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Ezra 7:9


determined ..... ascent <03246 04609> [began he to go up. Heb. was the foundation of the going up. according to.]

Ezra 7:1


Artaxerxes <0783> [A.M. 3547. B.C. 457. Artaxerxes.]

Ezra <05830> [Ezra.]

Seraiah <08304> [Seraiah.]

Hilkiah <02518> [Hilkiah.]

Ezra 5:4-5


What are <04479 0581> [What are.]

building this edifice <01836 01147 01124> [make this building. Chal. build this building.]


watching <05870> [But the eye.]

not <03809> [that they.]

and ...... sent back <0116 08421> [then they returned.]

Ezra 5:1


Haggai <02292> [A.M. 3484. B.C. 520. Haggai.]

These are the same Haggai and Zechariah, whose writings we have among the twelve minor prophets; and, as a great part of them refer to the events here recorded, the reader will find it very profitable to compare them with the history.

Zechariah <02148> [Zechariah.]

son ... Iddo <01247 05714> [the son of Iddo.]

That is, "the grandson of Iddo;" for Zechariah was the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo.

name <08036> [in the name.]

Ezra 1:9-10


gold basins .... basins <0105 02091> [chargers of gold.]

29 <08672> [nine.]

Nehemiah 4:1-11


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

derided <03932> [mocked.]


<02428> [the army.]

feeble <0537> [feeble.]

left ....... offer sacrifice <05800 02076> [fortify themselves. Heb. leave to themselves. sacrifice.]

life <02421> [revive.]


Tobiah <02900> [Tobiah.]


Hear <08085> [Hear.]

despised <0939> [despised. Heb. despite. turn.]


cover ... iniquity <03680 05771> [cover not.]

sin <02403> [their sin.]

builders <01129> [before the builders.]


wall ..... wall <02346> [and all the wall.]

That is, the whole circuit of the wall was completed unto half the intended height.

people <05971> [for the people.]

The original is very emphatic, {wyhee laiv l‰ƒm l„ƒsoth,} "for the people had a heart to work." Their heart was engaged in it, and they went about it cheerfully and vigorously.

<03820> [had a mind.]


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

Ammonites <05984> [the Ammonites.]

Ashdod <0796> [Ashdodites.]

When <08085> [heard.]

restoration <0724> [were made up. Heb. ascended. then.]


together <03162> [all.]

create <06213> [hinder it. Heb. make an error to it.]


prayed <06419> [Nevertheless.]

stationed ... guard <04929 05975> [set a watch.]


strength <03581> [The strength.]

laborers <05449> [bearers.]


aware <03045> [They shall not.]

Daniel 9:25


understand <07919> [and understand.]

issuing <04161> [from.]

restore ... rebuild Jerusalem ...................... again ... built <01129 03389 07725> [restore and to build Jerusalem. or, build again Jerusalem: as.]

anointed one <04899> [the Messiah.]

prince <05057> [the Prince.]

seven weeks .... weeks <07620 07651> [seven weeks.]

The seventy weeks are here divided into three periods. 1. Seven weeks, or 49 years, for the restoration of Jerusalem. 2. Sixty-two weeks, or 434 years, from that time to the announcement of the Messiah by John the Baptist. 3. One week, or seven years, for the ministry of John and of CHRIST himself to the crucifixion.

restore ... rebuild ....................... again ... built <07725 01129> [be built again. Heb. return and be builded. wall. or, breach, or, ditch. even.]

distressful times <06256 06695> [troublous times. Heb. strait of times.]

Daniel 9:1


Darius <01867> [A.M. 3466. B.C. 538. Darius.]

Ahasuerus <0325> [Ahasuerus.]

This was the Astyages of the heathen historians; as we learn from Tobit 14:15, where the taking of Nineveh is ascribed to Nebuchadnezzar and Assuerus, who were the same with Nabopolassar and Astyages.

king <04427> [which. or, in which he, etc.]

Colossians 1:9


from <575> [since.]

you have ... ceased <3973> [do.]

fill <2443 4137> [that ye.]

his <846> [of his.]

wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]

spiritual <4152> [spiritual.]

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