Kidung Jemaat
John 10:14
- Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]
1. Bunga 'kan layu kering, sian diganti malam;
soal sandang pangan masih terus penting.
Mzm 103:15-16
2. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
3. Bila kaurasa sepi, siapa yang memahami?
Jika kau menangis, siapa yang mengerti?
4. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
5. Yang kauterima lebih masih kaurasa kurang
dan yang kauperlukan tak pasti diberi.
6. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
7. Takkan di sana perlu surya dan sinar bulan,
kar'na wajah Tuhan 'kan menyinarimu.
Yes 60:18-19
Why 21:23
8. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
9. Hilanglah rasa sedih, Tuhan beserta kita;
hidup bahagia tak akan berhenti.
1 Tes 4:17
10. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
11. Songsonglah Hari Kekal! Nyanyilah bagi Allah;
kita selamanya olehNya dikenal.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
12. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!Play - Sang Rajalah Gembalaku [KJ.377]
1. Sang Rajalah gembalaku yang baik dan Penyayang.
Tak kurang aku apapun selama 'ku milikNya.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11, 14
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. Ke sumber air yang tenang, ke padang rumput subur
selalu 'ku dibimbingNya dan jiwaku terhibur.
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
3. Di kala aku tersesat, olehNya 'ku dicari;
di dalam kasih dan rahmat dibawa 'ku kembali.
Mzm 119:176
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Di bayang maut yang gelap tiada aku takut.
Engkau bersamaku tetap; salibMu yang memandu.
5. Engkau hidangkan bagiku karunia Roh berlimpah;
kudapat dalam kasihMu segala sukacita.
6. Sepanjang jalan hidupku kebaikanMu sertaku;
kekal 'ku mau memujiMu di rumahMu, Tuhanku.Play - Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
1. Seluruh umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal: besar kecil semua, sekarang
kekal. Mereka dijagai di dalam dunia; baik hidup maupun mati mereka
milikNya. Baik hidup maupun mati mereka milikNya.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
Mrk 10:13-16
Rm 14:8
2. Mereka dikenalNya yang hidup beriman, yang patuh dan percaya
berdasarkan Firman. Firmanlah yang menjadi santapan baka,
Firmanlah yang menjamin bertahan s'lamanya.
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Mat 4:4
3. Mereka dikenalNya yang harapnya teguh, mengaku Yesus saja
Tuhannya yang kudus. Mereka disinari sabdaNya yang benar dan
Tumbuh tiap hari menghijau dan segar.
Mzm 52:10
Mzm 92:13-16
4. Mereka dikenalNya yang kasihnya penuh, yang ikut kehendakNya
dan hidup dalam Roh, berjalan dalam kasih dengan sesamanya dan
suka memberkati menurut contohNya.
Mrk 3:35
Mrk 12:31
Yoh 13:34
Rm 12:10
Flp 2:1-6
Mat 5:44
Rm 12:14
5. Begitu umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal besar-kecil semua, sekarang dan
kekal; mereka menghayati kuasa Roh Kudus iman, harapan, kasih
pegangannya terus.
Mrk 10:13-16
6. Berikanlah, ya Tuhan, iman tetap teguh, harapan tak berkurang dan
kasih yang penuh. Di saat Kau kembali, tempatkan umatMu yang
sudah Kaukenali di sisi kananMu.1 Kor 13:13
Mat 25:33-34
Play - Tiap Hari Bergembira [KJ.150]
1. Tiap hari bergembira 'ku membaca Alkitab:
Jurus'lamat yang setia jadi Kawanku tetap!
2 Tim 3:15-17
2. Anak-anak diberkati dan dirangkul olehNya;
Kerajaan yang sorgawi nyata dalam dunia.
Mrk 10:13-15
3. Orang sakit disembuhkan orang miskin pun lega,
disebut saudara Tuhan kar'na kasih sayangNya.
Mrk 1:32-34
Ibr 2:11
4. Bahkan orang yang berdosa diterima Tuhanku,
dan mereka yang bertobat diampuniNya penuh.
Mrk 2:5
Luk 15:1-2
Luk 5:32
5. Tuhan Yesuslah Gembala yang menuntun dombaNya
masuk Kerajaan Allah yang penuh karunia.
Yoh 10:11-18
1 Ptr 2:25
6. 'Ku membaca tiap hari dalam Kitab yang kudus
dan semakin kusadari pengasihan Penebus.Play - Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
1. Yesus, Tuhanku, apakah dosaMu, hingga hukuman bagiMu berlaku?
Durhaka apa sudah dituduhkan padaMu Tuhan?
Mi 6:3
Mat 27:4
Luk 23:22, 47
2 Kor 5:21
2. Kau didera, dihina kaum prajurit, Kau dicerca, dib'ri mahkota duri
dan minumMu pada kayu salib anggur yang pahit.
Mat 27:26-31
Mat 27:34
3. Apa sebabnya Kauterima siksa? Tak lain kar'na dosa manusia:
aku sendiri dan kesalahanku jadi bebanMu!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Siapa menduga jalan hukum ini: bahwa Gembala mengurbankan diri,
jadi tebusan domba yang bersalah terhadap Allah.
Yoh 10:11-18
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 3:16
5. Kau harus mati walau tak berdosa, orang bersalah hidup dan sentosa.
Bebaskanlah kami yang t'lah mengaminkan Kau disalibkan.
Rm 5:6-10
6. Kasih sempurna, rahmat tak terhingga, Kau menjalani siksa maut hina.
Aku terbawa dunia sukacita, kau menderita!
7. Raja abadi, apa kulakukan, agar kasihMu dapat kumasyhurkan?
Apa yang layak aku persembahkan jadi imbalan?
8. Tiada yang sanggup untuk mengimbangi rahmat kasihMu suci dan ilahi.
Baik berusaha maupun beribadah, takkan setara!
9. Namun yang tinggal berkenan padaMu hanyalah bila kusalibkan nafsu;
hati yang hancur yang hendak bertobat tidak Kautolak.
Mzm 51:19
10. Kar'na 'ku tahu aku tak berkuasa dan agar jangan aku putus asa,
b'ri Roh KudusMu memerintah aku ikut jejakMu!
1 Ptr 2:21
11. Jadikan daku taat dan setia demi namaMu yang mahamulia,
agar kupikul salibMu ke muka tanpa berduka.
Mrk 8:34
12. Walau karyaku tak bersifat jasa, namun, ya Tuhan, Kau senantiasa
mau menerima persembahan hati dan Kauberkati.
13. Ya Tuhan Yesus yang di takhta Allah, Kau yang terpuji untuk selamanya;
aku pun ikut memberi selalu syukur padaMu!Why 5:12-13
Matthew 25:12
- Bangunlah! Dengar Suara [KJ.276]
1. "Bangunlah!", dengar suara memanggil tinggi di menara,
"Yerusalem, hai bangunlah!" Bergema suara lantang pertanda
sudah larut malam: "Hai para put'ri, jagalah! T'lah datang
Mempelai; pelita ambillah! Haleluya! Bersiaplah ke pestaNya
dan sambut Dia segera!"
Yes 52:1-9
Yes 60:1-3
Mat 25:1-13
2. Sion sangat bergembira ketika mendengar berita; terbangun Dia
segera. Yang dinanti sudah datang, penuh karunia, kebenaran:
cahaya fajar merekah. Pangeran mulia, ya Yesus marilah! Hosiana!
Semuanya ikut serta perjamuan bahagia.
Yoh 1:14
Why 22:20
Why 19:7
3. Gloria! Mari bernyanyi teriring gambus dan kecapi, malaikat dan
manusia! Ada duab'las gapura terbuat dari mutiara di kota suci
mulia. Di manakah pernah tempat bahagia yang setara?
Bersoraklah, haleluya sekarang dan selamanya!Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 21:2, 9-14
Play - Majulah, Majulah [KJ.253]
1. Majulah, majulah, maju dalam t'rang permai dan nyalakanlah
pelita menantikan Mempelai; sumber Hidup hanya Dia.
Umat Tuhan, masuk pintuNya, majulah, majulah!
Yes 60:1
Mat 25:1-13
Mzm 118:20
Mat 7:13-14
Yoh 10:7-9
Why 3:8
2. Tabahlah, tabahlah, tabah tanpa mengeluh; tanggunglah cerca dan duka,
taat sampai ajalmu. Lihat tajuk kehidupan;
biar Iblis datang menerpa, tabahlah, tabahlah!
2 Kor 1:6
Ef 6:10-13
Ibr 12:1-3
1 Ptr 2:21-23
1 Ptr 5:4, 8
Why 2:10
3. Tolaklah, tolaklah tolak rayu dunia yang mencoba memegahkan
dikau oleh hartanya; jangan pandang kesenangan:
janji Iblis dan godaannya tolaklah, tolaklah!
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 1:2-4
Ef 4:27
Yak 4:7
4. Ujilah, ujilah, ujilah setiap roh yang memikat kiri kanan
untuk menyesatkanmu. Ikut Bintang Pengharapan,
tapi yang tersamar nampaknya ujilah, ujilah!
1 Yoh 4:1
5. Tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah, tumbu dalam Tuhanmu: Roh dan Hidup kauseraplah;
jangan maut kautempuh. Subur oleh kuasa Allah
bagai carang hijau s'lamanya tumbuhlah, tumbuhlah!Yoh 15:1-8
Ef 4:15
Kol 1:10-11
Kol 2:19
2 Ptr 3:18
Galatians 2:19
- 'Ku Disalibkan dengan Tuhanku [KJ.404]
Dying with Jesus /
Moment by Moment
1. 'Ku disalibkan dengan Tuhanku; hidupNya pun diberi padaku.
Memandang padaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Kol 3:1-3
Rm 14:8
2. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
3. Di pencobaanTuhanku dekat, turut memikul beban yang berat,
di kedukaan Teman yang erat; setia saat dib'riNya berkat.
Mat 11:28-30
4. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
5. Tiada tangisan dan hati sedih, tiada keluh di bahaya ngeri
yang oleh Yesus tak dimengerti setiap saat, dengan tak henti.
Ibr 4:15
6. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.
7. Kelemahanku dirasakanNya; bila 'ku sakit, dipulihkanNya;
setiap saat, gelap dan cerah, Yesus, Tuhanku, menyucikannya.
8. Setiap saat hatiku kenal kasih ilahi dan hidup kekal. Memandang
PadaMu, ya Tuhanku, 'ku tiap saat benar milikMu.Play - Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan [KJ.191]
1. Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan, kami sambut fajarmu.
Di terangmu daya maut hilang, kalah sudah seteru.
Kristus, Matahari Kehidupan, o, pancarkan sinar
penghiburan dan harapan yang penuh akan damai Sabatmu.
Mrk 16:2
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Mal 4:2
2. Atas panggilanMu kami bangkit, hidup dalam hidupMu.
Dari kubur-dosa kami tampil, dibebaskan Roh Kudus.
Ajar kami tiap-tiap hari di kematianMu turut mati,
agar bangkit dan teguh ikut jalan jayaMu.
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
1 Kor 15:22
Rm 6:18, 22
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Gal 5:24-25
Ef 5:14
3. Hidup, mati, kami mengalami perlindunganMu tetap.
Nanti gurun dunia dijalani, masa duka pun genap.
Sungguh indah Hari Perhentian menyudahi malam kematian,
Saat kami menyembah Dikau di terang baka.Rm 14:8
Ibr 4:9-10
1 Tes 4:14
John 10:3
[Joh 10:3] “follow Me!” A Call So Tender
“Follow Me!” A call so tender
Falls upon my list’ning ear;
’Tis the voice of Christ, my Savior,
’Tis the Shepherd’s call I hear.Refrain
O that call! Loving call!
’Tis the sweetest voice of all.
How it draws me nearer to Him
When I hear my Shepherd’s call!Into pastures green He leadeth,
His own sheep He calls by name;
When their feet are sore and weary,
In His arms He carries them.Refrain
Little flock, fear not! He shields thee
From the dangers of the land.
Hear His promise: None shall ever
Pluck thee from His mighty hand.Refrain
In His steps, then, I would follow,
Seek in Him my all in all;
I am safe, whate’er befalls me,
When I heed His tender call.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] God Leads Us Along
In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet,
God leads His dear children along;
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet,
God leads His dear children along.Refrain
Some through the waters, some through the flood,
Some through the fire, but all through the blood;
Some through great sorrow, but God gives a song,
In the night season and all the day long.Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright,
God leads His dear children along;
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night,
God leads His dear children along.Refrain
Though sorrows befall us and evils oppose,
God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes,
God leads His dear children along.Refrain
Away from the mire, and away from the clay,
God leads His dear children along;
Away up in glory, eternity’s day,
God leads His dear children along.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] Lead Us, Heavenly Father (herford)
Lead us, heavenly Father,
In our opening way,
Lead us in the morning
Of our little day.
While our hearts are happy,
While our souls are free,
May we give our childhood
As a song to Thee.Lead us, heavenly Father,
As the way grows long,
Be our strong salvation,
Be our joyous song.
Gladdened by Thy mercies,
Chastened by Thy rod,
May we walk through all things
Humbly with our God.Lead us, heavenly Father,
By Thy voices clear—
Through Thy prophets holy,
Through Thy Son so dear—
Him Who took the children
In His arms of love;
May we all be gathered
In His home above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Savior, like a shepherd lead us, much we need Thy tender care;
In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use Thy folds prepare.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.We are Thine, Thou dost befriend us, be the guardian of our way;
Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, seek us when we go astray.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Hear, O hear us when we pray.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Hear, O hear us when we pray.Thou hast promised to receive us, poor and sinful though we be;
Thou hast mercy to relieve us, grace to cleanse and power to free.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee.Early let us seek Thy favor, early let us do Thy will;
Blessèd Lord and only Savior, with Thy love our bosoms fill.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still.
Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] Seeking For Me
Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came,
Laid in a manger to sorrow and shame;
Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His Name,
Seeking for me, for me:
Seeking for me, seeking for me,
Seeking for me, seeking for me,
Oh, it was wonderful, blest be His Name,
Seeking for me, for me.Jesus, my Savior, in mercy and love,
Came from the mansions of Heaven above,
Tenderly pleading with sinners like me,
Pleading for me, for me:
Pleading for me, pleading for me,
Pleading for me, pleading for me,
Tenderly pleading for sinners like me,
Pleading for me, for me.Jesus, my Savior, the same as of old,
While I did wander afar from the fold,
Gently and long He hath pled with my soul,
Calling for me, for me:
Calling for me, calling for me,
Calling for me, calling for me,
Gently and long He hath pled with my soul,
Calling for me, for me.Jesus, my Savior, will come from on high,
Sweet is the promise as weary years fly;
Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky,
Coming for me, for me:
Coming for me, coming for me,
Coming for me, coming for me,
Oh, I shall see Him descending the sky,
Coming for me, for me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] Shepherd Of Love, The
The Shepherd of Love is seeking the lost
In paths that are rough and steep;
He’s calling the lambs that have gone astray,
He’s calling, calling His sheep.Refrain
Out of your darkness of sin and shame,
Into His love, forever the same,
Come to Him now, believe on His Name,
O answer the call today.The Shepherd of Love knows His sheep by name,
And tenderly leads the way;
O weary one, come to the Shepherd’s fold,
He’s calling, calling today.Refrain
The Shepherd of Love our ransom hath paid,
And offers salvation free;
He’s patiently waiting for thee to come,
He’s calling, calling for thee.Refrain
The Shepherd of Love now seeketh His sheep,
He seeketh whate’er the cost;
Behold, He is calling the wand’rer home,
He’s calling, calling the lost.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 10:3] Shepherd’s Call, The
A shepherd band their flocks are keeping,
And gentle lambs are sweetly sleeping;
When suddenly they all behold
An angel in bright robes, with harp of gold.Glad tidings of great joy he bringeth,
The azure vault with anthems ringeth;
Immanuel awakes the song,
And countless hosts the glorious theme prolong.“To you, this day, is born a Savior,
Your Prophet, Priest and King forever;
All glory be to God,” they cry;
“All glory be to God,” let earth reply.“On earth be peace with mercy blending,
Goodwill to men, and love unending”;
Thus sweetly sing the angel throng,
And all the heav’nly host rehearse the song.Through field and wood the song resoundeth,
O’er hill and vale the chorus boundeth;
Exultingly the echoes roll,
And hymns of triumph spread from pole to pole.The shepherds view the host returning,
Their hearts with holy ardor burning;
To Bethlehem they wend their way,
Repeating with glad tongues th’angelic lay.In haste they seek the heav’nly Stranger;
They find the Babe laid in a manger;
With wonder and with awe they fall,
And joyfully adore Him, Lord of all.Now every voice with rapture swelleth,
For Christ the Lord with mortals dwelleth;
Let men and angels Him adore,
And shout their loud hosannas evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 10:14
[Joh 10:14] True Shepherd, The
I was wandering and weary
When my Savior came unto me;
For the ways of sin grew dreary,
And the world has ceased to woo me;
And I thought I heard Him say,
As He came along His way,Refrain
O wand’ring souls, come near Me,
My sheep would never fear Me,
My sheep would never fear Me:
I am the Shepherd true.At first I would not hearken,
And put off till the morrow;
But life began to darken,
And I was sick with sorrow;
Still I thought I heard Him say,
As He came along His way,Refrain
At last I stopped to listen,
His voice could not deceive me;
I saw His kind eyes glisten,
So anxious to relieve me,
I was sure I heard Him say,
As He came along His way,Refrain
He took me on His shoulder,
And tenderly He kissed me;
He bade my love be bolder,
And said how He had missed me;
Then I heard Him sweetly say,
As He went along His way,Refrain
I thought His love would weaken,
As more and more He knew me;
But it burneth like a beacon,
And its light and heat go thro’ me.
And I ever hear Him say,
As He goes along His way,Refrain
Let us do, then, dearest brothers,
What will best and longest please us.
Follow not the ways of others,
But trust ourselves to Jesus.
We shall ever hear Him say,
As He goes along His way,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 7:23
[Mat 7:23] I Never Knew You
When the King in His beauty shall come to His throne,
And around Him are gathered His loved ones, His own;
There be some who will knock at His fair palace door,
To be answered within, “There is mercy no more.”Refrain
“I have never known you,
I have never known you,
I have never, I have never,
I have never known you.”They had known whence He came, and the grace which He brought;
In their presence He healed, in their streets He had taught;
They had mentioned His Name and their friendship professed;
But they never believed, for of them He confessed:Refrain
Now the righteous are reigning with Abraham there;
But for these is appointed an endless despair;
It is vain that they call: He once knocked at their gate,
But they welcomed Him not; so now this is their fate:Refrain
O sinner, give heed to this story of gloom,
For the hour is fast nearing that fixes your doom;
Will you still reject mercy? still harden your heart?
Oh, then, what will you do as the King cries, “Depart!”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal