NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Galatians 4:20


I could be <3918> [to be.]

you .......... I am perplexed about you <1161 5209 1722 5213 639> [stand in doubt of you. or, am perplexed for you.]

Philippians 1:27


conduct ... in a manner <4176> [let.]

gospel ......................................... gospel <2098> [the gospel.]

whether ....... or whether <1535> [whether.]

I should hear <191> [I may.]

so that ................ that you are standing firm <2443 3754 4739> [that ye.]

in one ... with one <1722 1520> [in one.]

faith <4102> [the faith.]

Philippians 2:12


my dear friends ........... my ....... my <3450 27> [my beloved.]

just as you have ... obeyed <2531 5613 5219> [as ye.]

continue working out <2716> [work.]

your <1438> [own.]

with <3326> [with.]

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