Kidung Jemaat
John 19:34
Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37a] ( Rock of Ages )
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu.
Mzm 62:7-8
Mzm 71:3
1 Kor 10:4
Yoh 19:34
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Walau aku berjerih dan menangis tiada henti,
apapun usahaku, tak menghapus dosaku.
Hanya oleh kurbanMu Kaus'lamatkan diriku.
Rm 3:20, 27
Ef 2:8-9
2 Tim 1:9
Tit 3:5
3. Tiada lain kupegang, hanya salib dan iman;
dalam kehampaanku kudambakan rahmatMu.
Tanpa Dikau, Tuhanku, takkan hidup jiwaku.
Gal 6:14
4. Bila tiba saatnya kutinggalkan dunia
dan Kaupanggil diriku ke hadapan takhtaMu,
Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37b] ( Rock of Ages )
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu.Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play Memandang Salib Rajaku [KJ.169] ( When I Survey the Wondrous Cross )
1. Memandang salib Rajaku yang mati untuk dunia,
kurasa hancur congkakku dan harta hilang harganya.
Za 12:10
Mrk 15:22-26
Yoh 19:37
Why 1:7
2. Tak boleh aku bermegah selain di dalam salibMu;
kubuang nikmat dunia demi darahMu yang kudus.
Gal 6:14
3. Berpadu kasih dan sedih mengalir dari lukaMu;
mahkota duri yang pedih menjadi keagunganMu.
Yoh 19:34
Mrk 15:16-19
4. Melihat darah lukaNya membalut tubuh Tuhanku,
'ku mati bagi dunia dan dunia mati bagiku.
Gal 6:14
5. Andaikan jagad milikku dan kuserahkan padaNya,
tak cukup bagi Tuhanku diriku yang dimintaNya.
Rm 12:1
Play Pataka Raja MajuLah [KJ.171]
1. Pataka Raja majulah, Salib menjulang cemerlang:
tergantung Khalik semesta di dalam rupa mahlukNya.
Mrk 15:22-26
Flp 2:6-8
2. Di salib itu lihatlah terpaku Kurban mulia;
tanganNya direntangkanNya demi berkat anugerah.
3. Ditikam tombak yang kejam, mengucur dari lambungNya
campuran air-darahNya membasuh dosa manusia.
Yoh 19:34
4. Nubuat Mazmur Daud genap: "Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia,
akui Tuhan Rajamu; sebatang kayu takhtaNya."
Mzm 96:10
5. O pohon elok dan megah, berhias merah mulia,
terpilih agar dahanmu, menjamah tubuh Rajaku.
6. Ditimbang pada cabangmu Tebusan bagi dunia:
tawanan maut bebaslah, terangkat di neracamu.
7. Harumlah damar kayumu, aroma madu kalahlah;
penuh berkatlah Buahmu, o pohon hayat yang megah!2 Kor 2:16
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
8. Salam, mezbah dan Kurbannya, sebab sengsara mulia:
Yang Hidup memasuki maut; terbitlah hidup abadi.
9. O salib, kau harapanku di waktu 'ku memanggulmu:
limpahkanlah karunia dan dosaku tutuplah.
10. Tritunggal Allah, t'rimalah syukur seluruh mahlukMu!
Yang Kaus'lamatkan pimpinlah kekal selama-lamanya.Play
John 19:2
Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play
Zechariah 13:1
BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
1. BagiMu, Tuhan, nyanyianku, kar'na setaraMu siapakah ?
Hendak kupuji Kau selalu; padaku Roh Kudus berikanlah,
Supaya dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
kidungku berkenan kepadaMu.
Mzm 89:7
Yes 40:25
Ef 5:18-20
2. O tuntun aku ke PutraMu,
agar padaMu 'ku dituntunNya:
dan RohMu diam dalam rohku,
membuat mata hatiku cerah,
sehingga kurasakan damaiMu
dan kuungkapkan dalam kidungku.
Ef 1:17-18
3. Beri berkatMu, Maha Tuhan,
gar benar kudus puianku,
dan doa juga kulagukan
di dalam Roh dan kebenaranMu,
jiwaku pun padaMu bersyukur,
bersama bala sorga bermazmur.
Yoh 4:23
Mzm 103:20-22
4. Doaku yang tak terucapkan,
Roh kudusMu yang mengungkapkannya
Dan bahwa aku anak Allah,
Roh kudus juga mengatakannya,
sehingga dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
'ku berseru, "Ya Abba, Bapaku!"
Rm 8:26
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
5. Padaku RohMu mengajarkan
berdoa yang sesuai maksudMu;
ya Bapa, pasti Kaudengarkan
doaku dalam nama PutraMu:
di dalam Dia kuterimalah
karunia demi karunia.
Rm 8:26-27
Yoh 16:23-27
Yoh 1:16
6. Betapa aku bahagia
dan sukacita hatiku penuh:
'ku yakin, Kau memperhatikan
semua yang kumohon padaMu.
Berkelimpahan pemberianMu,
Jauh melebihi perkiraanku.
Ef 3:20
7. Di dalam Kristus 'ku terjamin:
Ia sendiri Perantaraku;
di dalam Dia "ya" dan "amin"
yang dalam Roh kuminta padaMu.
Kupuji Dikau kini dan kekal
kar'na bahagia itu kukenal.1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 1:20
Play Tercurah Darah Tuhanku [KJ.35] ( There is a Fountain Filled with Blood )
1. Tercurah darah Tuhanku di bukit Golgota;
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya,
terhapus dosanya, terhapus dosanya
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya.
Za 13:1
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Penyamun yang di sisiNya di b'ri anugerah;
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya,
dibasuh darahNya, dibasuh darahNya,
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya.
Luk 23:40-43
3. Ya Anakdomba, darahMu tak hilang kuasanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya,
dan suci s'lamanya, dan suci s'lamanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya.
4. Sejak kupandang salibMu dengan iman teguh,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku,
seumur hidupku, seumur hidupku,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku.
5. Dan jika nanti lidahku tak lagi bergerak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak,
di sorgaMu kelak, di sorgaMu kelak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak.Play
Ephesians 5:26
Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Dengan Lembut Tuhanku [KJ.354] ( In Tenderness He Sought Me )
1. Dengan lembut tuhanku di dalam kasihNya mencari akan
daku yang hilang, bercela. Bahana syukur terdengar,
seisi sorga mengg'legar.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 15:3-10
Luk 19:10
2. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
3. Dosaku t'lah dibasuh sehingga 'ku sembuh; bisikNya kepadaku,
"Engkaulah milikKu!" SuaraNya yang lembut merdu
telah menghibur hatiku.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
4. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
5. Padaku ditunjukkan semua lukaNya, mahkota duri tajam,
curahan darahNya. 'Ku takjub kar'na Tuhanku menjadi
kurban bagiku.
Yoh 15:13
6. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
7. Di haribaan Tuhan kulihat kasihNya dan dalam kekaguman
kuhitung berkatNya. Tak kunjung puas rasanya memuji-
muji namaNya.
8. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
9. Kunanti hari Tuhan yang indah dan cerah di kala Tuhan
datang memanggil umatNya berkumpul pada sisiNya
jadi pengantin suciNya.
Flp 3:20
Mat 25:34
Ef 5:25-27
10. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
Play Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play Sang Anak domba yang Kudus [KJ.160]
1. Sang Anakdomba yang kudus memikul dosa dunia,
rela dan sabar menebus hutang besar manusia.
Lihatlah Dia menempuh jalan sengsara dan keluh,
Menurut dan setia. Ia dihina, disesah, mati di salib Golgota,
Berkata: "Ku sedia."
Yes 53:7
Yoh 1:29
1 Ptr 2:24
Yoh 19:17
2. Dialah Jurus'lamatku, Kawan yang tak bertara,
Pembawa damai yang penuh, disuruh Allah Bapa:
"Pergilah Kau, hai anakKu, terimalah di pundakMu
akibat dosa dunia; bebaskanlah manusia dari hukuman dan cela:
Engkaulah Penebusnya."
Yoh 15:13
3. "Ya Bapa, Aku HambaMu, yang Kau pesan Kutanggung;
sabdaMu niat hatiKu dan maksudMu Kusanjung."
O kuasa kasih tak terp'ri Yang Mahakuasa memberi
PutraNya yang tercinta! Kasih Ilahi yang kudus,
Ke dalam maut kau tembus: kuasamu tak terhingga!
Yoh 3:16
4. Sepanjang umur hidupku kuingat Dikau, Tuhan;
ya Yesus, di rangkulanMu hatiku Kausembuhkan.
Dalam gelap Engkau Terang, di malam duka Kau Teman
Yang menabahkan hati. Inilah yang menghiburku,
Bahwa 'ku jadi milikMu baik hidup maupun mati.
Yoh 8:12
Rm 14:8
5. Kau, Anakdomba yang lembut, kupuji siang-malam
dan diriku dengan syukur padaMu kuserahkan.
Biarlah daya hidupku melimpah-ruah bagiMu
Mengungkap t'rimakasih, hingga pahala karyaMu
Yang Kauperoleh bagiku kuingat tiap hari.
6. Hendak kuminum cawanMu dalam KerajaanMu;
darahMu kemegahanku dan pembersih jubahku.
Mahkota hidup yang baka akan kupakai menyembah
menghadap takhta Bapa. Kaulah kekal Pengantinku:
tak bercela di sisiMu 'ku masuk rumah Allah.Mrk 14:25
Why 2:10
Ef 5:25-27
Play T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
John 19:34
[Joh 19:34] At The Lamb’s High Feast We Sing
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing,
Praise to our victorious King,
Who hath washed us in the tide
Flowing from his piercèd side;
Praise we Him, whose love divine
Gives His sacred blood for wine,
Gives His body for the feast,
Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest.Where the Paschal blood is poured,
Death’s dark angel sheathes his sword;
Israel’s hosts triumphant go
Through the wave that drowns the foe.
Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed,
Paschal Victim, paschal Bread;
With sincerity and love
Eat we Manna from above.Mighty Victim from the sky,
Hell’s fierce powers beneath Thee lie;
Thou hast conquered in the fight,
Thou hast brought us life and light;
Now no more can death appall,
Now no more the grave enthrall;
Thou hast opened Paradise,
And in Thee Thy saints shall rise.Paschal triumph, Easter joy,
Only sin can this destroy;
From sin’s death do Thou set free
Souls reborn, O Lord, in Thee.
Hymns of glory and of praise,
Father, to Thee we raise;
Risen Lord, all praise to Thee,
Ever with the Spirit be.Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 19:2
[Joh 19:2] The Holly And The Ivy
The Holly and the Ivy
Now both are full well grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood,
The Holly bears the crown.Refrain
O the rising of the sun,
The running of the deer,
The playing of the merry organ,
Sweet singing in the quire,
Sweet singing in the quire.The Holly bears a blossom,
As white as lily-flower;
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ,
To be our sweet Savior.Refrain
The Holly bears a berry,
As red as any blood;
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ,
To do poor sinners good.Refrain
The Holly bears a prickle,
As sharp as any thorn;
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ,
On Christmas Day in the morn.Refrain
The Holly bears a bark,
As bitter as any gall;
And Mary bore sweet Jesus Christ,
For to redeem us all.Refrain
The Holly and the Ivy
Now both are full well grown,
Of all the trees that are in the wood,
The Holly bears the crown.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Zechariah 13:1
[Zec 13:1] Blessed Be The Fountain
Blessèd be the fountain of blood,
To a world of sinners revealed;
Blessèd be the dear Son of God;
Only by His stripes we are healed.
Tho’ I’ve wandered far from His fold,
Bringing to my heart pain and woe,
Wash me in the blood of the Lamb,
And I shall be whiter than snow.Refrain
Whiter than the snow,
Whiter than the snow,
Wash me in the blood of the Lamb,
And I shall be whiter than snow.Thorny was the crown that He wore,
And the cross His body o’ercame;
Grievous were the sorrows He bore,
But He suffered Thus not in vain.
May I to that fountain be led,
Made to cleanse my sins here below;
Wash me in the blood that He shed,
And I shall be whiter than snow.Refrain
Father, I have wandered from Thee,
Often has my heart gone astray;
Crimson do my sins seem to me—
Water cannot wash them away.
Jesus, to the fountain of Thine,
Leaning on Thy promise, I go;
Cleanse me by Thy washing divine,
And I shall be whiter than snow.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Calvary’s Stream Is Flowing
From that dear cross where Jesus died,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
From bleeding hands and feet and side,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Refrain
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
Flowing so free for you and for me,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Come, wash the stain of sin away,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
Come, while ’tis called salvation’s day,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Refrain
For every contrite, wounded soul,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
Step in just now, and be made whole,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Refrain
For every weary, aching heart,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
A tender healing to impart,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Refrain
With life and peace upon its tide,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing;
Sweet blessings down the ages glide,
Calv’ry’s stream is flowing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Cleansing Fountain, The
Behold a fountain deep and wide,
Behold its onward flow;
’Twas opened in the Savior’s side,
And cleanseth white as snow,
And cleanseth white as snow!Refrain
Come to this fountain!
’Tis flowing today;
And all who will may freely come,
And wash their sins away.From Calv’ry’s cross, where Jesus died
In sorrow, pain, and woe;
Burst forth the wondrous crimson tide
That cleanseth white as snow,
That cleanseth white as snow!Refrain
Oh, may we all the healing power
Of that blest fountain know!
Trust only in the precious blood
That cleanseth white as snow,
That cleanseth white as snow!Refrain
And when at last the message comes,
And we are called to go,
Our trust shall still be in the blood
That cleanseth white as snow,
That cleanseth white as snow!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Cleansing Wave
Oh, now I see the cleansing wave!
The fountain deep and wide;
Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save,
Points to His wounded side.Refrain
The cleansing stream I see! I see!
I plunge, and oh, it cleanseth me!
Oh, praise the Lord! It cleanseth me!
It cleanseth me—yes, cleanseth me.I rise to walk in Heav’n’s own light,
Above the world and sin,
With heart made pure and garments white,
And Christ enthroned within.Refrain
I see the new creation rise;
I hear the speaking blood.
It speaks! Polluted nature dies!
Sinks ’neath the cleansing flood.Refrain
Amazing grace! ’tis Heav’n below
To feel the blood applied,
And Jesus, only Jesus know,
My Jesus crucified.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Forever Here My Rest Shall Be
Forever here my rest shall be,
Close to Thy bleeding side;
This all my hope, and all my plea,
For me the Savior died!My dying Savior, and my God,
Fountain for guilt and sin,
Sprinkle me ever in Thy blood,
And cleanse, and keep me clean.Wash me, and make me thus Thine own,
Wash me, and mine Thou art,
Wash me, but not my feet alone,
My hands, my head, my heart.The atonement of Thy blood apply,
Till faith to sight improve,
Till hope shall in fruition die,
And all my soul be love.I do believe, I now believe,
That Jesus died for me;
And through His blood, His precious blood,
I shall from sin be free.Jesu, Thou art my Righteousness,
For all my sins were Thine;
Thy death hath bought of God m peace,
Thy life hath made Him mine.Spotless and just in Thee I am;
I feel my sins forgiven;
I taste salvation in Thy name,
And antedate my heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Fountain Of Grace
Fountain of grace, rich, full and free,
What need I, that is not in Thee?
Full pardon, strength to meet the day,
And peace which none can take away.Doth sickness fill my heart with fear,
’Tis sweet to know that Thou art near;
Am I with dread of justice tried,
’Tis sweet to know that Christ hath died.In life, Thy promises of aid
Forbid my heart to be afraid;
In death, peace gently veils the eyes;
Christ rose, and I shall surely rise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Healing At The Fountain
There is healing at the fountain,
Come and find it, weary soul,
There your sins may all be covered;
Jesus waits to make you whole.Refrain
Oh the fountain! blessèd healing fountain!
I am glad ’tis flowing free;
Oh the fountain! precious, cleansing fountain!
Praise the Lord, it cleanseth me.There is healing at the fountain,
Look to Jesus now and live,
At the cross lay down thy burden;
All thy wanderings He’ll forgive.Refrain
There is healing at the fountain,
Precious fountain filled with blood;
Come, oh come, the Savior calls you,
Come and plunge beneath its flood.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Healing Fountain, The
There’s a fountain flowing
From the Savior’s side;
Life and health bestowing,
Since for man He died.And the Word declareth,
Bathing there is free;
Who is he that dareth
Hinder you and me?Heav’nly balm it poureth
Into hearts that grieve;
Gladness it restoreth
When earth’s comforts leave.Oft my heart was sinking
’Neath the load I bore;
Kneeling here, and drinking,
I was strong once more.By its murm’ring waters
I lie down each night;
When my courage totters
It renews my might.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] I See A Crimson Stream
On Cal’vry’s hill of sorrow
Where sin’s demands were paid,
And rays of hope for tomorrow
Across our path were laid.Refrain
I see a crimson stream of blood,
It flows from Calvary,
Its waves which reach the throne of God,
Are sweeping over me.Today no condemnation
Abides to turn away
My soul from His salvation,
He’s in my heart to stay.Refrain
When gloom and sadness whisper,
“You’ve sinned—no use to pray,”
I look away to Jesus,
And He tells me to say:Refrain
And when we reach the portal
Where life forever reigns,
The ransomed hosts’ grand final
Will be this glad refrain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] Sacred Fountain
Thou Whose hand did lead Thy chosen people
Through the desert on their pilgrim way,
In Thy mercy grant us now Thy blessing,
Jesus help us all to watch and pray.Refrain
Father, Thou art pure and holy, holy,
May our hearts Thy temple be,
O, make us humble, meek and lowly,
Poor in spirit, Savior, more like Thee.Give us water from the sacred fountain,
While we journey in a thirsty land;
Strong in Thee no earthly foe can harm us,
Thou our Rock on which we firmly stand.Refrain
Gentle Savior, Thou wilt never leave us,
Still from danger and from storm defend,
Sweet the promise to Thy faithful children,
Thou wilt guide and keep them to the end.Refrain
Though we pass the dark and rolling river,
Thou wilt bear us safely to the shore;
We shall praise Thee in the vales of Eden,
With the saints and angels evermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood
There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains, lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains.The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day;
And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.
Washed all my sins away, washed all my sins away;
And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood shall never lose its power
Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.
Be saved, to sin no more, be saved, to sin no more;
Till all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.
And shall be till I die, and shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.Then in a nobler, sweeter song, I’ll sing Thy power to save,
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.
Lies silent in the grave, lies silent in the grave;
When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave.Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared, unworthy though I be,
For me a blood bought free reward, a golden harp for me!
’Tis strung and tuned for endless years, and formed by power divine,
To sound in God the Father’s ears no other name but Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Zec 13:1] There’s A Fountain Free
There’s a fountain free, ’tis for you and me:
Let us haste, O haste to its brink;
’Tis the fount of love from the Source above,
And He bids us all freely drink.Refrain
Will you come to the fountain free?
Will you come? ’tis for you and me;
Thirsty soul hear the welcome call:
’Tis a fountain opened for all.There’s a living stream, with a crystal gleam:
From the throne of life now it flows;
While the waters roll let the weary soul
Hear the call that forth freely goes.Refrain
There’s a rock that’s cleft and no soul is left,
That may not its pure waters share;
’Tis for you and me, and its stream I see:
Let us hasten joyfully there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 5:1
[Eph 5:1] Be Now Imitators Of Your Lord
Be now imitators of your Lord;
You’re His children through His love outpoured.
Let love show now in all you do,
As Christ loved and gave Himself for you,
As a sacrifice to God.All impurity put far away.
Don’t be greedy; watch the things you say.
These aren’t proper for God’s dear children;
You will never gain the wealth of Heaven,
In the kingdom of Christ and God.Don’t be taken in by empty words;
Those who disobey, God’s wrath incur.
You were darkness, but now you’re light;
Let your life be good and true and right,
And find out what pleases God.Stay away from fruitless deeds,
Done in secret out of lust and greed.
Let Christ’s light shine on all that’s dark,
And expose what’s missed God’s mark.
Bring to light every sinful act.So be careful in the things you do;
Act with wisdom in whate’er you pursue.
Make the most of every hour;
Don’t let evil exercise its power.
Be not foolish, but know God’s will.Let the Spirit now your life control,
And let psalms and hymns flow from your soul.
In your heart, speak to God and sing,
Giving thanks for everything,
In the name of Jesus Christ.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 5:1] Heavenly Father, Send Thy Blessing
Heav’nly Father, send Thy blessing
On Thy children gathered here,
May they all, Thy Name confessing,
Be to Thee forever dear;
May they be, like Joseph, loving,
Dutiful, and chaste, and pure;
And their faith, like David, proving,
Steadfast unto death endure.Holy Savior, who in meekness
Didst vouchsafe a Child to be,
Guide their steps, and help their weakness,
Bless and make them like to Thee;
Bear Thy lambs, when they are weary,
In Thine arms and at Thy breast;
Through life’s desert, dry and dreary,
Bring them to Thy heav’nly rest.Spread Thy golden pinions o’er them,
Holy Spirit, from above,
Guide them, lead them, go before them,
Give them peace, and joy, and love;
Thy true temples, Holy Spirit,
May they with Thy glory shine,
And immortal bliss inherit,
And forevermore be Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal