Judges 6:14
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
strength <03212 03581> [Go in.]
Judges 6:17-20
pleased <04672> [If now.]
give <06213> [shew.]
<03318> [bring.]
gift <04503> [present. or, meat offering.]
prepared <06213> [and made.]
Dr. Shaw observes, "Besides a bowl of milk, and a basket of figs, raisins, or dates, which upon our arrival were presented to us, to stay our appetite, the master of the tent fetched us from his flock, according to the number of our company, a kid or a goat, a lamb or a sheep; half of which was immediately seethed by his wife, and served up with {cucasoe;} the rest was made {kab-ab,} i.e., cut to pieces and roasted, which we reserved for our breakfast or dinner next day." May we not suppose, says Mr. Harmer, that Gideon presented some slight refreshment to the supposed prophet, according to the present Arab mode, and desired him to stay till he could provide something more substantial; that he immediately killed a kid, seethed a part of it, and when ready brought the stewed meat in a pot, with unleavened cakes of bread, which he had baked; and the other part, the {kab-ab,} in a basket for him to carry with him, for some after repast in his journey?
goat <05795> [a kid. Heb. a kid of the goats. unleavened cakes.]
this <03240 01975> [lay them.]
pour out .... Gideon <08210> [pour out.]
Exodus 4:1-9
staff <04294> [a rod.]
snake <05175> [it became.]
Put out ............ put out <07971> [put forth.]
Put out ............ put out <07971> [And he put.]
believe <0539> [That they.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
leprous ... snow <07950 06879> [leprous as snow.]
back .......... back ................. restored <07725> [it was turned.]
believe ............. believe <0539> [if they.]
believe ............. believe <0539> [that they.]
water .............. water <04325> [the water.]
blood <01818> [shall become. Heb. shall be, and shall be. blood.]
Exodus 4:2
staff <04294> [a rod.]
Exodus 20:9
Psalms 103:13-14
father <01> [Like.]
faithful followers <03373> [them.]
knows <03045> [he knoweth.]
clay <06083> [we are dust.]
Matthew 16:1
Pharisees <5330> [Pharisees.]
Sadducees <4523> [Sadducees.]
to test <3985> [tempting.]
a sign <4592> [a sign.]