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Ezekiel 41:22


altar <04196> [altar.]

This must signify the altar of incense; which, both in the tabernacle and Solomon's temple, was covered with plates of gold. It is very remarkable, that in this temple described by Ezekiel, there is not the least mention of gold or silver, though there was such a profusion of these metals in the former; which may probably imply, that a glory of a more spiritual nature was intended under these emblems.

table <07979> [This is.]

before <06440> [before.]

Ezekiel 44:16


enter <0935> [They shall enter.]

table <07979> [to my table.]

To place the shew-bread there. It is observable, that the table in the sanctuary is mentioned rather than the altar of incense; perhaps intimating the change in the external institutions of Divine worship which should take place before the accomplishment of the prophecy. It is not easy to determine, whether any external regulations, with respect to Divine ordinances, answerable to these predictions, will be made among the converted Jews, when reinstated in their own land, or not.

keep <08104> [keep.]

Malachi 1:7


offering <05066> [Ye offer, etc. or, Bring unto my, etc. polluted.]

table <07979> [The table.]

Malachi 1:12


profaning <02490> [ye have.]

table <07979> [The table.]

Luke 22:30


you may eat <2068> [eat.]

and ......... and <2532 2523> [and sit.]

Luke 22:1


Colossians 1:16-21


in ...... were created by him .................. were created through him .... him <1722 846 2936 1223> [by him were.]

in heaven ....... by <3772 1722> [in heaven.]

thrones <2362> [thrones.]

in ........ by ..................... through <1722 1223> [by.]


himself ............. him <846> [he.]

He ....... and ....... in <2532 1722> [and by.]


himself <846 2076> [he is.]

beginning <746> [the beginning.]

firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]

in all things <1722 3956> [in all. or, among all.]



by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]

to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]

all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]


<4218> [sometime.]

in ... minds <1271 1722> [in your mind by. or, by your mind in.]

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