Kidung Jemaat
Ephesians 6:18
Betapa Indah Harinya [KJ.395]
1. Betapa indah harinya saat kupilih Penebus.
Alangkah sukacitanya, 'ku memb'ritakannya terus.
2. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
3. Betapa indah janjiNya yang t'lah mengikat
hatiku; kub'ri kasihku padaNya serta menyanyi bersyukur!
4. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.5. Sudah 'ku jadi milikNya, Ia pun milikku kekal.
Yakin penuh 'ku ikutlah: suara Tuhan kukenal.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
6. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
7. Sentosalah, hai hatiku, Pelindungmu percayalah!
Jangan tinggalkan Tuhanmu, Sumber segala kurnia.
8. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
9. Setiap janji hatiku kembali kubaruilah;
sampai kepada ajalku kupuji pengasihanNya.
10. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.Play Hai Bangkit Bagi Yesus [KJ.340] ( Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus )
1. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus, pahlawan salibNya! Anjungkan panji
Raja dan jangan menyerah. Dengan semakin jaya Tuhanmu ikutlah,
Sehingga tiap lawan berlutut menyembah.
2. Hai angkit bagi Yesus, dengar panggilanNya! Hadapilah tantangan,
hariNya inilah! Dan biar tak terbilang pasukan kuasa g'lap,
semakin berbahaya, semakin kau tegap.
Rm 5:3-4
Yak 1:2-4
3. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus, pohonkan kuatNya; tenagamu sendiri tentu
tak cukuplah. Kenakan perlengkapan senjata Roh Kudus;
berjaga dan berdoa supaya siap t'rus!
2 Kor 10:3-4
Mrk 14:38
Kol 4:2
4. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus! Tak lama masa p'rang: gaduhnya 'kan diganti
nyanyian pemenang. Yang jaya diberikan mahkota yang baka, bersama
raja mulia berkuasa s'lamanya.2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Why 22:5
Play Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
1. Lawanlah godaan, s'lalu bertekun; tiap kemenangan
kau tambah teguh; nafsu kejahatan harus kautentang;
harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Ef 6:10-18
Yak 1:12
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
2. Tinggalkan yang jahat, dosa dicegah; tindakanmu
tulus tiada bercela: junjung kebenaran, hidup dalam
t'rang, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Rm 13:12-14
Ef 4:17-32
Kol 3:5-17
1 Tes 5:5-8
1 Yoh 2:8-11
3. Allah memberikan tajuk mulia bagi yang berjaya
di dalam iman; Kristus memulihkan kau yang
tertekan, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58] ( Love Divine, All Loves Excelling )
1. Maha kasih yang ilahi, nikmat sorga, turunlah
Mendiami hati kami; Kau mahkota kurnia.
Yesus, Kau berlimpah rahmat, Sumber kasih yang besar!
Datanglah membawa s'lamat bagi kami yang gentar.1 Kor 13:13
Play Maju, Laskar Kristus [KJ.339] ( Onward, Christian Soldiers )
1. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap! Rajamu sendiri jalan di depan; majulah,
iringi panji cemerlang!
2 Kor 2:14
Ul 31:8
Yes 45:2
2. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!3. Saat dianjungkan panji Penebus, kuasa Iblis mundur, dikalahkan
t'rus. Goncanglah neraka, kar'na mendengar sorak-soraianmu
nyaring menggegar.
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 12:9
Yes 14:9
4. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
5. Bagai laskar jaya G'reja maju t'rus di jejak teladan saksi yang kudus.
Kita satu tubuh yang kudus dan am; satu pengharapan, satu pun iman.
Ibr 12:1
Ibr 13:7
Ef 4:3-6
6. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
7. Kuasa duniawi timbul-tenggelam, tapi G'reja Kristus takkan terbenam!
Alam maut tak sanggup menjatuhkannya: Kristus memenuhi isi janjiNya.
Mzm 46:7-8
Dan 2:37-44
Mat 16:18
8. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
9. Kar'na itu, maju! Ikut salib t'rus, turutlah memuji Raja Penebus:
"Hormat, kemuliaan, Tuhan, t'rimalah!" Insan dan malaikat sujud menyembah.
Why 5:11-13
10. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!Play Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play Setialah [KJ.446]
1. Setialah kepada Tuhanmu, hai kawan yang penat.
Setialah, sokonganNya tentu di jalan yang berat.
'Kan datang Raja yang berjaya menolong orang
yang percaya. Setialah!
Mat 10:22
Why 2:10
2. Setialah percaya Penebus, percaya janjiNya.
Setialah, berjuanglah terus di fajar merekah.
DiputuskanNya rantai setan: kau bebas dari kesempitan.
Ibr 12:1-3
3. Setialah! Bertahanlah tetap sehingga kau menang.
Setialah! Selamatmu genap, sesudah berperang.
Meski bertambah marabaya, t'lah hampir habis susah payah.
Ef 6:10-20
1 Tim 6:11-14
2 Tim 2:4-5
Rm 5:3-4
4. Setialah kepada Yang Menang, meski maut kautempuh.
Setialah! Sehabis berperang terima upahmu: mahkota
Hidup diberiNya; kaumasuk dalam t'rang ceria.
Setialah!2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
1. Sungguh, Kerajaan Allah di bumi tak kalah.
Yesus yang bangkit dilantik menjadi kepala.
Ia menang; g'lapmu menjadi terang:
Lihatlah fajar menyala.
Mat 28:18
Ef 1:22
Kol 2:10
Why 19:16
Yoh 8:12
Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Sambil menyangkal dirimu tetaplah percaya.
Jangan pengharapan hilang di p'rang dan bahaya.
Biar gentar, hatimu pun berdebar,
Akhirnya kamu berjaya.
Mrk 8:34
Ef 6:10-20
Kol 1:23
1 Ptr 5:8-11
3. Akhirnya Yesus memulihkan orang terluka,
kaumnya lepas dari nista, sengsara dan duka.
Nantikanlah hari kedatanganNya:
Langit gemilang terbuka!Why 7:17
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Genesis 32:26
[Gen 32:26] I Would Not Be Denied
When pangs of death seized on my soul,
Unto the Lord I cried;
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.Refrain
I would not be denied,
I would not be denied,
Till Jesus came and made me whole,
I would not be denied.As Jacob in the days of old,
I wrestled with the Lord;
And instant, with a courage bold,
I stood upon His Word.Refrain
Old Satan said my Lord was gone
And would not hear my prayer;
But praise the Lord, the work is done,
And Christ the Lord is here.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Lord, I Cannot Let Thee Go
Lord, I cannot let Thee go,
[originally, Nay, I cannot let Thee go]
Till a blessing Thou bestow:
Do not turn away Thy face,
Mine’s an urgent, pressing case.Dost Thou ask me who I am?
Ah! my Lord, Thou know’st my name;
Yet the question gives a plea
To support my suit with Thee.Thou didst once a wretch behold,
In rebellion blindly bold,
Scorn Thy grace, Thy power defy:
That poor rebel, Lord, was I.Once a sinner, near despair,
Sought Thy mercy seat by prayer;
Mercy heard, and set him free:
Lord, that mercy came to me.Many days have passed since then,
Many changes I have seen;
Yet have been upheld till now;
Who could hold me up but Thou?Thou hast helped in every need;
This emboldens me to plead:
After so much mercy past,
Canst Thou let me sink at last?No, I must maintain my hold;
’Tis Thy goodness makes me bold;
I can no denial take,
When I plead for Jesus’ sake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] My God, I Know, I Feel Thee Mine
My God! I know, I feel Thee mine,
And will not quit my claim,
Till all I have is lost in Thine,
And all renewed I am.I hold Thee with a trembling hand,
But will not let Thee go,
Till steadfastly by faith I stand,
And all Thy goodness know.When shall I see the welcome hour,
That plants my God in me!
Spirit of health, and life, and power,
And perfect liberty!Jesus, Thine all victorious love
Shed in my heart abroad;
Then shall my feet no longer rove,
Rooted and fixed in God.Love only can the conquest win,
The strength of sin subdue,
(My own unconquerable sin)
And form my soul anew.Love can bow down the stubborn neck,
The stone to flesh convert,
Soften, and melt, and pierce, and break
An adamantine heart.O that in me the sacred fire
Might now begin to glow,
Burn up the dross of base desire,
And make the mountains flow!O that it now from heaven might fall,
And all my sins consume!
Come, Holy Ghost, for Thee I call,
Spirit of burning, come!Refining fire, go through my heart,
Illuminate my soul;
Scatter Thy life through every part,
And sanctify the whole.No longer then my heart shall mourn,
While, purified by grace,
I only for His glory burn,
And always see His face.My steadfast soul, from falling free,
Shall then no longer move;
But Christ be all the world to me,
And all my heart be love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 32:26] Shepherd Divine, Our Wants Relieve
Shepherd divine, our wants relieve
In this our evil day,
To all Thy tempted followers give
The power to watch and pray.Long as our fiery trials last,
Long as the cross we bear,
O let our souls on Thee be cast
In never ceasing prayer!The Spirit of interceding grace
Give us in faith to claim;
To wrestle till we see Thy face,
And know Thy hidden Name.Till thou Thy perfect love impart,
Till thou thyself bestow,
Be this the cry of every heart,
“I will not let Thee go:“I will not let Thee go, unless
Thou tell Thy name to me,
With all Thy great salvation bless,
And make me all like Thee:“Then let me on the mountain top
Behold Thy open face,
Where faith in sight is swallowed up,
And prayer in endless praise.”Play source: Cyberhymnal
Habakkuk 2:3
[Hab 2:3] Lord, We Know That Thou Art Near Us
Lord, we know that Thou art near us,
Though Thou seem’st to hide Thy face;
And are sure that Thou dost hear us,
Though no answer we embrace.Not one promise shall miscarry
Not one blessing come too late
Though the vision long may tarry
Give us patience, Lord to wait.While withholding—Thou art giving
In Thine own appointed way
And while waiting we’re receiving
Blessings suited to our day.O the wondrous loving-kindness
Planning, working out of sight,
Bearing with us in our blindness,
Out of darkness bringing light.Weaving blessings out of trials,
Out of grief evolving bliss;
Answering prayer by wise denials
When Thy children ask amiss.And when faith shall end in vision,
And when prayer is lost in praise,
Then shall love, in full fruition,
Justify Thy secret ways.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 10:36-37
[Heb 10:37] And Is It So? A Little While
And is it so? “A little while,”
And then the life undying,
The light of God’s unclouded smile,
The singing for the sighing?
“A little while!” O glorious word,
Sweet solace of our sorrow;
And then “forever with the Lord,”
The everlasting morrow.Then be it ours to journey on
In paths that He decrees us,
Where His own feet before have gone,
Our strength, our hope, our Jesus;
In lowly fellowship with Him
The cross appointed bearing;
For O a crown no grief can dim
One day we shall be wearing.O ’twill be passing sweet to gaze
On Him in all His glory;
And lost in love and glad amaze
To shout redemption’s story;
Till angels bend to catch the strain
Our human lips are swelling,
And “worthy is the Lamb once slain,”
Resounds through Heaven’s high dwelling.Play source: Cyberhymnal