NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Exodus 3:13-15


name <08034> [What is his name.]


sent <07971> [I AM hath.]


Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

name forever <05769 08034> [this is my name for ever.]

The name here referred to is that which immediately precedes, [yhwh,] <\\See definition 03068\\>,] {Yehowah,} which we translate "Lord", the name by which God had been known from the creation of the world, (Ge 2:2,) and by which he is known to the present day. [yhwh,] {Yehowah,} from [hwh,] {hawah,} to be, subsist, signifies "He who is", or "subsists", i.e., eminently and in a manner superior to all other beings; and is essentially the same with [ahwh,] {eheyeh,} "I AM", in the preceding verse.

memorial <02143> [my memorial.]

Exodus 6:3


God Almighty <07706 0410> [God Almighty.]

{El shadday,} God Almighty; for {shadday} is evidently of affinity with the Arabic {shadid,} strong, mighty, and {shiddat,} strength, might; so the LXX. in Job render it [panto krator,] Vulgate, in Pentateuch, {Omnipotens,} and Syriac, in Job, {chasino.}

name <08034> [but by my name.]

If Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, did not know the name Jehovah, then Moses must have used it in Genesis by prolepsis, or anticipation. Mr. Locke and others read it interrogatively, for the negative particle, {lo,} not, has frequently this power in Hebrew: "I appeared unto Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, and by my name Jehovah was I not also made known unto them?"

Lord <03068> [JEHOVAH.]


Exodus 34:5-7


descended <03381> [descended.]

name <08034> [the name.]


passed <05674> [passed.]

proclaimed <07121> [proclaimed.]

Lord ......... Lord ... Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

compassionate <07349> [merciful.]

abounding <07227> [abundant.]

faithfulness <0571> [truth.]


keeping <05341> [Keeping.]

forgiving <05375> [forgiving.]

means ..... unpunished <05352> [that will by no means clear the guilty.]

The Hebrew {nakkeh lo yenakkeh,} has been rendered "Acquitting him who is not innocent." Nothing can more strongly express the goodness of God to frail mortals than this declaration, "which has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by all our translators."

responding <06485> [visiting.]

Deuteronomy 28:10


peoples <05971> [And all.]

Lord <07121> [called.]

respect <03372> [and they shall.]

Deuteronomy 28:2


come ..... abundance <0935 05381> [come on thee.]

Deuteronomy 7:14


blessed <01288> [blessed.]

beyond ........ barrenness <06135> [male or.]

Isaiah 43:7


<07121> [called.]

created <01254> [for I.]

glory <03519> [for my.]

Jeremiah 14:9


cannot <03201> [cannot.]

us <07130> [art.]

you <08034 07121> [we are called by thy name. Heb. thy name is called upon us.]

abandon <03240> [leave.]

Daniel 9:18-19


Listen <05186> [incline.]

look <07200> [behold.]

called .... name <07121 08034> [which is called by thy name. Heb. whereupon thy name is called.]

<05307> [for we.]

<05307> [present. Heb. cause to fall.]


Lord .... Lord forgive ... Lord <0136 05545> [O Lord, forgive.]

delay <0309> [defer.]

God <0430> [thine.]

city <05892> [for thy.]

Matthew 28:19


Therefore go <3767 4198> [ye therefore.]

make disciples of all nations <3956 1484 3100> [teach all nations. or, make disciples, or Christians, of all nations. baptizing.]

name <3686> [the name.]

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