Acts 7:17-36
as <2531> [when.]
people <2992> [the people.]
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
and <2532 2258 3739> [and was.]
[exceeding fair. or, fair to God.]
he ........ him .... him <846> [when.]
as <1519> [for.]
was trained <3811> [was learned.]
So ............ and ....... and <2532 1161 2258> [and was.]
when <5613> [when.]
it entered <305> [it came.]
to visit <1980> [to.]
but <1161> [For. or, Now. God.]
but <1161> [but.]
next <1966> [the next.]
who was unfairly hurting <91> [he that.]
Who <5101> [Who.]
forty <5062> [when.]
appeared <3700> [there.]
an angel <32> [an.]
in ....... in ... flame <1722 5395> [in a flame.]
bush <942> [in a bush.]
and ... he <1161 846> [and as.]
I .... God ...... God <1473 2316> [I am.]
and <1161> [Then.]
Take .... off <3089> [Put.]
I have certainly seen <1492> [I have seen.]
and ...... and I have come down <2532 2597> [and am.]
and ...... and ......... Now <2532 3568> [And now.]
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
This <5126> [the same.]
a ruler ........ ruler <758> [a ruler.]
in <1722> [by.]
led ... out <1806> [brought.]
performing <4160> [after.]
in ...... at ... Red .... in <1722 2063> [in the Red.]
and .... in ...... at ..... and in ... wilderness <2532 1722 2048> [and in the wilderness.]