Deuteronomy 1:1
Transjordanian <05676> [on this.]
Suph ... Paran <05489 06290> [Red sea. or, Zuph. Or rather, Suph.]
This could not have been the Red Sea, not only because the word {yam,} "sea," is not joined with it as usual, but because they were now east of Jordan, and farther from the Red Sea than ever. It seems to be the same which is called {Suphah} in Nu 21:14; which must necessarily signify some place in or adjoining to the plains of Moab, and not far from the Jordan and Arnon. Ptolemy mentions a people called Sophonites that dwelt in Arabia Petr‘a, who may have taken their name from this place.
Paran <06290> [Paran.]
Paran, Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Dizahab, seem to have been either places or cities not far from the plains of Moab; for it is evident that Paran and Hazeroth could not have been those near the Red sea, and not far from Horeb.
Hazeroth <02698> [Hazeroth.]
Deuteronomy 8:1-20
Remember <02142> [remember.]
forty <03212 0705> [led thee.]
humbling <06031> [to humble.]
test ... to see if <05254 03045> [prove thee.]
to see if <03045> [to know.]
feeding ..... manna <0398 04478> [fed thee.]
humankind ... live <02421 0120> [doth.]
Many have attempted to give the following meaning to this text:--"God so amply provided for them all the necessaries of life, that they never were obliged to wear tattered garments, nor were their feet injured for lack of shoes or sandals." Now, though the Israelites doubtless brought out of Egypt more raiment than what they had upon them; and they might manufacture the fleeces of their flocks in the wilderness; and also might be favoured by Providence with other supplies from the neighbouring nations or travelling hordes of Arabs; yet, when we consider their immense numbers, their situation and long continuance in the wilderness, and the very strong expressions made use of in the text, why should we question the extraordinary and miraculous interposition of God in this respect, as well as in others, not less stupendous in their nature, or constant in their supply?
aware <03045> [consider.]
parent <0376> [as a man.]
<03212> [walk.]
wheat <02406> [wheat.]
barley <08184> [barley.]
vines <01612> [vines.]
olive trees <02132 08081> [oil olive. Heb. olive tree of oil.]
stones <068> [whose stones.]
eat <0398> [thou hast.]
praise <01288> [then thou.]
eat <0398> [Lest when.]
build <01129> [and hast built.]
self-important <03824> [thine heart.]
forget <07911> [thou forget.]
great <03212 01419> [led thee.]
serpents <05175 08314> [fiery serpents.]
<03318> [who brought.]
fed ..... desert <0398 04057> [fed thee.]
humbling ... test <06031 05254> [he might.]
good <03190> [to do thee.]
say <0559> [thou say.]
ability <03581> [My power.]
gives <05414> [he that.]
confirm <06965> [that he may.]
testify .... today <05749 03117> [I testify against.]
destroy <06> [so shall ye perish.]