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Acts 13:15


reading <320> [the reading.]

leaders of the synagogue <752> [the rulers.]

Brothers <435> [Ye men.]

if <1487> [if.]

Acts 15:32


<5607> [being.]

encouraged <3870> [exhorted.]

strengthened <1991> [confirmed.]

Acts 20:2


those <1565> [those.]

many <4183> [given.]

[Cir. A.M. 4064. A.D. 60.]

Greece <1671> [Greece.]

That is Greece properly so called, bounded on the west by Epirus, on the east by the Aegean sea, on the north by Macedonia, and on the south by the Peloponnesus. In its largest acceptation it also comprehended all Macedonia, Thessaly, Epirus, Peloponnesus, and the near by islands.

Acts 20:1


After <3326> [after.]

saying farewell <782> [embraced.]

to go <4198> [to go.]

Colossians 1:3


give thanks <2168> [give.]

when ... pray <4336> [praying.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 2:3


[In whom. or, Wherein.]

hidden <614> [hid.]

Colossians 2:1


how great <2245> [what.]

a struggle <73> [conflict. or, fear, or, care. at.]

not <3756> [not.]

Colossians 4:13


I can testify <3140> [I bear.]

Laodicea <2993> [Laodicea.]

Laodicea and Hierapolis were both cities of Phrygia in Asia Minor, between which, and equidistant from each, was situated Colosse. Laodicea was seated near the Lycus, about 63 miles east of Ephesus; and became one of the largest and richest towns in Phrygia, vying in power with the maritime cities. It is now called Eski-hissar, the old castle; and besides the whole surface within the city's wall being strewed with pedestals and fragments, the ruins of an amphitheatre, a magnificent odeum, and other public buildings, attest its former splendour and magnificence. But, when visited by Dr. Chandler, all was silence and solitude; and a fox, first discovered by his ears peeping over a brow, was the only inhabitant of Laodicea. Hierapolis, now Pambouk-Kaiesi, was situated, according to the Itinerary, six miles N. of Laodicea; and its ruins are now about a mile and a half in circumference.

Hebrews 10:25


abandoning <1459> [forsaking.]

but <235> [but.]

as .................. you see <2531 3745 991> [as ye.]

Hebrews 13:22


bear with <430> [suffer.]

for <1063> [for.]

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