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Genesis 25:1-34


[A.M. cir. 2151. B.C. cir. 1853.]


bore <03205> [A.M. cir. 2152. B.C. cir. 1852. she bare.]

[Zimri. Midian.]

Shuah <07744> [Shuah.]


Sheba <07614> [A.M. cir. 2180. B.C. cir. 1824. Sheba.]

Dedan ..... Dedan <01719> [Dedan.]

Asshurites <0805> [Asshurim.]


Ephah <05891> [A.M. cir. 2200. B.C. cir. 1804. Ephah.]


[A.M. cir. 2175. B.C. cir. 1829.]

Isaac typified the Son of God, "whom HE hath appointed Heir of all things."


concubines <06370> [concubines.]

gifts <04979> [gifts.]

sent <07971> [sent.]

east <0776 06924> [east country.]

Arabia Deserta, which was eastward of Beer-sheba, where Abraham dwelt.


[A.M. 2183. B.C. 1821.]


breathed ... last <01478> [gave.]

good <02896> [good.]

joined <0622> [gathered.]


Isaac <03327> [Isaac.]

cave <04631> [in the cave.]


field <07704> [The field.]

Abraham .......... Abraham <085> [there.]


After <0310> [after.]

Beer Lahai Roi <0883> [La-hai-roi.]



names ....... names <08034> [the names.]

Nebaioth <05032> [Nebajoth.]

From Nebajoth sprang the Nabatheans, who inhabited Arabia Petraea; from Kedar, the Cedreans, who dwelt near the Nabatheans; and from Jetur, the Itureans, who inhabited a small tract of country east of Jordan, which afterwards belonged to Manasseh.

Kedar <06938> [Kedar.]


Dumah <01746> [Dumah.]


<02316> [Hadar. or, Hadad.]

More than 300 MSS. and printed editions read Hadad, as in 1 Ch 1:30.

Tema <08485> [Tema.]

Naphish <05305> [Naphish.]

These are evidently the same people mentioned in 1 Ch 5:19, who, with the Itureans, assisted the Hagarenes against the Israelites, but were overcome by the two tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.


camps <02918> [castles.]

The word {tiroth,} rendered "castles," is supposed by some to denote here "towers," fortified rocks, or mountain-tops, and fastnesses of various kinds in woods and hilly countries; but it rather means, "shepherds' cots," surrounded by sufficient enclosures to prevent the cattle from straying, as the cognate Syriac word {teyaro,} and Arabic {tawar,} signify "a sheep-fold."

<08147> [twelve.]


total .... years <08141> [A.M. 2231. B.C. 1773. these are.]

joined <0622> [gathered.]


Havilah <02341> [Havilah.]

way <0935> [as thou.]

Asshur <0804> [toward.]

settled <05307> [died. Heb. fell.]

next ............ from <06440> [in the.]


Abraham Abraham <085> [A.M. 2108. B.C. 1896. Abraham.]


married <03947> [A.M. 2148. B.C. 1856. when he.]

Aramean .......... Aramean <0761> [the Syrian.]


prayed ................ answered ... prayer <06279> [A.M. 2167. B.C. 1837. intreated.]

childless <06135> [because.]

Lord ............ Lord <03068> [and the.]

Rebekah <07259> [and Rebekah.]


asked <01875> [A.M. 2168. B.C. 1836. enquire.]


Two nations ....... two <01471 08147> [Two nations.]

Two ........ two <08147> [two manner.]

older <07227> [the elder.]


Esau <06215> [Esau.]

The word Esau has been generally considered to imply made, formed, or perfected; or perfect, robust, etc. But it appears to be a dialectical variation of the Arabic atha, to be covered with hair; whence athai, hairy, as no doubt the word Esau imports, in allusion to the circumstance of his being covered with red hair or down at his birth.


<0310> [And after.]

clutching <0270> [took.]

Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]

Isaac ... sixty <03327 08346> [Isaac was.]


<03045> [a cunning.]

even-tempered <08535> [a plain main.]

living <03427> [dwelling.]


fresh game <06718 06310> [he did eat of his venison. Heb. venison was in his mouth.]

Rebekah <07259> [Rebekah.]


famished <05889> [A.M. 2199. B.C. 1805. and he.]


red ..... red <0122 04480> [with that same red pottage. Heb. with that red, with that red pottage.]

This, we are informed, (ver. 34,) was of lentiles, a sort of pulse.

Edom <0123> [Edom. i.e., red.]


about ... die <04191 01980> [at the point to die. Heb. going to die. and what.]

birthright <01062> [birthright.]


Swear ......... swore <07650> [Swear.]

sold <04376> [and he sold.]


ate <0398> [eat.]

Esau .................. Esau <06215> [thus Esau.]

Genesis 6:1


multiply <07231> [A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. to multiply.]

Ezekiel 1:10


appearance <01823> [for the.]

faces ........... face .... man .... face ......... face ........... face <0120 06440> [the face of a man.]

faces ........... face ....... face .... lion ...... face ........... face <0738 06440> [the face of a lion.]

faces ........... face ....... face ......... face .... ox ........ face <07794 06440> [the face of an ox.]


faces ........... face ....... face ......... face ........... face .... eagle <05404 06440> [the face of an eagle.]

Ezekiel 10:14


first ...... a <0259> [every.]

faces ...... face .... cherub <06440 03742> [the face of a cherub.]

In ch. 1:10, instead of "the face of a cherub," it is "the face of an ox:" hence a cherub was in the likeness of an ox, at least as to its head. The extraordinary shape of these angelic beings, which appeared to the prophet in vision, is manifestly symbolical; for it is not to be supposed that these heavenly beings are really thus formed. The four faces, wings, and the arms of a man, denote the sublime qualities of these immediate ministers of the Deity; qualities entirely essential to fill up the extent of their duty. The face of a man denotes their intelligence; of a lion, their intrepid courage; of an ox, their patience and perseverance in labour; and of an eagle, their great penetration, their sublime sight into heavenly things, and their readiness to rise up into all that is great and divine. The wings being stretched out, signifies their readiness and rapidity in obeying the commands of their Master; the wings bent down, denotes their profound respect before the Lord of the Universe; and the man's arms under the wings, shew that zeal produces application and labour.

Ezekiel 41:18-19


cherubim ............ cherub ... cherub <03742> [with cherubims.]

decorative palm trees .... palm tree <08561> [palm trees.]

cherubim ............ cherub ... cherub <03742> [and every.]

Hosea 5:14


lion <07826> [as a lion.]

tear ... to pieces <02963> [will tear.]

rescue <05337> [none.]

Revelation 4:6-7


a sea <2281> [a sea.]

crystal <2930> [crystal.]

middle <3319> [the midst.]

four living creatures <2226 5064> [four beasts.]

full <1073> [full.]


first living creature ........ creature ....... creature ........... creature <4413 2226> [the first beast.]

like ....... like an ox ............... looked like <3664 3448> [like a calf.]

like <5613> [as.]

flying <4072> [a flying.]

Revelation 5:5


one <1520> [one.]

weeping <2799> [Weep.]

Lion <3023> [the Lion.]

root <4491> [the Root.]

has conquered <3528> [hath.]

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