Text -- Numbers 16:14-50 (NET)

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Wesley -> Num 16:14; Num 16:15; Num 16:15; Num 16:16; Num 16:18; Num 16:19; Num 16:19; Num 16:22; Num 16:22; Num 16:22; Num 16:24; Num 16:25; Num 16:25; Num 16:27; Num 16:28; Num 16:29; Num 16:29; Num 16:29; Num 16:32; Num 16:33; Num 16:35; Num 16:37; Num 16:37; Num 16:37; Num 16:37; Num 16:38; Num 16:38; Num 16:38; Num 16:40; Num 16:41; Num 16:42; Num 16:43; Num 16:45; Num 16:46; Num 16:46; Num 16:48
Wesley: Num 16:14 - -- Of all the people who are of our mind: wilt thou make them blind, or persuade them that they do not see what is visible to all that have eyes, to wit,...
Of all the people who are of our mind: wilt thou make them blind, or persuade them that they do not see what is visible to all that have eyes, to wit, that thou hast deceived them, and broken thy faith and promise given to them?

Wesley: Num 16:15 - -- Accept not their incense which they are now going to offer, but shew some eminent dislike of it. He calls it their offering, though it was offered by ...
Accept not their incense which they are now going to offer, but shew some eminent dislike of it. He calls it their offering, though it was offered by Korah and his companions, because it was offered in the name and by the consent of all the conspirators, for the decision of the present controversy between them and Moses.

Wesley: Num 16:15 - -- I have never injured them, nor used my power to defraud or oppress them, as I might have done; I have done them many good offices, but no hurt: theref...
I have never injured them, nor used my power to defraud or oppress them, as I might have done; I have done them many good offices, but no hurt: therefore their crime is without any cause or provocation.

Wesley: Num 16:16 - -- Not in the tabernacle, which was not capable of so many persons severally offering incense, but at the door of the tabernacle, where they might offer ...
Not in the tabernacle, which was not capable of so many persons severally offering incense, but at the door of the tabernacle, where they might offer it by Moses's direction upon this extraordinary occasion. This work could not be done in that place, which alone was allowed for the offering up of incense; not only for its smallness, but also because none but priests might enter to do this work. Here also the people, who were to be instructed by this experiment, might see the proof and success of it.

Wesley: Num 16:18 - -- Taken from the altar which stood in that place, for Aaron might not use other fire. And it is likely the rememberance of the death of Nadab and Abihu ...
Taken from the altar which stood in that place, for Aaron might not use other fire. And it is likely the rememberance of the death of Nadab and Abihu deterred them from offering any strange fire.

Wesley: Num 16:19 - -- That they might be witnesses of the event, and, upon their success, which they doubted not of, might fall upon Moses and Aaron. And it seems by this t...
That they might be witnesses of the event, and, upon their success, which they doubted not of, might fall upon Moses and Aaron. And it seems by this that the people were generally incensed against Moses, and inclined to Korah's side.

Wesley: Num 16:19 - -- In the cloud, which then shone with greater brightness and majesty, as a token of God's approach and presence.
In the cloud, which then shone with greater brightness and majesty, as a token of God's approach and presence.

Wesley: Num 16:22 - -- And this is no empty title here, but very emphatical. Thou art the maker of spirits, destroy not thy own workmanship! O thou who art the preserver of ...
And this is no empty title here, but very emphatical. Thou art the maker of spirits, destroy not thy own workmanship! O thou who art the preserver of men, and of their spirits, the Lord of spirits, Job 12:10, who as thou mayst justly destroy this people, so thou canst preserve whom thou pleasest: the father of spirits, the souls. Deal mercifully with thy own children: the searcher of spirits, thou canst distinguish between those who have maliciously railed this tumult, and those whose ignorance and simple credulity hath made them a prey to crafty seducers.

Of all mankind: the word flesh is often put for men.

Korah, the ringleader of this sedition.

Whom for your sakes I will spare upon the condition following.

Wesley: Num 16:25 - -- The seventy rulers, whom he carried with him for the greater solemnity of the action, and to encourage them in their work, notwithstanding the obstina...
The seventy rulers, whom he carried with him for the greater solemnity of the action, and to encourage them in their work, notwithstanding the obstinate and untractable nature of the people they were to govern.

Wesley: Num 16:27 - -- An argument of their foolish confidence, obstinacy and impenitency, whereby they declared that they neither feared God, nor reverenced man.
An argument of their foolish confidence, obstinacy and impenitency, whereby they declared that they neither feared God, nor reverenced man.

Wesley: Num 16:28 - -- As the bringing of the people out of Egypt; the conducting of them through the wilderness; the exercising authority among them; and giving laws to the...
As the bringing of the people out of Egypt; the conducting of them through the wilderness; the exercising authority among them; and giving laws to them concerning the priesthood.

By plague, or sword, or some usual judgment.

Wesley: Num 16:29 - -- I am content that you take me for an imposter, falsely pretending to be sent of God.
I am content that you take me for an imposter, falsely pretending to be sent of God.

Wesley: Num 16:32 - -- That is, all his family which were there, women, children, and servants; but his sons, who were spared, Num 26:11, Num 26:58; 1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:37, were...
That is, all his family which were there, women, children, and servants; but his sons, who were spared, Num 26:11, Num 26:58; 1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:37, were absent either upon some service of the tabernacle, or upon some other occasion, God so ordering it by his providence either because they disliked their fathers act, or upon Moses's intercession for them. This expression may intimate, that Korah himself was not here, but that he continued with his two hundred and fifty men before the Lord, where they were waiting for God's decision of the controversy. Nor is it probable that their chief captain would desert them, and leave them standing there without an head, especially, when Aaron his great adversary, abode there still, and did not go with Moses to Dathan. And Korah may seem to have been consumed with those two hundred and fifty. And so much is intimated, Num 16:40, that no stranger come near to offer incense before the Lord, that he be not as Korah, and as his company, that is, destroyed, as they were, by fire from the Lord. And when the Psalmist relates this history, Psa 106:17-18, the earth's swallowing them up is confined to Dathan and Abiram, Psa 106:17, and for all the rest of that conspiracy it is added, Psa 106:18. And a fire was kindled in their company, the flame burnt up the wicked.

Wesley: Num 16:33 - -- Into the earth, which first opened itself to receive them, and then shut itself to destroy them.
Into the earth, which first opened itself to receive them, and then shut itself to destroy them.

From the cloud, wherein the glory of the Lord appeared.

Wesley: Num 16:37 - -- Rather than to Aaron, partly because the troublesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partly lest Aaron should be polluted by going among...
Rather than to Aaron, partly because the troublesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partly lest Aaron should be polluted by going amongst those dead carcasses; for it is probable this fire consumed them, as lightning sometimes doth, others, by taking away their lives, and leaving their bodies dead upon the place.

From among the dead bodies of those men who were burnt.

Wesley: Num 16:37 - -- Far from the altar and sanctuary, into an unclean place, where the ashes were wont to be cast: by which God shews his rejection on of their services.
Far from the altar and sanctuary, into an unclean place, where the ashes were wont to be cast: by which God shews his rejection on of their services.

Wesley: Num 16:37 - -- By God's appointment, because they were presented before the Lord by his express order, Num 16:16-17.
By God's appointment, because they were presented before the Lord by his express order, Num 16:16-17.

That is, their own lives: who were the authors of their own destruction.

Wesley: Num 16:38 - -- Of burnt-offerings, which was made of wood, but covered with brass before this time, Exo 27:1-2, to which this other covering was added for farther or...
Of burnt-offerings, which was made of wood, but covered with brass before this time, Exo 27:1-2, to which this other covering was added for farther ornament, and security against the fire, continually burning upon it.

A warning to all strangers to take heed of invading the priesthood.

Wesley: Num 16:40 - -- To Eleazer. These words belong to Num 16:38, the meaning is, that Eleazer did as God bade him.
To Eleazer. These words belong to Num 16:38, the meaning is, that Eleazer did as God bade him.

Wesley: Num 16:41 - -- Prodigious wickedness and madness so soon to forget such a terrible instance of Divine vengeance! The people of the Lord - So they call those wicked w...
Prodigious wickedness and madness so soon to forget such a terrible instance of Divine vengeance! The people of the Lord - So they call those wicked wretches, and rebels against God! Tho' they were but newly saved from sharing in the same punishment, and the survivors were as brands plucked out of the burning, yet they fly in the face of Moses and Aaron, to whose intercession they owe their preservation.

Moses and Aaron, who in all their distresses made God their refuge.

To hear what God, who now appeared, would say to them.

To beg mercy for the people; thus rendering Good for Evil.

Which was a sign of intercession, and was to be accompanied with it.

Wesley: Num 16:46 - -- He went with the incense, to stir up the people to repentance and prayer, to prevent their utter ruin. This he might do upon this extraordinary occasi...
He went with the incense, to stir up the people to repentance and prayer, to prevent their utter ruin. This he might do upon this extraordinary occasion, having God's command for his warrant, though ordinarily incense was to be offered only in the tabernacle.

Wesley: Num 16:48 - -- Whereby it may seem that this plague, like that fire, Num 11:1, began in the uttermost parts of the congregation, and so proceeded destroying one afte...
Whereby it may seem that this plague, like that fire, Num 11:1, began in the uttermost parts of the congregation, and so proceeded destroying one after another in an orderly manner, which gave Aaron occasion and direction so to place himself, as a mediator to God on their behalf.
JFB: Num 16:12-14 - -- In a separate interview, the ground of their mutiny being different; for while Korah murmured against the exclusive appropriation of the priesthood to...
In a separate interview, the ground of their mutiny being different; for while Korah murmured against the exclusive appropriation of the priesthood to Aaron and his family, they were opposed to the supremacy of Moses in civil power. They refused to obey the summons; and their refusal was grounded on the plausible pretext that their stay in the desert was prolonged for some secret and selfish purposes of the leader, who was conducting them like blind men wherever it suited him.

JFB: Num 16:15 - -- Though the meekest of all men [Num 12:3], he could not restrain his indignation at these unjust and groundless charges; and the highly excited state o...
Though the meekest of all men [Num 12:3], he could not restrain his indignation at these unjust and groundless charges; and the highly excited state of his feeling was evinced by the utterance of a brief exclamation in the mixed form of a prayer and an impassioned assertion of his integrity. (Compare 1Sa 12:3).

JFB: Num 16:15 - -- He calls it their offering, because, though it was to be offered by Korah and his Levitical associates, it was the united appeal of all the mutineers ...
He calls it their offering, because, though it was to be offered by Korah and his Levitical associates, it was the united appeal of all the mutineers for deciding the contested claims of Moses and Aaron.

JFB: Num 16:16-18 - -- That is, at "the door of the tabernacle" (Num 16:18), that the assembled people might witness the experiment and be properly impressed by the issue.
That is, at "the door of the tabernacle" (Num 16:18), that the assembled people might witness the experiment and be properly impressed by the issue.

JFB: Num 16:17 - -- Probably the small platters, common in Egyptian families, where incense was offered to household deities and which had been among the precious things ...
Probably the small platters, common in Egyptian families, where incense was offered to household deities and which had been among the precious things borrowed at their departure [Exo 12:35-36].

JFB: Num 16:20-21 - -- Curiosity to witness the exciting spectacle attracted a vast concourse of the people, and it would seem that the popular mind had been incited to evil...
Curiosity to witness the exciting spectacle attracted a vast concourse of the people, and it would seem that the popular mind had been incited to evil by the clamors of the mutineers against Moses and Aaron. There was something in their behavior very offensive to God; for after His glory had appeared--as at the installation of Aaron (Lev 9:23), so now for his confirmation in the sacred office--He bade Moses and Aaron withdraw from the assembly "that He might consume them in a moment."

JFB: Num 16:22 - -- The benevolent importunity of their prayer was the more remarkable that the intercession was made for their enemies.
The benevolent importunity of their prayer was the more remarkable that the intercession was made for their enemies.

JFB: Num 16:24-26 - -- Moses was attended in the execution of this mission by the elders. The united and urgent entreaties of so many dignified personages produced the desir...
Moses was attended in the execution of this mission by the elders. The united and urgent entreaties of so many dignified personages produced the desired effect of convincing the people of their crime, and of withdrawing them from the company of men who were doomed to destruction, lest, being partakers of their sins, they should perish along with them.

JFB: Num 16:27 - -- Korah being a Kohathite, his tent could not have been in the Reubenite camp, and it does not appear that he himself was on the spot where Dathan and A...
Korah being a Kohathite, his tent could not have been in the Reubenite camp, and it does not appear that he himself was on the spot where Dathan and Abiram stood with their families. Their attitude of defiance indicated their daring and impenitent character, equally regardless of God and man.

JFB: Num 16:28-34 - -- The awful catastrophe of the earthquake which, as predicted by Moses, swallowed up those impious rebels in a living tomb, gave the divine attestation ...
The awful catastrophe of the earthquake which, as predicted by Moses, swallowed up those impious rebels in a living tomb, gave the divine attestation to the mission of Moses and struck the spectators with solemn awe.

JFB: Num 16:35 - -- That is, from the cloud. This seems to describe the destruction of Korah and those Levites who with him aspired to the functions of the priesthood. (S...

JFB: Num 16:37-40 - -- He was selected lest the high priest might contract defilement from going among the dead carcasses.
He was selected lest the high priest might contract defilement from going among the dead carcasses.

JFB: Num 16:39-40 - -- The altar of burnt offerings, being made of wood and covered with brass, this additional covering of broad plates not only rendered it doubly secure a...
The altar of burnt offerings, being made of wood and covered with brass, this additional covering of broad plates not only rendered it doubly secure against the fire, but served as a warning beacon to deter all from future invasions of the priesthood.

JFB: Num 16:41 - -- What a strange exhibition of popular prejudice and passion--to blame the leaders for saving the rebels! Yet Moses and Aaron interceded for the people-...
What a strange exhibition of popular prejudice and passion--to blame the leaders for saving the rebels! Yet Moses and Aaron interceded for the people--the high priest perilling his own life in doing good to that perverse race.

JFB: Num 16:48 - -- The plague seems to have begun in the extremities of the camp. Aaron, in this remarkable act, was a type of Christ.
The plague seems to have begun in the extremities of the camp. Aaron, in this remarkable act, was a type of Christ.
Clarke: Num 16:15 - -- Respect not thou their offering - There was no danger of this: they wished to set up a priesthood and a sacrificial system of their own; and God nev...
Respect not thou their offering - There was no danger of this: they wished to set up a priesthood and a sacrificial system of their own; and God never has blessed, and never can bless, any scheme of salvation which is not of his own appointment. Man is ever supposing that he can mend his Maker’ s work, or that he can make one of his own that will do in its place.

Clarke: Num 16:22 - -- O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh - אל אלהי הרוחת לכל בשר El Elohey haruchoth lechol basar . This address sufficiently p...
O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh -

Clarke: Num 16:30 - -- If the Lord make a new thing - ואם בריאה יברא יהוה veim beriah yibra Yehovah , and if Jehovah should create a creation, i. e., do s...
If the Lord make a new thing -

Clarke: Num 16:30 - -- And they go down quick into the pit - שאלה sheolah , a proof, among many others, that שאל sheol , signifies here a chasm or pit of the eart...
And they go down quick into the pit -

Clarke: Num 16:33 - -- They, and all that appertained to them - Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, and all that appertained to their respective families, went down into the pit ca...
They, and all that appertained to them - Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, and all that appertained to their respective families, went down into the pit caused by this supernatural earthquake; while the fire from the Lord consumed the 250 men that bare censers. Thus there were two distinct punishments, the pit and the fire, for the two divisions of these rebels.

Clarke: Num 16:37 - -- The censers - are hallowed - קדשו kadeshu , are consecrated, i. e., to the service of God though in this instance improperly employed.
The censers - are hallowed -

Clarke: Num 16:41 - -- On the morrow all the congregation - murmured - It is very likely that the people persuaded themselves that Moses and Aaron had used some cunning in...
On the morrow all the congregation - murmured - It is very likely that the people persuaded themselves that Moses and Aaron had used some cunning in this business, and that the earthquake and fire were artificial; else, had they discerned the hand of God in this punishment, could they have dared the anger of the Lord in the very face of justice?

Clarke: Num 16:46 - -- The plague is begun - God now punished them by a secret blast, so as to put the matter beyond all dispute; his hand, and his alone, was seen, not on...
The plague is begun - God now punished them by a secret blast, so as to put the matter beyond all dispute; his hand, and his alone, was seen, not only in the plague, but in the manner in which the mortality was arrested. It was necessary that this should be done in this way, that the whole congregation might see that those men who had perished were not the people of the Lord; and that God, not Moses and Aaron, had destroyed them.

Clarke: Num 16:48 - -- He stood between the dead and the living; and the plague, etc. - What the plague was we know not, but it seems to have begun at one part of the camp...
He stood between the dead and the living; and the plague, etc. - What the plague was we know not, but it seems to have begun at one part of the camp, and to have proceeded regularly onward; and Aaron went to the quarter where it was then prevailing, and stood with his atonement where it was now making its ravages, and the plague was stayed; but not before 14,700 had fallen victims to it, Num 16:49
If Aaron the high priest, with his censer and incense, could disarm the wrath of an insulted, angry Deity, so that a guilty people, who deserved nothing but destruction, should be spared; how much more effectual may we expect the great atonement to be which was made by the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom Aaron was only the type! The sacrifices of living animals pointed out the death of Christ on the cross; the incense, his intercession. Through his death salvation is purchased for the world; by his intercession the offending children of men are spared. Hence St. Paul, Rom 5:10, says: If, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved Through His Life, i. e., by the prevalence of his continual intercession. 2Co 5:18, 2Co 5:19 : "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."By the awful transactions recorded in this chapter, we may see how jealous God is of the sole right of appointing the way and means of salvation. Had any priesthood, and any kind of service, no matter how solemn and sincere, been equally available in the sight of Divine justice and mercy, God would not have resented in so awful a manner the attempts of Korah and his company in their new service. The way of God’ s own appointment, the agony and death of Christ, is the only way in which souls can be saved. His is the priesthood, and his is the only available sacrifice. All other modes and schemes of salvation are the inventions of men or devils, and will in the end prove ruinous to all those who trust in them. Reader, forget not the Lord who bought thee.
Calvin: Num 16:15 - -- 15.And Moses was very wroth Although it might be, that there was something of human passion here, still zeal for God was supreme in his mind, nor did...
15.And Moses was very wroth Although it might be, that there was something of human passion here, still zeal for God was supreme in his mind, nor did intemperate feelings, if he was at all tempted by them, prevail. Assuredly, it appears probable, from the context, that he was inflamed with holy ardor; since he executes the vengeance of God, as His lawful minister, so that it is plain he neither spoke nor did anything but at the dictation of the Spirit. Nay, we shall soon see that, although he was anxious with regard to the public safety, he required that but a few offenders should be punished, and not that the multitude should perish. Nor does his anger burst forth into revilings: as those, who are carried away by excess, usually assail the enemies by whom they are injured, with their tongue as well as their hands: but he betakes himself to God; nor does he ask more than flint they may be brought to shame in their pride. This is, indeed, expounded generally, by many, as if Moses desired that God should have no mercy upon them; but inasmuch as the decision of the quarrel depended on the approbation or rejection by God of rite offering they were about to make, he does not seem to me to pray for more than that God, by refusing their polluted gift, should thus chastise their ambition. At the same time also he shows that his prayer springs from the confidence of a good conscience, when he dares to testify before God that he had injured no man. Now this was the extreme of integrity and disinterestedness, that, when the people owed everything to him, he had not taken even the value of a single ass as the reward of all his labors.

Calvin: Num 16:16 - -- 16.And Moses said unto Korah The idea of Moses is not to make an experiment as if in a doubtful matter; but, being assured by the Spirit of prophecy ...
16.And Moses said unto Korah The idea of Moses is not to make an experiment as if in a doubtful matter; but, being assured by the Spirit of prophecy what the event would be, he summons Korah before the tribunal of God, that he may receive the sentence of condemnation which he deserves. Nor does he inveigle him so as to destroy him unawares, but rather still endeavors to cure his madness, if it were possible to do so. For the sacred incense-offering was calculated to inspire him with alarm, lest, by rashly attempting more than was lawful, he should effect his own destruction, especially after so memorable an example had been made in the case of Nadab and Abihu. Moses, however, in reliance on God’s command, does not hesitate to engage in an open contest, in order that the judgment of God might be the more conspicuous.

Calvin: Num 16:18 - -- 18.And they took every man his censer It is manifest how greatly they were blinded by pride, since, although admonished both by the confidence of Mos...
18.And they took every man his censer It is manifest how greatly they were blinded by pride, since, although admonished both by the confidence of Moses and also by the previous examples, they still obstinately go forward. Surely if any spark of the fear of God had remained in them, their censers would straightway have fallen from their hands; but Korah seems to have sought, as it were, deliberately how he might cast aside all fear, and totally bereave himself of his senses. For in the next verse, Moses narrates how ostentatiously he hardened himself in his rebellion, before he should offer the incense; for he gathered the people together to his party, in order that the magnificence of his array might overwhelm the grace of God, which opposed[ him. Herein also his senselessness is clearly seen, when he seeks to fortify himself against God by the favor of the, mob, as if he had desired to extinguish the light of the sun by interposing a little smoke. Now, let us learn so to condemn his folly, as that nothing similar may happen in ourselves; for all ambitious persons are affected by the same disease. They collect their forces by endeavoring to ingratiate themselves with men; and, if the world approves of’ them, they are inebriated with such fatal confidence, as to spit at the very clouds. But we shall soon see how God, by a single breath, dissipates all their ungodly conspiracies.
On the other side, the levity of the people is set before our eyes. For some time they had been all accustomed to the duly-appointed priesthood, which they knew to be instituted by God; yet only a single night is required to make them revolt to Korah. And, in fact, as we are by nature slow to act aright, so also we are carried away to evil in a moment, as soon as some villain lifts up his finger.

Calvin: Num 16:21 - -- 21.Separate yourselves from among this congregation Again does God declare that He will bear the people’s great impiety no longer, but will destroy...
21.Separate yourselves from among this congregation Again does God declare that He will bear the people’s great impiety no longer, but will destroy them all to a man. Just, therefore, as he had commanded Lot to depart from Sodom, nay, had drawn him out by the hand of the angel, when He desired to destroy that city, so He now commands Moses and Aaron to give Him room to exercise His wrath. In this He declares His extraordinary favor towards them; as if He were not free to execute vengeance, until they had gone out of the way, lest the destruction should reach themselves. In speaking thus, however, He does not absolutely affirm what He had determined in His secret counsel, but only pronounces what the authors of this wickedness had deserved. It is, therefore, just as if He were ascending His judgment-seat. Thus Moses by his intercession by no means changed His eternal decree; but, by appeasing Him, delivered the people from the punishment they had merited. In the same sense God is said to be influenced by our prayers; not that after the manner of men He assumes new feelings, but, in order to show the more than paternal love with which he honors us, He, as it were, indulges us, when He listens to our desires. Hence we gather that even by this express denunciation Moses was not prohibited from praying; because his faith in the adoption of the people was not destroyed. For we have already said that this principle, that the covenant which God had made with Abraham could not be made void, was so thoroughly an-graven upon his mind, that it surmounted whatever obstacles might present themselves. Resting, therefore, on the gratuitous promise, which depended not on men, his prayer was the offspring of faith. For the saints do not always reason accurately and subtlety as to the form of their prayers; but, after they have once embraced that which suffices to awaken in them confidence in prayer, viz., God’s word, their whole attention is so directed to it, that they pass over the things which seem apparently to contradict it. Nor can we doubt but that it was God’s design, when He delivered his terrible sentence as to the destruction of the people, to quicken the earnestness of Moses in prayer, since necessity more and more inflames the zeal of the pious. In short, Moses was always consistent in his care for the well-being of the people.

Calvin: Num 16:22 - -- 22.O God, the God of the, spirits of all flesh The old interpreter renders the first אל , el, as an adjective, in which some others have followe...
22.O God, the God of the, spirits of all flesh The old interpreter renders the first
“But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand. Be not wroth very sore,” (Isa 64:8 :)
for hence he alleges a reason why God should relent, and be inclined to mercy. There is this difference, that Isaiah refers to that special grace wherewith God had embraced His people, whereas Moses carries his address further, viz., to the general grace of creation. It is of little importance whether we choose to expound this 95 with reference to all animals, or only to the human race, since Moses merely prays that, since God is the Creator and Maker of the world, He should not destroy the men whom He has formed, but rather have pity upon them, as being His work. In passing, however, we may infer from this passage, 96 that all (men) have their separate souls, for God is not said to have inspired all flesh with life, but to have created their spirits. Hence the monstrous delusion of the Manicheans is refuted, that our souls are so infused by the transmission of the Spirit of God, as that there should still be only one spirit. 97 But if it be preferred to include the animals, we must mark the grades of distinction between the spirit of man and the spirit of a dog or an ass. It is, however, more fitting to restrict it to men.

Calvin: Num 16:24 - -- 24.Speak unto the congregation, saying It is evident, from this answer, that Moses was heard as regarded the general preservation of the people, on c...
24.Speak unto the congregation, saying It is evident, from this answer, that Moses was heard as regarded the general preservation of the people, on condition, however, that they should give proof of their repentance, by deserting the authors of the wicked rebellion; for, when God commands them to retire from amongst them, He indirectly implies, that, if they remain mixed up with them, they shall share in the same destruction. Yet it is probable that the elders who “followed” Moses, held to his side, and continued firm in the performance of their duty. And, indeed, it is not at all consistent that Caleb and Joshua, and such like, were ever drawn away into so great a sin. We must not, therefore, take what is said of the whole congregation without exception. When Moses, in his delivery of God’s command, does not address Korah, Dathan, and Abiram by their names, but calls them “these wicked men,” it is not the reviling of anger, but an urgent mode of exhortation; for, had he not thus vehemently marked his detestation of them, there was danger lest his words should have been but coldly received by many, and lest they should have been of little avail. To the same effect also is what he immediately adds: “Lest ye be consumed in all their sins;” as if tie had said, Lest the contagion of so many and such great crimes should infect yourselves. Since they obeyed Moses, it is plain that many of the multitude had been carried away before by folly and levity, for deliberate iniquity would not have been so quickly or so easily corrected. But on the other hand, the marvelous stolidity of Dathan and Abiram is described, in that they came forth unawed, with their wives and children. Still it is not to be doubted but that they were terrified, after they saw themselves to be stripped of all aid and favor; but although the withdrawal of the people disturbed them, they nevertheless stood like maniacs; nor did fear subdue them or prevent them from proceeding in their fatal audacity to their doom. Thus 98 do the wicked often stand astounded, yet in their fear they by no means think of appeasing God.

Calvin: Num 16:28 - -- 28.And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know Moses now begins more clearly to show wherefore he has brought the rebels to this open contest, viz., that Go...
28.And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know Moses now begins more clearly to show wherefore he has brought the rebels to this open contest, viz., that God may sanction before the whole people, by a terrible exertion of His power, the system established by Himself. For it was no ordinary effort of confidence to concede the victory to His enemies, unless the earth should swallow them up alive. But, inasmuch as this was to be a most conspicuous judgment of God, he arouses their attention by the striking words he uses. If they should be cut off by a sudden death, he would have justly boasted that his cause was approved by God; but not content with this, he desires to be accounted a mere impostor, if they should die the common death of men. In order to express the strangeness of the miracle, whereby men’s senses should be ravished, he employs the word create 99 emphatically; as much as to say, that the mode of their death would be no less unusual than as if God should add something to His creation, and change the face of the world. Thus David, when he prays that his enemies should go down alive into hell (infernos) or the grave, seems to allude to this history, (Psa 55:23;) for although that descent be understood to mean sudden death overtaking the wicked in a moment in the midst of their happiness and security, still, he at the same time indicates by it this horrible retribution, which had occurred in times past, inasmuch as memorable punishments pass into proverbial instances of God’s wrath.

Calvin: Num 16:34 - -- 34.And all Israel that were round about them We must suppose that the people were standing around, expecting at a distance the event that was to take...
34.And all Israel that were round about them We must suppose that the people were standing around, expecting at a distance the event that was to take place; for they had previously retired from the tents, in token of their separation (from this wicked company.) 100 That they should now fly in confusion, lest the same destruction should overwhelm themselves, is a sign of their bad conscience, which is always troubled in itself, and agitates the wicked with sore inquietude. It is needful, indeed, that even the pious should be alarmed by God’s judgments, in order that their consternation or dread should instruct them 101 in his holy fear, and therefore they never reflect without dread on the punishments which God has inflicted upon the crimes of men. But, since hypocrites carry in their hearts a hot iron, as it were, they fall down like dead men, as if the lightning fell from God upon their own heads. Thus we shall presently see that this blind fear profited them but little.

Calvin: Num 16:35 - -- 35.And there came out a fire from the Lord The diver-sky of the punishments had the effect of awakening more astonishment in the people, than as if a...
35.And there came out a fire from the Lord The diver-sky of the punishments had the effect of awakening more astonishment in the people, than as if all had been destroyed in the same manner, although God’s anger raged more fiercely against the original authors of the evil, so as to make it manifest that each received a recompense according to the measure of his iniquity. He says that a fire went forth from Jehovah, because it was not kindled naturally, nor accidentally, but was accompanied by conspicuous marks, which showed that it was sent by Him. Yet I do not reject the opinions of others, viz., that God thundered from heaven, since thus His power would have been more manifestly exerted.

Calvin: Num 16:37 - -- 37.Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron Since there is no manifestation of God’s wrath so conspicuous as not to be forgotten too often by man’s st...
37.Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron Since there is no manifestation of God’s wrath so conspicuous as not to be forgotten too often by man’s stupidity, God was willing to anticipate this evil, and set up a monument for posterity, lest the recollection of this memorable judgment should ever be obscured. He commands, therefore, that a covering for the altar should be made of the censers, in order that none should rashly intrude himself to make the sacred offerings. When He calls them “hallowed,” some understand that it was sinful to transfer them to profane purposes, because they had once been devoted to the service of God. I am, however, rather of opinion that they were set apart (sacratas) as things accursed (anathemata.) Thus the fire which had been upon them is scattered afar, in order that the altar should be cleansed from its pollution. Although, however, there was the same pollution in the censers, yet God would have them preserved as accursed, so that all posterity might understand that none but the priests were to be admitted to the sacrifices. Nor is it superfluous for Him to speak of the rebels as having acted criminally “against their own souls;” but it was in order that the memory of their punishment might be inn manner engraved upon those brazen enclosures, in order to awaken continued dread.

Calvin: Num 16:40 - -- 40.To be a memorial unto the children of Israel This passage again confirms what I have just said, that God’s judgments, which ought to remain in f...
40.To be a memorial unto the children of Israel This passage again confirms what I have just said, that God’s judgments, which ought to remain in full remembrance in every age, straightway escape, and are blotted out front men’s minds, unless they are provided with certain aids to meditate upon them. This, however, does not happen so much from ignorance as neglect. Wherefore we ought to be the more attentive to the aids to memory, which may retain us in the path of duty.

Calvin: Num 16:41 - -- 41.But on the morrow all the congregation There is something more than monstrous in this madness of theirs. The conflagration was yet smoking, wherei...
41.But on the morrow all the congregation There is something more than monstrous in this madness of theirs. The conflagration was yet smoking, wherein God had appeared as the awful avenger of pride: the chasm in which the leaders of the rebellion had been swallowed up, must still have been almost before their eyes. God had commanded the plates to be molten, which might record that severe judgment through many succeeding ages. All had confessed by their alarm and hasty flight that there was danger lest they should themselves also be exposed to similar punishments. Yet, on the next day, am if they desired deliberately to provoke God, who was still, as it were, armed, they accuse God’s holy servants of having been the authors of the destruction, though they had never lifted a finger against their enemies. Was it in the power of Moses to command the earth to open? Could he draw down the fire from heaven at his will? Since, then, both the chasm and the fire were manifest tokens of God’s wonderful power, why do not these madmen reflect that they are engaging in fatal warfare against Him? For to what purpose was this extraordinary mode of punishment, except that in their terror they might learn to humble themselves beneath God’s hand? Yet hence did they only derive greater wildness in their audacity, as if they desired to perish voluntarily with these sinners, whose punishment they had just been shuddering at. In two ways they betray their senselessness; first, by substituting Moses and Aaron as guilty of the murder, in place of God; and, secondly, by sanctifying these putrid corpses, as if in despite of God. They accuse Moses and Aaron of the slaughter, of which God had plainly shown Himself to be the author, as they themselves had been compelled to feel. But such is the blindness of the reprobate with respect to God’s works, that His glory rather stupifies them than excites their admiration. The foulest ingratitude was also added; for they do not consider that only a very few hours had elapsed since they had been preserved by the intercession of Moses from impending destruction. Thus, in their desire to avenge the death of a few, they call those the killers of the people of the Lord, to whom they ought to have been grateful for the safety of all. Again, what arrogance it is to count among the people of God, as if against His will, those reprobates, when He had not only cut them off from His Church, but had also exterminated them from the world, and from the human race! But thus do the wicked wax wanton against God under the very cover of His gifts, and especially they do not hesitate to mock Him with empty titles and outward signs, as the masks of their iniquity.

Calvin: Num 16:42 - -- 42.And it came to pass when the congregation From the fact that Moses and Aaron were protected by the covering of the cloud, we gather how uncontroll...
42.And it came to pass when the congregation From the fact that Moses and Aaron were protected by the covering of the cloud, we gather how uncontrollable was the rage of the people. For, although the glory of God only stood over the tabernacle, so that Moses and Aaron were still exposed to stoning, and any other acts of violence, yet it so dazzled the eyes of these wicked men, that they could not touch the holy persons. Nor can we doubt but that they betook themselves to the sanctuary, because, in the extremity of their danger, the only hope that remained to them was in the help of God. When, therefore, they had fled to this sacred asylum, God received them under the shadow of His wings. Thus did He testify, that the prayers and hopes of His people are never in vain, but that He succors them whenever they call upon Him. For although, now-a-days, He does not appear in a visible abode, still He is nigh unto all those who cast their cares upon Him. It might, indeed, have been the case that the sign of God’s glory was seen by none but Moses and Aaron, in order that they might be fully assured that God was near to help them; but, since the expression is indefinite, it is probable that God threatened also the frantic multitude, lest they should proceed to any further acts of violence, although the light was presented in vain to them in their blindness.

Calvin: Num 16:45 - -- 45.Get you up from among this congregation I have expounded the meaning of this expression a little above, namely, that as God regards His people wit...
45.Get you up from among this congregation I have expounded the meaning of this expression a little above, namely, that as God regards His people with constant and peculiar love, so He defers His vengeance against the wicked, until these people are set apart, and placed in safety. For tie declares that, as soon as Moses and Aaron have secured themselves, all the rest shall perish in a moment. But incredible was the kindness of both of them, thus humbly to intercede for so ungrateful a people, who deserved to die a hundred times over; for, forgetful of their own lives, which they saw to be imperiled, they were ready to make atonement for the guilt, so as to rescue from death those abandoned wretches who were plotting their destruction. I do not, however, understand this, “Get you up,” merely with reference to place, for they were already separated, having taken refuge in the tabernacle; but it is just as if God had commanded them to sever themselves from the people, and, quitting them altogether, and casting away all care for the public welfare, to provide for their own private safety.

Calvin: Num 16:46 - -- 46.And Moses said unto Aaron The expiation of so great a sin did not indeed depend on the incense-offering, nor are we to imagine that God is appease...
46.And Moses said unto Aaron The expiation of so great a sin did not indeed depend on the incense-offering, nor are we to imagine that God is appeased by the savor of frankincense; but thus was a symbol set before this grosshearted people, whereby they might be alike aroused to repentance and faith; for however insensible they might be in their rebellion, yet the dignity of the priesthood was so conspicuous in the censer, that they ought to have been awakened by it to reverence. For who would not view his impiety with horror, when he is made conscious of having despised and violated that sanctity wherein the Divine power displays itself for life or death? The sight of the censer might have justly availed to subdue their hardness of heart, so that at last they might begin to condemn and detest their unrighteous act. The second warning which it gave them was no less profitable, i.e., that they might perceive that God was only propitiated towards them by virtue of a mediator; but., in so far as the actual state of things allowed, the visible type directed them to the absent Savior. Since, however, men corrupt and obscure the truth by their fond inventions, His majesty is asserted by the Divine institution of sacrifice. Whilst Aaron, the typical priest, stands forth, until the true, and only, and perpetual Mediator shall be revealed.
The verb

Calvin: Num 16:48 - -- 48.And he stood between the living and the dead If you understand that the living were everywhere mingled with the dead, you may conjecture that Go...
48.And he stood between the living and the dead If you understand that the living were everywhere mingled with the dead, you may conjecture that God’s wrath did not so fall upon one part of the camp, as to destroy all that came in its way without exception, as had been the case in the other revolt, but that He selected those who had sinned most grievously. But it is probable that Aaron proceeded so far as to leave behind those who still remained uninjured, and, in the very place where the destruction had occurred, encountered the wrath of God, and arrested its course. Hence it was that both the fervor of his zeal might be the better perceived, and his office of appeasing God was more fully confirmed by its actual success. For what more evident miracle could be required, than when the slaughter, which had both begun to rage suddenly, and then to proceed in a course no less rapid than continuous, was stopped by the arrival of Aaron, exactly as if a hedge had been set up against it? The efficacy of the priesthood in propitiating God, is therefore both clearly and briefly set before us; and hence we are taught, that though we are so dose to the reprobate when they perish, as that their destruction should reach to ourselves, still that we shall be safe from all evil, if only Christ intercede for us.

Calvin: Num 16:49 - -- 49.Now they that died in the plague Already three hundred, or thereabouts, had been destroyed on account of the conspiracy made with Korah; now a muc...
49.Now they that died in the plague Already three hundred, or thereabouts, had been destroyed on account of the conspiracy made with Korah; now a much larger number was added. And this, forsooth, is what the wicked reap from their obstinacy, that God being more and more provoked redoubles His punishments; even as He threatens that, unless those whom He chastises shall repent, he will deal “seven times more” severely with them. (Lev 26:18.) Wherefore let us learn, when we are warned by His rebukes, to humble ourselves betimes beneath His mighty hand, since nothing is worse than to kick against the pricks; and let us always bear in mind what the psalm says,
“Be ye not as the horse or as the mute, whose mouth must be held with bit and bridle; (because) many sorrows shall be to the wicked.” (Psa 32:9.)
They rebelliously exclaimed that the people of the Lord were slain, when three hundred had perished; they now experience how much better it would have been to be dumb before God, and to give glory to His holy severity, than, instead of three hundred, to devote to destruction nearly fifty times as many. Let us, then, remember the admonition of Paul:
“Let us beware lest we murmur, lest perchance the destroyer should destroy us,” 102 (1Co 10:10;)
for nothing is less tolerable in us than that we should frowardly presume to speak evil of God, when Scripture so often exhorts us to be silent in His presence.
Defender -> Num 16:30
Defender: Num 16:30 - -- The word for "pit" here is sheol, which is the equivalent of hades (commonly translated "hell") in the New Testament, so that this event was no ordina...
The word for "pit" here is
TSK -> Num 16:14; Num 16:15; Num 16:16; Num 16:17; Num 16:19; Num 16:21; Num 16:22; Num 16:24; Num 16:25; Num 16:26; Num 16:27; Num 16:28; Num 16:29; Num 16:30; Num 16:31; Num 16:32; Num 16:33; Num 16:34; Num 16:35; Num 16:37; Num 16:38; Num 16:40; Num 16:41; Num 16:42; Num 16:45; Num 16:46; Num 16:47; Num 16:48; Num 16:49; Num 16:50
Moreover : Num 36:8-10; Exo 3:8, Exo 3:17; Lev 20:24
put out : Heb. bore out

TSK: Num 16:15 - -- very wroth : Num 12:3; Exo 32:19; Mat 5:22; Mar 3:5; Eph 4:26
Respect : Num 16:6, Num 16:7; Gen 4:4, Gen 4:5; Isa 1:10-15
I have not : Though Moses wa...
very wroth : Num 12:3; Exo 32:19; Mat 5:22; Mar 3:5; Eph 4:26
Respect : Num 16:6, Num 16:7; Gen 4:4, Gen 4:5; Isa 1:10-15
I have not : Though Moses was their ruler, under God, yet, so far from oppressing them, he had not imposed the smallest tax, nor taken, as a present, so much as an ass from one of them. The common present that is now made to the great, in these countries, is a horse; but there is reason to believe, that an ass might formerly have answered the same purpose. ""If it is a visit of ceremony from a

TSK: Num 16:19 - -- Korah : Num 16:1, Num 16:2
and the glory : Num 16:42, Num 12:5, Num 14:10; Exo 16:7, Exo 16:10; Lev 9:6, Lev 9:23

TSK: Num 16:21 - -- Separate : Gen 19:15-22; Jer 5:16; Act 2:40; 2Co 6:17; Eph 5:6, Eph 5:7; Rev 18:4
that I may : Num 16:45, Num 14:12, Num 14:15; Exo 32:10, Exo 33:5; P...

TSK: Num 16:22 - -- they fell : Num 16:4, Num 16:45, Num 14:5
the God : Num 27:16; Job 12:10; Ecc 12:7; Isa 57:16; Zec 12:1; Heb 12:9
one man sin : Gen 18:23-25, Gen 18:3...

TSK: Num 16:24 - -- Num 16:21; It should seem that Dathan and Abiram had set up a spacious tabernacle in the midst of the tents of their families, where they kept court, ...
Num 16:21; It should seem that Dathan and Abiram had set up a spacious tabernacle in the midst of the tents of their families, where they kept court, met in council, and hung out their flag of defiance against Moses; it is here called the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. There, as in the place of rendezvous, Dathan and Abiram stayed, when Korah and his friends went up to the tabernacle of the Lord, waiting the issue of their trial; but here we are told how they had their business done, before that trial was over. God will take what method he pleases in his judgments.

TSK: Num 16:26 - -- I pray you : The rebels, with all that belonged to them, were, as an accursed thing, devoted to utter destruction (Lev 27:28, Lev 27:29. Jos 7:13-15, ...
I pray you : The rebels, with all that belonged to them, were, as an accursed thing, devoted to utter destruction (Lev 27:28, Lev 27:29. Jos 7:13-15, Jos 7:23-26). The people therefore were forbidden to touch anything belonging to them; that they might enter a solemn protest against their wickedness, acknowledge the justice of their punishment, and express their fear of being involved in it. Num 16:21-24; Gen 19:12-14; Deu 13:17; Isa 52:11; Mat 10:14; Act 8:20, Act 13:51; 2Co 6:17; 1Ti 5:22; Rev 18:4

TSK: Num 16:27 - -- and stood : 2Ki 9:30, 2Ki 9:31; Job 9:4, Job 40:10, Job 40:11; Pro 16:18, Pro 18:12; Isa 28:14

TSK: Num 16:28 - -- Hereby : Exo 3:12, Exo 4:1-9, Exo 7:9; Deu 18:22; Zec 2:9, Zec 4:9; Joh 5:36, Joh 11:42, Joh 14:11
for I have : Kee lo millibbee , ""and that not ...
Hereby : Exo 3:12, Exo 4:1-9, Exo 7:9; Deu 18:22; Zec 2:9, Zec 4:9; Joh 5:36, Joh 11:42, Joh 14:11
for I have :
of mine : Num 24:13; 1Ki 18:36; Jer 23:16; Eze 13:17; Joh 5:30, Joh 6:38

TSK: Num 16:29 - -- the common : etc. Heb. as every man dieth
visited : Exo 20:5, Exo 32:34; Job 35:15; Isa 10:3; Jer 5:9; Lam 4:22
the Lord : 1Ki 22:28; 2Ch 18:27

TSK: Num 16:30 - -- make a new thing : Heb. create a creature; weim beriah yivra Yehowah , ""And if Jehovah should create a creation,""i.e., do such a thing as was n...

TSK: Num 16:32 - -- the earth : Num 16:30; Gen 4:11; Isa 5:14; Rev 12:16
all the : Num 16:17, Num 26:11, Num 27:3; 1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:37; Psa 84:1, Psa 85:1, Psa 88:1 *title...

TSK: Num 16:33 - -- into the : Psa 9:15, Psa 55:23, Psa 69:15, Psa 143:7; Isa 14:9, Isa 14:15; Eze 32:18, Eze 32:30
they perished : Jud 1:11

TSK: Num 16:35 - -- And there : Num 11:1, Num 26:10; Lev 10:2; Psa 106:18
two hundred : Num 16:2, Num 16:17

TSK: Num 16:37 - -- the censers : Num 16:7, Num 16:18
hallowed : Kadashoo , consecrated, i.e., to the service of God, though in this instance, improperly employed. Lev ...

TSK: Num 16:38 - -- sinners : 1Ki 2:23; Pro 1:18, Pro 8:36, Pro 20:2; Hab 2:10
a sign : Num 16:40, Num 17:10, Num 26:10; Eze 14:8; 1Co 10:11; 2Pe 2:6

TSK: Num 16:40 - -- that no : Num 3:10, Num 3:38, Num 18:4-7; Lev 22:10; 2Ch 26:18-20; Jud 1:11
come near : 1Ki 13:1-3; 2Ch 26:16-21
that no : Num 3:10, Num 3:38, Num 18:4-7; Lev 22:10; 2Ch 26:18-20; Jud 1:11
come near : 1Ki 13:1-3; 2Ch 26:16-21

TSK: Num 16:41 - -- on the morrow : It is not unlikely, that the people persuaded themselves that Moses and Aaron had used some cunning in this business and that the eart...
on the morrow : It is not unlikely, that the people persuaded themselves that Moses and Aaron had used some cunning in this business and that the earthquake and fire were artificial; for, had they discerned the hand of God in this punishment, they would scarcely have dared the anger of the Lord in the very face of his justice. And while they thus absurdly imputed this judgment to Moses and Aaron, they impiously called the persons, thus perishing in their rebellion, ""the people of the Lord!"
all the : Num 16:1-7, Num 14:2; Psa 106:13, Psa 106:23, 25-48; Isa 26:11
Ye have : Num 16:3; 2Sa 16:7, 2Sa 16:8; 1Ki 18:17; Jer 37:13, Jer 37:14, Jer 38:4, Jer 43:3; Amo 7:10; Mat 5:11; Act 5:28, Act 21:28; 2Co 6:8

TSK: Num 16:42 - -- when the : Num 16:19
the glory : Num 16:19, Num 14:10, Num 20:6; Exo 16:7, Exo 16:10, Exo 24:16, Exo 40:34, Exo 40:35; Lev 9:23

TSK: Num 16:45 - -- Get you up : Num 16:21, Num 16:24, Num 16:26
And they : Num 16:22, Num 20:6; 1Ch 21:16; Mat 26:39

TSK: Num 16:46 - -- from off : Lev 9:24, Lev 10:1, Lev 16:12, Lev 16:13; Isa 6:6, Isa 6:7; Rom 5:9, Rom 5:10; Heb 7:25-27, Heb 9:25, Heb 9:26; Rev 8:3-5
and put : Psa 141...
from off : Lev 9:24, Lev 10:1, Lev 16:12, Lev 16:13; Isa 6:6, Isa 6:7; Rom 5:9, Rom 5:10; Heb 7:25-27, Heb 9:25, Heb 9:26; Rev 8:3-5
an atonement : Exo 30:7-10; Lev 16:11-16; 1Jo 2:1, 1Jo 2:2
there is wrath : Num 1:53, Num 8:19, Num 11:33, Num 18:5; Lev 10:6; 1Ch 27:24; Psa 106:29
the plague is begun : God now punished them by a secret blast, so as to put the matter beyond dispute; His hand, and His alone, was seen, not only in the plague, but in the manner in which the mortality was arrested. It was necessary that it should be done in this way, that the whole congregation might see that these men who had perished were not ""the people of the Lord,""and that God, not Moses and Aaron, had destroyed them.

TSK: Num 16:47 - -- and ran : Mat 5:44; Rom 12:21
and behold : Psa 106:29
and he put : Num 16:46; Deu 33:10, Deu 33:11; Isa 53:10-12
and behold : Psa 106:29
and he put : Num 16:46; Deu 33:10, Deu 33:11; Isa 53:10-12

TSK: Num 16:48 - -- What the plague was we know not; but it seems from this to have begun at one part of the camp, and to have proceeded regularly onward.
Num 16:18, Num ...

TSK: Num 16:49 - -- fourteen thousand : Num 16:32-35, Num 25:9; 1Ch 21:14; Heb 2:1-3, Heb 10:28, Heb 10:29, Heb 12:25

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Num 16:14 - -- Wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? - i. e. "blind them to the fact that you keep none of your promises;""throw dust in their eyes."
Wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? - i. e. "blind them to the fact that you keep none of your promises;""throw dust in their eyes."

Barnes: Num 16:24 - -- The tent, "the tabernacle"of Korah, as a Kohathite, stood on the south side of the tabernacle of the Lord; and those of Dathan and Abiram, as Reuben...
The tent, "the tabernacle"of Korah, as a Kohathite, stood on the south side of the tabernacle of the Lord; and those of Dathan and Abiram, as Reubenites, in the outer line of encampment on the same side. Yet though the tents of these three were thus contiguous, they did not share the same fate. Korah and his company who dared to intrude themselves on the priestly office were destroyed by fire from the Lord at the door of the tabernacle of the Lord Num 16:35; the Reubenites, who had reviled Moses for the failure of the promises about the pleasant land, were suddenly engulfed while standing at their own tent-doors in the barren wilderness Num 16:31-33.

Stood in the door of their tents - Apparently in contumacious defiance.

Barnes: Num 16:32 - -- All the men ... - Not his sons (see Num 26:11), but all belonging to him who had associated themselves with him in this rebellion.
All the men ... - Not his sons (see Num 26:11), but all belonging to him who had associated themselves with him in this rebellion.

Barnes: Num 16:35 - -- Compare the marginal references The fire came out from the sanctuary or the altar.
Compare the marginal references The fire came out from the sanctuary or the altar.

Barnes: Num 16:37 - -- Aaron as High Priest and as one of those that offered incense Num 16:17, could not be defiled by going among the dead. The censers were not to be us...
Aaron as High Priest and as one of those that offered incense Num 16:17, could not be defiled by going among the dead.
The censers were not to be used again for censers, nor the coals on them for kindling the incense to be offered before the Lord. Yet neither of them could fittingly be employed for common purposes. The censers therefore were beaten into plates for the altar; the coals were scattered at a distance.

Barnes: Num 16:38 - -- These sinners against their own souls - That is, "against their own lives."By their sin they had brought destruction upon themselves.
These sinners against their own souls - That is, "against their own lives."By their sin they had brought destruction upon themselves.

Barnes: Num 16:45 - -- They fell upon their faces - In intercession for the people; compare Num 16:22; Num 14:5.

Barnes: Num 16:46 - -- A censer - Rather, the censer. i. e. that of the high priest which was used by him on the great Day of Atonement: compare Lev 16:12; Heb 9:4.

Barnes: Num 16:47-48 - -- A striking proof of the efficacy of that very Aaronic priesthood which the rebels had presumed to reject. The incense offering which had brought dow...
A striking proof of the efficacy of that very Aaronic priesthood which the rebels had presumed to reject. The incense offering which had brought down destruction when presented by unauthorised hands, now in the hand of the true priest is the medium of instant salvation to the whole people. Aaron by his acceptable ministration and his personal self-devotion foreshadows emphatically in this transaction the perfect mediation and sacrifice of Himself made by Christ.
Poole -> Num 16:14; Num 16:15; Num 16:16; Num 16:18; Num 16:19; Num 16:21; Num 16:22; Num 16:24; Num 16:25; Num 16:26; Num 16:27; Num 16:28; Num 16:29; Num 16:30; Num 16:32; Num 16:33; Num 16:35; Num 16:37; Num 16:38; Num 16:40; Num 16:41; Num 16:42; Num 16:43; Num 16:45; Num 16:46; Num 16:47; Num 16:48
Poole: Num 16:14 - -- Of these men i.e. of those who are confederate with us, and of all the people who are of our mind. Wilt thou make them blind, or persuade them that t...
Of these men i.e. of those who are confederate with us, and of all the people who are of our mind. Wilt thou make them blind, or persuade them that they are blind, and that they do not see what is visible to all that have eyes, to wit, that thou hast deceived them, and broken thy faith and promise given to them? or wilt thou lead them about like blind men whither thou pleasest, one time towards Canaan, another time towards Egypt again?
We will not come up we will not obey thy summons, nor own thy authority.

Poole: Num 16:15 - -- Moses was very wroth not so much for his own sake, for he had learnt to bear indignities, Nu 12 , as for God’ s sake, who was highly dishonoured...
Moses was very wroth not so much for his own sake, for he had learnt to bear indignities, Nu 12 , as for God’ s sake, who was highly dishonoured, blasphemed, and provoked by these speeches and carriages, in which case he ought to be angry, as Christ was, Mar 3:5 .
Respect not thou their offering i.e. accept not their incense which they are now going to offer, but show some eminent dislike of it. He calls it their offering , though it was offered by Korah and his companions, because it was offered in the name and by the consent of all the conspirators, for the decision of the present controversy between them and Moses.
Not one ass i.e. not any thing of the smallest value, as an ass was; see 1Sa 12:3 neither have I injured them, nor used my power to defraud or oppress them, as I might have done; but, which is here implied, I have done them many good offices, but no hurt; therefore their crime is inexcusable, because without any cause or provocation on my part.

Poole: Num 16:16 - -- Not in the tabernacle, which was not capable of so many persoms severally offering incense, but at the door of the tabernacle, Num 16:18 , which pla...
Not in the tabernacle, which was not capable of so many persoms severally offering incense, but at the door of the tabernacle, Num 16:18 , which place is oft said to be
before the Lord as Exo 29:42 Lev 1:11 , &c.; where they might now lawfully offer it by Moses’ s direction upon this extraordinary occasion and necessity, because this work could not be done in that place, which alone was allowed for the offering up of incense, not only from its smallness, but also because none but priests might enter to do this work. Here also the people, who wcrc to be instructed by this experiment, might see the proof and success of it.

Poole: Num 16:18 - -- They could easily make censers in a slight manner, which would suffice for the present purpose. The
fire was taken from the altar which stood in t...
They could easily make censers in a slight manner, which would suffice for the present purpose. The
fire was taken from the altar which stood in that place, Lev 1:3,5 , for Aaron might not use other fire, Lev 10:1 . And it is likely the remembrance of the death of Nadab and Abihu deterred them from offering any strange fire.

Poole: Num 16:19 - -- Korah gathered the congregation that they might be witnesses of the event, and, upon their success, which they doubted not of, might fall upon Moses ...
Korah gathered the congregation that they might be witnesses of the event, and, upon their success, which they doubted not of, might fall upon Moses and Aaron with popular rage, and destroy them. And it seems by this that the people were generally incensed against Moses, and inclined to Korah’ s side.
The glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud which then shone with greater brightness and majesty, as a token of God’ s approach and presence. See Exo 16:7,10 Le 9:6,23 Nu 20:6 .

Poole: Num 16:21 - -- To wit, Korah and his two hundred and fifty men, and the people whom he gathered against Moses and Aaron, Num 16:19 .
To wit, Korah and his two hundred and fifty men, and the people whom he gathered against Moses and Aaron, Num 16:19 .

Poole: Num 16:22 - -- Of the spirits i.e. of souls, as the word spirit in Scripture is oft used, as Psa 31:5 77:3 Pro 17:22 Ecc 12:7 Luk 23:46 Act 7:59 . And this is no em...
Of the spirits i.e. of souls, as the word spirit in Scripture is oft used, as Psa 31:5 77:3 Pro 17:22 Ecc 12:7 Luk 23:46 Act 7:59 . And this is no empty title here, but very emphatical and argmmentative, thus, Thou art the Maker of spirits, Zec 12:1 , destroy not thy own workmanship, Isa 64:8 . O thou who art the preserver of men, and of their spirits; the Lord of spirits, Job 12:10 ; who as thou mayst justly destroy this people, so thou canst preserve whom thou pleasest: the Father of spirits , Heb 12:9 ; O deal mercifully with thy own children: the Searcher of spirits, thou canst distinguish between those who have maliciously raised this tumult, and those whose ignorance and simple credulity hath made them a prey to crafty seducers.
Of all flesh i.e. of all mankind: the word flesh is put for men, as Gen 6:13 Job 12:10 Isa 40:5,6 Eze 20:48 21:4,5 .
One man to wit, Korah, the ringleader of this sedition.

Poole: Num 16:24 - -- Speak unto the congregation whom for your sakes I will spare upon the condition here following.
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram and On too, who is mentio...
Speak unto the congregation whom for your sakes I will spare upon the condition here following.
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram and On too, who is mentioned Num 16:1 , though some think he desisted and repented, and therefore is not now mentioned.

Poole: Num 16:25 - -- Because they refused to come to him, he goes to them to their cost.
The elders of Israel the seventy rulers, whom he carried with him for the grea...
Because they refused to come to him, he goes to them to their cost.
The elders of Israel the seventy rulers, whom he carried with him for the greater solemnity of the action, and for his own better vindication, because he lay under such calumnies, and to encourage them in their work, not-withstanding the obstinate and intractable nature of the people they were to govern.

Poole: Num 16:26 - -- Show your dislike of them and their wicked ways by a speedy removal of your persons and tents from about them.
Touch nothing of theirs because the...
Show your dislike of them and their wicked ways by a speedy removal of your persons and tents from about them.
Touch nothing of theirs because they and all that was theirs was under a curse, and therefore not to be touched. See Deu 13:16,17 .
In all their sins lest, being guilty of their sins, you perish together with them.

Poole: Num 16:27 - -- Their tents were not far asunder, being both on the south side of the tabernacle, as appears from Num 2:10 3:29 .
Stood in the door of their tents ...
Their tents were not far asunder, being both on the south side of the tabernacle, as appears from Num 2:10 3:29 .
Stood in the door of their tents an argument of their foolish confidence, pride, and impudence, obstinacy, and impenitency, whereby they declared that they neither feared God nor reverenced man, and made themselves ripe for the approaching judgment.

Poole: Num 16:28 - -- All these works to wit, which I have done, and for which I am traduced by these and such like wicked men, as the bringing of the people out of Egypt;...
All these works to wit, which I have done, and for which I am traduced by these and such like wicked men, as the bringing of the people out of Egypt; the conducting of them through, and the keeping of them so long in, the wilderness; the exercising of power and authority among and over them; giving of laws to them, as about other things, so concerning the priesthood, which is the ground of the present quarrel; and, that which vexeth them most, that when they were upon the borders of Canaan, and ready to enter in, I should cause them to go back into this vast howling wilderness, and fix them there for forty years.
Of mine own mind by pretending or usurping an authority which God gave me not; by feigning words or messages from God to establish my own inventions, and to comply with my own will or lust or interest, as I am now accused to have done. For this phrase, see Num 24:13 Eze 13:2 .

Poole: Num 16:29 - -- i.e.
If these men die by a natural death, or by plague, or sword, or some usual judgment, I am content that you take me for an impostor, falsely p...
If these men die by a natural death, or by plague, or sword, or some usual judgment, I am content that you take me for an impostor, falsely pretending to be sent of God. This he might well say, because he was inspired by God to say this, and infallibly assured by God that this should be done.

Poole: Num 16:30 - -- Make a new thing i.e. do such a work as was never heard before.
Into the pit i.e. into the grave which God thereby makes. The Hebrew word scheol ...
Make a new thing i.e. do such a work as was never heard before.
Into the pit i.e. into the grave which God thereby makes. The Hebrew word scheol sometimes signifies hell , and sometimes the grave , as Gen 37:35 Psa 55:15 .
Have provoked the Lord by making his words and works to be nothing but my devices and artifices.

Poole: Num 16:32 - -- i.e. All his family which were there, women, children, and servants; but his sons, who were spared Num 26:11,58 1Ch 6:22,37 were absent, either upo...
i.e. All his family which were there, women, children, and servants; but his sons, who were spared Num 26:11,58 1Ch 6:22,37 were absent, either upon some service of the tabernacle, or upon some other occasion; God so ordering it by his providence, either because they disliked their father’ s act, or upon Moses’ s intercession for them, or for some other reason. This expression may seem to intimate that Korah himself was not here, but that he continued with his two hundred and fifty men before the Lord Num 16:18,19 , where they were waiting for God’ s decision of the controversy; nor is it probable that their chief captain would desert them, and leave them standing there without a head, especially when Aaron, his great adversary, abode there still, and did not go with Moses to Dathan, &c., Num 16:25 . And Korah may seem to have been consumed with those two hundred and fifty, Num 16:35 , though he be not mentioned there, but is easily understood by comparing that verse with Num 16:16-18 , and from the nature of the thing itself, there being no cause of doubt but that destruction which befell the accessaries did much more involve the principal. And so much is intimated Num 16:40 , that no stranger come near to offer incense before the Lord, that he be not as Korah, and as his company , i.e. destroyed, as they were, by fire from the Lord. And when the psalmist relates this history, Ps 106 , the earth’ s swallowing them up is confined to Dathan and Abiram, Num 16:17 ; and for all the rest of that conspiracy, it is added, Num 16:18 , and a fire was kindled in their company ; the flame burnt up the wicked . As for Num 26:10 , which seems to oppose this opinion, we shall see more on that place, if God permit.

Poole: Num 16:33 - -- Into the pit i.e. into the earth, which first opened itself to receive them, and then shut itself to destroy them, and transmit them to further punis...
Into the pit i.e. into the earth, which first opened itself to receive them, and then shut itself to destroy them, and transmit them to further punishment.

Poole: Num 16:35 - -- From the Lord i.e. from the cloud, wherein the glory of the Lord appeared, Num 16:19 , to give sentence in this cause.
From the Lord i.e. from the cloud, wherein the glory of the Lord appeared, Num 16:19 , to give sentence in this cause.

Poole: Num 16:37 - -- Unto Eleazar rather than to Aaron, partly because the tronblesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partlly lest Aaron should be polluted...
Unto Eleazar rather than to Aaron, partly because the tronblesome part of the work was more proper for him, and partlly lest Aaron should be polluted by going amongst those dead carcasses; for it is probable this fire consumed them, as lightning somethnes doth others, by taking away their lives, and leaving their bodies dead upon the place.
Out of the burning i.e. from among the dead bodies of those men who were burnt. Burning put for those who are burnt , as captivity for the captives , Num 21:1 , and poverty for the poor , 2Ki 24:14 .
The fire i.e. the cinders or ashes which are left in or near their censers.
Yonder i.e. far from the altar and sanctuary, into an unclean place, where the ashes were wont to be cast; by which God shows his rejection of their services.
They are hallowed either,
1. By God’ s appointment, because they were presented before the Lord by his express order, Num 16:16,17 . Or,
2. By God’ s just judgment, because they, together with the persons that used them, were accursed and devoted by God, and therefore were the Lord’ s, and not to be employed in any profane or common use, as appears from Lev 27:28 . But the first reason is the chief, and is rendered by God himself, Num 16:38 .

Poole: Num 16:38 - -- Against their own souls i.e. their own lives; who were the authors of their own death and destruction. Compare 1Ki 2:23 Pro 20:2 . This he saith for ...
Against their own souls i.e. their own lives; who were the authors of their own death and destruction. Compare 1Ki 2:23 Pro 20:2 . This he saith for the vindication of God’ s justice and his own ministry in this severe dispensation.
The altar to wit, of burnt-offerings, which was made of wood, but covered with brass before this time, Exo 27:1,2 , to which this other covering was added for further ornament and security against the fire, which was continually burning upon it.
A sign a monument or warning to all strangers to take heed of invading the priesthood, as it follows, Num 16:40 .

Poole: Num 16:40 - -- As Korah, and as his company i.e. that he do not imitate them in their sin, and therefore bring upon himself the same plague.
To him i.e. to Eleaza...
As Korah, and as his company i.e. that he do not imitate them in their sin, and therefore bring upon himself the same plague.
To him i.e. to Eleazar. These words belong to Num 16:38 ; the meaning is, that Eleazar did as God bade him.

Poole: Num 16:41 - -- Prodigious wickedness and madness, so soon to forget such a terrible instance of Divine vengeance!
Ye have killed you, who should have preserved t...
Prodigious wickedness and madness, so soon to forget such a terrible instance of Divine vengeance!
Ye have killed you, who should have preserved them, and interceded for them, have pulled down God’ s wrath upon them, for the maintenance of your own authority and interest.
The people of the Lord so they call those wicked wretches, and rebels against God; which shows the power of passion and prejudice to corrupt men’ s judgment.

Poole: Num 16:42 - -- They looked i.e. Moses and Aaron, who in all their distresses made God their refuge.
They looked i.e. Moses and Aaron, who in all their distresses made God their refuge.

To hear what God, who now appeared, would say to him.

Poole: Num 16:45 - -- To beg pardon and mercy for the people, as they oft did; thus rendering good to them for evil, which the people requited with evil for their kindnes...
To beg pardon and mercy for the people, as they oft did; thus rendering good to them for evil, which the people requited with evil for their kindness.

Poole: Num 16:46 - -- Put on incense which was a sign of intercession, Psa 141:2 , and was to be accompanied with it, Luk 1:9,10 .
Go quickly unto the congregation with ...
Put on incense which was a sign of intercession, Psa 141:2 , and was to be accompanied with it, Luk 1:9,10 .
Go quickly unto the congregation with the incense, to stir up the people to repentance and prayer to prevent their utter ruin. This he might do upon this extraordinary occasion, having God’ s command for his warrant, though ordinarily incense was to be offered only in the tabernacle.
The plague is begun in cutting off the people by a sudden and miraculous stroke.

Poole: Num 16:47 - -- Ran into the midst of the congregation hazarding his own life to obey God, and to do this wicked people good.
Ran into the midst of the congregation hazarding his own life to obey God, and to do this wicked people good.

Poole: Num 16:48 - -- Whereby it may seem that this plague, like that fire, Num 11:1 , began in the uttermost parts of the congregation, and proceeded, destroying one aft...
Whereby it may seem that this plague, like that fire, Num 11:1 , began in the uttermost parts of the congregation, and proceeded, destroying one after another in an orderly manner, which gave Aaron occasion and direction so to place himself as a mediator to God on their behalf.
Haydock: Num 16:14 - -- Eyes. These princes of Ruben were not desirous of the priesthood, as Core was; they repined, that Moses had got possession of the sovereign authorit...
Eyes. These princes of Ruben were not desirous of the priesthood, as Core was; they repined, that Moses had got possession of the sovereign authority, and therefore they endeavour to represent him as an imposter, who had promised great things, but in reality had deprived the people of all the happiness which they formerly enjoyed in Egypt, and was now disposed to exercise his tyranny upon their very persons. (Haydock) ---
"Do you wish that we should not see through your impostures?" Hebrew, "wilt thou put out the eyes of these men," who have informed us what sort of a country Chanaan is? Septuagint, "thou hast blinded these men," who are so stupid as to obey thee. (Calmet) ---
Chaldean, "though thou pull out our eyes, we will not come."

Haydock: Num 16:15 - -- Very angry. This anger was a zeal against sin; and an indignation at the affront offered to God; like that which the same holy prophet conceived upo...
Very angry. This anger was a zeal against sin; and an indignation at the affront offered to God; like that which the same holy prophet conceived upon the sight of the golden calf, Exodus xxxii. 19. (Challoner) ---
Respect not. Hebrew, "thou wilt not have regard for their sacrifices, " as long as they continue in these sentiments of pride and of rebellion. (Haydock) ---
Thou knowest. Hebrew, "I have not," &c. ---
Ass. This expression is proverbial, 1 Kings xii. 3. The Samaritan and Septuagint read, chamod, "any thing desirable," instead of chamor "an ass." (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 16:22 - -- God, who givest life to all, and searchest the inmost recesses of the heart. (Menochius)
God, who givest life to all, and searchest the inmost recesses of the heart. (Menochius)

Haydock: Num 16:26 - -- Depart. If we give any encouragement to schismatics, or go to their meetings, we must expect to be involved in their sins. (St. Cyprian, de Lapsis ...
Depart. If we give any encouragement to schismatics, or go to their meetings, we must expect to be involved in their sins. (St. Cyprian, de Lapsis 5.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 16:27 - -- People, ( frequentia ). The Septuagint generally translate tappam by aposkene, "family and effects," of every denomination. (Calmet) ---
Here ...
People, ( frequentia ). The Septuagint generally translate tappam by aposkene, "family and effects," of every denomination. (Calmet) ---
Here was a full assembly waiting for the event, between fear and hope. As these rebels would not come, when Moses sent for them, he condescended to go to them, and denounced the impending ruin, ver. 14, 25. He commits his whole cause to God, and is willing to be rejected as a vile impostor, if God do not shew, by a miraculous and exemplary punishment of his opponents, that what he had hitherto done, as the head of the people, and particularly in the consecration of Aaron, was by his direction. (Haydock) ---
He had before proved his mission by miracles, Exodus iv. (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 16:30 - -- Hell. See Psalm liv. 16., and Proverbs i. 12. "They were consigned to the tomb before they were dead," (St. Optatus, B. i.,) while their impenitent ...
Hell. See Psalm liv. 16., and Proverbs i. 12. "They were consigned to the tomb before they were dead," (St. Optatus, B. i.,) while their impenitent souls were buried in hell. The souls of their infant children, which had no share in the rebellion, might be exempted from the latter part of their punishment. (Calmet) ---
If some have the rashness to blame the severity of this judgment of God, let them shew the disparity between it and the various other accidents occasioned by earthquakes, &c., which involve millions of such "smiling infants" in destruction; or, if they do not infer from these misfortunes, that the laws of nature are unjust; neither ought they to conclude that the religion, delivered by God to Moses, was an imposture, or that the Jewish legislator was cruel. He continued a silent spectator of this transaction, which he was informed by the Spirit would surely take place, and could not be averted by his intercession, which had before rescued the less guilty multitude, ver. 22. (Haydock) ---
"They descend into hell alive; that is, feeling their own perdition, who, imitating Core,....separate from the Church, and presently fall into heresy." (St. Augustine, ep. 93.)

Haydock: Num 16:32 - -- Tents. Hebrew adds, "all those who belonged to ( or sided with) Core, and all their riches." Moses informs us, (chap. xxvi. 10,) how some of Core'...
Tents. Hebrew adds, "all those who belonged to ( or sided with) Core, and all their riches." Moses informs us, (chap. xxvi. 10,) how some of Core's children were miraculously preserved. Their descendants were appointed by David to sing and to guard the doors of the temple, 1 Paralipomenon ix. 19. (Calmet) ---
Samuel was of the same family, 1 Paralipomenon vi. 33. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Num 16:33 - -- Hell. Hebrew adds, "they, and whatsoever belonged to them, descended into hell, or the pit." Sale. ---
The souls of the impenitent into the ...
Hell. Hebrew adds, "they, and whatsoever belonged to them, descended into hell, or the pit." Sale. ---
The souls of the impenitent into the former, the bodies of the cattle, &c., into the bowels of the earth. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 16:35 - -- Incense. Core had left them, and was busy in stirring up the people to rebellion, when a fire proceeding from the cloud, or from the altar, or perha...
Incense. Core had left them, and was busy in stirring up the people to rebellion, when a fire proceeding from the cloud, or from the altar, or perhaps a thunderbolt, (Calmet) came to arraign them before God's tribunal, there to meet their chief, and to hear the eternal sentence of separation from all good, which was instantly pronounced upon all who died impenitent. (Haydock) ---
Perhaps Core might have been offering incense with his 250 men, when the fire seized him, ver. 40. (Du Hamel)

Haydock: Num 16:38 - -- Sinners. These censers were sanctified or set apart for God's altar: 1. By the intention of those who used them, though contrary to his will; 2. b...
Sinners. These censers were sanctified or set apart for God's altar: 1. By the intention of those who used them, though contrary to his will; 2. by the exemplary vengeance which he exercised upon the rash pretenders to the priesthood; 3. by being a monument of their folly, and therefore placed, by God's order, upon the altar, to deter all others from imitating their conduct. Eleazar was commanded to take them up, and scatter the strange fire; that Aaron might not be defiled with touching the carcasses or ashes of the deceased, nor seem to exult in their death. (Calmet) ---
God was thus also pleased to manifest that the children of Aaron, and not of the other Levites, should succeed him. (St. Augustine, q. 30.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 16:40 - -- Stranger, though he be even of royal dignity. Thus Osias was afflicted with a perpetual leprosy, which rendered him incapable of exercising even the...
Stranger, though he be even of royal dignity. Thus Osias was afflicted with a perpetual leprosy, which rendered him incapable of exercising even the office of king, because he had attempted to offer incense, 2 Kings xv. 5., and 2 Paralipomenon xxvi. 17. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 16:45 - -- Get ye out. Moses and Aaron complied with the spirit, though not with the letter of this injunction. They lay prostrate on their faces, with all hu...
Get ye out. Moses and Aaron complied with the spirit, though not with the letter of this injunction. They lay prostrate on their faces, with all humility and earnestness, begging that the Lord would preserve them, and at the same time take pity on the frailty of the multitude, who had been deluded, and had, in words at least, approved the conduct of the rebels. (Haydock) ---
God encourages them inwardly to persevere in prayer, in the same manner as when he said to Moses, (Exodus xxxii. 20,) Let me alone, that my wrath may be enkindled, &c.

Haydock: Num 16:46 - -- Take. Moses was inspired by God, on this extraordinary occasion, to pass over the common rules, which forbade the high priest to offer incense any w...
Take. Moses was inspired by God, on this extraordinary occasion, to pass over the common rules, which forbade the high priest to offer incense any where but in the tabernacle, and never to appear among the dead. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 16:49 - -- Core. We cannot reckon less than 15,000, who perished in consequence of their adherence to this innovator. Behold the first-fruits of ambition and ...
Core. We cannot reckon less than 15,000, who perished in consequence of their adherence to this innovator. Behold the first-fruits of ambition and of rebellion. (Haydock)
Gill -> Num 16:14; Num 16:15; Num 16:16; Num 16:17; Num 16:18; Num 16:19; Num 16:20; Num 16:21; Num 16:22; Num 16:23; Num 16:24; Num 16:25; Num 16:26; Num 16:27; Num 16:28; Num 16:29; Num 16:30; Num 16:31; Num 16:32; Num 16:33; Num 16:34; Num 16:35; Num 16:36; Num 16:37; Num 16:38; Num 16:39; Num 16:40; Num 16:41; Num 16:42; Num 16:43; Num 16:44; Num 16:45; Num 16:46; Num 16:47; Num 16:48; Num 16:49; Num 16:50
Gill: Num 16:14 - -- Moreover, thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk and honey,.... Meaning the land of Canaan; but this was no fault of Moses, he ha...
Moreover, thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk and honey,.... Meaning the land of Canaan; but this was no fault of Moses, he had brought them to the borders of it, he had bid them go up and possess it; but they refused, and chose to have spies first sent into it, who brought an ill report of it, which they listened to, and had so provoked the Lord thereby, that he ordered them to turn back, and threatened them with a consumption of them in the wilderness; or "certainly" n, verily thou hast not brought us, &c. though the Septuagint version renders it affirmatively, "thou hast brought us"; and the Vulgate Latin version, indeed thou hast brought, directly contrary to the text; unless it is to be understood ironically, as it is by some:
or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards; that is, in the land of Canaan, as were promised them; they suggest, had this been the case, they could have been content that he should have been their prince, and they would have submitted to his government; but having received no advantage from him, but a great deal of hurt and damage, they could not but consider him not only as a tyrant, but as an impostor and deceiver:
wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? or "dig" them out o; either in a literal sense, wilt thou be so cruel and merciless as to put out the eyes of these men, Korah and his company, and us for our opposition to thy government? or though thou shouldest do so:
we will not come up; we are determined not to obey thee, but to shake off the yoke, let our punishment be what it will; or figuratively, dost thou take us for blind persons, whose eyes thou hast put out, and think to lead us at thy pleasure? or dost thou cast a mist before the eyes of this whole congregation, that they are not able to see through thy designs? are the people so bewitched by them, as not to see thy deceits and impostures? pretending to bring them into a land flowing with milk and honey, which thou art not able to do, and now sayest that thou hast a message from God to return again towards the Red sea, and talkest of our posterity inheriting the land forty years hence; who is it that cannot see through all this? Aben Ezra thinks, by "these men" are meant the elders that were with Moses, whom he led as he pleased, and so blinded them with his delusions, as these pretended, that they could not see through them.

Gill: Num 16:15 - -- And Moses was very wroth,.... Or "it heated Moses exceedingly" p; made him very angry, caused him to burn with wrath against them; even the speech the...
And Moses was very wroth,.... Or "it heated Moses exceedingly" p; made him very angry, caused him to burn with wrath against them; even the speech they made, the words they uttered, not so much on account of their ill usage of him, as for the dishonour cast upon the Lord:
and said unto the Lord, respect not thou their offering; their "Minchah", the word is commonly used for the meat or bread offering. Aben Ezra observes, that Dathan and Abiram were great men, and had offered such kind of offerings before this fact; and therefore Moses desires that the Lord would have no respect to any they had offered, but have respect to him, who had never injured any of them. Jarchi gives it as the sense of some, that whereas these men had a part in the daily sacrifices of the congregation (with which a meat offering always went), the request is, that it might not be received with acceptance by the Lord; but he himself thinks it is to be understood of the offering of incense they were to offer on the morrow; and Moses desires that God would show his disapprobation of it, and which is the common interpretation. The Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem render it, "their gift":
I have not taken one ass from them; either by force, or as a bribe, or by way of gratuity for any service done them; the sense is, that he had not taken from them the least thing in the world, anything of the meanest worth and value, on any consideration. Aben Ezra interprets the word "take", of taking and laying any burden upon an ass of theirs; so far was he from laying any burdens on them, and using them in a cruel and tyrannical manner, as they suggested, that he never laid the least burden on any ass of theirs, and much less on them:
neither have I hurt any of them; never did any injury to the person or property of anyone of them, but, on the contrary, had done them many good offices.

Gill: Num 16:16 - -- And Moses said unto Korah,.... Who was still with him, when the messenger returned from Dathan and Abiram, and who heard what Moses said in his own de...
And Moses said unto Korah,.... Who was still with him, when the messenger returned from Dathan and Abiram, and who heard what Moses said in his own defence:
be thou and all thy company before the Lord; at the tabernacle, at the door of it; the Targum of Jonathan is, at the house of judgment, the court of judicature, where this affair was to be tried, and that was at the tabernacle, as appears by what follows:
thou, and they, and Aaron, tomorrow; the day after Moses had sent to Dathan and Abiram, on the morning of the next day; which as it was the time of sitting in judgment, so of offering incense; meaning Korah and his company, the two hundred fifty men with him, and not Dathan and Abiram; and Aaron also, he was ordered to appear, whom they opposed, and with whom the trial was to be made.

Gill: Num 16:17 - -- And take every man his censer, and put incense therein,.... Which they were to bring with them the next day from their own tents; and these might be c...
And take every man his censer, and put incense therein,.... Which they were to bring with them the next day from their own tents; and these might be censers which they had in their several families, and which they had used in them before the order of priesthood was set up in Aaron's family, and limited to that; or they might be a sort of chafing dishes, or vessels like censers, and would serve the present purpose; they were ordered to put fire into them, that was to be taken from the altar of burnt offering; for strange fire might not be used:
and bring ye before the Lord every man his censer, two hundred and fifty censers: according to the number of the men that were gathered with Korah:
thou also, and Aaron, each of you his censer; Korah and Aaron were to bring each their censers, between whom lay the contest concerning the high priesthood; which was to be determined by their offering incense before the Lord, and by his approbation or disapprobation of it.

Gill: Num 16:18 - -- And they took every man his censer, and that fire in them,.... That is, they came the next morning, according to order, prepared with their censers an...
And they took every man his censer, and that fire in them,.... That is, they came the next morning, according to order, prepared with their censers and incense; and they took fire from off the altar of burnt offering, which stood in the court of the tabernacle:
and laid incense thereon: upon the fire in their censers, and so burned it:
and stood in the door of the tabernacle of the congregation; not in the holy place, where the altar of incense was, for that would not hold them; nor indeed in the court of the tabernacle, but at the door of it, or the outside of it, that so they might be seen by all the people who came to be spectators and witnesses of this affair: and they stood
with Moses and Aaron; in a bold and presumptuous manner, as if they were their equals, disputing their authority, and putting themselves upon their trial before the Lord about it: the Targum of Jonathan says, these men stood on one side (of the door of the tabernacle), and Moses and Aaron stood on the other side of it.

Gill: Num 16:19 - -- And Korah gathered all the congregation against them,.... Not his own company only, but as many of the whole congregation of Israel as he could get to...
And Korah gathered all the congregation against them,.... Not his own company only, but as many of the whole congregation of Israel as he could get together, and especially the principal men; so that it seems there was a, general prevailing inclination in the people to take part with him against Moses and Aaron, who wished him success in his undertaking, and readily came together to animate and encourage him in it, and to see the issue of it. Jarchi suggests, that all night he was going to the several tribes, persuading them that it was not for his own private interest, but for the public good, that he acted against two men, who had taken to themselves, the one the kingdom, and the other the priesthood, and by this means got a great multitude together:
unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation; that is, before it, where Korah and his company stood, whose part they took, and had like to have suffered severely for it, had it not been for the interposition of Moses and Aaron:
and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation; the Shechinah, or divine Majesty, which dwelt between the cherubim in the most holy place, removed and came to the door of the tabernacle, where the people were assembled, in the sight of them, showing some visible token of his presence, though no similitude of himself was seen; or, however, he appeared in the cloud that was over the tabernacle, in which was seen a glory, a brightness and splendour, or such coruscations and flashes of lightning as were very unusual and amazing, and plainly showed the Lord was there; so Jarchi says, that he came in the pillar of cloud.

Gill: Num 16:20 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses, and unto Aaron,.... Out of the cloud:
saying; as follows.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, and unto Aaron,.... Out of the cloud:
saying; as follows.

Gill: Num 16:21 - -- Separate yourselves, from among this congregation,.... Not only from Korah's company, but from the congregation of the children of Israel, whom Korah ...
Separate yourselves, from among this congregation,.... Not only from Korah's company, but from the congregation of the children of Israel, whom Korah had got together, besides the two hundred fifty men that were at first with him; who by their words and behaviour, and particularly by their association and standing along with him, showed them to be on his side, which greatly provoked the Lord:
that I may consume them in a moment; by fire from him, as the two hundred fifty men were afterwards consumed, Num 16:35.

Gill: Num 16:22 - -- And they fell upon their faces,.... That is, Moses and Aaron, in order to deprecate the wrath of God, and beseech him to avert the threatened judgment...
And they fell upon their faces,.... That is, Moses and Aaron, in order to deprecate the wrath of God, and beseech him to avert the threatened judgment; and so the Targum of Jonathan has it,"they bowed themselves in prayer upon their faces;"
and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh; the Maker of all men, as of their bodies, which are flesh, so of their souls or spirits, which are immaterial and immortal; hence he is called "the Father of spirits", Heb 12:9, who, as the Targum, puts the spirit in the bodies of men; or, as others, who knows the spirits of men; their thoughts, as Jarchi, the inward frames and dispositions of their minds; who knows who have sinned, and who not; and whether their sins proceed from weakness, and being misled, or whether from a malevolent disposition, presumption, and self-will:
shall one man sin: meaning Korah, who was the ringleader:
and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation? who, through ignorance and weakness, and by artifice and imposition, are drawn in to join with him; the plea is much the same with that of Abraham, Gen 18:25.

Gill: Num 16:23 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... When on his face in prayer, and bid him rise up, and told him he had granted his request, and then spoke to him:
And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... When on his face in prayer, and bid him rise up, and told him he had granted his request, and then spoke to him:
saying; as follows.

Gill: Num 16:24 - -- Speak unto the congregation,.... Not to Korah's company, but to the people of Israel, of the several tribes that were assembled together:
saying, g...
Speak unto the congregation,.... Not to Korah's company, but to the people of Israel, of the several tribes that were assembled together:
saying, get ye up from about the tabernacle of Korah, and Dathan, and Abiram; which was either the same with their tents, as in Num 16:26; though, as they were of different tribes, Korah of the tribe of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram of the tribe of Reuben, their tents must be in distinct and different places, though both encamped on the same side of the tabernacle, and pretty near to each other; the camp of Levi was nearest the tabernacle, and the camp of Reuben next to it. It may be, there was a single tabernacle erected on this occasion, for all these men to meet at when they judged it necessary. Aben Ezra is of opinion, Korah had a tent for his men and substance, at a distance from the camp of the Levites, and to his tent joined the tents of Dathan and Abiram.

Gill: Num 16:25 - -- And Moses rose up,.... Either from the ground, upon which he fell on his face, or from the seat on which he sat at the door of the tabernacle; though ...
And Moses rose up,.... Either from the ground, upon which he fell on his face, or from the seat on which he sat at the door of the tabernacle; though he seems to have stood there; it may be, it only signifies that he obeyed the divine order, and went about it directly, as often in Scripture persons are said to arise, when they go about any thing they are directed, or choose to do:
and went unto Dathan and Abiram; to endeavour to convince them of their evil, and bring them to repentance for it, and to reclaim them from their folly:
and the elders of Israel followed him; either some principal persons of the tribes, called elders, both from their age and prudence; or the seventy elders lately chosen to assist Moses in the affairs of government, as Aben Ezra thinks these followed him to show their respect unto him, and their approbation of his conduct, and for vindication of his character, which had been aspersed by those men, and to give the more weight to what should be said unto them, for their conviction and reformation.

Gill: Num 16:26 - -- And he spake unto the congregation,.... To the people of Israel assembled together on this occasion: some, out of ill will to Moses and Aaron, inclini...
And he spake unto the congregation,.... To the people of Israel assembled together on this occasion: some, out of ill will to Moses and Aaron, inclining to the side of Korah and his accomplices, and some out of curiosity to see the issue of this affair
saying, depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men; these turbulent, seditious, and ill-designing men, disturbers of the commonwealth and church of Israel, enemies to the peace of its civil and ecclesiastic state: and when Moses desires the people to depart from their tents, he means not only that they would remove in person, and stand at a distance, but such who had their tents, and families, and substance near them, would take care to remove, lest they should be destroyed with them:
and touch nothing of theirs; not carry off anything belonging to them along with their own, being all devoted to destruction:
lest ye be consumed in all their sins; lest partaking of their sins they should of their plagues, and die in their sins, as they would, or for them.

Gill: Num 16:27 - -- So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side,.... The place where they met together and made their general rendezvou...
So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side,.... The place where they met together and made their general rendezvous; this it seems was encompassed on all sides by people out of the several tribes, who either wished them well in their undertaking, or were curious to know how it would issue:
and Dathan and Abiram came out; out of the tabernacle of Korah, and went to their own tents; and came out of them:
and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons,
and their little children; in an audacious manner, as not fearing God nor man; they carried their heads high, and were not in the least daunted at what they were threatened with; and by their looks and gestures bid defiance to Moses and the elders with him.

Gill: Num 16:28 - -- And Moses said, hereby ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these works,.... To bring the people of Israel out of Egypt, to exchange the...
And Moses said, hereby ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me to do all these works,.... To bring the people of Israel out of Egypt, to exchange the firstborn for the Levites, to make Aaron and his sons priests, to give the Levites to them, and to set Elizaphan over the Kohathites, things which these men found fault with, and questioned his authority for doing them:
for I have not done them of my own mind; or "not out of my heart" q; he had not devised them himself, and done them of his own head, and in any arbitrary way, without the will of God or any authority from him, as these men suggested.

Gill: Num 16:29 - -- If these men die the common death of all men,.... Or "as every man dies" r, or the generality of men, who for the most part die of one disease or anot...
If these men die the common death of all men,.... Or "as every man dies" r, or the generality of men, who for the most part die of one disease or another, as a fever, and the like, or through old age:
or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; with such visitations as men in all ages for their sins are visited with, meaning public calamities, such as pestilence, famine, and sword:
then the Lord hath not sent me; it may be concluded that I had no mission nor commission from the Lord to do what I have done, but may be reckoned a deceiver and an impostor; and I am content to be accounted so, should either of the above things be the case of these men.

Gill: Num 16:30 - -- But if the Lord make a new thing,.... Or "create a creation", or "creature" s, what never was before, or put those persons to a death that none ever i...
But if the Lord make a new thing,.... Or "create a creation", or "creature" s, what never was before, or put those persons to a death that none ever in the world died of yet; what that is he means is next expressed:
and the earth open her mouth and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them; their persons, their wives, children and substance:
and they go down quick into the pit; alive into the grave the opening earth makes for them; this is the new thing created; though the Rabbins say t, the mouth of the earth, or the opening of the earth, was created from the days of the creation, that is, it was determined or decreed so early that it should be:
then ye shall understated that these men have provoked the Lord; by rising up against Moses and Aaron, and so against the Lord; by falsely accusing his servants, and endeavouring to set the people against them, and so alter the constitution of things in church and state.

Gill: Num 16:31 - -- And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these things,.... As soon as he had finished his discourse, which was addressed to the cong...
And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these things,.... As soon as he had finished his discourse, which was addressed to the congregation, and, according to Josephus u, after a long prayer to God, which that writer gives at large; immediately so it was:
that the ground clave asunder that was under them; on which they stood, not from any natural cause, as by subterranean volcano, forcibly making their way and bursting the earth, and so getting vent, which has been thought to be the cause of earthquakes; but this was by the immediate hand and almighty power of God, and came to pass just as Moses suggested it would, and as soon as he had uttered his words, which made it the more observable.

Gill: Num 16:32 - -- And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up,.... Dathan and Abiram, their wives, sons, and little ones, that stood at the door of their tents...
And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up,.... Dathan and Abiram, their wives, sons, and little ones, that stood at the door of their tents with them, and all their goods, as follows: the earth, as if it was a living creature or a beast of prey, opened its mouth and swallowed them up, as such a creature does its prey:
and their houses; which may be meant both of their families or households, and of the tents they dwelt in, which were their houses; see Deu 1:6,
and all the men that appertained unto Korah: not Korah himself, for he was with the two hundred fifty men that had censers, and with Aaron at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation offering incense, and thereby making trial to whom the priesthood belonged; and who, it is highly probable, perished by fire with the two hundred fifty men, as Josephus, Aben Ezra, and others are of opinion; but the family of Korah, and not all of them, for his sons died not at that time, Num 26:11; and there were of his posterity in the times of David, to whom several of the psalms are inscribed, Psa 42:1; these were either out of the way upon business, the providence of God so ordering it for their safety; or they disliked the proceedings of their father, and joined not with him; or if they did at first, repented of it and forsook him, as it is probable on of the tribe of Reuben also did, since no mention is made of him in the destruction:
and all their goods: their household goods, their substance and riches, their gold, silver, cattle, and whatever they were possessed of: a very extraordinary case this and which perhaps gave rise to some fabulous things among the Heathens; however, if they can be credited, this ought not to be thought incredible; as Amphiaraus, who with his chariot and its rider are said to be swallowed up in the earth, struck by a thunderbolt from Jupiter, and were never seen more w; and other stories are told of persons praying to their deities for secrecy and shelter, and the earth has opened and hid them; as Althemenes, when he had slain his father x; and the nymph Thalia pregnant by Jupiter, who, for fear of Juno, wished the earth might open and take her in, and it accordingly did, as is reported y.

Gill: Num 16:33 - -- They, and all that appertained unto them, went down alive into the pit,.... The grave which the opening earth made for them, they and their families:...
They, and all that appertained unto them, went down alive into the pit,.... The grave which the opening earth made for them, they and their families:
and the earth closed upon them; and covered them over; this it did of itself, as Aben Ezra remarks: this was a wonderful instance of almighty power, that it should open in such large fissures as to swallow up such a number of men, with their tents, goods, and cattle, and then close again so firmly, as not to have the least appearance upon it of what had happened, as Josephus observes z:
and they perished from among the congregation; and had a name and a place no more with them.

Gill: Num 16:34 - -- And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them,.... Or because of it, as Aben Ezra; their cry was so loud, their shrieks so dreadfu...
And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them,.... Or because of it, as Aben Ezra; their cry was so loud, their shrieks so dreadful and piercing, that the Israelites about them fled to get out of the sound of them, as well as for their own safety. The Targum of Jonathan not only represents their cry as terrible, but gives the words they expressed at it;"and all Israel that were round about them fled, because of the terror of their voice, when they cried and said, the Lord is righteous and his judgments truth, and truth are the words of Moses his servant, but we are wicked who have rebelled against him:"
for they said, lest the earth swallow us up also; which they might fear, since they had provoked the Lord, by associating with these men, and countenancing them by their presence, as they had done; who would have consumed them in a moment at first, had it not been for the intercession of Moses and Aaron.

Gill: Num 16:35 - -- And there came out a fire from the Lord,.... Flashes of lightning from the cloud in which he was:
and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that o...
And there came out a fire from the Lord,.... Flashes of lightning from the cloud in which he was:
and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense; not that it reduced them to ashes, but took away their lives, struck them dead at once, in like manner as Nadab and Abihu were, who though said to be devoured by the fire, yet their bodies remained, Lev 10:2; and is often the case of persons killed by lightning; though Josephus a thinks they were so consumed as that their bodies were no more seen, and who is express for it that Korah perished with them in this manner; which is not improbable, since he took his censer and offered incense with them, and was the ringleader of them, and the person that contended with Aaron for the priesthood, which was to be determined in this way; and though he is not mentioned it may be concluded, as Aben Ezra observes, by an argument from the lesser to the greater, that if the men he drew in perished, much more he himself; and the same writer observes, that in the song of the Red sea, no mention is made of the drowning of Pharaoh in it, only of his chariots and his host, and yet he himself was certainly drowned: now these men burning incense which belonged only to the priests of the Lord, were by just retaliation consumed by fire, and which made it plainly appear they were not the priests of the Lord; and the judgment on them was the more remarkable, that Moses and Aaron, who stood by them, remained unhurt. This was an emblem of the vengeance of eternal fire, of everlasting burnings, Jud 1:11.

Gill: Num 16:36 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... Immediately after these men were consumed by fire from him; out of the same cloud from whence that proceeded, he sp...
And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... Immediately after these men were consumed by fire from him; out of the same cloud from whence that proceeded, he spoke:
saying: as follows.

Gill: Num 16:37 - -- Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,.... His eldest son, that was to succeed him as high priest, and who perhaps was upon the spot to see t...
Speak unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest,.... His eldest son, that was to succeed him as high priest, and who perhaps was upon the spot to see the issue of things; and who, rather than Aaron, is bid to do what follows, partly because Aaron was now officiating, burning incense, and that he might not be defiled with the dead bodies; and partly because it was more proper and decent for the son to do it than the father; and it may be also because it was for the further confirmation of the priesthood in the posterity of Aaron:
that he take up the censers out of the burning; either out from among the dead bodies burnt with fire from the Lord, or out of the burning of the incense in them; these were the censers of Korah and the two hundred fifty men with him:
and scatter thou the fire yonder; the fire that was in the censers; the incense burning in them was to be cast out and scattered here and there, or carried to some unclean place at a distance, as a token of the rejection of the services of these men: and thus the Lord answered the prayer of Moses, that he would not have respect to their offering, Num 16:15; if incense is intended there; though that seems to refer only to Dathan and Abiram, and not to these two hundred fifty men:
for they are hallowed, incense being offered in them before the Lord, and therefore were not to be made use of in common service.

Gill: Num 16:38 - -- The censers of these sinners against their own souls,.... Who by burning incense in them sinned, and by sinning hurt and ruined their souls:
let th...
The censers of these sinners against their own souls,.... Who by burning incense in them sinned, and by sinning hurt and ruined their souls:
let them make them broad plates for a covering of the altar; the altar of burnt offering, which, though it had a covering of brass, another made of these were to be over it, for the further security of it, being of from the fire continually burning on it; these censers were to be beaten into broad plates, by the workmen who understood how to do it:
for they offered them before the Lord, therefore they are hallowed; they offered them in his presence, they burned incense in them, and to him, though it was not their business, but the business of the priests; yet these being done, and by his orders, for an open trial who were his priests and who not, they were not to be put to common use:
and they shall be a sign unto the children of Israel; a memorial sign, a sign bringing this affair to remembrance, as it is explained in Num 16:40; this was a sign to the priests, that they only were to offer every kind of offerings, and to the Levites, who attended the priests at the altar continually, and so had every day a sight of it and of those plates upon it, which would remind them of this fact, and teach them not to usurp the priest's office; and to all the children of Israel, to learn from hence that none were to burn incense but the priests of the Lord, for doing which Uzziah, though a king, was punished, 2Ch 26:18.

Gill: Num 16:39 - -- And Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers,.... The metal of which these censers were made is particularly observed, to show that they were fit fo...
And Eleazar the priest took the brazen censers,.... The metal of which these censers were made is particularly observed, to show that they were fit for the use they were ordered to be put unto, namely, for a covering of the altar of burnt offering, which was covered with brass, that being very suitable, since fire was continually burning on it; and by this it appears that these censers were different from those of Aaron and his sons, for theirs were silver ones; the high priest on the day of atonement indeed made use of golden one, but at all other times he used a silver one b; and so did the common priests every day, morning and night, when they offered incense c:
wherewith they that were burnt had offered; the two hundred fifty men burnt with fire from the Lord, having offered incense to him with the brazen censers:
and they were made broad plates for a covering of the altar; not by Eleazar, but by workmen skilled in the art of drawing or beating any kind of metal into thin plates, by the direction and order of Eleazar.

Gill: Num 16:40 - -- To be a memorial unto the children of Israel,.... The whole body of them; this explains what is meant by sign, Num 16:38; that it was to put or keep ...
To be a memorial unto the children of Israel,.... The whole body of them; this explains what is meant by sign, Num 16:38; that it was to put or keep in mind what follows:
that no stranger which is not of the seed of Aaron come near to offer incense before the Lord; not only any Gentile but any Israelite, and not any Israelite only, but any Levite; none but those of the family of Aaron might offer incense before the Lord:
that he be not as Korah and as his company; this makes it clear that Korah perished at this time, though it is nowhere expressed; and it seems pretty plain from hence that he perished by fire, as his company, the two hundred fifty men with censers, did:
as the Lord said unto him by the hand of Moses; either to Korah, who is the immediate antecedent, and who perished as the Lord had told him by Moses he should; so some understand it, mentioned by Aben Ezra and Jarchi; or else to Aaron, as they interpret it; and then the sense is, that none but those of Aaron's seed should offer incense, as the Lord had declared to him by Moses; see Num 3:10; or it may be rather to Eleazar, as Abendana, who did as the Lord spake to him by Moses, took up the censers of the men that were burnt, and got them beaten into broad plates, and covered the altar of burnt offering with them.

Gill: Num 16:41 - -- But on the morrow,.... The day following the dreadful catastrophe, the earth swallowing up Dathan and Abiram, and all that belonged to them, the burni...
But on the morrow,.... The day following the dreadful catastrophe, the earth swallowing up Dathan and Abiram, and all that belonged to them, the burning of Korah and the two hundred fifty men of his company:
all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses,
and against Aaron; not the princes and heads of the people only, but the whole body of them; though the above persons that murmured against them had but the day before been made such dreadful examples of divine vengeance. This is a most surprising instance of the corruption and depravity of human nature, of the blindness, hardness, and stupidity of the hearts of men, which nothing but the grace of God can remove; the images of the awful sights many of them had seen must be strong in their minds; the shrieks of the wretched creatures perishing must be as yet as it were in their ears; the smell of the fire was scarce out of their nostrils; and yet, notwithstanding this shocking scene of things, they fell into the same evil, and murmur against the men, whose authority, being called in question, had been confirmed by the above awful instances:
saying, ye have killed the people of the Lord; so they called the rebels, and hereby justified them in all the wickedness they had been guilty of; and though their death was so manifestly by the immediate hand of God, yet they lay it to the charge of Moses and Aaron, because it was in vindication of them that it was done, and because they did not intercede by prayer for them; though it is certain they did all they could to reclaim them from their sin, and prevent their ruin; yet the people insist on it that they were the cause or occasion of their death, as the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan express it.

Gill: Num 16:42 - -- And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron,.... To kill them, as the Targum of Jonathan adds; who, perhap...
And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron,.... To kill them, as the Targum of Jonathan adds; who, perhaps, upon uttering their murmurs, made up to them, and by their gestures showed an intention to murder them:
that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation; either the people did, to see whether they could observe any appearance of the displeasure of God against them; or rather Moses and Aaron looked that way for help and deliverance in this extreme danger, knowing there was no salvation for them but of the Lord, Jer 3:23,
and, behold, the cloud covered it; as when it was first erected, and which was a token of the divine Presence, Num 9:15; perhaps it had dispersed immediately upon the death of the rebels, and now returned again in favour of the servants of the Lord:
and the glory of the Lord appeared; in the cloud, as in Num 16:19; to encourage Moses and Aaron, and to deliver them out of the hands of the people, and to the terror of them.

Gill: Num 16:43 - -- And Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation. Whose tent was not far from it, about which the people of Israel were gathered; an...
And Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation. Whose tent was not far from it, about which the people of Israel were gathered; and from whence they came to the tabernacle, both for shelter and safety, and for advice and instruction how to behave in this crisis; they did not go into it, but stood before it; the Lord being in the cloud over it, they stood in the door of it, Num 16:50; so the Targum of Jonathan,"and Moses and Aaron came from the congregation to the door of the tabernacle.''

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... Out of the cloud:
saying; as follows.

Gill: Num 16:45 - -- Get you up from among this congregation,.... That is, withdraw from them, and be separate, that they might not be involved in the same destruction wit...
Get you up from among this congregation,.... That is, withdraw from them, and be separate, that they might not be involved in the same destruction with them, as well as that they might have no concern for them, or plead with the Lord in prayer on their account, but let him alone to destroy them, as follows:
that I may consume them in a moment; as he was able to do, and had proposed to do it before, but they entreated him that he would not, Num 16:21; as they again do:
and they fell upon their faces; in prayer, as the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; and so Aben Ezra observes, it was to pray to deprecate the wrath of God, and to implore his pardoning mercy for this sinful people; which shows what an excellent temper and disposition these men were of, to pray for them that had so despitefully used them as to charge them with murder, and were about to commit it on them; see Mat 5:44.

Gill: Num 16:46 - -- And Moses said unto Aaron, take a censer,.... Which lay in the tabernacle:
and put fire therein from off the altar; the altar of burnt offering, fr...
And Moses said unto Aaron, take a censer,.... Which lay in the tabernacle:
and put fire therein from off the altar; the altar of burnt offering, from whence fire only was to be taken for burning incense; and lest Aaron in his hurry should forget to take it from thence, but elsewhere, and offer strange fire as his sons had done, Moses expresses the place from whence he should take it:
and put on incense: upon the fire, in the censer, which he was to do when he came into the camp, and not as soon as he took the fire from the altar: the censer with fire in it he carried in one hand, and the incense in the other; and when he was in the midst of the congregation, he put the incense on the fire, and burnt it, as appears from Num 16:47, this was an emblem of prayer, and a figure of the intercession and mediation of Christ, Psa 141:2,
and go quickly unto the congregation; the case required haste:
and make an atonement for them; which was usually done by the sacrifice of a sin or trespass offering, but now there was no time for that, and therefore incense, which was of quicker dispatch, was used for that purpose instead of it:
for there is wrath gone out from the Lord; some token of it, some disease was inflicted, which Moses had information of from the Lord, and therefore expressly says:
the plague is begun; a pestilence was sent among the people.

Gill: Num 16:47 - -- And Aaron took as Moses commanded,.... A censer with fire in it from the altar, and also incense:
and ran into the midst of the congregation: thoug...
And Aaron took as Moses commanded,.... A censer with fire in it from the altar, and also incense:
and ran into the midst of the congregation: though a man in years and in so high an office, and had been so ill used by the people; yet was not only so ready to obey the divine command, but so eager to serve this ungrateful people, and save them from utter destruction, that he ran from the tabernacle into the midst of them:
and, behold, the plague was begun among the people; he saw them fall down dead instantly in great numbers:
and he put on incense; upon the fire in the censer, which though it was not in common lawful to burn but in the holy place on the altar of incense, yet, upon this extraordinary occasion, it was dispensed with by the Lord, as it had been the day before when he offered it at the door of the tabernacle with the two hundred fifty men of Korah's company; and perhaps the reason of it now was, that the people might see Aaron perform this kind office for them, and give them a fresh convincing proof of his being invested with the office of priesthood from the Lord, or otherwise he could have done this in its proper place, the sanctuary:
and made an atonement for the people; by offering incense, which God smelt a sweet savour in, and accepted of, and his wrath was appeased and the plague stayed: in this Aaron was a type of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of his mediation, atonement, and intercession; wrath is gone forth from God for the sins of men, which is revealed in the law; and death, the effect of it, has taken place on many in every sense of it, corporeal, spiritual, and eternal: Christ, as Mediator, in pursuance of his suretyship engagements, has made atonement for the sins of his people by the sacrifice of himself; and now ever lives to make intercession for them, which is founded upon his sacrifice and satisfaction, his sufferings and death, signified by the fire in which the incense was put.

Gill: Num 16:48 - -- And he stood between the dead and the living,.... The plague beginning at one end of the camp, and so proceeded on, Aaron placed himself between that ...
And he stood between the dead and the living,.... The plague beginning at one end of the camp, and so proceeded on, Aaron placed himself between that part of it wherein it had made havoc, and that wherein yet it was not come; the Targum of Jonathan is,"he stood in prayer in the middle, and made a partition, with his censer, between the dead and living;''in this he was a type of Christ, the Mediator between God and man, the living God and dead sinners; for though his atonement and intercession are not made for the dead in a corporeal sense, nor for those who have sinned, and sin unto death, the unpardonable sin, nor for men appointed unto death, but for the living in Jerusalem, or for those who are written in the Lamb's book of life; yet for those who are dead in sin, and as deserving of eternal death as others, whereby they are saved from everlasting ruin:
and the plague was stayed; it proceeded no further than where Aaron stood and offered his incense, and made atonement: so the consequence of the atonement and intercession of Christ is, that the wrath of God sin deserves comes not upon those that have a share therein, the second death shall not seize upon them, nor they be hurt with it; for, being justified by the blood of Christ, and atonement for their sins being made by his sacrifice, they are saved from wrath to come.

Gill: Num 16:49 - -- Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred,.... 14,700. Thus what they were threatened with, that their carcasses shoul...
Now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred,.... 14,700. Thus what they were threatened with, that their carcasses should fall in the wilderness, Num 14:29, was more and more fulfilled:
beside them that died about the matter of Korah; these are not taken into the number here, even the two hundred fifty men of Korah's company, and the families of Dathan and Abiram, Num 16:32; how many they were is not certain, but they were but few in comparison of these.

Gill: Num 16:50 - -- And Aaron returned unto Moses,.... After he had by his atonement and intercession put a stop to the wrath of God broken forth upon the people:
And Aaron returned unto Moses,.... After he had by his atonement and intercession put a stop to the wrath of God broken forth upon the people:
unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation; where Moses was waiting for his return, and to know the issue of this affair:
and the plague was stayed: even before Aaron left the camp, and is here repeated for the certainty of it, and to intimate that it continued to cease, and broke not out again.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Num 16:14; Num 16:14; Num 16:15; Num 16:17; Num 16:17; Num 16:19; Num 16:21; Num 16:21; Num 16:22; Num 16:22; Num 16:22; Num 16:24; Num 16:25; Num 16:26; Num 16:26; Num 16:26; Num 16:27; Num 16:28; Num 16:28; Num 16:29; Num 16:29; Num 16:30; Num 16:30; Num 16:30; Num 16:30; Num 16:31; Num 16:31; Num 16:34; Num 16:34; Num 16:34; Num 16:35; Num 16:36; Num 16:37; Num 16:37; Num 16:37; Num 16:38; Num 16:38; Num 16:40; Num 16:40; Num 16:41; Num 16:42; Num 16:42; Num 16:45; Num 16:47; Num 16:47
NET Notes: Num 16:14 Heb “will you bore out the eyes of these men?” The question is “Will you continue to mislead them?” (or “hoodwink”...

NET Notes: Num 16:15 The verb means “to turn toward”; it is a figurative expression that means “to pay attention to” or “to have regard for.&...

NET Notes: Num 16:17 This verb and the following one are both perfect tenses with vav (ו) consecutives. Following the imperative they carry the same force, but in se...

NET Notes: Num 16:19 This clause is clearly foundational for the clause that follows, the appearance of the Lord; therefore it should be subordinated to the next as a temp...

NET Notes: Num 16:21 The group of people siding with Korah is meant, and not the entire community of the people of Israel. They are an assembly of rebels, their “com...

NET Notes: Num 16:22 The verb is the Qal imperfect יֶחֱטָא (yekheta’); it refers to the sinful rebellion of Korah, but Mose...

NET Notes: Num 16:24 The motif of “going up” is still present; here the Hebrew text says “go up” (the Niphal imperative – “go up yourse...

NET Notes: Num 16:26 The impression is that the people did not hear what the Lord said to Moses, but only what Moses said to the people as a result. They saw the brilliant...

NET Notes: Num 16:27 The verb נִצָּבִים (nitsavim) suggests a defiant stance, for the word is often used in the sense...

NET Notes: Num 16:29 The noun is פְּקֻדָּה (pÿquddah, “appointment, visitation”). The expression ref...

NET Notes: Num 16:30 The word “Sheol” in the Bible can be used four different ways: the grave, the realm of the departed [wicked] spirits or Hell, death in gen...

NET Notes: Num 16:31 The infinitive construct with the preposition lamed (ל) functions here as the direct object of the preceding infinitive. It tells what he finish...

NET Notes: Num 16:35 For a discussion of the fire of the Lord, see J. C. H. Laughlin, “The Strange Fire of Nadab and Abihu,” JBL 95 (1976): 559-65.

NET Notes: Num 16:36 Beginning with 16:36, the verse numbers through 17:13 in the English Bible differ from the verse numbers in the Hebrew text (BHS), with 16:36 ET = 17:...

NET Notes: Num 16:37 The Hebrew text just has “fire,” but it would be hard to conceive of this action apart from the idea of coals of fire.

NET Notes: Num 16:38 The form is the perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive. But there is no expressed subject for “and they shall make them,” and so it ...

NET Notes: Num 16:41 The whole congregation here is trying to project its guilt on Moses and Aaron. It was they and their rebellion that brought about the deaths, not Mose...

NET Notes: Num 16:42 The verse uses וְהִנֵּה (vÿhinneh, “and behold”). This is the deictic particle –...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:14 Moreover thou hast not brought us into a land that floweth with milk and honey, or given us inheritance of fields and vineyards: wilt thou ( g ) put o...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:16 And Moses said unto Korah, Be thou and all thy company ( h ) before the LORD, thou, and they, and Aaron, to morrow:
( h ) At the door of the tabernac...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:19 And Korah gathered all the ( l ) congregation against them unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation: and the glory of the LORD appeared unt...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:26 And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed (...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:28 And Moses said, Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to do all these works; for [I have] not [done them] of mine own ( l ) mind.
( l ) I h...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:30 But if the LORD make ( m ) a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that [appertain] unto them, and they go down quick...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:38 The censers of these sinners ( o ) against their own souls, let them make them broad plates [for] a covering of the altar: for they offered them befor...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:40 [To be] a memorial unto the children of Israel, that no stranger, which [is] not of the seed of Aaron, come near to offer incense before the LORD; tha...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:46 And Moses said unto Aaron, Take a censer, and put fire therein from off the ( r ) altar, and put on incense, and go quickly unto the congregation, and...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:47 And Aaron took as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the congregation; and, behold, the ( s ) plague was begun among the people: and he put on...

Geneva Bible: Num 16:48 And he stood between the dead and the living; and the ( t ) plague was stayed.
( t ) God drew back his hand and stopped punishing them.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 16:1-50
TSK Synopsis: Num 16:1-50 - --1 The rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.23 Moses separates the people from the rebels' tents.31 The earth swallows up Korah, and a fire consumes ...
MHCC: Num 16:12-15 - --Moses summoned Dathan and Abiram to bring their complaints; but they would not obey. They bring very false charges against Moses. Those often fall und...

MHCC: Num 16:16-22 - --The same glory of the Lord that appeared to place Aaron in his office at first, Lev 9:23, now appeared to confirm him in it; and to confound those who...

MHCC: Num 16:23-34 - --The seventy elders of Israel attend Moses. It is our duty to do what we can to countenance and support lawful authority when it is opposed. And those ...

MHCC: Num 16:35-40 - --A fire went out from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense, while Aaron, who stood with them, was preserved alive....

MHCC: Num 16:41-50 - --The gaping earth was scarcely closed, before the same sins are again committed, and all these warnings slighted. They called the rebels the people of ...
Matthew Henry: Num 16:12-22 - -- Here is, I. The insolence of Dathan and Abiram, and their treasonable remonstrance. Moses had heard what Korah had to say, and had answered it; now ...

Matthew Henry: Num 16:23-34 - -- We have here the determining of the controversy with Dathan and Abiram, who rebelled against Moses, as in the next paragraph the determining of the ...

Matthew Henry: Num 16:35-40 - -- We must now look back to the door of the tabernacle, where we left the pretenders to the priesthood with their censers in their hands ready to offer...

Matthew Henry: Num 16:41-50 - -- Here is, I. A new rebellion raised the very next day against Moses and Aaron. Be astonished, O heavens, at this, and wonder, O earth! Was there ever...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Num 16:6-14; Num 16:15; Num 16:16-17; Num 16:18-22; Num 16:23-26; Num 16:27-30; Num 16:31-33; Num 16:34; Num 16:35; Num 16:36-40; Num 16:41-50
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:6-14 - --
To leave the decision of this to the Lord, Korah and his company, who laid claim to this prerogative, were to take censers, and bring lighted incens...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:15 - --
Moses was so disturbed by these scornful reproaches, that he entreated the Lord, with an assertion of his own unselfishness, not to have respect to ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:16-17 - --
In conclusion, he summoned Korah and his associates once more, to present themselves the following day before Jehovah with censers and incense.

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:18-22 - --
The next day the rebels presented themselves with censers before the tabernacle, along with Moses and Aaron; and the whole congregation also assembl...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:23-26 - --
Jehovah then instructed Moses, that the congregation was to remove away ( עלה , to get up and away) from about the dwelling-place of Korah, Datha...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:27-30 - --
The congregation obeyed; but Dathan and Abiram came and placed themselves in front of the tents, along with their wives and children, to see what Mo...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:31-33 - --
And immediately the earth clave asunder, and swallowed them up, with their families and all their possessions, and closed above them, so that they p...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:34 - --
This fearful destruction of the ringleaders, through which Jehovah glorified Moses afresh as His servant in a miraculous way, filled all the Israeli...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:35 - --
The other 250 rebels, who were probably still in front of the tabernacle, were then destroyed by fire which proceeded from Jehovah, as Nadab and Abi...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:36-40 - --
(Or Numbers 17:1-5). After the destruction of the sinners, the Lord commanded that Eleazar should take up the censers " from between the burning, "i...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 16:41-50 - --
Punishment of the Murmuring Congregation. - The judgment upon the company of Korah had filled the people round about with terror and dismay, but it ...
Constable: Num 11:1--20:29 - --1. The cycle of rebellion, atonement, and death chs. 11-20
The end of chapter 10 is the high poi...

Constable: Num 15:1--19:22 - --Laws given during the 38 years of discipline chs. 15-19
Moses recorded few events during...

Constable: Num 16:1-50 - --The rebellion of Korah and his followers ch. 16
"As the laws increase and the constraints grow, the people seem less willing or less capable of follow...
Guzik -> Num 16:1-50
Guzik: Num 16:1-50 - --Numbers 16 - Korah's Rebellion
A. The battle lines are drawn: Korah and his followers oppose Moses' leadership.
1. (1-3) The accusation against Mose...

expand allCommentary -- Other
Critics Ask: Num 16:31 NUMBERS 16:31 —Was Korah swallowed by the earth or burned? PROBLEM: In verses 31-32 it says the earth opened and swallowed Korah and his 250 re...