, "their sins"; see Mat 3:6.

Gill: Act 19:19 - -- Many also of them which used curious arts..... Magic arts, soothsaying, necromancy, conjuration, and the like, being convinced of the folly and wicked...

Many also of them which used curious arts..... Magic arts, soothsaying, necromancy, conjuration, and the like, being convinced of the folly and wickedness of them:

brought their books together; by which they had learned these arts; Ephesus was famous for this sort of learning; here Apollonius Tyaneus, in the beginning of Nero's reign, opened a school and taught magic, and such like things: frequent mention is made of the Ephesian letters, which were no other than enchantments; and even Diana, the goddess of the Ephesians, is said to be a magician k:

and burned them before all men; to show their detestation of them, and the truth and genuineness of their repentance for their former sins; and that these books might not be a snare to them for the future, nor be made use of by others:

and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver; which is thought to answer to one thousand five hundred sixty two pounds and ten shillings of our money; reckoning a piece of silver, an Attic drachma; for such might be the silver pieces at Ephesus, a city of Greece, and which was of the value of our money seven pence halfpenny; but if Luke meant by pieces of silver, shekels, according to the Jewish way; see Gill on Mat 26:15 then the sum is much larger, for a shekel was about two shillings and six pence of our money; so that fifty thousand pieces of silver, amount to six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds; a large sum indeed for magic books! some manuscripts read "gold" instead of "silver", which must greatly increase the value.

Gill: Act 19:20 - -- So mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed. Over conjuring books, conjurers themselves, yea, even the devils; the power of God going along with i...

So mightily grew the word of God, and prevailed. Over conjuring books, conjurers themselves, yea, even the devils; the power of God going along with it, many were converted; which is meant by the increase of it, and were delivered from the power of darkness, out of the hands of Satan, and translated into the kingdom of Christ. Beza's ancient copy reads, the "faith" of God; and the Syriac version, "faith in God".

Gill: Act 19:21 - -- After these things were ended,.... After that the apostle had disputed with the Jews in their synagogue, for the space of three months, and in the sch...

After these things were ended,.... After that the apostle had disputed with the Jews in their synagogue, for the space of three months, and in the school of Tyrannus about two years; and after many souls had been converted at Ephesus, and were formed into a church state, and were established in the faith:

when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia: in the former of which were the cities of Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea, and in the latter, Corinth; where the apostle had already been, and preached the Gospel with success, and had laid the foundation of a Gospel church state in each place; but was willing to visit them again, both to confirm them in the doctrines of the Gospel, and, if it was the will of God, that he might be the instrument of converting others, and adding them to them, as well as to make some collections among them, for the poor saints at Jerusalem: for through these places he intended

to go to Jerusalem; to visit the church there, and distribute to the poor what he had gathered, or should gather for them among the Gentile churches:

saying, after I have been there, I must also see Rome; the metropolis of the empire, and the glory of the whole world; and which to see was one of Austin's three wishes: but the apostle's desire was not so much to see the magnificence of the city, as the saints in it; and that he might impart some spiritual gift unto them, and have some fruit among them; and be a means of quickening and comforting them, and of gaining others to them; and it was the will of God that he should go there; and this he spake by a prophetic spirit, and as being under the impulse of the Spirit of God; see Act 23:11.

Gill: Act 19:22 - -- So he sent into Macedonia,.... To Philippi, or Thessalonica, or Berea, or some of the places there, to let them know of his coming, and to prepare for...

So he sent into Macedonia,.... To Philippi, or Thessalonica, or Berea, or some of the places there, to let them know of his coming, and to prepare for him:

two of them that ministered unto him; that were his assistants in preaching the Gospel:

Timotheus and Erastus; the former of these was a disciple he found at Lystra, and took along with him, and to whom he afterwards wrote two epistles; and the latter seems to be the same with him, who was chamberlain of the city of Corinth, and is said to abide there, Rom 16:23 The Ethiopic version, instead of Erastus, wrongly reads Aristarchus; whereas it is certain, he was not sent into Macedonia, but was with the apostle at Ephesus in the tumult, Act 19:29.

But he himself stayed in Asia for a season; that is, at Ephesus, as the following narration shows.

Gill: Act 19:23 - -- And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. The Syriac version reads, "the way of God"; and the Vulgate Latin version, "the way of the...

And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. The Syriac version reads, "the way of God"; and the Vulgate Latin version, "the way of the Lord": that is, the Christian religion, and the doctrines and ordinances of the Gospel, which the saints were directed to walk in; and the Ethiopic version renders it, "about this doctrine"; which mightily grew and prevailed, and which such numbers embraced; and how great the stir was about it, and from whence it arose, who began it, and what were the consequences of it, are hereafter related.

Gill: Act 19:24 - -- For a certain man, named Demetrius, a silversmith,.... Who worked in silver, not in coining silver money, but in making silver vessels, in melting sil...

For a certain man, named Demetrius, a silversmith,.... Who worked in silver, not in coining silver money, but in making silver vessels, in melting silver, and casting it into moulds, and forming it into different shapes; and particularly,

which made silver shrines for Diana; who Diana was; see Gill on Act 19:27, these were not coins or medals of silver, struck by Demetrius, with the figure of the temple of Diana on them, nor images of Diana, as the Ethiopic version reads; but they were chaplets, or little temples made of silver, in imitation of the temple of Diana at Ephesus, with her image included in it; the words may be rendered, "silver temples": in some manuscripts it is added, "like little chests": which being sold to the people,

brought no small gain to the craftsmen: who were of the same trade with him; masters of the same business, who employed others under them, as appears by what follows.

Gill: Act 19:25 - -- Whom he called together,.... That is, the craftsmen; "all his co-artificers", as the Syriac version reads, all the chief of the trade, the masters of ...

Whom he called together,.... That is, the craftsmen; "all his co-artificers", as the Syriac version reads, all the chief of the trade, the masters of it, as he himself was:

with the workmen of like occupation; who were employed by him, and the rest of the masters in the several branches of the business; as founders, engravers, polishers, &c. some might make the images, and others the temples, or shrines; some do one part and some another, so that abundance of persons might be employed in this business:

and said, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth; the workmen not only had a comfortable and sufficient livelihood, but the masters of the trade grew rich: such a demand had they for their goods, and so profitable was this craft to them: this was a very strong and moving argument, to influence the masters and workmen; it so nearly touched them, and their worldly interest, than which nothing sticks closer to carnal men. Demetrius's way of address was very moving and persuasive, but his method manifestly betrayed what was his greatest concern, not religion, but his own secular interest; that which he should have mentioned last, if at all, he begins with: self is the leading and governing principle in a natural man.

Gill: Act 19:26 - -- Moreover, ye see and hear,.... Demetrius appeals to their senses of seeing and hearing; they saw what was done in their own city, and they had heard h...

Moreover, ye see and hear,.... Demetrius appeals to their senses of seeing and hearing; they saw what was done in their own city, and they had heard how things were elsewhere; they might believe what they saw with their eyes, and they had reason to depend upon the report which was brought to their ears:

that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people; by "all Asia" is meant Ionia, that part of Asia, of which Ephesus was the metropolis; from whence great multitudes came to Ephesus, and heard Paul in the school of Tyrannus, Act 19:10 so that not only many in the city of Ephesus, but even in almost every city and town of Asia, had heard and received the Gospel preached by Paul; of whom Demetrius speaks very contemptibly, as if he was a worthless vagabond fellow, who had the art of persuading and deluding people; he prevailed upon them to believe in Christ whom he preached, and turned away much people from the worshipping of idols, to the living God:

saying, that they be no gods which are made with hands; such as was their Diana, and the images of her, which these workmen made; and consequently if his doctrine prevailed, as it had much already, their trade would be worth nothing, and their livelihood be lost, which was the grand thing they had in view; for one would think they could never believe themselves, that the images they made were really gods; but whether they did or not, certain it is, that the apostle's doctrine was true, that such could not be gods, and which agrees both with reason and revelation.

Gill: Act 19:27 - -- So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought,.... Or "to come into reproof", as the words may be literally rendered, and as they a...

So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought,.... Or "to come into reproof", as the words may be literally rendered, and as they are in the Vulgate Latin version; that is, if this notion prevails, that they are not gods, which are made with hands, this art and business of making shrines and images for Diana will be brought into contempt, and come to nothing; who will buy them, when once they believe there is no divinity in them? they will despise them, and the makers of them; yea, the latter will be in danger of being taken up, and charged, convicted, reproved and punished as idolaters, and blasphemers of deity; to which sense the Ethiopic version inclines, which renders it, "and not only for this thing we shall be in danger"; of being called to an account for making these shrines; our business will be put down, and we shall be treated with disgrace, if not with severity:

but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised; here religion is pretended, and a concern shown for that; partly on purpose to cover, as much as could be, the selfish and avaricious principles from which Demetrius acted; and partly the more to stir up the meaner and more ignorant sort of people, and irritate and provoke them, and set them against Paul and his doctrine, who generally speaking are the most bigoted. Diana is said to be the daughter of Jupiter, by Latona; she is often called the goddess of hunting, and is said to preside at births; the moon was worshipped by the Heathens under her name; she is here called the "great" goddess, for the Gentiles had their greater and their lesser gods, and she is reckoned among the former, which were in number twelve; Juno, Vesta, Minerva, Ceres, Diana, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune, Vulcan, and Apollo: the temple of Diana at Ephesus is reckoned among the seven wonders of the world; it was about seven furlongs distant from the city l, and was 425 feet long, and 220 feet broad, and had in it 127 pillars, 60 feet high; it was built on marshy ground, that it might not be affected with earthquakes; and yet that such a pile of building might not stand upon a slippery and unstable foundation, coals and fleeces of wool were laid in the foundation and trodden in it, according to Pliny m, from whom this account is taken; who says it was two hundred and twenty years in building, and elsewhere he says it was four hundred years; the architect who first began it, he makes to be one Chersiphron; but it is commonly ascribed to the Amazons, and particularly to the Amazon Otrira, the wife of Mars; though Pausanias n, as he observes that the temple of Diana of the Ephesians was built before the Ionians came into these parts, so he denies that it was built by the Amazons, but affirms that the builders of it were Cresus, and Ephesus, the son of Caystrus. Solinus o, who calls it a fabric of the Amazons, says it was

"so magnificent, that Xerxes, when he burnt all the temples in Asia, spared this only; but (adds he) this clemency of Xerxes did not preserve the sacred temple from evil; for Herostratus set fire to this noble fabric with his own hands, for no other reason, as he confessed, than to get himself a name.''

At which the Ephesians were so enraged, that they got an order published by the common council of Asia, throughout all the neighbouring kingdoms and nations, that his name should not be once mentioned p; which however, though it might be regarded for a while, was not always; for his name has since been both spoken of, and transmitted in writing to posterity. The above historian observes, that the temple at Ephesus was burnt, the same day in which Alexander was born at Pella; which occasioned Timaeus facetiously to say, as is related by Cicero q.

"it is no wonder that the temple of Diana of the Ephesians should be burnt the same night that Alexander was born, seeing Diana, being desirous to be present at the delivery of Olympias, (the mother of Alexander,) was absent from her own house.''

However, the inhabitants of Ephesus being very rich, and also willing to communicate to the charge of rebuilding this edifice, the women even bringing their gold, silver, and other precious ornaments, the work was set about, and a fabric was raised much more beautiful than the former; the name of the architect by whom it was rebuilt was Dinocrates; and so it continued, to this time the apostle was at Ephesus, a very fine and grand building, and commanded great attention, veneration, and respect from men; and which Demetrius suggests would fall into contempt, through the doctrine of the apostle, should he be suffered to go on:

and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth; by "her magnificence" is meant, her deity; which must be denied her, as well as her temple despised, if Paul's doctrine was true, and should obtain; so the Syriac version renders it, "the goddess herself"; and the Ethiopic version, "her divinity": what Demetrius says of her, that she was worshipped by all Asia, and the world, was fact; not only all Asia was concerned in building her temple at Ephesus, as many writers affirm r; but she was one of the highest class of deities, and received as such by the whole Gentile world; yea, Diana of the Ephesians, as distinguished from all other Dianas, was revered by all nations. There were temples of Diana of the Ephesians in other places, particularly at Corinth, as Pausanias relates; and who also affirms, that all the cities celebrate Diana of the Ephesians, and men in private honour her above other deities; the reasons are, the glory of the Amazons, from whom according to fame her image was, and because of the antiquity of the temple: three other things besides these, adds he, contribute to the glory of it; the magnificence of the temple, which exceeds whatever was done by man, and the splendour of the city of the Ephesians, and the renown of the deity in it s: here the silversmith suggests the catholicism and universality of their religion, in favour of it.

Gill: Act 19:28 - -- And when they heard these sayings,.... Both the masters and the workmen; they were full of wrath; against Paul and his doctrine: and cried out, ...

And when they heard these sayings,.... Both the masters and the workmen;

they were full of wrath; against Paul and his doctrine:

and cried out, saying, great is Diana of the Ephesians; this goddess is frequently called in Heathen writers, Diana of the Ephesians, or the Ephesian Diana, because of her famous temple at Ephesus; and to distinguish her from all other Dianas: Pausanias makes mention of sixty Dianas at least, and yet seems not to have taken notice of them all; all of them had different epithets, by which they were distinguished from one another; the images were in different shapes, and they were worshipped with different rites: what seems most of all to distinguish the Ephesian Diana from others, is her having many paps; hence she is called, "multi mammia"; so Minutius Felix observes t, that Diana is sometimes girt about on high as an huntress, and the Ephesian Diana is "mammis multis & uberibus extructa"; Just as the Isis of the Egyptians, which, Macrobius u says, signifies the earth; hence the whole body of the deity is covered with paps, because the whole universe is nourished by it: the priest of Diana of the Ephesians was an eunuch, and was obliged to abstain from all company; neither bathed, nor ate, nor drank with others, nor might he enter into the house of a private person; there was a feast kept every year in honour of her, at which young men in the flower of their age, and virgins well dressed, used to go to the temple in great pomp, keep the feast, and marry with each other. The temple was a sort of an asylum, as Heathen temples commonly were; and it had this particular privilege, that those that fled to it were freed from servitude w. This goddess is called "great", agreeably to her name, for, דינ×, "Diana", signifies "great" and venerable; because of her birth, being the daughter of Jupiter; and because of her great service, she was supposed to be of in assisting at births; and because of her magnificent temple and worship; and because she was worshipped by great persons: and here greatness is ascribed unto her, and a loud cry made of it, to animate one another, to gather a mob together, and to incense them and stir them up against the apostle and his companion: in the Arabic version, instead of Diana, it is Venus, both here and elsewhere, but wrongly.

Gill: Act 19:29 - -- And the whole city was filled with confusion,.... For the workmen that made the silver shrines very likely ran up and down in the city, crying out, gr...

And the whole city was filled with confusion,.... For the workmen that made the silver shrines very likely ran up and down in the city, crying out, great is Diana of the Ephesians, which brought the people out of their houses to inquire what was the matter; and the mob gathering and increasing, as they went along, threw the whole city into confusion and disorder:

and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia; the latter of these was of Thessalonica in Macedonia, as appears from Act 20:4 but of what place the former was, is not certain; however, being a Macedonian, he could not be the Gaius of Derbe, mentioned in the same place, nor the Gaius of Corinth, 1Co 1:14 but some third person. They are both Greek names; Aristarchus signifies the chief of princes, or the prince of chiefs; and Gaius is a name taken from the joy of parents, and is the same with the Roman name, Caius; they are both reckoned among the seventy disciples; the former is said to be bishop of Apamea in Phrygia, and the latter Bishop of Ephesus; See Gill on Luk 10:1.

Paul's companions in travel; whom he brought with him out of Macedonia, and who had been with him to Jerusalem and Antioch, and were now returned with him to Ephesus, where they had been with him for the space of two years, or more: it is very much that this mob had not seized on Paul himself: it may be Paul was within doors, and these were without in the streets, and so were laid hold upon and carried away in a most forcible and violent manner by them: who having got them,

they rushed with one accord into the theatre; where the public plays were acted in honour of the goddess Diana, and where, among other things, men were set to fight with wild beasts; and very likely the intention of the mob, in hurrying Paul's companions thither, was to throw them to the wild beasts. A theatre is a spectacle or show, so called, because in them fights were shown, plays were acted, games exercised, and battles fought between men and men, and between men and beasts, and between beasts and beasts; concerning which, take the following account x:

"Theatre, among the ancients, is a public edifice for the exhibiting of scenic spectacles, or shows to the people--under the word theatre was comprehended not only the eminence, whereon the actors appeared, and the action passed, but also the whole area, or extent of the place common to the actors and spectators: in this sense the theatre was a building encompassed with porticos, and furnished with seats of stone, disposed in semicircles, and ascending gradually over one another, which encompassed a space called the "orchestra"; in the front whereof was the "proscenium" or "pulpitum", whereon the actors performed the "scena", a large front adorned with orders of architecture; behind which was "postscenium", or the place where the actors made themselves ready, retired, &c. so that the "scena", in its full extent, comprehended all the part belonging to the actors. In the Greek theatres, the "orchestra" made a part of the "scena"; but in the Roman theatres, none of the actors ever descended into the "orchestra", which was taken up by the seats of the senators.''

For the better understanding the terms used, and the several parts of the theatre, let it be observed, that the "scena", according to others y was the place from whence the actors first went out; and it reached from one corner of the theatre to the other, and was threefold; "tragical", which was adorned in a royal manner with pillars and signs; "comical", which represented private buildings; and "satirical", which exhibited trees, caves, mountains, &c. Likewise, the "scena" was either "versile", when on a sudden the whole scene was turned by some machines; or "ductile", when by drawing away the boards the inward face of the scene appeared, or by drawing curtains. The "proscenium" was a place lower than the scene, in which the actors chiefly spoke and acted: the "postscenium" was a place in which these things were done, which could not be done fitly, and with decorum in the scenes: the "pulpitum" was a higher place in the "proscenium", in which those that recited stood: the "orchestra" was the last place, in which they danced, and near which the senators sat. Tarquinius Priscus was the first who introduced plays among the Romans; and the temple of Bacchus at Athens was the first theatre in the world, the remains of which are still to be seen. Of this theatre at Ephesus I have not met with any account; whether it was in the temple, or without, is not certain; very likely it might be a part of it, or adjoin unto it.

Gill: Act 19:30 - -- And when Paul would have entered in unto the people,.... In the theatre, in order to have preached to the people, and to have removed their prejudices...

And when Paul would have entered in unto the people,.... In the theatre, in order to have preached to the people, and to have removed their prejudices against him, and the Gospel preached by him, and to have shown them the error and evil of their idolatrous ways and worship, and to have reconciled them to him, and his friends, and to have persuaded them to do them no hurt; which shows the apostle's greatness of soul, his firmness, constancy, and intrepidity, and his great concern and affection for his companions, to risk his life in this manner: but

the disciples suffered him not; the believers, the members of the church at Ephesus would by no means agree to it, but dissuaded him from it; who hereby, on their part, showed great love to him, and what a value they had for him, and how much they esteemed the life of so great an apostle, and faithful preacher of the Gospel. The Ethiopic version renders it, "the apostles prohibited him"; but there were none of that office with him.

Gill: Act 19:31 - -- And certain of the chief of Asia,.... Or the Asiarchs; these were not princes of Asia, rulers or governors of provinces, or cities, or civil magistrat...

And certain of the chief of Asia,.... Or the Asiarchs; these were not princes of Asia, rulers or governors of provinces, or cities, or civil magistrates; but priests who presided over the games and diversions at the theatre, and had the management and command of things there. Such an one was Philip the Asiarch, the church of Smyrna makes mention of in their account of the sufferings and martyrdom of Polycarp z, whom the people entreated that he would send out the lion to Polycarp; that is, out of the theatre which he had the command of; but he replied he could not do it, because he had finished the theatrical exercises: from whence it appears that he was the governor of the theatre, and had his title of Asiarch from thence, as these men had, wherefore this word should not be rendered, the "princes of Asia", as by the Vulgate Latin; nor the "chief of Asia", as by the Syriac and Arabic versions, and by ours, but rather the "Asian priests". The Ethiopic version not knowing who should be meant by them, only reads, "and some of Asia".

Which were his friends; they had a good opinion of the apostle, and a good liking of his doctrines, and wished well to his person, and were concerned for his safety; though they might not have been really converted, and truly disciples, as those in the preceding verse; for otherwise one would think they would have relinquished their office and place. These

sent unto him, messengers or letters,

desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre; they observed to him the danger he would expose himself to, and entreated he would show a greater regard to his life than to risk it in such a manner, a life might be so useful to many; and though they were the governors at the theatre, yet such was the rage and fury of the mob, that it was not in their power to restrain them from doing mischief, till such time as they were appeased.

Gill: Act 19:32 - -- Some therefore cried one thing, and some another,.... Not in the church at Ephesus among the disciples, and friends of the apostle, as if they were di...

Some therefore cried one thing, and some another,.... Not in the church at Ephesus among the disciples, and friends of the apostle, as if they were divided in their sentiments about his going into the theatre, some being for it, and others against it; but the people that were gathered together in the theatre, these were not agreed about the reason of this tumult, some said it was on account of one thing, and some another:

for the assembly was confused; the multitude of people that were gathered together were made up of different persons, of different employments and sentiments, and were in no manner of form or order:

and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together; there was a noise and a hubbub in the city; but what was the reason and meaning of it, they were ignorant of; they were got together into the theatre in great numbers, but what was to be done there they knew not. And this is too often the case in religious assemblies, that the majority, at least many, can give no account of the reason, end, and design of their assembling together.

Gill: Act 19:33 - -- And they drew Alexander out of the multitude,.... Or "some of the multitude brought forth Alexander"; into the theatre, in order to kill him, by casti...

And they drew Alexander out of the multitude,.... Or "some of the multitude brought forth Alexander"; into the theatre, in order to kill him, by casting him to the wild beasts. Some think this is the same with Alexander the coppersmith, who apostatized upon this danger he was exposed to, and became a blasphemer, and a great enemy of the apostle, and did him much evil, 1Ti 1:20. This man, though his name was a Greek name, yet was a Jew, as is expressed in Act 19:34 and from the times of Alexander the great, who was at Jerusalem, this name became common among the Jews; See Gill on Act 4:6.

The Jews putting him forward; being equally enemies to him, as being under a profession of Christianity, as the Heathens were; or as the Syriac version reads, "the people of the Jews", that were there, out of themselves, pitched upon him as a proper person to still the uproar; and they brought him out of the multitude, to a convenient place, where he might be heard; and they the rather were forward to this, that he might lay all the blame of this confusion and uproar upon Paul and his companions, whom the Jews had an aversion to, as well as the Gentiles:

and Alexander beckoned with the hand; for silence, that he might be heard:

and would have made his defence unto the people; which looks as if he was a Christian, or at least was charged with being one, and was in danger of his life on that account; and therefore was desirous of being heard, that he might make an apology for the Christians, or remove such an imputation from himself, if he was not.

Gill: Act 19:34 - -- But when they knew that he was a Jew,.... And so equally an enemy to their idolatry, as Paul and his companions were, whether he was a Christian or no...

But when they knew that he was a Jew,.... And so equally an enemy to their idolatry, as Paul and his companions were, whether he was a Christian or not.

All with one voice about the space of two hours cried out; all that were in the theatre lift up their voices at once to prevent Alexander's apology, or at least its being heard; and which they continued about two hours, which was a long time to keep hallooing out,

great is Diana of the Ephesians; See Gill on Act 19:28.

Gill: Act 19:35 - -- And when the town clerk had appeased the people,.... Caused them to cease their loud outcry, so as that he could be heard. This person seems to have b...

And when the town clerk had appeased the people,.... Caused them to cease their loud outcry, so as that he could be heard. This person seems to have been more than a "town clerk", as we render it; or a common "scribe", as the Vulgate Latin, Arabic, and Ethiopic versions render it; rather as the Syriac version, "a chief man of the city"; the Septuagint interpreters in Exo 5:6 use the word for the Egyptian officers that were over the Israelites; and the Babylonians used to call the priest of a Isis by this name; and according to some learned men, this man's office was to register the conquerors' names, and their rewards in the theatre; and who was chosen into this office by the people, and was a man of some considerable authority, as it is very apparent by what follows that this man was:

he said, ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana? the word "Neocorus", translated "worshipper", signifies an officer in the temple, one that looked after it, beautified and adorned it; for "Neocorus" is from κοÏεω, which signifies to beautify b; though some etymologists would have the word to signify to sweep and clean, as if this officer was a sexton; rather, he answered to a churchwarden, and to this agrees the Syriac version; though this office belonged not to a single person, but to a city. Now to be a worshipper of Diana, was not peculiar to the city of Ephesus, as appears from Act 19:27 but to be Neocorus, a sacrist to the goddess, was a favour granted to some cities, and accounted a great honour; some had it twice, some thrice, some four times:

and of the image which fell down from Jupiter; or "of Diopetes"; so the Palladium, or image of Pallas, was called, because it was supposed to fall down from heaven, which Diomedes and Ulysses are said to take away from Troy; and here it seems to be something distinct from the goddess Diana, and her image, and may design another deity worshipped along with her, and by them, since they make mention of more gods, Act 19:26. The Vulgate Latin version takes it to be the same with Diana, reading the words in connection with the preceding, "and the offspring of Jupiter"; she being said to be his daughter by Latona, as before observed; and the Ethiopic version understands it of her image, rendering them thus, "and of that molten image which was sent from Jupiter the great god"; and more expressly the Syriac version, which reads, "and of her image which fell from heaven"; and so was not made with the hands of men, and could not be objected to on that account, or denied to be a deity; and this the people might be the rather induced to believe, since it had been in the temple before the memory of any man. The Arabic version, reading these words in connection with the beginning of the next verse, gives a very different sense, "but neither indeed they that fell from heaven contradict the faith of this thing"; as if it was to be understood of the fallen angels, of which it can hardly be thought Demetrius had any knowledge. This image, Pliny says c, it was doubted of what it was made; some said of the vine tree, others of ebony; but Athenagoras says, the old image of Diana of the Ephesians was made of olive d.

Gill: Act 19:36 - -- Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against,.... This officer intimates, in order to quiet the mob, and make them easy, that these things w...

Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against,.... This officer intimates, in order to quiet the mob, and make them easy, that these things were so certain, and well known, that nobody would pretend to contradict them, and therefore they must be mistaken in the men, whom they had hurried into the theatre; it was impossible that they, or any men, should be capable of saying any thing against the truth of these things: therefore

ye ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly; to these men, to their hurt, but sit down, and compose yourselves, and think again, and consider of this matter, and not go into any hasty measures, which may, in the issue, be prejudicial to yourselves.

Gill: Act 19:37 - -- For ye have brought hither these men,.... The Arabic version reads, "these two men"; that is, Gaius and Aristarchus, whom they had brought by force in...

For ye have brought hither these men,.... The Arabic version reads, "these two men"; that is, Gaius and Aristarchus, whom they had brought by force into the theatre to fight with wild beasts:

which are neither robbers of churches; or "temples"; or, as the Arabic version renders it, "robbers of the vessels of the temple", sacrilegious persons; they have not stolen anything out of the temple of Diana, nor any other:

nor yet blasphemers of your goddess; they have not made mention of her name, much less said anything against her, at least this officer did not know that they had; and if he had, he did not stick to tell an officious lie to screen them, as did the Egyptian midwives in favour of the Hebrew women.

Gill: Act 19:38 - -- Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him,.... Who were the ringleaders and encouragers of this tumult: have a matter against an...

Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him,.... Who were the ringleaders and encouragers of this tumult:

have a matter against any man; any accusation, or charge, any crime to accuse him of, and charge him with:

the law is open; or court days are kept; there are certain times fixed for the hearing and trying of causes, where and when such an affair should be regularly brought; and not use such disorderly methods, and throw a city into confusion, and break the peace as these men had done: the Syriac version renders it, "they are artificers"; that is, Demetrius and the craftsmen with him; they are tradesmen, and it does not belong to them, nor should they take upon themselves to judge and determine what is right or wrong:

and there are deputies; or "proconsuls"; the proconsul and his deputy, to whom such matters appertain, and who are judges in such cases, and to whom application should be made, and before whom such cases should be brought, and heard, and tried: the Syriac version reads in the singular number, "and there is a proconsul in the city"; a Roman governor and judge, whose province it is to determine such matters:

let them implead one another; let the plaintiff bring his accusation, and charge, and let the others defend themselves, and let things proceed in a due course of law, and so issue.

Gill: Act 19:39 - -- But if ye inquire anything concerning other matters,.... Than what belongs to the craft and business of Demetrius, and the artificers: it shall be ...

But if ye inquire anything concerning other matters,.... Than what belongs to the craft and business of Demetrius, and the artificers:

it shall be determined in a lawful assembly; that is, called together according to law, and who have a right to hear, try, and judge causes, which such a confused lawless assembly as this in the theatre had not.

Gill: Act 19:40 - -- For we are in danger of being called in question,.... Or are liable to be called to an account, reproved, and punished by the Roman proconsul, appoint...

For we are in danger of being called in question,.... Or are liable to be called to an account, reproved, and punished by the Roman proconsul, appointed over this city, or by the Roman emperor, or the Roman senate: for this day's uproar; it being capable of being interpreted as a riot, tumult, and sedition:

there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse: or no reason can be assigned, why such a number of people should gather together; none can be given that will justify it, or that can be alleged in favour of it.

Gill: Act 19:41 - -- And when he had thus spoken,.... Or delivered this oration, made use of the above arguments, reasonings, and expostulations: he dismissed the assem...

And when he had thus spoken,.... Or delivered this oration, made use of the above arguments, reasonings, and expostulations:

he dismissed the assembly; he ordered them to break up, and every one to return home in peace, and go about his own business; and thus Paul, and his companions, were delivered from an imminent danger they were exposed to.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Act 19:2 This use of ἀλλά (alla) is ascensive and involves an ellipsis (BDAG 45 s.v. ἀλλά 3): “No, [not only di...

NET Notes: Act 19:3 Grk “they said.”

NET Notes: Act 19:4 These disciples may have had their contact with John early on in the Baptist’s ministry before Jesus had emerged. This is the fifth time Luke li...

NET Notes: Act 19:6 The imperfect verb ἐπροφήτευον (eprofhteuon) has been translated as an ingressive imperfect.

NET Notes: Act 19:7 This is a parenthetical note by the author.

NET Notes: Act 19:8 To talk about Jesus as the Christ who has come is to talk about the kingdom of God. This is yet another summary of the message like that in 18:28.

NET Notes: Act 19:9 The “lecture hall” was a place where teachers and pupils met. The term is a NT hapax legomenon (BDAG 982 s.v. σχολP...

NET Notes: Act 19:10 The word of the Lord is a technical expression in OT literature, often referring to a divine prophetic utterance (e.g., Gen 15:1, Isa 1:10, Jonah 1:1)...

NET Notes: Act 19:11 BDAG 1019 s.v. τυγχάνω 2.d states, “δυνάμεις οὐ τP...

NET Notes: Act 19:12 The words “of them” are not in the Greek text, but are implied.

NET Notes: Act 19:13 The expression I sternly warn you means “I charge you as under oath.”

NET Notes: Act 19:14 Within the sequence of the narrative, this amounts to a parenthetical note by the author.

NET Notes: Act 19:15 But who are you? This account shows how the power of Paul was so distinct that parallel claims to access that power were denied. In fact, such manipul...

NET Notes: Act 19:16 BDAG 484 s.v. ἰσχύω 3 has “win out, prevail…κατά τινος over, agains...

NET Notes: Act 19:17 Or “exalted.”

NET Notes: Act 19:18 Making their deeds known. Ephesus was a major pagan religious center with much syncretistic “magical” practice. Coming to Jesus changed th...

NET Notes: Act 19:19 Or “fifty thousand silver drachmas” (about $10,000 US dollars). BDAG 128 s.v. ἀργύριον 2.c states...

NET Notes: Act 19:20 The word of the Lord…to prevail. Luke portrays the impact of Christianity in terms of the Lord’s transforming power in the lives of indivi...

NET Notes: Act 19:21 For location see JP4 A1.

NET Notes: Act 19:22 Grk “Asia”; in the NT this always refers to the Roman province of Asia, made up of about one-third of the west and southwest end of modern...

NET Notes: Act 19:23 The Way refers to the Christian movement (Christianity).

NET Notes: Act 19:24 A great deal of business. The charge that Christianity brought economic and/or social upheaval was made a number of times in Acts: 16:20-21; 17:6-7; 1...

NET Notes: Act 19:25 Another possible meaning is “that this business is an easy way for us to earn a living.”

NET Notes: Act 19:26 Gods made by hands are not gods at all. Paul preached against paganism’s idolatry. Here is a one-line summary of a speech like that in Acts 17:2...

NET Notes: Act 19:27 Suffer the loss of her greatness. It is important to appreciate that money alone was not the issue, even for the pagan Ephesians. The issue was ultima...

NET Notes: Act 19:28 Artemis was a Greek goddess worshiped particularly in Asia Minor, whose temple, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was located just outsid...

NET Notes: Act 19:29 Grk “to the theater with one accord.”

NET Notes: Act 19:30 Or “enter the crowd.” According to BDAG 223 s.v. δῆμος 2, “in a Hellenistic city, a convocation of citizen...

NET Notes: Act 19:31 BDAG 242-43 s.v. δίδωμι 11 has “to cause (oneself) to go, go, venture somewhere (cp. our older ‘betake onese...

NET Notes: Act 19:32 Or “had assembled.”

NET Notes: Act 19:33 Or “before the crowd.” According to BDAG 223 s.v. δῆμος 2, “in a Hellenistic city, a convocation of citize...

NET Notes: Act 19:34 They all shouted…for about two hours. The extent of the tumult shows the racial and social tensions of a cosmopolitan city like Ephesus, indicat...

NET Notes: Act 19:35 The expression fell from heaven adds a note of apologetic about the heavenly origin of the goddess. The city’s identity and well-being was wrapp...

NET Notes: Act 19:36 L&N 88.98 has “pertaining to impetuous and reckless behavior – ‘reckless, impetuous.’…‘so then, you must calm ...

NET Notes: Act 19:37 Nor blasphemers of our goddess. There was no formal crime with which Paul could be charged. He had the right to his religion as long as he did not act...

NET Notes: Act 19:38 The word “there” is not in the Greek text but is implied. The official’s request is that the legal system be respected.

NET Notes: Act 19:39 Or “in a legal meeting of the citizens.” L&N 30.81 has “ἐν τῇ ἐννόμῳ ̛...

NET Notes: Act 19:40 Or “commotion.” BDAG 979 s.v. συστροφή 1 gives the meaning “a tumultuous gathering of peopl...

NET Notes: Act 19:41 Verse 41 in the English text is included as part of verse 40 in the standard critical editions of the Greek NT.

Geneva Bible: Act 19:2 He said unto them, Have ye received the ( a ) Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any ...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:3 ( 2 ) And he said unto them, Unto ( b ) what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto ( c ) John's baptism. ( 2 ) John only began to instruct the d...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:9 ( 3 ) But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that ( d ) way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:13 ( 4 ) Then certain of the vagabond Jews, ( f ) exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, ...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and ( g ) prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:18 ( 5 ) And many that believed came, and ( h ) confessed, and shewed their deeds. ( 5 ) Conjuring and sorcery is condemned by open testimony, and by th...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all [men]: and they counted the price of them, and foun...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:21 ( 6 ) After these things were ended, Paul purposed in the ( k ) spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, A...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:23 ( 7 ) And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. ( 7 ) Gain cloaked with a show of religion is the very cause why idolatry is strong...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:24 For a certain [man] named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver ( l ) shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen; ( l ) These ...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:27 So that not only ( m ) this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and he...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:31 ( 8 ) And certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring [him] that he would not adventure himself into the theatre. (...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:34 ( 9 ) But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great [is] Diana of the Ephesians. ( 9 ) Inste...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:35 ( 10 ) And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, [Ye] men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephes...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:38 Wherefore if Demetrius, and the craftsmen which are with him, have a ( o ) matter against any man, the ( p ) law is open, and there are ( q ) deputies...

Geneva Bible: Act 19:39 But if ye enquire any thing concerning other matters, it shall be determined in a ( r ) lawful assembly. ( r ) He speaks of a lawful assembly not onl...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Act 19:1-41 - --1 The Holy Ghost is given by Paul's hands.8 The Jews blaspheme his doctrine, which is confirmed by miracles.13 The Jewish exorcists,16 are beaten by t...

Combined Bible: Act 19:2 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:3 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:4 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:5 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:6 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:7 - --notes on verse 1     

Combined Bible: Act 19:8 - --It is worthy of note that Paul commenced his labors in Ephesus by rectifying what he found wrong in the few disciples already there, before he underto...

Combined Bible: Act 19:9 - --notes on verse 8     

Combined Bible: Act 19:10 - --notes on verse 8     

Combined Bible: Act 19:11 - --notes on verse 8     

Combined Bible: Act 19:12 - --notes on verse 8     

Combined Bible: Act 19:13 - --It is difficult to imagine how men could witness miracles so astonishing and not acknowledge the presence of divine power. We would suppose that even ...

Combined Bible: Act 19:14 - --notes on verse 13     

Combined Bible: Act 19:15 - --notes on verse 13     

Combined Bible: Act 19:16 - --notes on verse 13     

Combined Bible: Act 19:17 - --notes on verse 13     

Combined Bible: Act 19:18 - --The exposure of the seven exorcists reflected discredit upon all the pretenders to magic in Ephesus, while the name of Jesus was magnified. The effect...

Combined Bible: Act 19:19 - --notes on verse 18     

Combined Bible: Act 19:20 - --notes on verse 18     

Combined Bible: Act 19:21 - --22. The conclusion of the preceding events brought Paul to a period of comparative quiet, in which he began to think of leaving Ephesus. (21) " When t...

Combined Bible: Act 19:22 - --notes on verse 21     

Combined Bible: Act 19:23 - --(23) " Now, about that period, there arose no small stir concerning the way. (24) For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, brought no littl...

Combined Bible: Act 19:24 - --notes on verse 23     

Combined Bible: Act 19:25 - --notes on verse 23     

Combined Bible: Act 19:26 - --notes on verse 23     

Combined Bible: Act 19:27 - --notes on verse 23     

Combined Bible: Act 19:28 - --29. The prospect of pecuniary ruin enraged the artisans, while their veneration for the goddess suggested the best theme on which to give vent to thei...

Combined Bible: Act 19:29 - --notes on verse 28     

Combined Bible: Act 19:30 - --31. When Paul heard the tumult, and knew that his companions had been dragged within the theater, he could but suppose that they were torn to pieces. ...

Combined Bible: Act 19:31 - --notes on verse 30     

Combined Bible: Act 19:32 - --Leaving the apostle, for a time, in the cloud of sorrow which we will find still enveloping him when we meet him again, we turn to witness the proceed...

Combined Bible: Act 19:33 - --notes on verse 32     

Combined Bible: Act 19:34 - --notes on verse 32     

Combined Bible: Act 19:35 - --The rage of an excited multitude, unless it find some new fuel to keep up the flame, will naturally subside in a few hours. While it is at its height,...

Combined Bible: Act 19:36 - --notes on verse 35     

Combined Bible: Act 19:37 - --notes on verse 35     

Combined Bible: Act 19:38 - --notes on verse 35     

Combined Bible: Act 19:39 - --notes on verse 35     

Combined Bible: Act 19:40 - --notes on verse 35     

Combined Bible: Act 19:41 - --notes on verse 35     

Maclaren: Act 19:1-12 - --Two Fruitful Years And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding ...

Maclaren: Act 19:15 - --Would-Be Exorcists Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? '--Acts 19:15. THESE exorcists had no personal union with Jesus. To them He was onl...

Maclaren: Act 19:21-34 - --The Fight With Wild Beasts At Ephesus After these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to...

MHCC: Act 19:1-7 - --Paul, at Ephesus, found some religious persons, who looked to Jesus as the Messiah. They had not been led to expect the miraculous powers of the Holy ...

MHCC: Act 19:8-12 - --When arguments and persuasions only harden men in unbelief and blasphemy, we must separate ourselves and others from such unholy company. God was plea...

MHCC: Act 19:13-20 - --It was common, especially among the Jews, for persons to profess or to try to cast out evil spirits. If we resist the devil by faith in Christ, he wil...

MHCC: Act 19:21-31 - --Persons who came from afar to pay their devotions at the temple of Ephesus, bought little silver shrines, or models of the temple, to carry home with ...

MHCC: Act 19:32-41 - --The Jews came forward in this tumult. Those who are thus careful to distinguish themselves from the servants of Christ now, and are afraid of being ta...

Matthew Henry: Act 19:1-7 - -- Ephesus was a city of great note in Asia, famous for a temple built there to Diana, which was one of the wonders of the world: thither Paul came to...

Matthew Henry: Act 19:8-12 - -- Paul is here very busy at Ephesus to do good. I. He begins, as usual, in the Jews' synagogue, and makes the first offer of the gospel to them, that ...

Matthew Henry: Act 19:13-20 - -- The preachers of the gospel were sent forth to carry on a war against Satan, and therein Christ went forth conquering and to conquer. The casting ...

Matthew Henry: Act 19:21-41 - -- I. Paul is here brought into some trouble at Ephesus, just when he is forecasting to go thence, and to cut out work for himself elsewhere. See here,...

Barclay: Act 19:1-7 - --Ac 19 is mainly concerned with Paul's work in Ephesus. He stayed longer there than anywhere else, almost three years. (i) Ephesus (2181) was the mar...

Barclay: Act 19:1-7 - --In Ephesus Paul met some men who were incomplete Christians. They had received the baptism of John but they did not even know of the Holy Spirit in t...

Barclay: Act 19:8-12 - --When work in the synagogue became impossible because of the embittered opposition, Paul changed his quarters to the hall of a philosopher called Tyra...

Barclay: Act 19:13-20 - --This is a vivid bit of local colour from the Ephesian scene. In those days everyone believed that illness and disease, and especially mental illness...

Barclay: Act 19:21-22 - --It is only by the merest hint that Luke gives us an indication here of something which is filled out in Paul's letters. He tells us that Paul purpose...

Barclay: Act 19:23-41 - --This thrilling story sheds a great deal of light on the characters in it. First, there are Demetrius and the silversmiths. Their trouble was that t...

Constable: Act 9:32--Rom 1:1 - --III. THE WITNESS TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH 9:32--28:31 Luke next recorded the church's expansion beyond...

Constable: Act 16:6--19:21 - --C. The extension of the church to the Aegean shores 16:6-19:20 The missionary outreach narrated in this ...

Constable: Act 18:23--19:21 - --5. The results of ministry in Asia 18:23-19:20 Luke gave considerable information regarding Paul...

Constable: Act 19:1-20 - --Paul's ministry in Ephesus 19:1-20 Luke's account of Paul's third missionary journey is ...

Constable: Act 19:1-7 - --The disciples of John the Baptist 19:1-7 This is the first of two incidents taken from Paul's ministry in Ephesus that bracket Luke's description of h...

Constable: Act 19:8-12 - --Paul's general approach to ministry in Ephesus 19:8-12 19:8 Paul followed his standard procedure of preaching to the Jews in the synagogue at Ephesus ...

Constable: Act 19:13-20 - --The seven sons of Sceva 19:13-20 The following incident throws more light on the spiritual darkness that enveloped Ephesus as well as the power of Jes...

Constable: Act 19:21--Rom 1:1 - --D. The extension of the church to Rome 19:21-28:31 "The panel is introduced by the programmatic statemen...

Constable: Act 19:21--21:17 - --1. Ministry on the way to Jerusalem 19:21-21:16 At this point in his ministry Paul began to focu...

Constable: Act 19:21-22 - --Paul's plans 19:21-22 This pericope gives the reason for what follows in the remainder of Acts. 19:21 Paul evidently sensed that having laid a firm fo...

Constable: Act 19:23-41 - --The riot in Ephesus 19:23-41 This incident reveals more about the effects of the gospel on Ephesian society and religion (cf. vv. 13-20). "Luke's purp...

College: Act 19:1-41 - --ACTS 19 3. The Twelve Disciples at Ephesus (19:1-7) 1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. ...

McGarvey: Act 19:8-12 - --8-12. It is worthy of note that Paul commenced his labors in Ephesus by rectifying what he found wrong in the few disciples already there, before he u...

McGarvey: Act 19:13-17 - --13-17. It is difficult to imagine how men could witness miracles so astonishing and not acknowledge the presence of divine power. We would suppose tha...

McGarvey: Act 19:18-20 - --18-20. The exposure of the seven exorcists reflected discredit upon all the pretenders to magic in Ephesus, while the name of Jesus was magnified. The...

McGarvey: Act 19:21-22 - --21, 22. The conclusion of the preceding events brought Paul to a period of comparative quiet, in which he began to think of leaving Ephesus. (21) " Wh...

McGarvey: Act 19:23-27 - --23-27. (23) " Now, about that period, there arose no small stir concerning the way. (24) For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, brought no ...

McGarvey: Act 19:28-29 - --28, 29. The prospect of pecuniary ruin enraged the artisans, while their veneration for the goddess suggested the best theme on which to give vent to ...

McGarvey: Act 19:30-31 - --30, 31. When Paul heard the tumult, and knew that his companions had been dragged within the theater, he could but suppose that they were torn to piec...

McGarvey: Act 19:32-34 - --32-34. Leaving the apostle, for a time, in the cloud of sorrow which we will find still enveloping him when we meet him again, we turn to witness the ...

McGarvey: Act 19:35-41 - --35-41. The rage of an excited multitude, unless it find some new fuel to keep up the flame, will naturally subside in a few hours. While it is at its ...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Act 19:20 The platelets in blood reveal the folly of evolution. See Matthew 9:20 footnote.

Evidence: Act 19:41 For the key to reaching the lost, see Luk 11:32 footnote.

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES By Way of Introduction But for the Acts we should know nothing of the early apostolic period save what is told in the Epi...

JFB: Acts (Book Introduction) THIS book is to the Gospels what the fruit is to the tree that bears it. In the Gospels we see the corn of wheat falling into the ground and dying: in...


TSK: Acts (Book Introduction) The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an...

TSK: Acts 19 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Act 19:1, The Holy Ghost is given by Paul’s hands; Act 19:8, The Jews blaspheme his doctrine, which is confirmed by miracles; Act 19:13...

Poole: Acts 19 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 1

MHCC: Acts (Book Introduction) This book unites the Gospels to the Epistles. It contains many particulars concerning the apostles Peter and Paul, and of the Christian church from th...

MHCC: Acts 19 (Chapter Introduction) (Act 19:1-7) Paul instructs the disciples of John at Ephesus. (Act 19:8-12) He teaches there. (Act 19:13-20) The Jewish exorcists disgraced. Some Ep...

Matthew Henry: Acts (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Acts of the Apostles We have with an abundant satisfaction seen the foundation of our holy religion...

Matthew Henry: Acts 19 (Chapter Introduction) We left Paul in his circuit visiting the churches (Act 18:23), but we have not forgotten, nor has he, the promise he made to his friends at Ephesus...

Barclay: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES A Precious Book In one sense Acts is the most important book in the New Testament. It is the simple truth t...

Barclay: Acts 19 (Chapter Introduction) In Ephesus (Act_19:1-7) Incomplete Christianity (Act_19:1-7 Continued) The Works Of God (Act_19:8-12) The Death-Blow To Superstition (Act_19:13-...

Constable: Acts (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title "Acts of the Apostles" is very ancient. The Anti-Marcioni...

Constable: Acts (Outline) Outline I. The witness in Jerusalem 1:1-6:7 A. The founding of the church 1:1-2:46 ...

Constable: Acts Acts Bibliography Albright, William Foxwell. The Archaeology of Palestine. 1949. Revised ed. Pelican Archaeolog...

Haydock: Acts (Book Introduction) THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. INTRODUCTION. St. Luke, who had published his gospel, wrote also a second volume, which, from the first ages, hath bee...

Gill: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ACTS This book, in some copies, is called, "The Acts of the holy Apostles". It contains an history of the ministry and miracles of ...

College: Acts (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION As early as the second century the title "The Acts of the Apostles" was given to this document. Before that time the work probably circu...


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