1 Thessalonians 1:3
recall <3421> [Remembering.]
your <5216> [your.]
and ....... and labor .... and <2532 2873> [and labour.]
and ....... and ..... and endurance <2532 5281> [and patience.]
presence <1715> [in the.]
1 Thessalonians 1:5
our <2257> [our.]
in words ... in .... in <1722 3056> [in word.]
but <235> [but.]
in .... in .... in ... Holy <1722 40> [in the.]
in .... in .... in ....... deep <1722 4183> [in much.]
<3634> [what.]
that .................................... to help <3754 1223> [for.]
1 Thessalonians 3:2
Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]
our brother <2257 80> [our brother.]
to strengthen <1519 4741> [to establish.]
1 Thessalonians 4:1
we ask <2065> [we.]
we ask <2065> [we beseech. or, we request. exhort. or, beseech. by the.]
you received <3880> [ye have.]
you .................. you must <5209 1163> [ye ought.]
please <700> [to please.]
you ......... that .......... you ............. that ..... more and more <5209 2443 4052> [so ye.]
1 Thessalonians 5:23
God ........... your <2316 5216> [God.]
make .... holy <37> [sanctify.]
your <5216> [your.]
be kept <5083> [preserved.]