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Genesis 20:1-18


Negev <05045> [A.M. cir. 2107. B.C. cir. 1897. from.]

Kadesh <06946> [Kadesh.]

Gerar <01642> [Gerar.]

Gerar was a city of Arabia Petr‘a, under a king of the Philistines, 25 miles from Eleutheropolis beyond Daroma, in the south of Judah. From ch. 10:19, it appears to have been situated in the angle where the south and west sides of Canaan met, and to have been not far from Gaza. Jerome, in his Hebrew Traditions on Genesis, says, from Gerar to Jerusalem was three days' journey. There was a wood near Gerar, spoken of by Theodoret; and a brook, (ch. 26:26,) on which was a monastery, noticed by Sozomen.


said <0559> [said.]

Abimelech <040> [Abimelech.]


dream <02472> [a dream.]

dead <04191> [a dead.]

someone else's wife <01166 01167> [a man's wife. Heb. married to an husband.]


near <07126> [had.]

slaughter <02026> [wilt.]


conscience <08537> [in the integrity. or, simplicity, or sincerity.]

innocent <05356> [and innocency.]


kept <02820> [withheld.]

sinning <02398> [sinning.]

touch <05060> [to touch.]


prophet <05030> [a prophet.]

The word {navi,} rendered a prophet, not only signifies one who foretell future events, but also an intercessor, instructor. See 1 Sa ch. 10.

The title was also given to men eminent for eloquence and literary abilities: hence Aaron, because he was the spokesman of Moses to the Egyptian king, is called a prophet. .# Ex 4:16 7:1 12:1-3 18:17 7:1 1Ch 16:22 Ps 25:14 105:9-15 .# Heb 1:1

pray <06419> [pray.]

die <04191> [surely.]



done ........................... done ......... done <06213> [What hast.]

great <01419> [a great.]

done ........................... done ......... done <06213> [ought.]


Surely <07535> [Surely.]

kill <02026> [slay.]


indeed <0546> [And yet.]

daughter ...... daughter <01323> [she is the.]

Ebn Batrik, in his annals, among other ancient traditions, has preserved the following: "Terah first married Yona, by whom he had Abraham; afterwards he married Tehevita, by whom he had Sarah."


God <0430> [God.]

loyalty <02617> [This.]

told ................... say <0559> [say.]


gave <03947> [took.]

back <07725> [restored.]


land <0776> [my land.]

wherever <02896> [where it pleaseth thee. Heb. as is good in thine eyes.]


brother <0251> [thy.]

thousand <0505> [thousand.]

What these pieces were is not certain; but it is probable they were shekels, as it is so understood by the Targum; and the LXX. render it {didrachma,} by which the Hebrew shekel is rendered in ch. 23:15, 16.

compensation <05414 03682> [behold.]

Or, "behold IT (the 1,000 shekels) is to thee," etc.

compensation <03682> [a covering.]

vindicated <03198> [thus.]



Genesis 25:9


Isaac <03327> [Isaac.]

cave <04631> [in the cave.]

Genesis 49:30-32


Abraham bought <07069 085> [Abraham bought.]



Genesis 50:13


cave <04631> [the cave.]

Acts 7:16


moved <3346> [were.]

Of the two burying-places of the patriarchs, one was at Hebron, the cave and field which Abraham purchased of Ephron the Hittite, (Ge 23:16, etc.); the other in Sychem, which Jacob (not Abraham) bought of the sons of Emmor, (Ge 33:19.) To remove this glaring discrepancy, Markland interprets [para <\\See definition 3844\\>,] from, as it frequently signifies with a genitive, and renders, "And were carried over to Sychem; and afterwards from among the descendants of Emmor, the father, or son, of Sychem, they were laid in the sepulchre which Abraham bought for a sum of money." This agrees with the account which Josephus gives of the patriarchs; that they were carried out of Egypt, first to Sychem, and then to Hebron, where they were buried.

tomb <3418> [the sepulchre.]

of Hamor <1697> [Emmor.]

[Hamor, Shechem.]

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