NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Chronicles 6:31-33


David <01732> [A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. whom David.]

ark <0727> [after that.]


performed <08334> [they ministered.]

Solomon <08010> [until Solomon.]

<05975> [and then.]

<05975> [waited Heb. stood. according to their order.]

This order is specified below.


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

Joel <03100> [Joel.]

[Vashni. Shemuel.]

This variation, as well as some others, only exists in the translation; the Hebrew being uniformly Shemu‰l.


1 Chronicles 9:33


musicians <07891> [the singers.]

<06362> [were free.]

tasks <04399> [they, etc. Heb. upon them. employed.]

A number of Levites were employed by rotation in singing the praises of Jehovah; and they seem to have continued the service day and night: see the References.

1 Chronicles 16:37-42


before ... ark ........ before ... ark <0727 06440> [before the ark.]

day's requirements <03117> [as every.]


Obed-Edom ..... Obed-Edom <05654> [Obed-edom.]

Jeduthun <03038> [Jeduthun.]


Zadok <06659> [Zadok.]

before <06440> [before.]

worship center <01116> [in the high.]


offering <05927> [To offer.]

morning ... evening <01242 06153> [morning and evening. Heb. in the morning and in the evening.]


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

designated <05344> [expressed.]

give thanks <03034> [to give.]


trumpets <02689> [trumpets.]

musical instruments <03627 07892> [musical instruments.]

entrance <08179> [porters. Heb. for the gate.]

1 Chronicles 25:1-7


officers <08269> [the captains.]

That is, the chief of the several orders; not military captains.

Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

<05012> [prophesy.]

The word prophesy, here, seems to mean no more than praising God by singing inspired prophetical hymns.

stringed instruments <03658> [harps.]


Asaph .......... Asaph ..... Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

Asarelah <0841> [Asarelah.]

"Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14."

supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

king's supervision <03027 04428> [according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

6 *marg:


Jeduthun ................ Jeduthun <03038> [Jeduthun.]

Gedaliah <01436> [Gedaliah.]


Zeri <06874> [Zeri.]

[Izri. Jeshaiah.]

Mattithiah <04993> [Mattithiah.]

six <08337> [six.]

"With Shimei, mentioned ver. 17." Shimei is not only mentioned in the parallel passage, but is supplied here by the Arabic version.

giving thanks <03034> [to give thanks.]


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

Bukkiah <01232> [Bukkiah.]

Mattaniah <04983> [Mattaniah.]

Uzziel <05816> [Uzziel.]


Shebuel <07619> [Shebuel.]

[Shubael. Jerimoth.]

Hananiah <02608> [Hananiah.]

Hanani <02607> [Hanani.]

Eliathah <0448> [Eliathah.]

Giddalti <01437> [Giddalti.]

Romamti-Ezer <07320> [Romamti-ezer.]

Joshbekashah <03436> [Joshbekashah.]

Mallothi <04413> [Mallothi.]

Hothir <01956> [Hothir.]


king's prophet <04428 02374> [the king's seer.]

promised <01697> [words. or, matters. to lift up.]

This may denote that he presided over those who used wind instruments.

God ............. God gave <05414 0430> [God gave.]


supervision .............................. supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

musicians <07892> [for song.]

supervision .............................. supervision .... king <04428 03027> [according to the king's order. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

2 *marg:

Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]


two hundred <03967> [two hundred.]

These two hundred and eighty-eight, being twenty-four courses of twelve each, were more skilful than the other Levites; and being placed under the twenty-four sons of the chief singers, they had the four thousand before mentioned divided among them, to officiate by courses, according to their instructions: ch. 23:5.

1 Chronicles 25:2


Asaph .......... Asaph ..... Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

Asarelah <0841> [Asarelah.]

"Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14."

supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

king's supervision <03027 04428> [according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

6 *marg:

1 Chronicles 29:25-28


magnified Solomon <01431 08010> [magnified Solomon.]

bestowed <05414> [bestowed.]


Israel <03478> [over all Israel.]


forty years ....... years <08141 0705> [forty years.]


died <04191> [he died.]

David at his death had every thing that his heart could wish: "he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour;" having gained more renown than any crowned head ever did. "David," says Dr. Delaney, "was a true believer, a zealous adorer of God, teacher of His law and worship, and inspirer of His praise; a glorious example, a perpetual and inexhaustible fountain of true piety; a consummate and unrivalled hero; a skilful and successful captain; a steady patriot; a wise ruler; a faithful, generous, and magnanimous friend; and what is yet rarer, a no less generous and magnanimous enemy; a true penitent, a divine musician, a sublime poet, and an inspired prophet. By birth a peasant, by merit a prince! In youth a hero, in manhood a monarch, and in age a saint."

good old age <07872 02896> [a good old age.]

enjoyed long life <07649 03117> [full of days.]

1 Chronicles 1:2


Kenan <07018> [Kenan.]

[Cainan. Mahalaleel.]

[Maleleel. Jered.]


Ezra 3:10-11


builders <01129> [when the builders.]

<05975> [they set.]

clarions <02689> [trumpets.]

sons ... Asaph <01121 0623> [the sons of Asaph.]

by <03027> [after the ordinance.]


sang <06030> [they sang.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

shout <07321> [shouted.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

Psalms 135:1-3


[A.M. 3000. B.C. 1004. (Title.)]

Bp. Patrick supposes this to be the morning hymn which the precentor called upon the Levites to sing at the opening of the gates of the temple, as the foregoing was sung at the shutting in the evening; but it is more probable that it was composed by Solomon, to be sung at the dedication of the temple.

Praise ... Lord Praise ........ praise <01984 03050> [Praise ye the Lord.]

Praise .... Praise ... name ...... praise <01984 08034> [Praise ye the name.]

servants <05650> [O ye servants.]


serve <05975> [that stand.]

courts <02691> [the courts.]


Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]

pleasant <05273> [for it is.]

Psalms 135:19-20


Psalms 137:2-4


hang <08518> [we hanged.]

Willows were so plentiful at Babylon, on the banks of the Euphrates, that Isaiah calls it "the brook or river of willows."


captors <07617> [For there.]

<01697> [a song. Heb. the words of a song. wasted us. Heb. laid us on heaps.]

songs ................ song ... Zion <06726 07892> [the songs of Zion.]


sing <07891> [How shall.]

foreign land <0127 05236> [strange land. Heb. land of a stranger.]

Revelation 5:8-14


four ...... twenty-four <5064> [the four.]

had <2192> [having.]

golden <5552> [golden.]

of incense <2368> [odours. or incense. the prayers.]


They were singing <103> [sung.]

<1488> [Thou art.]

because <3754> [for.]

and .......... and ......... you have purchased .......... and <2532 59> [and hast.]

from <1537> [out.]


<935> [kings.]

they will reign <936> [we.]


of many <4183> [many.]

throne <2362> [the throne.]

<2258> [was.]


Worthy <514> [Worthy.]

to receive <2983> [to receive.]


every .............. all <3956> [every.]

<3739> [such.]

praise <2129> [blessing.]

seated <2521> [him.]

Then ................ and ............... and .... Lamb ...... and <2532 721> [and unto.]


four <5064> [the four.]

And ... four ....... and ......... and <2532 5064> [And the four and.]

Revelation 14:3


a new <2537> [a.]

throne <2362> [throne.]

No one <3762> [no.]

had been redeemed <59> [redeemed.]

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