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1 Thessalonians 4:11


to aspire <5389> [that.]

to aspire <5389> [study.]

to attend ...... and <2532 4238> [and to do.]

to work <2038> [to work.]

1 Thessalonians 4:1


we ask <2065> [we.]

we ask <2065> [we beseech. or, we request. exhort. or, beseech. by the.]

you received <3880> [ye have.]

you .................. you must <5209 1163> [ye ought.]

please <700> [to please.]

you ......... that .......... you ............. that ..... more and more <5209 2443 4052> [so ye.]

1 Thessalonians 5:13


to esteem <2233> [esteem.]

Be at peace <1514> [and be.]

1 Thessalonians 5:1


times <5550> [the times.]

you have <2192> [ye.]

1 Thessalonians 4:15


by ... word <1722 3056> [by the.]

are alive ................... have fallen asleep <3588 2198 2837> [which are.]

will .... go ahead <5348> [prevent.]

have fallen asleep <2837> [asleep.]

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